Metagame First Blood

A lil team showcase ig.

Highly Recommend listening to this during this!


Habibi means "my love" in Arabic. I am almost 14 now, and I wanted to do smth for my birthday so I did my first team showcase. This team will prob be bad after this now that I am sharing its secrets, but oh well I'm bored with it now.

1. Team Process
First I wanted to use a sun based tini team since sun is to powerful rn. So I added
:torkoal: and :victini:

Next I like FS support to break down stuff like quag and pex so I added slowking
:torkoal: :victini: :slowking:

After adding that I really wanted to use a trapper so I added fini as it can chip down some things. I made fini spdef for pult so I replaced king to bro to check some physcial attackers better.
:torkoal: :victini: :slowbro: :tapu fini:

Here I decided to add zoroak as aanother wincon that could abuse slowbro disguse to kill ghosts. And or some much needed speed control (even tho im not scarf)
:torkoal: :victini: :slowbro: :tapu fini: :Zoroark:

Finnaly I added lando as flying and ground mon, and to check dracozolt and zerarora etc.
:torkoal: :victini: :Slowbro: :Tapu Fini: :zoroark: :landorus-Therian:
click this for team btw

2. In Depth Sets

Torkoal @ Eject Pack
Ability: Drought
EVs: 248 HP / 52 Def / 208 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Overheat
- Stealth Rock
- Body Press
- Rapid Spin

This set is really fire cause it eats so many special attacks like specs leki tbolt and specs lele psyschic, while living quakes from lando and chomp. (non life orb chomp). Also takes specs pult meteor. All around great mixed bulk. Eject pack for pivoting, bpress for ttar and chansey (be carfeul of counter tho) and rapid spin for muchneeded hazrad control. Boots is an alternative that works great too.

Victini @ Choice Band
Ability: Victory Star
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- V-create
- Bolt Strike
- U-turn
- Trick

Basic bandtini when undersun, not much can take a hit. Trick is great for those chansey/pex core 50/50s, and u turn is standard pivoting. Not much to add. This is the most common way I win.

Slowbro (M) @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Teleport
- Body Press
- Ice Beam
- Future Sight

This set is kinda wonky but ice beam is for dnites and garchomp bpress for extra ttar and chans and future sight port is yeah. Tbh I think maybe running a faster slowbro could be better for this team, but still on the fence about it. Sitrus berry for for diggersby and that burst of longevity is usually better for this team.

:ss/Tapu Fini:
Tapu Fini @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Telepathy
EVs: 252 HP / 152 Def / 64 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Whirlpool
- Taunt
- Nature's Madness/Moonblast
- Defog

Okay so I LOVE this set. It was inspired by this one 1v1 rest fini set, and I decided to make it a trapper using telepathy as a cover for zoroark, who baits in common dark walls like mandi and opposing fini and then I trap and kill them, making them confused cause they expect misty sure to activate. Sitrus is for same reason as bro, spread is just good mixed bulk, and Moonblast can be used for the likes of weavile/chomp and just better offensive presence but madness feeds on those walls.

Zoroark (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Illusion
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Dark Pulse
- Sucker Punch/ Knock Off
- Flamethrower
- Sludge Bomb/Knock Off/ U turn

I like Banded Zoro but i think this set is better in the long run, for beating bro easier. This mon is used as cover for fini, slowbro (for ghosts) and is an all around good breaker that enables tapu fini by alot. Sucker is greta for putl but without band it cant ohko like before, so u might wanna just invest mixed attack to kill.

Landorus-Therian (M) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 80 HP / 124 Atk / 48 Def / 48 SpA / 208 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Earthquake
- Weather Ball
- Knock Off
- U-turn

The evs mean nothing but speed is for nidoking. 4atks Vest is great mixed bulk with good feild presecne as u can make some weird scenarios with it. Knock is just amazing for the liks of bro and chansey, and besides that just does regualr lando things. With the bonus of killing steel birds. I know its the wrong image bro

3. Replays

I had really good replay where I chipped foes down with fini and let tini win I forgot to save but here are some anyway. I wish saved replays earlier cause there are like 4 I forgot to save that would showcase the true power of the team. And i also had 2 more that i just copy pasted without saving so yeah :psysad: . Well u get 3 medicore replays:

Rampage with tini and a missed whirlpool that risked the game

Zoroark giving me the dub


4. Other Teams That May Or Not be Trash

FS balance

Choice Band Chomp (Features wacky shit)

Sorry there's not more I have a bad habit of deleting teams.

5. Threats
:melmetal: funny for a sun team but melm just recks me, it every member but tini (on a free switch) and torkoal (on a free switch) and it frusturates the shit out of me I need some ideas to be athis cause it just wreaks on my ass. so far i've just been tryna kill em before I lose but its not always easy if they have a bulky team. My only idea is fire blast faster bro but thats kinda weird soo any other ideas? Thanks

And that's it so far, till next time, peace! A peak I could prob push higher but im bored now. (Don't mind gxe, that was from other teams)


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My Personal First Blood VR
I may update with set compendium as well l8r. 50/50 chance. I also probably missed a ton, u can pm me here if u think I should add smth. Also! This is NOT OFFICIAL. I am not on council, this is just cause I wanted to do this.

S rank
:Victini: Victini
Just amazing at its job
:Clefable: Clefable
Clefable beats anything it wants (Not literally everything but its movepool is so good it can beat like 90% of mons and u have to guess its set)

S- Rank
:Slowbro: Slowbro
Future port is broken and this does it best. Slowbt0 is better now because of all the physical nukes going around.
:Landorus-Therian: Landorus-Therian
The gravity set is one of the best around

:Garchomp: Garchomp
Can beat anyone of its "checks"
:kartana: Kartana
only the Swords dance set
:Blissey: Blissey
:Ferrothorn: Ferrothorn
Leechtect is so annoying to break at times
:Alakazam: Alakazam
Sash zam busted
:Swampert: Swampert
Role Compression

A Rank
:Diggersby: Diggersby
:Slowking: Slowking
:Torkoal: Torkoal
:Chansey: Chansey
:Dragapult: Dragapult
Wisp Hex is great specs not worth running
:Melmetal: Melmetal
The twave set is great, so is banded.
:Hippowdon: Hippowdon
:Nidoking: Nidoking
if it comes in its hard to deal with

A- Rank
:Weavile: Weavile
Helmet but still good esp when using protective pads
:Tapu fini: Tapu Fini
Best trapper imo
:Corviknight: Corviknight
:Tyranitar: Tyranitar
:Slowking-Galar: Slowking-Galar
:Tapu Lele: Tapu Lele

B+ Rank
:Rillaboom: Rillaboom
:Dragonite: Dragonite
:Toxapex: Toxapex
Futureport sucks for it
:Zeraora: Zeraora
Good cause it beats ground types, albeit slowly
:Pelipper: The specs set is uirronically good.
:Zapdos: Zapdos
:Cloyster: Cloyster
did someone say kings rock

B Rank
:Charizard: Charizard
:Bisharp: Bisharp
:Azumarill: Azumarill
:Urshifu-Rapid-Strike:* Urshifu-Rapid-Strike too much helmet rn so it relies on protective pads
:Porygon2: Porygon2
:Tapu Koko: Tapu Koko
:Blastoise: Blatoise

B- Rank
:Tangrowth: Tangrowth
:Venusaur: Venusaur
:Golisopod: Golisopod
:Grimmsnarl: Grimmsnarl
:Buzzwole: Buzzwole
:Zapdos-Galar: Zapdos-Galar

C+ Rank
:Aggron: Aggron
:Zoroark: Zoroark
:Crawdaunt: Crawdaunt
:Excadrill: Excadrill
:Xatu: Xatu

:Sawk: Sawk
:Regieleki: Regieleki
:barraskewda: Barraskewda
:Togekiss: Togekiss
:Slowbro-Galar: Slowbro-Galar

Wimpod Teir
:Wimpod: Wimpod

Anything you feel is misplaced? Anything to add? Say so!
Last edited:
I guess ima keep posting if yall don't wanna, I have some questions.

1. What is your favorite core/mon to use rn
2. What do u think needs to be banned
3. Any popular sets u think changes because of this new metagame
4. Any teamstyle you enjoy?

And that's all thanks!
I guess ima keep posting if yall don't wanna, I have some questions.

1. What is your favorite core/mon to use rn
2. What do u think needs to be banned
3. Any popular sets u think changes because of this new metagame
4. Any teamstyle you enjoy?

And that's all thanks!

1. Fav mon rn has to be mixed LO aegislash. Shadow ball+cc kills everything and with a bit of prediction can end games quickly. Also helps with all the slow family going around.
2. I dont think anything needs to be banned rn, everything seems pretty balanced.
3. Idk to be honest
4. Bulky offense, FS offense, and sun.
I guess ima keep posting if yall don't wanna, I have some questions.

1. What is your favorite core/mon to use rn
2. What do u think needs to be banned
3. Any popular sets u think changes because of this new metagame
4. Any teamstyle you enjoy?

And that's all thanks!
im relatively new to the meta, but i love it already. to keep this thread running:

i dont really have a specific core, but my favorite mon is defenitely unaware specs thunder clef with teleport too.

banned? nothing really. victini defenitely rules the tier, but there are a lot of answers. its king, but defenitely not overcetralizing. heat rock can be an issue though.

setswise, i love seeing all the surprises people bring. like once i faced a standard AV slowking, but it suddenly yeets out fire blast for my agiliSD skarmory.

oh i LOVE trick room teams. here is mine: First Blood (

this is the team!

Uxie @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 248 HP / 80 Atk / 100 Def / 80 SpA
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- U-turn
- Trick Room
- Energy Ball
- Foul Play

Clefable @ Choice Specs
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Fire Blast
- Teleport
- Moonblast
- Thunder

Tyranitar @ Focus Sash
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 216 Atk / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Crunch
- Ice Beam
- Fire Blast
- Superpower

Steelix @ Custap Berry
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Earthquake
- Gyro Ball
- Fire Fang
- Psychic Fangs

Araquanid @ Choice Band
Ability: Water Bubble
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Lunge
- Crunch
- Liquidation
- Poison Jab

Gossifleur @ Eviolite
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 200 Def / 108 SpA / 200 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Leech Seed
- Protect
- Rapid Spin
- Leaf Storm

see all the nasty little tricks here?
this is a Funny Metagame like objectively i like playing this a lot

heres the team ive been using for most of my run (and that is now retired since im posting it on smogon dot com slash forums)

Zoroark is such a fun mon to play with, because it just adds such a strong extra layer of pressure when a single fainted mon costs you the game. For its teammates, Shedinja is added as Illusion-bait and Conkeldurr is the real Illusion mon. Why Conkeldurr, you ask? Because Gen 5 Best.
Of course, since Conkeldurr is my Illusion target, I can't run Flame Orb Guts. The residual damage would give it away, much like the burn status itself. Before, I used to run Flame Orb Zoroark to give the impression that I really was Flame Orb Conkeldurr. But also, my damage output wasn't the best, and it was obvious I was making use of Illusion. So, Sheer Force Life Orb Conkeldurr it is.
Blissey and Slowbro are the walls of the team, and their role is pretty clear-cut. Whirlpool on Slowbro has won me a couple games, as it can trap stuff like Ferrothorn and Corviknight without U-Turn.
Shedinja serves not only as Illusion-bait, but as a pretty decent wall as well. I didn't want to run X-Scissor in the last slot in fear of contact damage chip, so Mud-Slap serves as a way to be annoying. Lastly, Regieleki is, well, Regieleki. It's annoying.

Admittedly, it does have a couple weaknesses: Zeraora can very easily pressure every single team member individually, outspeeding Zoroark and being immune to Regieleki's STAB moves. Knock Off puts this team at a very awkward position, since if you're not disguising yourself as Conkeldurr, it becomes obvious who you are after getting your item knocked off. Maybe if this team weren't so Zoroark-focused...

here are some replays of it in action (theres not a lot lol)

now to make a second zoroark team
ive been playing a TON of first blood recently and wanted to make a short post about my 2 Pokemon ive been spamming.

:ss/victini: Victini is easily the best Pokemon in the meta right now. Banded V-create is extremely hard to switch into, even more-so if you use sun, which I also think is very good right now, and if you do load into one of its checks such as Slowbro, it can very easily U-turn into a Pokemon that threatens them, such as Zoroark. If you want to maximize Victini's breaking ability, I would suggest pairing it with Eject Pack Torkoal with Overheat.

:ss/zoroark: My next favorite Pokemon to use, Zoroark is insanely good in a tier like First Blood where one misplay can mean game over. It also pairs insanely well with Victini, as its Dark-type STAB moves threaten Victini's best answer in Slowbro. Zoroark is also very versatile and can often disguise as multiple different Pokemon on a given team depending on the matchup.

Anyways I know there isn't a official VR yet so I thought I'd share my personal VR

S rank
:Victini: Victini

S- Rank



A Rank

A- Rank
:Tapu Lele:

B+ Rank

B Rank
:Tapu Koko:

B- Rank

C+ Rank


if you have any questions about my placements or think something should be added, removed, or moved please tell me why.