The Official Smogon Pizza Toppings Tiering Thread: 10th Anniversary Edition


A Tier
Green Pepper
Extra Cheese

B Tier
Red Bell pepper

C Tier
Banana pepper
Feet cheese

D Tier
Green olive
Ground beef
None to S tier:

How is it possible to forget the most classiest cheese.
Spicy (or not spicy) Olive oil: It helps to increase the flavour of the rest of toping it deserves S tier.

D tier to A tier:
Ground beef: it makes the pizza less heavy to eat with your hand than meat ball.

A tier to D tier:
Meat ball: Nothing to add about that one.

Now lets talk about the forgotten ones:
All the cheeses, Goat cheese, Blue Cheese.
Industrial cheese should be banned as well.
Here's the thing that y'all are forgetting.

Pineapple on it's own on pizza is how you summon a demonic entity of pain and suffering.

However, as food aficionados will know, saltiness and sweetness act as good counteractions to each other, and they tend to work in tandem to make a nice culinary experience.

Therefore, I believe that Pineapple should be ranked but ONLY with a pork product. (eg. Ham or Bacon)

The pig products help to offset the pineapple's sweetness, therefore creating an interesting and vaguely tropical flavor that is truly deserving of being ranked. In addition, pineapple actually provides an interesting texture to the pizza; a juicy, slightly veiny nugget of goodness in conjunction with the chewy cheese and crust makes for a rankable pizza eating experience.

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
Alright I should give some info now on how I ranked things:

Pepperoni - not much to say here, it's the most popular topping in the world for a reason.
Onion - the reason this is in S tier is not because it's a star ingredient, but because it is the most powerful support topping there is. There isn't a single topping combination that isn't made better by adding the right kind of onion to it.
Sausage - Second fiddle to pepperoni, but nearly as popular due to it making an excellent pair with a variety of vegetables as well as other meats. There are also a few kinds of sausage which adds even more versatility. It can even star on its own.
Green Pepper - green pepper is to onion as sausage is to pepperoni. That is, an extremely good support topping that can go with almost anything.
Extra Cheese - who doesn't love more cheese?
Mushroom - ends up here due to sheer popularity, despite it being a relatively mellow flavor.
Meatball - had this here instead of ground beef because a good meatball includes lamb, veal, and pork as well. It can be bulky, but properly sliced it is probably the tastiest meat on the menu and it can carry a pizza.
Prosciutto - not the most versatile meat, but it has extremely high taste rivaling that of the meatball.
Spinach - excellent vegetable for complementing a heavy meat pizza, also has good synergy with other vegetables. Its flavor can be somewhat bitter to some, and it needs to be cooked a particular way to avoid making the pizza soggy, which is why it's not ranked higher.
Bacon - tasty enough to get it into B, but it's honestly better off a pizza than on it
Ham - a less distinct flavor than bacon, ham makes up for it with more versatility in topping combinations.
Red Bell peppers - solid flavor, but more easily buried among other toppings and does not provide strong enough support to be ranked higher
Chicken - this will probably be moved to A, since chicken is the only meat that I feel can be used in not just any topping combination, but with any specialty sauce as well.
Banana pepper - crisp and good on pizzas where you want a slightly sweeter option, but its options are limited and thus its rank.
Tomato - good in a few specific applications, but too mild to really work outside of them.
Feta Cheese - here because of its distinct flavor and usage in certain niche combinations
Green olive - really doesn't belong on pizza, but it's ok I guess
Jalapeño - flavor is too strong so it doesn't really synergize well with other toppings, and it doesn't really taste that great on its own either.
Ground beef - honestly pretty boring for a meat, lacks the flavor of the seasoned pork products and the versatility of chicken.
Anchovy - too salty, but not horrendous
Black olive - you're lucky I even tiered this because they are vile.
Where do mashed potatoes fall? A local pizza chain near me serves it. Never tried it, but I've heard it's bad
B-> S
Bacon should be in its own tier it's almighty.
Green Olives D->F
Olives are disgusting burn them all
Hallelujah how dare you not have goat cheese, it should be in its own S tier with Bacon
arent meatballs just balled beef?
and who eats a meatball on a pizza

No. A standard meatball is made up of equal parts ground beef, ground pork/sausage, ground lamb and sometimes ground veal. It's way better and more flavorful than plain ground beef, hence the difference in ranking. For a pizza, it's necessary to slice it fairly thin, not throw chinos on it like some heathen.

Also re: mozzarella cheese, my list assumes that mozzarella is already on the pizza, as that's the standard cheese, so it doesn't need its own entry. I added an entry for feta only because it's got such a different flavor and texture.
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PINEAPPLE YES. shiuld be B/A tier
Does not belong on pizza and will not be tiered so please don't ask


Pineapple does not belong on pizza.
also I disagree with onion moving down, it adds a nice bit of crispiness and zing to the pizza. and yeah cheeses should be tiered, I nominate mozzarella for s, parm for a and feta for b. the former is the quintessential pizza cheese, and has the flavor and meltiness to back it up. the latter 2 are both extremely flavorful cheese additions/alternatives, though parm is a bit strong and feta is held back by its difficulty to melt.
I pretty much agree with the list, but seeing black olives in F tier is an abomination. At least rank them with green olives or put them in C, they're good.
If you really want something to be added to the F tier, well that's seafood.
Yes, people put seafood on their pizza.

And yes, people like it.
Are we including dips? Because sometimes I just dump the following on my pizza instead of dipping and they're cash

Ranch dressing for B tier
Garlic butter for A tier

Bumping this.

Also a good mac n cheese pizza hits the spot every now and then. I would put pasta as a C rank
Banana Pepper needs to be brought up a level to B Tier. They're not a main player and you'd be foolish to get them if you only have 1 topping. But they're extremely versatile in supporting other toppings, especially meat. For example, in terms of two topping pizza combinations, Sausage and Banana Pepper is an S tier combination.

I feel that it should at least be included in B with Spinach. Spinach is a good supporter on higher quality pizza and banana pepper is a better supporter on chain pizza and I'm probably not ordering them the other way around.

It is just too low at C and should easily swap tiers with red bell pepper.


When ever you want grandpa but we have to respect social distancing!

Also a good mac n cheese pizza hits the spot every now and then. I would put pasta as a C rank

Who puts pasta on a pizza? Sorry but we have to fight sir.

I pretty much agree with the list, but seeing black olives in F tier is an abomination. At least rank them with green olives or put them in C, they're good.

I'll say B+ but it has to be high quality black olive otherwise it'll be C-

If you really want something to be added to the F tier, well that's seafood.
Yes, people put seafood on their pizza.

Those people deserve a punishment like Canada who invented Pineapple Pizza.