Resource [Crown Tundra] Sword/Shield BSS Viability Rankings

I’m starting to wonder if it would be reasonable to nominate Garchomp to rise to A-, it’s seen a good amount of usage lately, currently sitting at #10 according to Pokémon HOME usage stats.

It’s an incredible offensive stealth rock setter, but honestly I find the swords dance dynamax sweeper to be the most threatening. With Scale Shot or Outrage to compliment Earthquake and a litany of coverage moves to choose from. Including Stone Edge, Fire Fang, Poison Jab and Iron Head, Garchomp has the potential to be a massive pain for a lot of teams. Rough skin is also quite a bit more valuable than it seems initially, the extra chip opponents take for hitting Garchomp can whittle them into range of its attacks without much effort on your end at all.

Of course the weakness to fairies and ice moves is a big weakness to factor in, especially when considering porygon2, one of the most common defensive Pokémon, runs ice beam on almost every set solely to hit dragons like chomp, and Mimikyu can also be an annoyance if disguise is still active, but from my experience, Garchomp is one of the most threatening Pokémon, it has multiple set possibilities, and all of them are incredibly dangerous in their own way.
I’m starting to wonder if it would be reasonable to nominate Garchomp to rise to A-, it’s seen a good amount of usage lately, currently sitting at #10 according to Pokémon HOME usage stats.

It’s an incredible offensive stealth rock setter, but honestly I find the swords dance dynamax sweeper to be the most threatening. With Scale Shot or Outrage to compliment Earthquake and a litany of coverage moves to choose from. Including Stone Edge, Fire Fang, Poison Jab and Iron Head, Garchomp has the potential to be a massive pain for a lot of teams. Rough skin is also quite a bit more valuable than it seems initially, the extra chip opponents take for hitting Garchomp can whittle them into range of its attacks without much effort on your end at all.

Of course the weakness to fairies and ice moves is a big weakness to factor in, especially when considering porygon2, one of the most common defensive Pokémon, runs ice beam on almost every set solely to hit dragons like chomp, and Mimikyu can also be an annoyance if disguise is still active, but from my experience, Garchomp is one of the most threatening Pokémon, it has multiple set possibilities, and all of them are incredibly dangerous in their own way.
Thing is, I don't even think Swords Dance is the main reason its jumping. Its highest use item is currently Assault Vest, and I think its a great user of it because of its broad coverage and access to Scale Shot which allows it to still boost. Throw in Max Quake boosts and now many of those ice attacks are doing considerably less under Dynamax. Of course, I assume AV sets still don't cleanly beat P2, but the possibility of Swords Dance and even Rocker sets does mean it can be hard to read at team preview. Personally, I have very little experience with Garchomp, but at #10 usage I think its hard to argue it should be anything below A-.

Also: nominating :nihilego: to A-

The meta adapting around Zapdos has directly impacted Nihilego's viability in a serious way. There are a number of things now in the meta that either hard wall its Meteor Beam or can't always be killed cleanly from full: :ferrothorn:, :porygon2: (w/ Iron Tail, currently at ~30% usage), :tyranitar:, :excadrill:, :rhyperior:, :heatran:, :kartana: and :chansey:. Don't let the usage stats fool you; several of these share their usage across the board as "Zapdos counters," and seeing that Zapdos is everywhere you get to bring along a Nihilego counter at effectively no extra cost. Not all of these are hard counters and a several of these can't hard switch into Meteor Beam, but they can certainly revenge kill and either scare Nihilego away or force it to Dynamax if it wants any chance of an OHKO.

That alone wouldn't be terrible; getting a free kill on almost whatever you want with +1 Meteor Beam and then follow-up wouldn't be... if Nihilego wasn't already strapped for coverage. Grass Knot coverage is pretty much mandatory to hit ground types and if you are running Poison STAB, you're left with one slot. Do you want Power Gem so you can hit the likes of Heatran outside of Dynamax? Thunderbolt for Steel types? Even Dazzling Gleam is a strong option because of the uptick in Dragon-type usage, not least of which is the AV Garchomp set we were just talking about. The meta is exasperating Nihilego's four moveslot syndrome.

The nail in the coffin I feel is the one-shot nature of Meteor Beam. Nihilego can no longer lead and just YOLO Meteor Beam into most teams. If you fire it into the wrong thing, you've just shot yourself in the foot. If you can't Dynamax Nihilego, you've just lost consistent Rock STAB for the rest of the match unless you are sacrificing critical coverage elsehwhere. It is terrible at cycling for its team; at the beginning of S7 it didn't have to be good at it, but now that weakness is coming back to bite it and its team.

All of that being said, I still think it should be in A-. It is still a dominating sweeper in a reasonably big vacuum, but it isn't even as close to as splashable as it was at the beginning of S7. I could see it dropping to B+ over time, but I think that's premature. We'll see if S9 continues to see a drop in usage.
With the season coming to an end, it's time to give our first VR update since coming back to this meta. Perhaps unsurprisingly there's really not much new going on with this meta since we've already explored it before, but this also means our VR changes are far less unwieldy. Ultimately we've only got 3 changes happening, and because all of these nominations were pretty unanimous even before voting we just skipped having a formal vote so I'll give these ones more detailed explanations than usual.

Following Garchomp's resurgence, it's probably not surprising that Garchomp will be raised this VR update. However, we're taking it a step further and raising it up to A rank. Garchomp has seem a fairly consistent rise in usage, largely due to the rising popularity of the Assault Vest variants to function as a more consistent Zapdos check. Having an answer to Zapdos is obviously the most important part of BSS right now so this is a very useful niche to have, but the fact that Garchomp has even greater moveset flexibility beyond this is what really makes it stand out (Sash SD, Scarf, etc). The rise of the AV set appears to have simply brought it back to the spotlight and reminded people that Garchomp is still good. It's not quite the return of the king but this is probably as close as we'll get.

While this was not nominated in the thread, zaaya noted that Rhyperior looks pretty far out of place in B+ too and this was also something we agreed with. Rhyperior is rising to A- rank for pretty much the same reasons we always praise Rhyperior for. If you need an answer to Zapdos or even just Airstream as a whole, it doesn't get much better than this. It seems like Rhyperior's usage has finally caught on to this as well because Rhyperior is sitting right around the edge of the Top 20 range, unlike before where it was always around but not a prominent presence. As a plus, Rhyperior's huge defense and Solid Rock also allow it to check Cinderace in a Dynamax war, with the only issue being playing around Libero mindgames. Item flexibility has also helped out Rhyperior, since Assault Vest, Weakness Policy, and Custap Berry all give it very powerful pressure when Dynamaxed on top of its huge bulk. Rhyperior has been around forever in Gen 8 BSS, but now its finally getting the usage it arguably deserves.

This was the other nomination made in the thread, but Nihilego will be dropping to A- rank. Realistically Photon's argument sums it up pretty well, Nihilego is still a real threat in the current metagame but it does not like the trend of bulky grounds, such as the other two we're moving up. There's a lot of stuff that just passively checks Nihilego in the top tiers, and its reliance on Power Herb Meteor Beam definitely hurts its flexibility with the recent meta trends. Nihilego is still a major threat if it does get the opportunity to nuke something with Meteor Beam, but this niche does feel less stand-out in current meta so the minor drop seems appropriate.

Obviously this set of shifts is smaller than the gargantuan list of changes we've often had in the past, though for the sake of keeping updates reasonable this is a good thing. That said, we'll possibly see more meta trends once blog teams start popping up so don't be afraid to suggest changes! Off the top of my head I can think of a few that might warrant a look in the future (Pheromosa and Blaziken, to name a few). Otherwise that's all I've got for now!
Here are my thoughts based on new usage statistics and my experience playing through last season:


:ferrothorn: : drop to A-

Falling out of top 20 usage, it looks like Ferrothorn is finally losing some traction. I'm sure it'll stick around--being hard to get rid of is what it does, after all--but I think for once its struggling more than usual. This can be attributed mostly to top meta threats and counters in Cinderace and Zapdos adding more tech to their respective arsenals over time and adapting to the meta. This has made it increasingly difficult for Ferrothorn and its teammates to cycle effectively since you are often playing a guessing game on what these two are bringing. You cycle to Fini against Gunk Shot Cinderace? Go to Toxapex against Zen Headbutt Cinderace? The opportunity cost of bringing Ferrothorn has gotten too high, and Leech Seed stops mattering if the opponent's wincon gets in for free. And those two are just the most popular threats: Urshifu and the rising snowball machine Blaziken are also big problems for it. The increase over time in top tier Fire and Fighting threats has severely stifled Ferrothorn's impact on the metagame. Its still the best user of Leech Seed in the entire game and that's still worth a lot, but it isn't nearly as splashable as it used to be because there are way more blind spots the team has to cover for it now.

:celesteela: : drop to A

Celesteela has been suffering much the same way Ferrothorn has and has been for awhile, though not nearly to the same extent. Being Cinderace and Zapdos weak is a huge liability, but no double weaknesses and a stronger offensive presence help. What I'm trying to say is it still has a lot going for it, but nearly everyone knows what it does now and normally you don't even have to go out of your way to bring a counter to it. Its still sitting inside the top 20 in terms of usage, but I think A is more appropriate for it right now.

: rise to A+

Scarf, Sash and most recently Band are all amazing sets. It puts huge pressure on the surge of bulky grounds that have risen in the meta, which has no doubt been a big reason Band has caught on to smash through Dynamax bulk. Now you're not only trying to guess which Urshifu it is at team preview but which of three sets are being used, which all have roughly the same usage as of writing (hint: Sash Garchomp is really good at scouting Urshifu.) This thing is a beast in the current meta and the usage stats have backed it up for awhile now. Easy nomination to A+.

:blaziken: : rise to A-

In a move that should probably surprise no one keeping up with my recent escapades, I think Blaziken needs a bump. The combination of Speed Boost and Max Moves providing two boosts per turn is absolutely insane; I think people slept on Speed Boost for awhile because of Airstream but usage is indicating that people are catching on. Despite its rather mediocre bulk--multiple meta threats can OHKO it though Dynamax bulk--people are getting creative, such as with the popularity of Coba Berry. If you've read my RMT for my most recent team, you know what I think of this thing. I'll summarize though: boosting with Swords Dance, Max Flare and Max Knuckle while Speed Boost just does its thing makes Blaziken a high priority target to check before he snowballs out of control. The builds on this thing have developed to a point where Blaziken has multiple ways to take over a game, making him a threat at team preview. He still needs strong team support and he struggles against common momentum stopping tech from stuff like Mimikyu, but I think its evolved far enough to join the bottom of the A ranks at A-.

:regieleki: : drop to B

Regieleki, you are one of my favorites, but your time in the spotlight is over. This is another victim of the crusade to stop Zapdos, as Excadrill and Rhyperior are tickled at best by anything it can do. Swampert has risen in usage over Hippowdon (!!!), makings its screen set even more situational than it already was. If you are bringing something to counter Zapdos--and who doesn't--you generally have something to counter Regieleki, and there are so many things that turn it into a sad whimpering ball of sparks. Its usage has dropped significantly, and it could easily fall farther (or Koko will rise while it stagnates, because Koko is by and far a better, more versatile electric type than it.) Its power has been cut and I think it needs to fall hard in the viability rankings.

Other Talking Points

:dracovish: : With Ferrothorn falling out of favor, the mon to benefit the most has probably been Dracovish as he is sitting pretty in top 10 usage currently. Ferrothorn could easily tank hits and heal back up, all while doing residual Iron Barbs damage. Other counters like Fini don't have that same survivability, and need items like Rocky Helmet to punish Dracovish passively (fwiw, Rocky Helmet is currently Fini's third most used item.) Ironically, Dracovish is mostly doing what its always done by clicking Scarf + Strong Jaw Fishious Rend, though some players have gotten creative with the off-coverage moves for sure (like running Mega Kick / Max Strike for speed control). Still, Rillaboom has also seen a big resurgence and Fini / Urshifu-R are still at large and make clicking Fishious Rend more complicated. I think moving it up to A+ might be immature, but its definitely worth discussing.

:swampert: :hippowdon: : So yeah, Swampert has jumped above Hippowdon in usage, with Hippowdon falling below the top 20. Slow Flip Turn is just that valuable. Truly crazy times for the hippo. I'm not sure what to do about this one though; Hippowdon certainly doesn't seem like it belongs in A+ anymore, but I wouldn't want to drop it any lower than A. So where does that put Swampert? Same tier in A? But then we have Rillaboom who has shot up. I honestly don't know what to make of these two right now.

:moltres-galar: :kartana: : Just pointing out two other higher usage mons who have dropped over the last month. I don't have much personal data on these two though, other than that I've thought for a long time that Galarian Moltres is over-hyped. Even so, B+ seemed relatively appropriate. Perhaps more interesting is that despite one of Kartana's partners in Swampert going up, its actually dropped. Both may need to drop a tier eventually.
Here are my thoughts based on new usage statistics and my experience playing through last season:

Other Talking Points

:dracovish: : With Ferrothorn falling out of favor, the mon to benefit the most has probably been Dracovish as he is sitting pretty in top 10 usage currently. Ferrothorn could easily tank hits and heal back up, all while doing residual Iron Barbs damage. Other counters like Fini don't have that same survivability, and need items like Rocky Helmet to punish Dracovish passively (fwiw, Rocky Helmet is currently Fini's third most used item.) Ironically, Dracovish is mostly doing what its always done by clicking Scarf + Strong Jaw Fishious Rend, though some players have gotten creative with the off-coverage moves for sure (like running Mega Kick / Max Strike for speed control). Still, Rillaboom has also seen a big resurgence and Fini / Urshifu-R are still at large and make clicking Fishious Rend more complicated. I think moving it up to A+ might be immature, but its definitely worth discussing.

:swampert: :hippowdon: : So yeah, Swampert has jumped above Hippowdon in usage, with Hippowdon falling below the top 20. Slow Flip Turn is just that valuable. Truly crazy times for the hippo. I'm not sure what to do about this one though; Hippowdon certainly doesn't seem like it belongs in A+ anymore, but I wouldn't want to drop it any lower than A. So where does that put Swampert? Same tier in A? But then we have Rillaboom who has shot up. I honestly don't know what to make of these two right now.

:moltres-galar: :kartana: : Just pointing out two other higher usage mons who have dropped over the last month. I don't have much personal data on these two though, other than that I've thought for a long time that Galarian Moltres is over-hyped. Even so, B+ seemed relatively appropriate. Perhaps more interesting is that despite one of Kartana's partners in Swampert going up, its actually dropped. Both may need to drop a tier eventually.

Agreed on Ferrothorn / Celesteela / Urshifu-RS / Blaziken, which I brought up internally. I think Hippowdon is another Pokemon worth of dropping from A+ to A, alongside Ferrothorn and Celesteela. Maybe it won't end up dropping but I think it's worth a discussion. Dracovish is always a tough Pokemon to rank because it is so feast-or-famine but still warps team preview in ways that no other Pokemon manages. It rising to A+ would be totally fair - it's been around there for a while but it's tough with Dracovish. Forgot about Eleki but that is totally fair that it should drop. B may be a bit harsh but B+ is totally warranted. It still warps team preview like nothing else, though to a lesser extent than Dracovish.

FYI it's literally the 2nd of June, so June usage stats are high variance right now. May stats have Hippo at 14th and Swampert at 20th. Kartana is at 24th. Those last few points may be a bit too hasty and I'd wait a few days for the variance to ride itself out before saying Swampert > Hippowdon.
Agreed on Ferrothorn / Celesteela / Urshifu-RS / Blaziken, which I brought up internally. I think Hippowdon is another Pokemon worth of dropping from A+ to A, alongside Ferrothorn and Celesteela. Maybe it won't end up dropping but I think it's worth a discussion. Dracovish is always a tough Pokemon to rank because it is so feast-or-famine but still warps team preview in ways that no other Pokemon manages. It rising to A+ would be totally fair - it's been around there for a while but it's tough with Dracovish. Forgot about Eleki but that is totally fair that it should drop. B may be a bit harsh but B+ is totally warranted. It still warps team preview like nothing else, though to a lesser extent than Dracovish.

FYI it's literally the 2nd of June, so June usage stats are high variance right now. May stats have Hippo at 14th and Swampert at 20th. Kartana is at 24th. Those last few points may be a bit too hasty and I'd wait a few days for the variance to ride itself out before saying Swampert > Hippowdon.
I suppose that's where I say I get confused about how Pikalytics does things. I can never tell when the last update to stats were. I assumed since it was under the same moniker of "Series 9 Switch Battle Stadium Singles" that it was combined with last month's stats, so my mistake.
I agree w/ all those, and in keeping w/ Ferro dropping could Scizor drop to C-? That's a small drop to a low thing, but it does seem pretty bad in the meta w/ all the fires, both high and also similarly low like Scizor itself. It's bad vs. Landorus-T too, and its Bullet Punch can set off WP for Rhyperior and Glastrier, Where it is strong, like vs. Mimikyu, it competes for a slot w/ Ferro. Also bug has probably never been good coverage, only hitting Cresselia and Rilla I believe(TTar is covered by steel already.) At least Bug Bite can eat berries...still not that great though imo(EDIT: Am I not seeing it, or does it no longer even get Bug Bite1?) It's too slow to use its Airstream, too.

Also w/ lots of bad type match-ups, could Gyarados drop? Too many electrics. I haven't seen one in a long time, there are better Airstreamers, waters, and even a better Intimidator(or at least more prevalent for each category.) It does beat Cinderace and Blaziken so it's not bad, but Landog can do that too.
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I agree w/ all those, and in keeping w/ Ferro dropping could Scizor drop to C-? That's a small drop to a low thing, but it does seem pretty bad in the meta w/ all the fires, both high and also similarly low like Scizor itself. It's bad vs. Landorus-T too, and its Bullet Punch can set off WP for Rhyperior and Glastrier, Where it is strong, like vs. Mimikyu, it competes for a slot w/ Ferro. Also bug has probably never been good coverage, only hitting Cresselia and Rilla I believe(TTar is covered by steel already.) At least Bug Bite can eat berries...still not that great though imo(EDIT: Am I not seeing it, or does it no longer even get Bug Bite1?) It's too slow to use its Airstream, too.

Also w/ lots of bad type match-ups, could Gyarados drop? Too many electrics. I haven't seen one in a long time, there are better Airstreamers, waters, and even a better Intimidator(or at least more prevalent for each category.) It does beat Cinderace and Blaziken so it's not bad, but Landog can do that too.
Blaziken gets Thunder Punch, so Gyarados can absolutely get destroyed by it. It certainly doesn't seem like a B+ Pokémon anymore, and I rarely saw it against me last season but I had three electric coverage moves to threaten it with so that’s not surprising.

Scizor is funny because he’s actually higher usage than Gyara right now, but as someone pointed out earlier it’s a little too early in the season to bank hard on usage stats. Plus, you also need to consider that Scizor fills a completely different role on teams than Ferrothorn, so the comparison is a little apples to oranges. Either way, I don’t have particularly strong opinions on either right now but I do see a good argument to drop Gyara down a notch.
Right the Thunderpunch idk how I forgot. All the more reason to go down. Also maybe worth note is Gyara absolutely can't run WP unlike a lot of mons that typically don't as well as the common users. This is cause 4x electric weak is an ohko usually, and rock is rare. So it really can't sneak up on you.

Also, did you rarely see Gyara on teams(indicates it's bad,) or it was there but not brought, which then could just be cause of the electrics you mention.
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Right the Thunderpunch idk how I forgot. All the more reason to go down. Also maybe worth note is Gyara absolutely can't run WP unlike a lot of mons that typically don't as well as the common users. This is cause 4x electric weak is an ohko usually, and rock is rare. So it really can't sneak up on you.

Also, did you rarely see Gyara on teams(indicates it's bad,) or it was there but not brought, which then could just be cause of the electrics you mention.
I meant if it was there I don’t really remember it, lol. I recall seeing exactly one in battle all season and Blaziken naturally made short work of it (it switched in on my SD so I was +1 after Intimidate.)
Personally I find Hippowdon to be much more useful than Swampert, his ability to phase with whirlwind and the option to run slack off is a major selling point for me. Being able to phase out threatening setup sweepers or even just whirlwind to scout the opponents team early game is fantastic.
I won’t deny that swampert also has its advantages. The fire resistance in a Cinderace meta is extremely nice, the improved special bulk compared to hippo, allowing it to more safely take on the big bad Zapdos, and of course, flip turn.
I guess it’s just that for my money, if I’m going to use a bulky water with no reliable recovery, I’ll take fini any day of the week over swampert, and for a defensive ground type I find myself more partial to Hippowdon. Just my 2 cents on the matter. At the end of the day I guess it just comes down to personal preference and what your team needs, as both mons fill quite a similar role.
Time for another round of nominations:

:naganadel: : Rise to A-

This thing has seen a bit of a resurgence lately and B+ just doesn't seem appropriate for it given not only the uptick in usage but its dominating offensive presence. Its true that the Dragon-type role is highly contested right now, but Naganadel has a niche as the go-to specially offensive Dragon-type. Its raw stat line mean that both STAB Ooze and Wyrmwind are fantastic and Beast Boost can patch up either speed or special attack depending on the set, meaning often Naga can pull a two-for-one boost situation much like another nomination in Blaziken can. Its an offensive powerhouse that destroys teams if given the opportunity to set up, and the top 30 usage mons are rife with delicious targets for it. Its having a great time right now.

:ninetales-alola: : Rise to B / B+

Another mon that has moved into Top 30 usage and, although I can see the reasons why, I'm a bit more surprised by this one. Nonetheless, I've definitely seen a lot more of it lately. Once again, the shifts in higher tiers have heavily benefited its typing and it can put a lot of pressure on a lot of high profile targets. And despite my inclination that screens are iffy in this meta, Ninetales-A does benefit from having only to spend one turn putting them down as opposed to two. I still think its raw stat line holds it back, but its certainly fast and versatile enough that it does cause some team preview warping.

:swampert: : Rise to A+ / :hippowdon: : Drop to A

I still think this is a bit of a hot take, but hear me out.

Both of these mons are very good, but Swampert's slow Flip Turn fixes so many issues that Hippo struggles with. Get Taunted? Get subbed on? Just Flip Turn out. And because Swampert is normally EV'd to be as slow as possible, it still gets to cushion for its team as it heads out. Hippo on the other hand generally has to hard-switch and have something else eat the damage for it or, even worse, break the opponent's sub afterwards. This is all on top of the fact that typing-wise, I would say there are technically fewer hard checks to Swampert than Hippo; yes, Swampert obviously gets obliterated by Grass-types, but Hippo can be OHKO'd just as easily by an assortment of Water and Grass offensives as well. In short, moves like Taunt do not completely neutralize Swampert's role on the team, meaning that "getting countered" isn't nearly the momentum sink that it can be with Hippo. That's why I think it deserves to be a rank higher than Hippo right now.

Other Talking Points:


I mentioned this in my last nomination and was maybe a little too harsh on it. I still really like this guy, ya' know? And marilli is right about it being a big team preview threat. That being said, I still stand by it taking a drop, if only to B+. It is catastrophically outclassed against multiple Ground-types, so the support system around it has to be robust. Given that weakness and the support it requires, I think B+ is more appropriate for it.


Not even in the top 50 of usage, but it may still need a bump to B-. I think what sets this thing apart is that its a Calm Mind user who doesn't get immediately blown up by Zapdos STAB. Couple this with Yawn support, Mystical Fire coverage (and the accompanying SpA drops,) and Pixilate Hyper Voice and Quick Attack, and this thing has more than enough options to make it a pain to switch into. I think this thing is worth watching and experimenting with.

Not even in the top 50 of usage, but it may still need a bump to B-. I think what sets this thing apart is that its a Calm Mind user who doesn't get immediately blown up by Zapdos STAB. Couple this with Yawn support, Mystical Fire coverage (and the accompanying SpA drops,) and Pixilate Hyper Voice and Quick Attack, and this thing has more than enough options to make it a pain to switch into. I think this thing is worth watching and experimenting with.
Ive always been a huge fan of Sylveon as a check to special attackers. Way back when I was still learning the game, sylveon was a huge part of a lot of teams I made. I’ve been considering adding her to a team as a check to Zapdos already. I’m glad to see I’m not the only one considering that.
I agree w/ all those, Also nominating Darm-G to B+. The power level on that thing is ridiculous, and it can trade some of that power away in order to switch moves in Dynamax. Scarf makes it really fast to revenge non-Airstream mons, and Band hits like crazy. I used to take it to the extreme w/ Adamant Band and this always OHKOs Pex w/ EQ and sometimes even OHKOs maxed Lapras w/ Superpower. It has a chance to OHKO bulky Celesteela w/ Icicle Crash, and always non-bulky ones. In case you aren't locked in on Flare Blitz. It can 2hko Cresselia or at least do over half w/ U-Turn. 75% chance to ohko phys. def. P2 also, w/ Superpower.

I didn't want to ask alone, but since I'm posting other stuff, why is Skarmory a rank above Corviknight?
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I agree w/ all those, Also nominating Darm-G to B+. The power level on that thing is ridiculous, and it can trade some of that power away in order to switch moves in Dynamax. Scarf makes it really fast to revenge non-Airstream mons, and Band hits like crazy. I used to take it to the extreme w/ Adamant Band and this always OHKOs Pex w/ EQ and sometimes even OHKOs maxed Lapras w/ Superpower.

I didn't want to ask alone, but since I'm posting other stuff, why is Skarmory a rank above Corviknight?
I think it's because skarmory has stealth rock and does pretty much everything else corv does (both are still kinda bad cause celesteela exists though lool)
Skarmory I almost always see on stall for three reasons:
1. It’s immune to OHKO moves which removes an element of RNG that often makes or breaks games;
2. Its typing + physical bulk allow it to completely shut down two of the ‘Big Four,’ Landorus and Mimikyu. If using Rocky Helmet, provided you strike it lucky, Skarm can actually stall out DP Kee Berry.
3. Skarmory’s base 70 speed let it cruise past a lot of the tanks and walls you might switch it into with a little investment, making it one of the best abusers of ID + Body Press when you can win the war of attrition by using Taunt first.

When Corv is chalked up against Skarmory its advantages over it are:
1. Pressure stalling
2. Slightly better special bulk which gives better synergy with Maranga Berry sets
3. Mirror Armor’s ability to make Corv effectively immune to stat drops let it keep those boosts where Skarm just has to roll the dice if it comes to that

Considering the metagame is (imo) doninated by physical attackers, and that Pressure stalling isn’t a trait completely unique to Corv, Skarmory ends up being the more desirable choice for a hardcore physical Steel wall.

And then Celesteela clicks Meteor Beam, and then clicks three more buttons to win the game. Ain’t that just crackers, jimbo?
:naganadel: : Rise to A-

This thing has seen a bit of a resurgence lately and B+ just doesn't seem appropriate for it given not only the uptick in usage but its dominating offensive presence. Its true that the Dragon-type role is highly contested right now, but Naganadel has a niche as the go-to specially offensive Dragon-type. Its raw stat line mean that both STAB Ooze and Wyrmwind are fantastic and Beast Boost can patch up either speed or special attack depending on the set, meaning often Naga can pull a two-for-one boost situation much like another nomination in Blaziken can. Its an offensive powerhouse that destroys teams if given the opportunity to set up, and the top 30 usage mons are rife with delicious targets for it. Its having a great time right now.

I'm relatively new to BSS, so I guess my opinion should be taken with a grain of salt, but I just wanted to echo this sentiment. Naganadel feels REALLY good right now. Being able to switch into all of Cinderace's high BP coverage moves while threatening to out-speed and OHKO it is awesome, especially with Bounce falling in popularity. With rocks up, so many things drop to Draco Meteors, and it's not like Fairies are free to come in and absorb them either. Heck, just being a Dragon-type that scares Tapu Fini so much is huge in itself. With Beast Boost, it can seriously abuse the fact that most scarfers, and the few things naturally faster than it, can't safely switch in, by setting up "checkmate" scenarios where it can KO what the opponent has out, thus preventing the scarfer from coming in for the revenge kill. Granted, Max Airstream sweepers can do the same thing, but Naganadel does it better as it is not restricted to using one move, or even Dynamax, to nab the Speed boost, and if it is maxed it can potentially grab a SpAtk boost at the same time. While it's reliance on its teammates may keep it out of the upper echelons of A Tier, B+ definitely feels low for something so threatening.
Naga is definitely good, and I wouldn’t mind seeing it rise to A- or even A rank. It does have quite notable flaws however. For one, it’s quite frail, leaving it vulnerable to scarfers or bulky attackers that can take a hit and KO back. Garchomp for instance can be a pain with its very popular Assault Vest set, living a max wymrind and firing back with a max quake to potentially take naga out. Scarfed fini can also surprise it with ice beam, and at high health ranges fini can dynamax to live any one hit and kill back with max hailstorm if she carries it.
I’m not discounting Naganadel as a threat at all, in fact it’s very easy to outright lose to this thing if you don’t play around it properly, but I just want to highlight that it has a fair few checks in the current metagame, and can really only do one thing to any degree of success. And as such is not always picked by players who are looking for the most consistency.
I'm relatively new to BSS, so I guess my opinion should be taken with a grain of salt, but I just wanted to echo this sentiment. Naganadel feels REALLY good right now. Being able to switch into all of Cinderace's high BP coverage moves while threatening to out-speed and OHKO it is awesome, especially with Bounce falling in popularity. With rocks up, so many things drop to Draco Meteors, and it's not like Fairies are free to come in and absorb them either. Heck, just being a Dragon-type that scares Tapu Fini so much is huge in itself. With Beast Boost, it can seriously abuse the fact that most scarfers, and the few things naturally faster than it, can't safely switch in, by setting up "checkmate" scenarios where it can KO what the opponent has out, thus preventing the scarfer from coming in for the revenge kill. Granted, Max Airstream sweepers can do the same thing, but Naganadel does it better as it is not restricted to using one move, or even Dynamax, to nab the Speed boost, and if it is maxed it can potentially grab a SpAtk boost at the same time. While it's reliance on its teammates may keep it out of the upper echelons of A Tier, B+ definitely feels low for something so threatening.
You're mostly on point here, but there are a couple of things I want to point out here specifically as it relates to Cinderace:
  • Bounce is still over 60% usage. It may have fallen but not nearly enough that you can count on it not being a factor most matchups.
  • Even without Bounce / Airstream, under almost no circumstances does Naganadel want to be switching into raw Pyro Ball or High Jump Kick from Cinderace. It still takes well over 50% of its Max HP on the switch. That's not a sacrifice you want to make as you are severely limiting your ability to set up or sweep long term.
Naga is definitely good, and I wouldn’t mind seeing it rise to A- or even A rank. It does have quite notable flaws however. For one, it’s quite frail, leaving it vulnerable to scarfers or bulky attackers that can take a hit and KO back. Garchomp for instance can be a pain with its very popular Assault Vest set, living a max wymrind and firing back with a max quake to potentially take naga out. Scarfed fini can also surprise it with ice beam, and at high health ranges fini can dynamax to live any one hit and kill back with max hailstorm if she carries it.
I’m not discounting Naganadel as a threat at all, in fact it’s very easy to outright lose to this thing if you don’t play around it properly, but I just want to highlight that it has a fair few checks in the current metagame, and can really only do one thing to any degree of success. And as such is not always picked by players who are looking for the most consistency.
I don't agree with you here. Naganadel's secondary typing being Poison patches up one of the biggest weaknesses in being a Dragon type (Fairy types,) and is part of the reason it terrorizes teams if you let it Beast Boost past your Scarf mons. Its important to realize that a lot of Naganadel setup boils down to putting something in range with another teammate and then having Naga clean it up for an easy Ooze / Beast Boost. Yes, it can be revenged but it generally requires a team effort to stop it. In the Garchomp example, for instance, Wyrmwind drops attack so without chip elsewhere Garchomp misses the OHKO especially if it doesn't Dynamax itself. The one thing it does, at least in this meta, it does extremely well.
I’m starting to enjoy Lele quite a lot. I’m not sure if I’d bump her just yet, but I would recommend keeping an eye on her. With swampert eclipsing Hippowdon in usage, and offensive threats like Naganadel on the rise, Lele can be a great option to surprise those two. Energy ball is great for blowing swampert away and STAB terrain boosted psychic can scare Naganadel away as well.

I’ve currently been using scarf as a more offensive replacement for the scarf fini I’ve run most of this season, and I think it works wonderfully. Scarf patches up Lele’s less than impressive speed and allows her to hit hard and fast.

Specs is another great option for teams not needing as much speed control, and the power is simply incredible. As most gen 7 players know, specs lele just obliterates everything with stab psychic. That still holds true for most of the generation 8 metagame.

Life orb is an option I’ve seen players run that allows lele to better abuse dynamax for even more absurd power, and while I hesitate to recommend life orb on anything without recovery, I can’t deny the power it has in dynamax.

Again I’m not sure if I’d bump lele just yet, as she doesn’t bring the utility and bulk that Fini provides, but I just wanted to note that I’ve been seeing/using her a bit more often as of late and getting decently good results, so I’d keep an eye out and see what happens.
What about Psychic Seed? It helps Dynamax too, unlike the choice items. And it can avoid the 2hko from Zapdos Hurricane most of the time w/ 52 EVs(what I calced w/.) It helps it vs. special Celesteela and special Dragapult, and it can then take Sludge Wave from Nihilego all the time. I think w/ 4 good sets it can be B+.
What about Psychic Seed? It helps Dynamax too, unlike the choice items. And it can avoid the 2hko from Zapdos Hurricane most of the time w/ 52 EVs(what I calced w/.) It helps it vs. special Celesteela and special Dragapult, and it can then take Sludge Wave from Nihilego all the time. I think w/ 4 good sets it can be B+.
Lele’s main draw is to be an offensive threat, and I think by trying to use an item to add to her defensive utility you are sort of misusing her. Avoiding the 2 hit KO from hurricane doesn’t mean too much when Zap can just max and outspeeds anyway, it would be much better to get a big hit off first with scarf or do more damage with specs or Lorb. Scarf Lele beats Dragapult 1 on 1 outside of max anyway, and there’s other, more reliable checks to Steela and Nihilego that you can pair Lele with instead of trying to make her do more and ultimately making the set worse.

If you want to add to Lele’s special bulk you can give her leftovers and calm mind, which IMO is a much better idea than psychic seed, as it also allows Lele to become even more of an offensive threat.
You're right, it just seemed good.

Suggesting Raikou drop half a rank, it's very low usage, below stuff that's in the proposed rank, like Azu, Aegi, Ninetails-A, Corviknight, Dracozolt, Latios, and Clyster. Also lower than Quagsire and Primarina which are in C ranks, so even lower than where I'm trying to put Raikou. Diggersby and Spectrier are the same rank it should be and see much less usage, but otherwise things in B- right now are more common. It loses to Cinderace and Mimikyu, and does not ohko offensive Landog all the time even w/ Specs Scald, or +1 Scald from CM which is the same but needs a turn. It won't ohko defensive ones at all, like AV(which is rare, but most are Sitrus so may well run some HP and/ or SpD.) DNIte can set up on it and CB Rilla usually ohkos. It does not threaten Garchomp, Pheromosa can 2hko(sash, they mostly run that now,) and Cresselia and Glastrier are threats. It does do well vs. Zapdos, but any mono-electric type takes it's STABs well enough, that's not unique. Additionally, Raikou makes poor use of its abilities, having no good recovery for Pressure like Zapdos, and being special, fast, and immune to paralysis, so it can't utilize Inner Focus at all. Also, due to the recovery problem, it can't make good use of Eerie Impulse like Zapdos.

252 SpA Choice Specs Raikou Scald vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Landorus-T: 152-180 (92.1 - 109%) -- 50% chance to OHKO (50% chance to OHKO after accuracy)

Also suggesting Landorus-I go unranked. It doesn't make sense to use it over Lando-T and usage reflects this as it's below recorded usage level. I've never seen one or at least not recently and I see weird things on cart like Altaria, Pyukumuku(idk if this is that weird they can be a threat. But it's not on here,) and Reuniclus. If you could use both forms, or Lando-T didn't exist, I'm sure I would see some use but as it doesn't so by logic that's been used before it shouldn't be suggested to people by being on here in any capacity.
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Slightly later on this one, but it's that time of the month again. There's a bit more being shifted around this time around, and the higher level of discussion definitely contributed to that so a huge thanks to everyone who's posted recently!

As an aside, I know that the next ruleset shifting away from this metagame again really screws things up, but I think it's a mistake to continue "retiring" this VR while the format is inactive. Even as we move into alternate metas, I still want to keep this thread open for discussion so please feel free to discuss this meta even as we get closer to Series 10, and beyond if this still ends up being the primary meta once BDSP rolls around.

Back to the main topic though, since we had a bigger list of Pokemon to discuss there is actually a formal vote with these nominations. As before, I'll archive the votes here for reference but if you want a summary then just scroll to the bottom of the post. It's worth noting that everybody actually had time to vote this time around! Not everyone is providing in-depth reasonings but there's plenty of insight on all the nominations. As always though, feel free to discuss any changes or suggest further changes that didn't see discussion before.

Smogon UsernameHippowdon: A+ -> AFerrothorn: A+ -> A/A-Urshifu (Rapid Strike): A -> A+Celesteela: A+ -> ABlaziken: B+ -> A-Naganadel: B+ -> A-Clefable: B -> B+Darmanitan (Galar): B -> B+Ninetales (Alola): B- ->B+Swampert: A- -> A+/ARegieleki: A- -> B+Raikou: B -> B-Thundurus (Incarnate): B -> B-Togekiss: B -> B-
marilliA. We've had this coming for a long time, as Yawn is getting more heavily counterprepped, AND things like CB Urshifu-RS add to the list of standard Pokemon that can 2HKO Hippo before they get both SR and Yawn going. BTW I don't think this exactly has to do with the rise of Swampert, they do compete for a role but I think Hippo was gonna fall regardless of Swampert rising. A. I don't think Ferro deserves to be A-. It's still super meta relevant, but it just does not do well when Zapdos-Urshifu is the main format. A+. Seems pretty obvious.A. Celesteela could have fell more but A seems perfect now that the meta is centralizing against Zapdos/Urshifu and a lot of teams are leaving Celesteela coverage a lot laxer. Laxer of course taking into account every team has a Zapdos, but Airstreams into Rockfall will catch those people sleeping just because they have a Zapdos. A-A-. Both are fine. Not great but the other Pokemon in B+ seem a lot more niche / have blatant flaws.B+B+B+ All are vastly superior to other Pokemon in B. Grimm and Mamo are also better than a lot of them but I think Clefable and Ninetales rising is the most urgent.A. Water non-weakness is a really big deal.B+. Yeah not great.B is fine.B- yeah sure I've rarely seen this actually be useful. B is fine i think. I don't think Togekiss is actually that bad personally.
zaayaAA-A+AA-A-B+B+B+AI'd drop lower if i could, B+ B- B-B-
BreckinridgeA or A+. Hippo is just here to wall, set up rock, put something asleep and proceed to whirlwind your whole team away. Very annoying pokemon to deal with if you don't have a very strong pokemon to scare it away and even so it is very bulky to tank hits from Dynamax pokemon such as Zapdos or Cinderace and put them to sleep. Any A and higher is fine for Ferro. The ability to leech, protect or Iron defense to body press annoys many pokemon in the meta and having the ability to easily set up rocks on any water type that isn't taunt fini is pretty good. A. I don't think this pokemon should be A+ even with the diversity of its sets, it still is a threat don't get me wrong but the metagame is not very kind to this pokemon (Zapdos, Mimikyu, Cinderace, tapu fini, Dragonite). Urshifu Dark is far superior to this form, of course this doesn't mean that this pokemon is bad but A+ is just too high for this pokemon.Even with the amount of Zapdos running around this pokemon can still be very annoying with Leech/Protect or the dynamax bulky attacker with weakness policy. I say this pokemon deserves this rank or higher just for the sheer unpredictability of what set it could be (special attacking set or the leech seed/protect stall variant) A or A-. This pokemon can either sweep an entire team or get enough boost to baton pass to another poekmon that needs it. Very difficult to switch in/counter it because it is unpredictable in team preview but most if not all are just used for speed passing or WP pluck into setting up multiple of Sp def boost thanks to D max earthquake and passing it to another pokemon. The only thing beating this pokemon is a phaser such as Hippo. A or A-. This pokemon is far better than Gen 7 thanks to dynamax, it could easily gain a speed boost while raising its own special atk due to Max ooze and it K,Oing another pokemon. Scarf Nagadel is somewhat seen but not as good as the dynamax one in my opinion.B+ or A suits this pokemon. 3 sets that I've seen so far is the trick flame orb set that just cripples physical attackers, Unware stored power sets and the standard kee berry set.Very predictable scarfer but hits very strong so B+ is suitable for this pokemon. There is very limited options that can stop this pokemon from just clearing out an annoying Zapdos or revenge killing something with its plethora amount of movesets it could run.A-, Very high ranking for this pokemon mostly due to the most annoying thing to set up Screens or putting someone to sleep with hypnosis. With it's very fast speed, its guarantee to ohko urshifu dark with moonblast or set up screens on almost everything. Sheer cold is another thing this pokemon can run that can cripple most of the "counters" or switch ins that try to wall this pokemon.A+, Very annoying to deal with sets it could run like Sitrus/Leftover Yawn, protect, flip turn and setting up rocks. due to how bulky it is, it can pretty much guarantee to set something to sleep or set up rocks providing there is no taunt users or Tapu fini that can beat it.B. This pokemon is very predictable in team preview with its obvious ploy to set up screns and explode, other options could be specs but it does not beat the Reflect/Light screen Explosion set.C at best, never seen this around anywhere even with its new feature of Scald, I guess a specs version a or sub calm mind set could work.Agreed, it faces many difficulties ever since the prankster nerf and trying to compete with Zapdos. Honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing this pokemon lower, like B rank since most of the stuff that beats it are in the top 15 (minus Fini and Toxapex).Agreed, Togekiss is rarely seen due to the most popular pokemon Zapdos always running, Nihilego and Heatran around which is one of the best if not the best switch in to Togekiss.
PsynergyAA, Ferro always good but it feels like we're past its peak nowA+, honestly long overdue imoA, realistically we kept this in A+ for longer than it should have beenA-, still iffy on this one but when Blaziken works it snowballs hard so I think it's enough of a threatA-, kind of same deal as Blaziken really but as a special attacker and different speed boosting conditionB+B+B+, yeah this thing happens to be good against meta threats despite bad stats, this seems about right.A, Swampert is great but I feel like it's slightly short of being meta impactful enough for A+ for nowB+, very good at what it does but it lives and dies by how useful that niche is. Drop seems valid.B, was very close to dropping it but looking at everything else in B- makes it feel out of place there.B-, honestly don't see much reason I'd use this over other Electric-typesB, same deal as Raikou, drop sounds valid but I think it's better than the stuff in B- even though Zapdos destroyed its relevance
Greilmercenary9A; Hippo dropped all the way to 20th in usage for Season 19 (June), five spots below the ascending Swampert. This shows it limitations in comparison--namely, that Flip Turn and only one weakness are huge advantages for Swamp. Hippo probably isn't even the best Rocks + Yawn user at this point which is a huge problem for it, and while Sand and better pure physical wall tools still give it a niche, it rightfully is dropping a bit with Swampert looking like it is indeed for real.A; This is, to me, the closest call on this month's docket, and I'm on the fence here... Ferro is in a very odd position, losing pretty badly to several top 10 mons and most importantly the two hegemons in Zapdos and Cinderace, but directly checking Mimi/Fini/P2 and even Vish/Rillaboom (all top 12 mons in their own right) is extremely helpful... I think its usefulness in these roles is a huge boon, but the requirements in teambuilding to have a Water than can scare Ace in some way even after taking Pyro or even HJK chip is really annoying and probably puts it at the very, very top of A, although I'm still very much uncertain on this oneA+; Easy call here, the S9 meta has shifted hard back in Rapid Strike's favor and it rightfully vaulted Single Strike and moved to #7 overall this season; fantastic STABs and multi-hit are hard to come by, and while it does have more things that can switch into it than something like CB Single, it also isn't 4x weak to Fairy and also uses its multi-hit crits to huge advantage.A+; While I can certainly see an argument for dropping Cele to A in a Zap + Ace world, I think that Cele has shown the tools to weather the storm and also is still versatile enough to fit in multiple archetypes... it has adapted well to this meta with more offensively pressuring sets, and while it will always suffer from the Zap + Ace hegemony, just like Ferro, it also is good enough against most of the rest of the meta to justify it anyway, and tools like Meteor Beam allow it to threaten those on a switch as well... IMO Cele got so overrated for a time during CT that it then deservedly cuaght flak, but maybe so much so that it's stealthily underrated by many now, kind of like Vish was pre-CTA-; A worthy BP user, Blaziken separates itself from BP maven Scolipede by being just as dangerous and competent outside of BP as it is in such a chain. This versatility and immediate power is extremely valuable, as it means Blaze both doesn't necessarily hand the opponent the playbook in preview and can also effectively attack directly against mons equipped to blow up a BP strat through phazing, priority Taunt, or other similar means. Combine with good STABs and you have a strong package. A strong choice in the meta and one that can keep opponents guessing at preview trying to determine if you're planning to BP or just having Blaziken plow through the enemy team itself.A-; Naga definitely has its faults, but with a speed tier that outruns Ace and useful complementary STAB for the normal problems Dragons have, I think this deserves A- B+; Clef is always an annoying wincon to keep in mind, so while it certainly has limitations, its usefulness and even its ability to be versatile (fitting on BP, bulky offense, and so on) are worth considerationB; it's definitely a threat, but it's super frail and weak to rocks in an age where Rocks have become as useful as ever in BSS, so despite the interesting Zen Darm usage that has sometimes cropped up on the ladder, I think a buff here might be asking too much, especially when it can't outspeed many +1 Zap or really any +1 Ace variantsB+; The rising star of screens setting, this deserves a bump as it is both effective high ladder and vaulted an amazing 20 spots (44 --> 24) in Season 19 usageA; I think it was at the very end of Series 7 that players started to catch on just how important Flip Turn access was for this thing compared to, say, USM; Swampert does one thing, but it does it extremely well and arguably has usurped Hippo for best Rocks + Yawn mon. Easy rise, but a bit tougher on whether it's A or A+... going A for now just bc it doesn't really have versatility, but I can see an argument for A+B+; Following norrmal trends, the longer one meta goes on, the more bulkier builds tend to ascend to the top... Eleki doesn't really fit in that mold, and increasingly has to deal with competition from Ninetales-A as a screener since Aurora Veil gets them in one and Hail helps break Sashes, while more offensive Eleki will forever be plagued by not really being able to get through the increasing trend of bulky Grounds... way closer to B than A- IMOB; Raikou probably has enough application at pressuring some common bulky offense cores to stay B along with its #54 usage mark in Season 19, but it admittedly feels like a niche pick for offensive teams that need a very specific way to bother P2/Cele/Fini type cores.B-; As someone who has used this in practice last season due to using it on a semi-mono-Electric team I made for other pursuits, I can say that it has merits, but when you can't beat bulky Lando 1v1 despite Intimidate buffing your attack instead of debuffing it, I think that sums up some of its deficiencies well, to say nothing of the drawbacks of its best physical moves and special variants usually being inferior to its Therian forme; an amusing pick to mess around with, but only really effective in very specific contexts, which sounds a lot like B- to meB-; Toge, who once was one of the hegemons, now sits at borderline irrelevancy, as it just doesn't handle a Zap + Ace + SpDef P2 + Mimi meta very well (and even stuff like Ursh does heavy damage to it if it doesn't have speed boosts). Not its best era in Gen 8 for sure.
cannot saynonoyesyesyesyesyesyesyesAyesyesyesyes
chemcoopYes, uptick in Urshifu-RS definitely sitting on this thing's viability as a leadA, Ferro is still quite good at walling major meta mons like P2 and Fini, but increased Urshifu usage + omnipresent Zap/Ace has driven usage down significantlyAbsolutely yes, this thing is incredibly good both as a choice user and as Sash CounterYes. Weak to Zap + Ace, the Meteor Beam set is no longer a surprise, and standard defensive can be muscled through/played around easily enough.Yes, BlazePass setup teams have been gaining traction over the past few seasons and is a good enough strategy to need prep forOK with this. NP with a higher base speed than both Ace + Zap and access to Wyrmwind to further protect itself from physicals threats. Feels like a bit of slept on threatDefinitely yes. Great way of slowing down BlazePass teams + also a good recipient for them.No, don't really feel like the meta has shifted in a way that makes this thing more useful.YES. Screens are back babyI like this. Doesn't get punished as hard by something like CB Ursh-RS as Hippo does, and being able to Flip Turn out on Taunt/Yawned opponents is quite nice nicheSure. Great screener and can be a big offensive threat in the perfect conditions, but every team having Chomp/Lando/Hippo makes it tough for this bouncy boi. Also Ninetales usage as a screener cuts into Regieleki's nicheYes. What is a Raikou and where do you face them in BSS???Yes. Similar to comments on Raikou, why would you use this over Zapdos or Thund-T?Fine with this, it's just inferior Zapdos that loses to everything Zapdos loses to

Hippowdon drops from A+ to A
Ferrothorn drops from A+ to A
Urshifu (Rapid Strike) rises from A to A+
Celesteela drops from A+ to A
Blaziken rises from B+ to A-
Naganadel rises from B+ to A-
Clefable rises from B to B+
Darmanitan (Galar) rises from B to B+
Ninetales (Alola) rises from B- to B+
Swampert rises from A- to A
Regieleki drops from A- to B+
Thundurus drops from B to B-
Togekiss drops from B to B-
I'm glad I got Darm-G promoted and Raikou at least voted on, but what about Gyarados? It isn't in the vote for being dropped. It's not terrible since it has DD and Airstream, but I really don't see it being on the same level as Lapras. B is fine, maybe B-.