What would YOU do if your child was retarded?

In fact, maybe being disabled would promote not aborting him. Since the child will have problems, they will need people to love them and care about them.

So no abortion for me.

Why does this seem to contradict itself? If the child is going to be unloved, why have the child? Are you really doing ANYONE a favor, the child included, by going against the grain of society and having it anyway?
I never said the child was going to be unloved. I meant the kid deserves the love that some people might not give him/her.
I usually like getting my soul judged by people who type "handy cap"
Sigh Dyslexia plagues me once again....well more like a different symbolic processing disorder. Thank god my parents didn't abort me for that one.

I also think that one has a right to push how they feel about abortion, whether ( Is that the its cold out spelling version?) it has to do with mental issues or not,on others.
tbh i think this discussion is a difficult one because i cannot even envision myself in a state where i considered myself mature enough to have and raise a "normal" child, let alone one with disabilities

i think the answers a lot of you are giving are rooted in the fact that the bulk of you fall into the same boat as me; right now in your life, you dont fucking want kids lol

so i dunno! right now i would say abort the fetus, but like i said, talk to me about it when i feel im ready to have a child in the first place and my opinion might change
Why does this seem to contradict itself? If the child is going to be unloved, why have the child? Are you really doing ANYONE a favor, the child included, by going against the grain of society and having it anyway?

he never says the child is going to be unloved. he just says the child will NEED love and care...no different than any other child.

I like how everyone is acting as if the child is going to be unloved and unwanted everywhere s/he goes. Do you all honestly believe you're doing a favor to the kid by killing the kid? Or do you all not believe in genuine people? Not everyone rejects a kid simply because of disabilities. Plenty of mentally handicapped children live great lives and brighten the days of those around them.
Sigh Dyslexia plagues me once again....well more like a different symbolic processing disorder. Thank god my parents didn't abort me for that one.

I also think that one has a right to push how they feel about abortion, whether ( Is that the its cold out spelling version?) it has to do with mental issues or not,on others.

Ok Dyslexia, and mental retardation are two completely different things. One will mean that you have trouble reading, the other means that your child will have a difficult time with every activity, and in some extreme cases, will not even be able to show love back.
Ok Dyslexia, and mental retardation are two completely different things. One will mean that you have trouble reading, the other means that your child will have a difficult time with every activity, and in some extreme cases, will not even be able to show love back.
Is there a mental condition that makes it so one lacks the ability to pick up sarcasm?

And I was under the impression that there is not mental condition or genetic disorder that was sever enough to alter a child's condition enough to not* show love back. I thought they had to develop that over time, like with what ever genetic disorder that kid had in Lorenzo's Oil had. I haven't taken a class about genetics in 5 or so years, and the memories a bit rusty.
Taylor, obviously it is different with an unborn child, in that it cannot judge whether or not it would mind having lost its mental capacity, since it would only know how it felt to have the reduced mental capacity. Should I have the right to make such a presumption on my child's behalf that it would make the same decision? Perhaps not, but I would anyway!
Is there a mental condition that makes it so one lacks the ability to pick up sarcasm?

And I was under the impression that there is not mental condition or genetic disorder that was sever enough to alter a child's condition enough to not* show love back. I thought they had to develop that over time, like with what ever genetic disorder that kid had in Lorenzo's Oil had. I haven't taken a class about genetics in 5 or so years, and the memories a bit rusty.

Hmm, since sarcasm is usually picked up by the tone of voice it would be pretty hard to catch sarcasm over the internet.
Hmm, since sarcasm is usually picked up by the tone of voice it would be pretty hard to catch sarcasm over the internet.

You can also pick up sarcasm by context. It works well enough most of the time. but there are a couple instances where it fails.

I wouldn't abort my hypothetical retarded child; my wife in that situation would have to make that choice unilaterally.
I just assumed that he was pro-life since I didn't bother reading the rest of his post.. my bad

Now assuming he was pro-life it felt that he made that comment simply to show that it is wrong to abort your child just because something is wrong with it.
Err, since I really am not ready to have raise a child, I would abort it if it were up to me, as I would any 'accidental' child. But from a standpoint of mature parent, I probably would anyways, because it probably wouldn't have a happy enough life, and it would be expensive and a lot of work. Now, if it were a three-year-old, it would be sick to kill it off, but this is just a fetus, it's not capable of any real thought, it's hardly alive, so it's more like if you had an extra finger or something you had removed.

Just my thoughts on it.
Don't inconvenience me! Kill all retards!


The fact is if you're baby is developed enough for the doctor to detect mental retardation, the idea that "it's just a clump of cells" flies in the face of reality. Nevermind the number of diagnoses they get wrong, aborting perfectly healthy babies.

Calling it a fetus doesn't mean you haven't a) potentially damaged your girlfriend/spouse/streetwalker's womb permanently, b) almost certainly damaged her psychologically, c) snuffed out a human heartbeat.

Now if you're all fine with that, then on a selfish, personal note I'm glad you're disposing of your would-be progeny. If you aren't going to man up and realize that blowing your top inside a woman has actual, permanent consequences, it's probably better that you didn't have children.

That being said, abortion is a moral atrocity whose backers insist that it should be rare, and yet we all know that for some abortion is the birth control of first resort. Irresponsible men love abortion; what better way to cop out of child support than pushing the girl towards abortion. It's like soft-resetting irl!

Except it isn't. There is nothing about retardation which makes anyone less human, and if you want to know who the modern day heroic mothers and fathers are, they are the mothers and fathers who are told by a doctor their baby won't be 6'4, have blond hair, blue eyes, and speak perfect German, and they still keep him or her and raise them to be proper adults.

A girl getting pregnant because you screwed her isn't an "accidental" pregnancy. It was perfectly predictable and arguing otherwise is the height of selfish denial. You play, you pay. So says the procreative history of homo sapiens.
For me, and for most people here who would abort the child "for selfish reasons," it doesn't really seem to matter so much that the infant would be disabled... just that they'd be inconvenient to have around. People have cited the expense and effort it would take to rear an invalid as a reason to abort it... but I have a hard time with that.

Doubtless it takes significantly more time, money, and effort to raise a kid with a minor learning disability... but I don't think anyone here would argue to abort that child on the grounds of inconvenience. What if you take it a step further, and suppose the child has ADD. Again, I don't think many people would kill that one either. Another step, suppose the child is autistic... do you abort it now? Or maybe the prenatal tests tell you that the infant will develop schizophrenia at age 17... what then? And another step... and another... when does it become appropriate to throw your hands up and say "that's it! just kill it ffs"

In my mind, I can't manufacture anything close to a justification for killing a fetus because of an incremental increase of inconvenience.

The other way of arguing for abortion is to say that it should be done for the child's "own good". I can think of very few situations when one would prefer to be dead over living. Poverty or "unprepared parents" are certainly surmountable obstacles and absolutely preferable to death. It gets a little trickier when considering whether someone who will be profoundly disabled should simply be aborted... but for me, I know that I'm unable to draw the line of "functionality" someone needs to have in order to be deserving of life. Perhaps others find themselves in a more qualified position than me... but then again I seriously doubt any purely altruistic argument for abortion.

so... I guess to answer the topic title... I would never endorse the abortion of a fetus I begot under any circumstances whatsoever.
I would only abort the child if it had a serious mental handicap since I would be unable to provide the love and support it would need.
So the kid dies because of your inadequacies? There are compelling reasons to support abortion, most all of which I resist because I believe it to be wrong on a fundamental level... but you have given none.
No the kid dies because I would never be able to handle it. I could easily see myself taking out my frustrations on my wife, or child. Would you want that to happen? Why should my like be ruined because of an accidental pregnancy? We have the technology to help prevent that, so why shouldn't we use it?

I would end up making the child's life miserable because I wouldn't be able to handle it.
i wouldn't abort it. just because the child will be mentally or physically handicapped doesn't mean it should be discarded at a whim. sure, it will be a challenge to raise but aren't all children? maybe he/ she won't be able to join other non handicapped children in activities but there are plenty of opportunities for challenged children and adults in the real world. also, i have never met a mentally handicapped person who is malicious in any way. they are easily the nicest, most caring people i have ever met and just because they can't learn the subjects taught in school as quickly doesn't mean they don't understand people. in fact i would say that most mentally challenged people understand emotions and what people are feeling better than most normal people because their minds aren't clouded by facts and figures.
that's exactly what I said, Kira... the child would die because you, yourself, by admission are inadequate to meet the demands it would place on you. I find your position to be both repugnant and morally indefensible... but I guess it isn't my place to pass judgment.
Abortion is not a 'moral atrocity'... People have perfectly good reasons to abort. Who are YOU to say that every single pregnant woman has to give birth?

As a fetus, I don't see the moral harm in abortion. It's not alive (well, scientifically it is, but not from an ethical standpoint), it's not human, it's not a baby. Do you object to eating eggs for breakfast? Isn't is wrong that the farmer chose not to incubate the eggs, and instead sold it to a supermarket to sell it to us so we could EAT it? How sick.

But I'm not really not in any position to argue about this.
I just wanna throw in these few points, since it seems appropriate.

-Stephen Hawking is physically handicapped beyond belief. He's also the smartest man (IIRC) alive today. Abortion?

-Autistic kids can't function in society very well, especially those that are severe cases. Yet they make me look like a handicap when it comes to certain things, such as math. They are HYPERTALENTED in one or two areas but suffer in all others. Abortion?

Seems like both mental and physical handicaps have amazing places in society. This coming from a person who thinks our gene pool is so polluted already that some trimming might be in order (but then...where do we stop? Hello, final solution and goodbye morals).
that's exactly what I said, Kira... the child would die because you, yourself, by admission are inadequate to meet the demands it would place on you. I find your position to be a morally indefensible one... but I guess it isn't my place to pass judgment.

I think it would be better to abort the child then to have the child ruin my life. I am mentally unable to care for a mentally handicapped child. How does that make me an immoral person? It's not like I can tell my brain "Hey, learn how to care for a mentally handicapped child right now!" or "Oh, you can't handle the situation? Deal with it brain!"

I find it immoral to just have sex without a condom and throw the baby out the window, but I do not find it immoral to abort a child that could possibly ruin your life.

Majesty: I can handle a physically disabled kid, but I cannot handle a mentally disabled one unless the mental handicap was not that severe.
it's not human

there is no point in arguing because I value an unborn fetus as highly as a human life... so we can't get anywhere.

As for Kira, I didn't say you were an amoral person; I said that I find your position to be morally indefensible. I say this simply on that grounds that you value your own comfort and ease of mind over the life of an unborn child. At best, that is selfish... at worst it is capital murder. Both extremes fly in the face of every human system of morality that has ever existed on the planet... thus making it indefensible.
Fair enough... Although if thee is one thing I learned, opinions on this matter can rarely be changed. Plus majesty, I do not think it would end in a final solution type problem since many people would keep the child. It's not like the government forces you to abort the baby if it has a handicap.
I agree with Aeolus. I read someone was comparing them to eggs...Ah, yes, it was Blaziken.

Eggs sold in supermarkets aren't fertilized as a general rule. It's very rare to find one that has an embryo in it. I have yet to come across one in my lifetime. The point is, don't compare apples and oranges/ Feti and eggs.