Make your own personalized Trainer Card!

man this was a blast from the past
i just picked my favorites, no explanation needed. feel free to judge my shit taste
Here's mine:


The Aerodactyl holds a Z-Crystal, Gyarados is my Dynamax user, and Audino is the mega.

- As you may or may not know, my username Ransei is based off the region in Pokemon Conquest. I got Pokemon Conquest on my 13th birthday and it became my favorite game for the longest time (until ORAS took over a few months ago). With such an expansive postgame, incredible artwork, incredible exclusive lore, and many examples of strong character development in the game, the people and Pokemon alike make Ransei feel more alive than any other region. In Pokemon Conquest, the starter Pokemon is an Eevee and the player has a choice to evolve their Eevee into any eeveelution prior to Gen 6. Each time I played through the game, I always evolved my starter Eevee into Jolteon and have used it frequently to beat the main story and the main postgame story. I've also used it as my main Pokemon in specific challenges I added to the main postgame story, such as not challenging any other kingdom until all of their warriors had 100/100% link on their Pokemon. I've used it about as much as I've used Arceus and Shiny Rayquaza in that game but this was my starter Pokemon and I've shared more different ingame experiences with it than the other two. A couple years after I got Pokemon Conquest, I was given the opportunity to manage OMPL a second time and had my mascot changed from Pikachu to Jolteon (funnily enough because Pikachu was my first hacked Pokemon on PS ever as well and when I replaced it, it was with a Jolteon). As an Other Metas leader, I can say some of my most significant experiences in the Other Metagames community were from managing in OMPL tournaments. I've written large posts at the end of each OMPL tour I went into as a manager of the 5-Star Jolteons.
These three posts linked in the list above explain everything else in regards to why Jolteon is on my Trainer Card.

- Lucario dates back the furthest on this Trainer Card. My experience with this Pokemon started before I even got into the franchise. Before getting into Pokemon, I was incredibly hooked on the game Super Smash Bros Brawl, of which Lucario is a fighter character in. I did not think much of it at the time but as I started getting into Pokemon I realized how special Lucario became in its own movie and the Pokemon games. Seeing how I was getting hooked on Pokemon, was already really into Smash Bros Brawl, and found Lucario to be incredibly cool and unique, it quickly ended up becoming my first favorite Pokemon. I wanted one. I was sad to learn it wasn't available in my first Pokemon game when I got it, but I waited patiently. Until then, I started using Lucario in Brawl a lot more. For my 11th birthday, I got Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon White. I was finally able to run Lucario in its own games! Once I got Riolu in Diamond and evolved it into Lucario it became my main Pokemon to run in Gen 4. By a couple months I would train it to level 100 and have it transfered to Pokemon Heartgold, which was traded from Pokemon Diamond. The Lucario became my main Pokemon as well and shared the experience of my first encounter with Red. I thought Red was some random fisherman at the edge of a mountain wanting to explain what he was doing there, but I was dead wrong and became shocked when I saw his level 88 Pikachu. The only Pokemon I had with me that was able to fight at the time was the level 100 Lucario and I ended up losing several matches until I found a way to beat him. In other words, the first time I ever beat Red, was just with the level 100 Lucario. Time passed and Lucario eventually became my main in Super Smash Bros Brawl for the longest time and I started getting more into the Generation 5 games. No surprise there I made Lucario one of my main Pokemon in those games too and used it to journey a lot through the Unova region's postgame, then in Black 2 White 2, slapped some Lucario found as Riolu early in the game onto my ingame teams. Lucario is a Pokemon who sums up a significant amount of my early experiences playing Pokemon, my experience playing Super Smash Bros Brawl, and my experiences with getting introduced to Pokemon. Lucario is still my favorite Super Smash Bros character and is a Pokemon I'll never forget.

- The story about Gorebyss starts off all the way back to when I started playing Pokemon. At some point in my first Pokemon game, I dived down underwater and found a wild Clamperl. I was interested in how Clamperl looked and wondered what it could've evolved into. I knew it evolved but didn't know what it evolved into. At the time, I thought all Pokemon evolved through level-up so I kept training Clamperl through countless levels. I kept training it until it was level 72 and my game was reset not long after. During my training, there came a point where I figured I'd have to train Clamperl up to level 100 in order to evolve it since it was already so high up and not evolved. I was going to keep going until then had my game not reset. Flash forward about six and a half years later to 2017. I got bored and wanted to clear through a Gen 6 game using an LC Pokemon. I chose the LC Pokemon to be Clamperl and initially planned to have to run be in Pokemon X. One problem however; I lost Pokemon X at the time. After searching for some time I decided to save all of my Pokemon in Omega Ruby, restart the game, and have the solo Clamperl run there instead. Noted I had to use a cheating device to set this up and the only time I've actually used a cheat code after resetting Omega Ruby was to change Clamperl's OT to mine after I hatched and transfered it. All this did was remove the EXP bonuses from battle and made the run a little more spiced up. I left the starter Pokemon I got in the PC box and started my Clamperl run from Route 102 and onward. Here's how it turned out:
It beat all the Gym Leaders, Team Magma, Primal Groudon, The entire Elite Four, and the Champion all by itself, and then it went on to beat Wallace's Sootopolitan team, Zinnia twice, Rayquaza, Deoxys, the entire Elite Four once again and finally... the Champion once again. (For Tate and Liza I had to use a Level 2 Zigzagoon and have it faint during the battle so that it wouldn't get any EXP) and it ended up being level 82...
Clamperl managed to accomplish everything in the above quote without any use of its own items. It was only given X items throughout the game. It never held any item with the exception of a random Oran Berry that was tricked into the Pokemon and used immediately after. After clearing the Delta Episode and training my Clamperl up to level 82, I decided to have it go all the way to level 100, then give it a Deep Sea Scale. I then asked Smogon user Amblood to help get my Clamperl to evolve through trade. I got it traded, evolved, and traded back. I actually carried on with my sentiment and trained a Clamperl to level 100 before evolving it. I decided for it to be Gorebyss since the Clamperl was female and I thought the evolution was more fitting for it overall. After clearing the Delta Episode and beating Steven for the second time, I also went back to all the previous legendary and mythical Pokemon Clamperl fought, caught them all, then added them to the team. I was also shiny hunting for legendaries at the time and had an empty slot remaining. I managed to find a Shiny Reshiram within four days of the hunt and added that in as the final member to that ORAS team. In a way I guess you can say my Gorebyss carried a legacy that traced back all the way to my very first Pokemon save file. Aside from that I've mostly treated this Pokemon the same way I've treated the Aerodactyl mentioned below and for all of these reasons I carry a deep respect for this Pokemon.

- My interest in Aerodactyl began when I was playing Balanced Hackmons in late 2014. I've then used it in Classic and Pure Hackmons. This was a Pokemon I had a tendency of running as some sort of fun meme that turned out to work really well. Desertlovania is my prime example of this. I then realized I really liked the aesthetic of this being a fossil Pokemon, of which is a fast hybrid between dinosaur and dragon and was able to summon a weather very fitting for it. I was also intrigued by the concept of obtaining a fossil and reviving it into this Pokemon. When I got Pokemon Omega Ruby and did my first run for that game, I badly wanted an Aerodactyl on my team. After putting in the effort to Wonder Trade and access GTS, I managed to get an Aerodactyl and consider it as the star of my run. I went through and tried to play regularly, while training my Pokemon at even levels. I also discovered the Poke Amie features that were introduced in that same gen. After the fifth gym, I got bored and decided to only use Aerodactyl for the rest of the game. Not only did I play to win every match with the Pokemon, but it was the first and only Pokemon I was taking care of using Poke Amie and Super Training at the time. I knew its Mega Stone was in the game as well and felt really determined to search for it, just so the Pokemon could be complete. As I went through late game I ended up sharing the experience of my favorite ingame Pokemon battle with just the Aerodactyl (as my Aerodactyl was incredibly overleveled at that point) and swept through the Elite Four after that match. I then went through the entire Delta Episode and found Aerodactyl's Mega Stone in order to Mega Evolve it and found someone irl who was in the same high school I was at the time with his own ORAS cartridge. We battled each other lots of times and I would be incredibly protective towards my Aerodactyl, using it then as my ace. It was may single most viable and notable Pokemon in the fully evolved team I've used and I'd often keep winning with it. The person I kept battling noticed me using Aerodactyl as my ace and I came to realize something... this Pokemon was the first I've actually felt a real true bond towards when playing a Pokemon game... it was the first Pokemon I've actually taken care of in more than just your standard leveling-up. I fed it, pat it, played with it in Poke Amie, found its mega stone, super trained it for the best EVs, used it as an ace in competitive Wi-Fi battles, and made it noticeable. I have never felt as strongly for another Pokemon from an ingame run as I've had this Aerodactyl. It was like an Ash and Pikachu sort of thing. To this day Aerodactyl is still one of my favorite Pokemon and will always be.

- Gyarados is a Pokemon I've carried through many ingame runs in Pokemon. It came to the point where I was running as many Gyarados as I had runs with full teams of six, and it became quite noticeable. This Pokemon made its way everywhere throughout my adventures from being the most convenient buy off of Kanto to being found as a full odds shiny Magikarp in Alola. It even found its way into being in my favorite Pokemon Showdown team and found its way to being used in Pokemon Black 2, where you can't actually get a Magikarp until postgame under normal circumstances (I did some egg trading from BW's postgame). The amount of influence this Pokemon and its prevolution had on me is insane. You can check out my google spreadsheet on full team runs to see what I mean. It's an amazing Pokemon who starts off as very weak in the beginning but becomes incredible once it hits its full potential. I've decided at one point to just run a full team of six Gyarados just to put this Pokemon in the spotlight and 6-0ing Volkner with that team became one of my favorite memories in Pokemon. The Gyarados on my Trainer Card is shiny is to represent the sheer amount of times I've used a Gyarados on an ingame team and because a couple of them, including one from a run I did not complete, had a Shiny Gyarados. Shiny Gyarados was also the very last Pokemon I've ever caught in an ingame run, since I decided a year ago that Crystal was going to be the last main series game I'd play through. Since shininess is based off rarity and finding a specific one in a hunt usually requires finding the same Pokemon many times, I'm using shininess as a way to compile all the times I've used Gyarados on a team.

There are an awful lot of Pokemon I really like and I'm a really huge fan of special Pokemon, whether mythical or legendary. However these Pokemon found a way to mean more to me than any legendary has ever and I guess you can tell by looking at the details.
wow very epic cards every1 btw i am starting a clan called the black charizards so if you want to join let me know but you need to beat me first and must use a black charizard on your team rules: single lv 100 no ubers legends hacks name:BRANDON fc:3050 5081 4330

hey BRANDON check out my trainer card its 6 charzards

Mine if anyone cares:



Swampert because although it was my second starter (my first was Squirtle) it was the first starter that I actually remember forming a bond with and also training to level 100. And Swampert is objectively way cooler than Blastoise anyway and the best starter ever created imo, both from a design perspective and it's not too bad competitively as well. Also water and ground are among my favourite types so mash those two together and voila. Just a cool, well designed mon with added sentimental value for me.

Luxray. I don't really have too much of an explanation behind this one other than I just think it has an awesome design and it's just a staple solid mon I use pretty much every time I get the itch to go through Sinnoh. Also it's one of those mons than combines being badass whilst also having a softer side. You can really imagine this guy or gal being a cool pal to battle and adevnture with at your side.

Rayquaza is here because it's my favourite legendary and for me it's epitomises what a legendary should be. The design is impeccable, the lore behind this guy is dope too - being the 'master' of the weather trio so powerful that it can quell the swabblings of Kyogre and Groudon. And the fact that it was believed to be a myth as it resides in the ozone layer really adds to the legendary nature of this mon. Not to mention the awesome ORAS sequence where you tavel into space on this thing's back to fight Dexoys. You get the sense that behind Rayquaza's fearsome exterior, it has a heart of gold and will use the overwhlming power bestowed upon it to protect the Hoenn region at all costs from both internal and external threats. Also it has the best shiny of any Pokemon imo.

Metagross. Anyone guessed which region has my favorite Pokemon yet? Metagross has a place here because it's my favourite pseudo. I really love Metagross's unconventional design for a pseudo legendary. It was completely different to anything we had seen before and really broke the mould for what we had come to expect of pseudos design wise. The other three up to this point were all giant monsters of destruction. Arguably Metagross also fits the bill for that description but it's a lot more layered and three dimensional than just destroying for the sake of destroying, being a super computer and all that. At the time, it was arguably the rarest pesudo out there with the player only being gifted Beldum after defeating the RSE champion. This really made Metagross seem extra sepcial and mystical to me as a child as without my older brother I probably never would have known you could even obtain one. Granted I probably wouldv'e stumbled upon it my accident at some point. I also have very fond memories of using Metagross to crush the Battle Frontier, jk I was like six to attempt the Battle Frontier.

Volcarona is a really unique mon both in terms of obtaining it and its battle prowess as a bug type. Up until gen V, bugs really had a hard time battle wise (aside from Scizor and Heracross). They were still really cool to me but gen V introduced a bunch of fantastic bug type mons and Volcarona is no exception although I had a hard time picking it over Escavalier, Scolipede and Galvantula, all of which are also just so dope. Bug typing is also another favourite of mine and I'm glad gen V gave them the justice they deserved. Anyway, onto why I actually like this thing. The stand out aspect of Volcarona for me (aside from an awesome design) is the method by which you obtain it and its status as an almost side legendary/mysthical if that makes sense. Although it is not classed as a legendary or a mythical, I consider it as such (as do the people of Unova) but having said this, the fact that it is just a supposedly 'normal' mon but there's only one (initally) is an extremely neat idea and something I wish was done more often. Anyway, unexpectably stumbling upon this unqiue yet regular mon after traversing the ancient desert ruins of Relic Castle was just such an azmazing concept to me as a child. As I've grown older, the lore behind Volcarona has fascinated me as well, supposedly acting as a replacment for the sun to combat the ash from a volcanic eruption and saving Pokemon from freezing during a bitterly cold Winter. Like Rayquaza, another powerful mon but with pure intentions.

Sorry, these are getting longer and longer, so here's a short(ish) one. Decidueye. Firstly, I love nature and I love owls (particularly barn owls) so combining the grass type with an owl oviously spoke to me. And to mention the obvious, this thing is a hooded archer owl clearly drawing inspiration from Robin Hood, the legend of whom just so happens to herald from my city. So it's pretty clear why I like this mon.

If anyone is interested in any of my other choices. I chose the Pokemon ranger avatar becuase I'm very passionate about nature and wildlife conservation irl so I could really imagine myself being a ranger in the Pokemon universe. The ground background becuase it's probably my favourite typing, with bug and water pretty much being on par but I think ground just looked better here. As for the badges, I went with the BW2 set becuase I think those games had the best designed gym leaders, gyms and gym music in the entire series so it was a no brainer for me. BW2 are also my favourite Pokemon games but Hoenn is my favourite region both geographically and due to the Pokemon that inhabit it (hence there being three Hoenn mons here).

That went on for far longer than I initially planned but cheers for reading if you got to the end!
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