Please play D/P on January 12th.

Mario With Lasers

Self-proclaimed NERFED king
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a CAP Contributor Alumnus

Even though his English is ankward, he clearly says we'll have a surprise. What would that be, and where? Wi-Fi Mystery Gift? GTS? Wi-Fi Room? Some random patch that will be automatically downloaded with some random fixings, like reducing Stealth Rock's damage to Charizard and friends, and Slow Start not roally screwing Regigigas? Or maybe they'll delete all our save files?
Um..Maybe....Darkrai event?

lol, deleting our save files...They'd be sued for that one.

Has to be somthing to do with wifi- Gts/Wifi trading/Wifi event OR he's a fucking liar.

He DID mean 12th in USA, right? Not japan...?
Could be a Mystery Gift, could be anything. I'm gonna whip out my HM Slaves and do a full search of Sinnoh on that day, see what I can find if anything. Only 2 days to go, and one day before my birthday, so I'm hoping for an early birthday gift from GameFreak.
i just read it and i don't know if it is the darkrai event..."something different" almost sounds like some part of the game play will be different. this guy also is definitely not a native English speaker which might mean there is some potential mistranslation. who knows darkrai appearing but not being soft resetable would suck
Hmm who is this aimed at? Japan, the US, the UK, the world???

Must work out how to access mystery gift on my Japanese Diamond just in case!
Hmm who is this aimed at? Japan, the US, the UK, the world???

Must work out how to access mystery gift on my Japanese Diamond just in case!

I think it's for... everyone. If it was only for Japan, he would write in Japanese, no?

And lol @ Wish Cresselia. God forbid...
If this is a mystery gift thing, will this overwrite the soft-reset I still have not completed for the Toys R Us manaphy?
Activating Mystery Gift

Go to the second floor of Jubilife TV station and talk to the man next to the woman. He will ask for your thoughts on TV. There are two input screens. The first means you should supply the phrase EVERYONE HAPPY, and on the second it is WI-FI CONNECTION. He will then supply you with Mystery Gift option on the start up menu.

EDIT: thanks to TSK for fixing this.
Activating Mystery Gift

Go to the second floor of Jubilife TV station and talk to the man next to the woman. He will ask for your thoughts on TV. There are two input screens. The first means you should supply the phrase EVERYBODY(or EVERYONE, I forget which) HAPPY, and on the second it is WI-FI CONNECT. He will then supply you with Mystery Gift option on the start up menu.

Now whats the phrase in Japanese?? :p
The line ''you'll find something different'' kinda bugs me - i dont know, seems to suggest to me something more significant than another pokemon... Anyway, we'll see I guess!
Yeah, it's two Wonder Card thingys IIRC. And does anyone know if January 12th has any significance in Pokemon history? Perhaps that could shed some light on things...

And you'd think Game Freak/Nintendo would promote the hell out of the event if it was Darkrai or anything bigger.