Pet Mod Metamorphosis (Slate 7: Minior, Eiscue, Unovan-Darmanitan (voting))

What should we do for the future of the mod?

  • Keep current mons, add to Natdex OU

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Completely revamp the mod, add to Natdex OU

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Completely revamp the mod, create a micrometa

    Votes: 5 38.5%
  • Keep current mons, turn into micrometa

    Votes: 6 46.2%

  • Total voters
Name: Liepard (and Liepard-Malignant)
Base Form Type: Dark
Malignant Type: Dark / Fairy
Ability: Limber / Prankster | HA: Unburden
Base Form Stats: 64 HP / 88 Atk / 60 Def / 88 SpA / 60 SpD / 116 Spe (+10 Defense, Special Defense and Speed)
Malignant Stats: 64 HP / 108 Atk / 80 Def / 98 SpA / 70 SpD / 126 Spe
New Moves: +Moonblast, +Topsy Turvy, +Deviancy*, +Dazzling Gleam, +Lash Out, +Triple Axel, +Extrasensory
Deviancy: Raises Attack and Special Attack by two stages, lowers the corresponding opponent's stats by one stage. Transforms Liepard into Malignant form.
Description: Liepard is a ZU Pokémon by design, and while it's base form may be unsalvageable, it's new Malignant form has a shot for greatness. It's transformation occurs upon using the strong signature move Deviancy, which forces a ton of switches and can allow Liepard-Mal to hit very hard. It's held in check by this form (and it's base) still being very frail and it's attacking power unboosted leaving alot to be desired.
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Name: Liepard
Form 1/Base Form Type: Dark
Form 2 Type: Dark
Abilities: Limber/Stalking Instinct/Prankster
Anticipation clone: Upon switch-in, if the foe has a super effective/OHKO/ Liepard transforms into Liepard-Stalking
Form 1/Base Form Stats: 64/88/50/88/50/106
Form 2 Stats:136/100/100/50/85/29 (stats)
New Moves: Parting Shot, Swords Dance, Wish
Description: With Stalking Instinct, Liepard-Stalking can take the role of a set up sweeper with Swords Dance or a slow Wish passer. It gains one of the highest HP stats in the game, alongside a good Defence and decent Special Defence. Access to Swords Dance, Wish and Parting Shot also help its base form

Name: Meowstic
Form 1/Base Form Type: Psychic
Form 2 Type: Psychic/Ghost
Ability: Nekomancy/Infiltrator/Prankster
If one of its teammates has been knocked out, transforms into Meowstic-Nekomancer. On switch-in, the foe gains the Miracle Eye status
I'm not apologising for the name
Form 1/Base Form Stats: 74/48/86/83/91/104 (+10 to both Defences)
Form 2 Stats: 74/40/105/103/110/100
New Moves: Recover
Description: Meowstic-Nekomancer no longer has Prankster, which sucks, but it does have a lot more bulk, which is great. Access to Recover allows it to stay on the field for longer, helping with its supportive role. Meowstic-Nekomancer's 103 SpAtt alongside Nasty Plot allows it to functions as a sweeper as well

Name: Female Meowstic
Form 1/Base Form Type: Psychic
Form 2 Type: Psychic/Fire
Ability: Keen Eye/Infiltrator/Competitive
Form 1/Base Form Stats: 74/58/76/93/81/104 (+10 to Attack and SpAtt)
Form 2 Stats: 74/58/76/123/81/114
New Moves: Fire Blast, WIll-O-Wisp, Flamethrower, Hex, Magmashock
Fire-type Psyshock. Upon being used, transforms Female Meowstic into Meowstic-Split Tail
Description: A special wallbreaker, with access to both Calm Mind and Nasty Plot to further increase its already monstrous SpAtt. Its good movepool helps with this, with the addition of Magmashock allowing it to threaten special walls that would otherwise wall it. Meowstic-Split Tail has an unfortunate weakness to Stealth Rocks, however, and is weak to Knock Off and common coverage options like Ground and Water

I probably shouldn't have waited to sub until the last minute, but oh well lol
Name: Liepard
Base Form Typing: Dark
Base Form Stats: 68/58/80/58/80/146
Pursue Form Stats: 68/102/50/102/50/129
New Moves: Swords Dance, Reflect, Light Screen.
Abilities: Pursuer/Unburden/Prankster
Description: Liepard turns from a support Pokemon into a full-on sweeper, thanks to Swords Dance/Nasty Plot, its increased bulk helping it set up, and even allowing it to set up screens.
Now, you might think this is too similar to Aegislash, however, there are some notable differences. First, after Liepard transforms, it can't go back to its base form, second, the form change activates until the end of the turn, making its newfound bulk much more useful.
This Pokemon transforms into Liepard-Pursue at the end of the turn if it used an attacking move during that turn.
Voting has opened and will last for 24 hours !
Additionally, please tell what mons you'd like us to do next alongside your votes.

Also, i am looking for new council members! If you're interested, say it along with your votes.
Liepard: G-Luke, Emergence, Lapzalerq
Delcatty: EeveeGirl1380, Lapzalerq, Emergence
Meowstic-M: Albatr0ss, EeveeGirl1380, Emergence
Meowstic-F: Lapzalerq, EeveeGirl1380, Emergence
:liepard:Emergence, Lapzaplerq, G-Luke
:delcatty:PalpitoadChamp, EeveeGirl1380, Emergence
:meowstic: Albatr0ss, Lapzaplerq, EeveeGirl1380
:meowstic-f:Lapzaplerq, EeveeGirl1380, Albatr0ss
:liepard:: G-Luke, Emergence, Albatr0ss
:delcatty:: Emergence, EeveeGirl1380, PalpitoadChamp
:meowstic:: Lapzaplerq, Albatr0ss, EeveeGirl1380
:meowstic-f:: Lapzaplerq, Emergence, EeveeGirl1380
Name: Female Meowstic
Standard Form/Base Form Type: Psychic
Expander Form Type: Psychic / Normal
Ability: Sound Expander (If Meowstic-F, turns into Meowstic-Expander after using a sound-based move. This Pokemon's sound-based moves have 1.5× power and accuracy) / Infiltrator | Competitive
Standard Form/Base Form Stats: 70 / 50 / 75 / 90 / 75 / 110 [BST: 470]
Expander Form Stats: 70 / 70 / 75 / 110 / 75 / 120 [BST: 520]
New Moves: Hyper Voice, Sing
Description: Fast and hits hard, even fa... ok, I will not copy from above. Its main gimmick is a (pretty) accurate Sing and boosted Hyper Voice which is very useful especially with Nasty Plot.

Name: Liepard
Base Form Type:

Predator Form Type:

Ability: Limber / Unburden / Prankster
Base Form Stats: 74 HP / 98 Atk / 50 Def / 98 SpA / 50 SpD / 116 Spe (486) (+10 HP, +10 Atk, +10 SpA, +10 Spe)
Predator Form Stats: 74 HP / 115 Atk / 50 Def / 115 SpA / 50 SpD / 126 Spe (530) (+17 Atk, +17 SpA, +10 Spe)
New Moves: Clawful Pounce*, Swords Dance, Shadow Sneak, Poltergeist, Moonblast


BP: 90
Acc: 95
PP: 10
Changes Liepard into its Predator Form if successful. High critical hit ratio, 20% chance to cause flinching. Liepard reverts back into Base form upon switching out
Male Meowstic-Nekomancer Name: Meowstic
Form 1/Base Form Type: Psychic
Form 2 Type: Psychic/Ghost
Ability: Nekomancy/Infiltrator/Prankster
If one of its teammates has been knocked out, transforms into Meowstic-Nekomancer. On switch-in, the foe gains the Miracle Eye status
I'm not apologising for the name
Form 1/Base Form Stats: 74/48/86/83/91/104 (+10 to both Defences)
Form 2 Stats: 74/40/105/103/110/100
New Moves: Recover
Description: Meowstic-Nekomancer no longer has Prankster, which sucks, but it does have a lot more bulk, which is great. Access to Recover allows it to stay on the field for longer, helping with its supportive role. Meowstic-Nekomancer's 103 SpAtt alongside Nasty Plot allows it to functions as a sweeper as well
Name: Delcatty
Base Form Type: Normal
Roaming Form Type: Normal/Ghost
Ability: Cute Charm/Normalize/(HA: Wonder Skin)
Base Form Stats: 70/65/85/55/75/90
Roaming Form Stats: 70/95/85/55/75/110
New Moves: Skedaddle, Shadow Sneak, Shadow Claw
Type: Normal
Category: Physical
BP: 70
Acc: 100
PP: 20
Deals damage, then switches the user out. Before Delcatty switches out, it changes into its Roaming Form
Description: In its base form, it can take a few hits, and in its Roaming form, it gets faster and more offensive, with dual Normal and Ghost STAB. It also gains a STAB switching move.
Congrats to the winners!

Now for the new slate!

Slate 4: :swsh/Falinks: :swsh/Magcargo: :swsh/sandaconda:!

You have 5 days to submit! Have fun! (Council appliances are still open btw)
Ok let me be honest, these could be some really interesting submissions if they get in! Now let's start with mine.

Name: Falinks
Base Form Type:

Reformed Form Type:

Ability: Group Up (enters reformed form when using no retreat.) / Defiant
Base Form Stats: 65 / 100 / 100 / 70 / 70 (+10) / 75 (BST: 480)
Reformed Form Stats: 65 / 110 (+10) / 100 / 80 (+10) / 70 / 75 (BST: 500)
New Moves: Aura Sphere, Bullet Punch
Description: Yup, it's the shield entry. This form makes itself a good mixed attacker and a physical wall. Focus Blast could be useful on this form (since there is little purpose on it in base form.) Bullet Punch because priority.
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Name: Magcargo-Meltdown
Base Form Type:

Meltdown Form Type:

Ability: Melting Point: When Burn Up is used (before it attacks), change to Meltdown Form, even if it's already in Meltdown Form, until the end of combat.
Base Form Stats: 80/70/120/70/80/30 BST:450
Meltdown Form Stats: 80/100/30/100/40/100 BST:450
New Moves: Burn Up, Power Gem
Description: So basically you set up Shell Smash as base form and sweep with a 150 base move, since you'll be regaining the fire typing again and again. Simple yet deadly. Based on the dex entries detailing that it's body temperature is greater than the surface of the sun, wtf.
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Name: Magcargo
Form 1/Base Form Type: Fire/Rock
Form 2 Type: Fairy/Rock
Ability: Flame Body/Rapid Cooling/Weak Armour
When hit by a Flying- or Water-type move, Magcargo's SpAtt is raised by one stage and, if it isn't already transformed, it transforms into Magcargo-Glass
Form 1/Base Form Stats: 60/50/120/110/100/30 (added 20 to SpAtt, 20 to SpDef)
Form 2 Stats: 60/50/120/120/120/50
New Moves: Moonblast, Power Gem, Meteor Beam, Spikes
Description: Ok so Magcargo can now discourage Defog with Rapid Cooling, which allows it to perform its new role of offensive hazard setter incredibly well. It now has reliable STAB moves in Moonblast and Power Gem, alongside a potential boosting move in Meteor Beam. Its still really slow and, while Fairy/Rock is arguably better than Fire/Rock, it still isn't the greatest defensive typing. At least its not weak to Stealth Rock anymore lol
Flavour-wise Magcargo-Glass is now made up of volcanic glass, specifically obsidian. That's it. There's no deep lore, it just cools down and becomes obsidian

Name: Falinks
Form 1/Base Form Type: Fighting
Form 2 Type: Steel
Ability: Intelligence Report/Defiant
Anticipation clone again lol: On switch-in, if the foe has a super effective or OHKO move, transforms into either Falinks-Stratagem or Falinks-Base, depending on which form it's already in
Form 1/Base Form Stats: 65/120/100/70/60/95 (added 20 to Att and 20 to Speed)
Form 2 Stats: 65/100/120/70/100/95
New Moves: Bullet Punch, Knock Off, Taunt, Body Press, Heal Order
Description: Anticipation clone ability But Better. Intelligence Report removes all its Fighting weaknesses and replaces it with a better defensive typing and bulk but lower Attack, and it gains a few new moves to play with in Knock Off, Taunt, Heal Order, and Body Press. Just switch it into a Psychic-, Flying- or Fairy-type, absorb their attack, heal up then click moves until everything dies
Flavour-wise I think this speaks for itself lol

Name: Sandaconda
Form 1/Base Form Type: Ground
Form 2 Type: Ground
Ability: Sand Spit, Sand Veil, Natural Cure
Form 1/Base Form Stats: 92/107/125/65/70/51 (-20 Speed, +20 HP)
Form 2 Stats: 92/127/71/65/70/125
New Moves: Slither Strike, Crunch, Sucker Punch
Ground-type, Physical, 60 BP, 100% Accuracy, 32 PP
Flip Turn clone; upon being used, transforms Sandaconda into Sandaconda-Uncoiled and switches out
Description: Pretty self explanatory; bulky snake sets up Stealth Rocks, switches out with Slither Strike, then comes back in to clean up with Coil or revenge kill or whatever. Gave it Natural Cure for synergy with Slither Strike; now it can Rest and switch out instead of just resting and sitting there like an idiot waiting to wake up like it would with Shed Skin
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Name: Falinks
Defensive Form/Base Form Type: Fighting
Offensive Form Type: Fighting / Bug
Ability: Battle Armor | Brass's Order (If Falinks, turns into Falinks-Offensive before using an attack. If Falinks-Offensive, turns into Falinks before using a status move)
Defensive Form/Base Form Stats: 65 / 65 / 110 / 65 / 110 / 55 [BST: 470]
Offensive Form Stats: 65 / 100 / 45 / 100 / 45 / 115 [BST: 470]
New Moves: Attack Order, Bug Buzz, Defense Order, Heal Order, Tail Glow
Description: Falinks have 4 special move, the only useful one is Focus Blast, so I decided to add Bug Buzz and Tail Glow to it to let it abuse around with this mediocre set. I also decided to give it some kind of recovery which is Heal Order.
Name: Magcargo
Liquid Form/Base Form Type: Fire / Rock
Solid Form Type: Fire / Rock
Ability: Magma Armor / Flame Body | Magma Shell (If Magcargo-Solid, turns into Magcargo if it has Defense lowered, else Solid)
Liquid Form/Base Form Stats: 60 / 50 / 80 / 90 / 80 / 70 [BST: 430]
Solid Form Stats: 60 / 50 / 120 / 90 / 120 / 30 [BST: 470]
New Moves: -
Description: This may seems weird making base form being offensive, but since its abilities are mostly useless, it just has no point to run another ability other than the new one. It can run Stall with Stealth Rock with Solid form and Shell Smash for Liquid form.
Name: Sandaconda
Blaster Form/Base Form Type: Ground
Launcher Form Type: Ground
Ability: Sand Spit / Shed Skin | Sand Shooter (If Sandaconda, turns into Sandconda-Launcher before using a Sand Bomb, and vice versa. Download effect too)
Blaster Form/Base Form Stats: 72 / 107 / 125 / 65 / 100 / 41 [BST: 510]
Launcher Form Stats: 72 / 65 / 100 / 107 / 125 / 41 [BST: 510]
New Moves: Sand Bomb (Ground type, Status, summons Sandstorm, Inflict Heal Block and Smack Down effect to target), Sludge Bomb
Description: I don't know, I just trying to make a move around some underrated effect. It also has an ability that has the effect of Download, so it can be bas with that especially when it can now use both of its attacking stat.
Name: Sandaconda/Sandaconda-Nimble
Form 1/Base Form Type: Ground
Form 2 Type: Ground/Dragon
Ability: Sand Spit/Shed Skin/Sand Veil (HA)
when sand spit activates it transforms lol
Form 1/Base Form Stats: still the normal stats
Form 2 Stats: 72/110/100/65/70/115 (532 BST)
New Moves: Dragon Dance, Quick Attack, Extreme Speed, Agility
Description: when it spits out the sand in its body, Sandaconda becomes nimble and is able to move more quickly. Dragon Dance allows it to be a powerful late game sweeper, and extreme speed allows it to be a nice revenge killer.agility and quick attack are there for flavor, but well, Agility Weakness Policy sweeps.

Name: Falinks/Falinks-Combatant
Form 1/Base Form Type: Fighting
Form 2 Type: Fighting
Ability: Battle Armor/Defiant
Form 1/Base Form Stats: same as normal
Form 2 Stats: 65/105/110/70/110/70 (530 BST)
New Moves: Meteor Mash, Iron Defense, Attack Order, Defend Order, Heal Order
Description: when these pokemon have no running options, they enter a more defensive state to defend themselves from attacks. no retreat + these stats makes it a great sweeper, even if it dos have less speed. Heal Order gives it a nice recovery option.
use no retreat

Name: Magcargo/Magcargo-Cracked Shell
Form 1/Base Form Type: Fire/Rock
Form 2 Type: Fire
Ability: Magma Armor/Flame Body/Weak Armor
Form 1/Base Form Stats: same as normal
Form 2 Stats: 60/95/70/95/70/70 (460 BST)
New Moves: none lol
Description: when this pokemon's shell cracks, it becomes enraged and aggressive. it becomes more nimble and its defensive measures lessen. shell smash sweeper and also probably the weakest of these subs, altho it can still sweep just like the rest of them.
use shell smash
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Name: Sandaconda/Sandaconda-Nimble
Form 1/Base Form Type: Ground
Form 2 Type: Ground/Dragon
Ability: Sand Spit/Shed Skin/Sand Veil (HA)
when sand spit activates it transforms lol
Form 1/Base Form Stats: still the normal stats
Form 2 Stats: 72/110/100/65/70/115 (532 BST)
New Moves: Dragon Dance, Quick Attack, Extreme Speed, Agility
Description: when it spits out the sand in its body, Sandaconda becomes nimble and is able to move more quickly. Dragon Dance allows it to be a powerful late game sweeper, and extreme speed allows it to be a nice revenge killer.agility and quick attack are there for flavor, but well, Agility Weakness Policy sweeps.

Name: Falinks/Falinks-Combatant
Form 1/Base Form Type: Fighting
Form 2 Type: Fighting
Ability: Battle Armor/Defiant
Form 1/Base Form Stats: same as normal
Form 2 Stats: 65/105/110/70/110/70 (530 BST)
New Moves: Meteor Mash, Iron Defense, Attack Order, Defend Order, Heal Order
Description: when these pokemon have no running options, they enter a more defensive state to defend themselves from attacks. no retreat + these stats makes it a great sweeper, even if it dos have less speed. Heal Order gives it a nice recovery option.
use no retreat

Name: Magcargo/Magcargo-Cracked Shell
Form 1/Base Form Type: Fire/Rock
Form 2 Type: Fire
Ability: Magma Armor/Flame Body/Weak Armor
Form 1/Base Form Stats: same as normal
Form 2 Stats: 60/95/70/95/70/70 (460 BST)
New Moves: none lol
Description: when this pokemon's shell cracks, it becomes enraged and aggressive. it becomes more nimble and its defensive measures lessen. shell smash sweeper and also probably the weakest of these subs, altho it can still sweep just like the rest of them.
use shell smash
You need to make either a custom move or a custom Ability to transform, so those are vetoed.

Submission phase is now closed (sorry i took way too long) and you have 24 hours to fix your subs.

Also slots for council are still open.
Name: Sandaconda/Sandaconda-Nimble
Form 1/Base Form Type: Ground
Form 2 Type: Ground/Dragon
Ability: Sand Spit/Shed Skin/Sand Veil (HA)
when sand spit activates it transforms lol
Form 1/Base Form Stats: still the normal stats
Form 2 Stats: 72/110/100/65/70/115 (532 BST)
New Moves: Dragon Dance, Quick Attack, Extreme Speed, Agility
Description: when it spits out the sand in its body, Sandaconda becomes nimble and is able to move more quickly. Dragon Dance allows it to be a powerful late game sweeper, and extreme speed allows it to be a nice revenge killer.agility and quick attack are there for flavor, but well, Agility Weakness Policy sweeps.

Name: Falinks/Falinks-Combatant
Form 1/Base Form Type: Fighting
Form 2 Type: Fighting
Ability: Battle Armor/Defiant
Form 1/Base Form Stats: same as normal
Form 2 Stats: 65/105/110/70/110/70 (530 BST)
New Moves: Meteor Mash, Iron Defense, Attack Order, Defend Order, Heal Order
Description: when these pokemon have no running options, they enter a more defensive state to defend themselves from attacks. no retreat + these stats makes it a great sweeper, even if it dos have less speed. Heal Order gives it a nice recovery option.
use no retreat

Name: Magcargo/Magcargo-Cracked Shell
Form 1/Base Form Type: Fire/Rock
Form 2 Type: Fire
Ability: Magma Armor/Flame Body/Weak Armor
Form 1/Base Form Stats: same as normal
Form 2 Stats: 60/95/70/95/70/70 (460 BST)
New Moves: none lol
Description: when this pokemon's shell cracks, it becomes enraged and aggressive. it becomes more nimble and its defensive measures lessen. shell smash sweeper and also probably the weakest of these subs, altho it can still sweep just like the rest of them.
use shell smash
I am willing to accept Sandaconda (since Sand Spit is signature), but i have to modify your other subs. Magcargo will have Flame Body replaced with a new ability that activates upon using Shell Smash, and Falinks will have a new ability that transforms it upon using No Retreat.

With this, voting has started! It will last for 24 hours.
Not that many subs this time round, which is unfortunate, but hopefully the next slate will get more love lol
:magcargo: Pokevarios727, Lapzaplerq
:falinks: Albatr0ss, Lapzaplerq, SlowAndBruh
:sandaconda: Albatr0ss, Regic Boat
Name: Magcargo-Meltdown
Base Form Type:

Meltdown Form Type:

Ability: Melting Point: When Burn Up is used (before it attacks), change to Meltdown Form, even if it's already in Meltdown Form, until the end of combat.
Base Form Stats: 80/70/120/70/80/30 BST:450
Meltdown Form Stats: 80/100/30/100/40/100 BST:450
New Moves: Burn Up, Power Gem
Description: So basically you set up Shell Smash as base form and sweep with a 150 base move, since you'll be regaining the fire typing again and again. Simple yet deadly. Based on the dex entries detailing that it's body temperature is greater than the surface of the sun, wtf.
Name: Falinks
Form 1/Base Form Type: Fighting
Form 2 Type: Steel
Ability: Intelligence Report/Defiant
Anticipation clone again lol: On switch-in, if the foe has a super effective or OHKO move, transforms into either Falinks-Stratagem or Falinks-Base, depending on which form it's already in Form 1/Base Form Stats: 65/120/100/70/60/95 (added 20 to Att and 20 to Speed)
Form 2 Stats: 65/100/120/70/100/95
New Moves: Bullet Punch, Knock Off, Taunt, Body Press, Heal Order
Description: Anticipation clone ability But Better. Intelligence Report removes all its Fighting weaknesses and replaces it with a better defensive typing and bulk but lower Attack, and it gains a few new moves to play with in Knock Off, Taunt, Heal Order, and Body Press. Just switch it into a Psychic-, Flying- or Fairy-type, absorb their attack, heal up then click moves until everything dies
Flavour-wise I think this speaks for itself lol
Name: Sandaconda
Form 1/Base Form Type: Ground
Form 2 Type: Ground
Ability: Sand Spit, Sand Veil, Natural Cure
Form 1/Base Form Stats: 92/107/125/65/70/51 (-20 Speed, +20 HP)
Form 2 Stats: 92/127/71/65/70/125
New Moves: Slither Strike, Crunch, Sucker Punch
Ground-type, Physical, 60 BP, 100% Accuracy, 32 PP
Flip Turn clone; upon being used, transforms Sandaconda into Sandaconda-Uncoiled and switches out Description: Pretty self explanatory; bulky snake sets up Stealth Rocks, switches out with Slither Strike, then comes back in to clean up with Coil or revenge kill or whatever. Gave it Natural Cure for synergy with Slither Strike; now it can Rest and switch out instead of just resting and sitting there like an idiot waiting to wake up like it would with Shed Skin
Congrats to the winners!

Now for the new slate, Slate 5: Celesteela, Nihilego, Buzzwole

You have 5 days to make your subs!

Also, please welcome Albatr0ss as the newest council member!
I suggested the slate the least I can do is rep it. Let's get some subs!

Name: Buzzwole (+Buzzwole-Burrower)
Base Form Type:

Burrower Type:

Ability: Beast Boost
Base Form Stats: 107 HP / 139 Atk / 139 Def / 53 SpA / 53 SpD / 79 Spe
Burrower Stats: 107 HP / 149 Atk / 107 Def / 53 SpA / 57 SpD / 97 Spe
New Moves: +Stealth Rock, +U-turn, +Knock Off, +Smack Down, +Tunneling Nest*
Tunneling Nest: 100 BP | Ground | 10 PP | 85% Acc | 20% chance to raises Defense by 2 stages. Transforms Buzzwole into Buzzwole-Burrower prior to executing the hit.
Description: Moves Buzzwole away from being a tank to being a straight up wallbreaker with its increased offensive prowess and big bump in speed. The additions of U-turn helps preserve Burrower's matchup with the tier's numerous Flying type by gaining momentum against them. Rocks is always great to serve as an offensive setter and Knock Off is Knock Off. It goes without question that base Buzzwole absolutely loves both the buffs it received and the presence of Burrower.

I'll make more subs for the rest later.
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Name: Buzzwole-Engorged
Base Form Type: Bug / Fighting
Engorged Form Type: Bug / Fighting
Ability: Beast Boost
Base Form Stats: 107 / 139 / 139 / 53 / 53 / 79
Engorged Form Stats: 107 / 43 / 149 / 43 / 149 / 79
New Moves: Life Drain
Life Drain
: 100 BP, 90% Acc, 5-8 PP, Bug type Physical move
Buzzwole heals for half the damage dealt with this attack. After using this attack, Buzzwole enters Engorged Form until taking damage. While in Engorged Form, Buzzwole has its Attack increased by one stage.
Description: im out of ideas
Name: Celesteela
Form 1/Base Form Type: Flying/Steel
Form 2 Type: Celesteela-Halo Fairy/Steel
Ability: Beast Boost
Form 1/Base Form Stats: Unchanged
Form 2 Stats: 97/81/93/117/121/61
New Moves: Celestial Beam*, dazziling gleam, aero blast (please remove leech seed, it has no buisness here.
*100bp. 100 acc. Special. 10 pp(16).Type Matches Primary type. If celesteela, changes form to Celesteela-Halo after use.
Description: Awh yeah, lets cycle them 2 broken defensive types. Bassically, when Celesteela sheds that celestial light, it changes into a majestic
angel celesteial being. That can blow u to pieces with celestial Beam. Aero blast comes out of its two thruster cannons,(fuck I should've made speedboost) Very potent specs user that works like magarena it looks, and is a nice vest user as well. Btw, it doesnt switch back after using celestial beam, so to avoid that dont click it till ur ready.

Name: Buzzwole
Form 1/Base Form Type: Bug/Fighting
Form 2 Type: Buzzwole-WingsOut Bug/Flying
Ability: Aerial Fighter (If Buzzwole-Base, When using contact moves, switch to Buzzwole-WingsOut before attacking. If Buzzwole-Wings Out, switches to Buzzwole-Base when using status.Fighting moves have 1.5 Bp.)
Form 1/Base Form Stats: Unchanged
Form 2 Stats: 107/150/108/53/53/99
New Moves: Acrobatics, Aerial Ace, Fly, Megahorn
Description: Buzzwole opens ups its wings and lunges when fighting as it is a master of aerial combat. (kind like mega pinsir) Better then mega pinsir as it doesn't take a mega slot, isnt weak to rocks, has fighting pseudo-stab, and can abuse attack boosting items. Best set is prob life orb 3atks with roost to regian its strength. Fighting moves were buffed cause its a master of aerial combat but still retains its bug qualities.

Name: Nihelego
Form 1/Base Form Type: Poison/Rock
Form 2 Type: Ghost/Rock
Ability: Magic Hat (If Nihelgo, if you dorp to 1/3 hp or lower, transform to niheglo-complete)
Form 1/Base Form Stats: Unchanged
Form 2 Stats: 109/53/57/157/131/103
New Moves: Shadow Ball, Willo Wisp,
Description: There is a myth that in dangerous situations, nihelgo's wearer appears and uses its skills to defend nihelgo, and in turn, niheglo gives it power. Here is more lore: A 100 years ago, there was a master wizard. So when he knew he was going to die, he used poltergeist magic on the his magic hat to strengthen it. Then when he died, he came back as a ghost and wore the hat every where while invisible, letting it deal with everything while he takes naps or watched the fights. But when situations are dire, the ghost comes out and uses his magical powers to ensure that his hat is not destroyed.
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Name: Celesteela
Form 1/Base Form Type: Flying/Steel
Form 2 Type: Celesteela-Halo Fairy/Steel
Ability: Beast Boost, Fairy Aura
Form 1/Base Form Stats: Unchanged
Form 2 Stats: 97/81/93/117/121/61
New Moves: Celestial Beam*, dazziling gleam, aero blast (please remove leech seed, it has no buisness here.
*100bp. 100 acc. Special. 10 pp(16).Type Matches Primary type. If celesteela, changes form to Celesteela-Halo after use.
Description: Awh yeah, lets cycle them 2 broken defensive types. Bassically, when Celesteela sheds that celestial light, it changes into a majestic
angel celesteial being. That can blow u to pieces with celestial Beam. Aero blast comes out of its two thruster cannons,(fuck I should've made speedboost) Very potent specs user that works like magarena it looks, and is a nice vest user as well. Btw, it doesnt switch back after using celestial beam, so to avoid that dont click it till ur ready.
You can't add a new ability that doesn't directly trigger the forme change.

Name: Celesteela
Base Form Type:

Rocket Form Type:

Ability: Beast Boost
Base Form Stats: 97 HP / 101 Atk / 103 Def / 107 SpA / 101 SpD / 61 Spe (570)
Rocket Form Stats: 97 HP / 111 Atk / 83 Def / 117 SpA / 81 SpD / 81 Spe (570)
New Moves: Rocket Launch*, Earth Power, Heat Crash


BP: 100
Acc: 100
PP: 10
Makes the user airborne for 3 turns. Changes Celesteela into Rocket Form regardless of whether the move hits or is absorbed, and reverts back after the 3 turns are done. Also reverts after switching out.
Description: Celesteela ignites its rockets and, well, turns into a rocket. Ironically loses its Flying typing for a Fire typing, but its form-changing move Rocket Launch pretty much gives it Levitate for the rest of its turn and the next 2, removing its double weakness to Ground. Celesteela gains a small boost to its offenses and speed while trading some of its bulk.
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Name: Nihilego
/ Nihilego-Splice

Nihilego Base Typing:

Nihilego-Splice Typing:
Ability: Beast Boost
Nihilego Base Stats: 109 HP / 53 Atk / 47 Def / 127 SpA / 131 SpD / 103 Spe
Nihilego-Splice Stats: 109 HP / 53 Atk / 97 Def / 101 SpA / 113 SpD / 97 Spe
New Moves: +Calm Mind, +Defog, +Dark Pulse, +Taunt, +Absorption*
| 80 BP | 16 PP | 100% Acc | User recovers 75% of damage dealt. 10% chance to poison the target. Transforms Nihilego into Nihilego-Splice after successfully completing move.*

Description: Nihilego-Splice would transform Nihilego into a tank. It would gain a more defensive typing and more physical bulk at the cost of special attack, special defense, and some speed. With its move Absorption (which is essentially a Poison-type Oblivion Wing), it would gain a form of recovery. Unlike Oblivion Wing, this move would take a more defensive approach to its effects. Nihilego-Splice could work as a utility mon potentially using Defog, Knock Off, Stealth Rock, Toxic Spikes, Toxic, Foul Play, Taunt, etc. It could alternatively run a setup sweeping set with Calm Mind and Substitute. This would really diversify Nihilego’s play style and fit a new niche as a viable Dark/Poison-type Pokémon. Nihilego-Splice could be walled by Steel-types (especially because Nihilego can't transform by using Absorption on them, and its base form has a steel weakness). It would also be threatened offensively by Ground-types.

Nihilego-Splice is based on Nihilego's merged form. Instead of completely merging, Nihilego attaches to its host and uses Absorption to splice its DNA. While it is absorbing the host’s DNA, it injects its toxin into it. The resulted form is a bulkier form of Nihilego that looks similar to its fully merged form.

More to come!
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