The Official Smogon Pizza Toppings Tiering Thread: 10th Anniversary Edition


Two kids no brane
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Good afternoon folks! To christen the shiny new forum, I am forming this thread so we can debate tiers for pizza toppings. It's been ten years since the last thread, so I figured it was fitting for a reprisal.

In this thread, I want to discuss and debate the most popular pizza toppings in an effort to rank them based on the following variables:

Taste - this one is pretty simple: how good does it taste on its own? Can you have a pizza with just this topping and it be good?
Versatility - how well does this topping play with other toppings or sauces? Is it able to function as both a support flavor and a primary flavor?
Availability - is this topping common in many places, or is it more regional?

We can add more variables if people think they are important enough, these are just to start with.

Now for the tiers themselves. I'm going to arbitrarily create an initial list based on my personal experience, and we can adjust up or down from there. I won't explain every one, but I'll try to give some insight into some of the more interesting choices.

S Tier

A Tier
Green Pepper
Extra Cheese

B Tier
Red Bell pepper

C Tier
Banana pepper
Feet cheese

D Tier
Green olive
Ground beef

F Tier
Black olive

Does not belong on pizza and will not be tiered so please don't ask

Alright, that rounds out the starter list. Feel free to debate existing toppings, or suggest new ones to add. As with any tiering thread, suggestions must include a rationale for the addition or change. If you don't back up your suggestions, they will be ignored.

Pineapple does not belong on pizza.

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you had me until C. So I'm just gonna call you stupid and a bigot and claim I'm taking the highroad.
You're stupid and a bigot. How can you say stuff like that, I would NEVER say something like this.
- Mace, 2020 (in reference to waterbomb's bigoted post)
olives have no place on pizza, and black olives themselves have no place in an enlightened society

i have a strong dislike for mushrooms generally, but i guess they can stay

i think you're selling banana peppers a little short, they're always solid

agreement on the council's stance on pineapple pizza. words of acknowledgement and praise of fishfood.
'yes' tier: tomato, vegan cheese, peppers, olives, artichokes, other assorted veg

'no' tier: meat, cheese :(

'wtf' tier: fruit
gonna have to say Jalapeno D -> C. maybe if you're a weak-willed soyboy that can't handle heat then jalapeno is bad, but I enjoy the extra zing it adds to a pizza
Are we including dips? Because sometimes I just dump the following on my pizza instead of dipping and they're cash

Ranch dressing for B tier
Garlic butter for A tier
onion is great don't get me wrong but it easily overpowers other flavours, and i feel that S tier should be reserved for toppings that go on ANY pizza

ground beef needs to be equal to meatball, or above: meatballs stick up too much from the pizza but are basically the same thing
onion is great don't get me wrong but it easily overpowers other flavours
it depends on how they're prepared. if we're talking about raw onions then maybe, but it also depends on the kind of onion used since different types have different flavour profiles and intensities. caramelized onion has a really nice and mellow flavour, though. another obvious advantage to raw onions is the texture.
Where would you put the abomination that is caviar and lobster tail pizza?


Fun fact: Once, my dad did a catering job and as a bonus he got some leftover caviar pizza. We quickly found out why there was leftovers: It tasted like fucking expired fish on cheese, fucking AWFUL stuff. I'd legit rate it below pineapple pizza, which is impressive considering how I consider that a pizza a decleration of war!