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Many states already have laws on the books (or soon will) that lack exceptions for rape or incest and I'm quite certain there are even states that will try to push the envelope and exclude exceptions even for the life of the mother.

asking why are the women getting pregnant so misses the point because that's not even a limit that republicans are willing to respect in any case.
meant to respond to this earlier but was having trouble gathering thoughts cohesively between working

What I was saying there was I feel too much attention is given to abortion as an action or concept and not the whole "people are getting pregnant when they don't want to" aspect of the situation. There's a lot of reasons why the latter happens, some way more pertinent (and disturbing) than others. Ultimately I think it's a more constructive and I guess responsible? way of approaching the issue. Bans on abortion aren't going to magically make people accept an unwanted child.

I guess in summary, if a high rate of abortion is more concerning to someone than a high rate of people having unwanted pregnancies, they've got their priorities wrong. Artificially lowering the abortion rate by forcing people to make decisions they don't want is a recipe for disaster IMO

People like sex, most of those people are (hopefully) using contraceptives if they want to avoid pregnancy but contraceptives aren't perfect. That's why they happen in a nutshell.

Being raised Christian myself I can understand the viewpoint that sex outside of marriage is horribly wrong even if I don't agree with it. But that doesn't change how people act. People, Christians included, had sex outside of marriage before abortion was a thing and they're not going to stop now. Demographically, religious conservative states actually tend to have a higher rate of unwanted pregnancies. Though that might have more to do with lack of education/access to contraception.
People like sex, most of those people are (hopefully) using contraceptives if they want to avoid pregnancy but contraceptives aren't perfect. That's why they happen in a nutshell.

Being raised Christian myself I can understand the viewpoint that sex outside of marriage is horribly wrong even if I don't agree with it. But that doesn't change how people act. People, Christians included, had sex outside of marriage before abortion was a thing and they're not going to stop now. Demographically, religious conservative states actually tend to have a higher rate of unwanted pregnancies. Though that might have more to do with lack of education/access to contraception.
Yeah, that's pretty much the root of the issue. You have one thing a lot of people enjoy doing that directly leads to another thing which will completely alter the course of your life, which is a massive commitment lots of people aren't ready or simply weren't expecting to be ready for at all. It's why I don't see anti-abortion laws as having any real purpose: there's too many reasons why and too many individual cases that anything which gets put in place won't be perfect, and almost certainly is going to be more harmful than it could possibly help. I mean that abortion witch hunting law which popped up in Texas (at least I think it was Texas) a while back really proves my point.
Yeah, that's pretty much the root of the issue. You have one thing a lot of people enjoy doing that directly leads to another thing which will completely alter the course of your life, which is a massive commitment lots of people aren't ready or simply weren't expecting to be ready for at all. It's why I don't see anti-abortion laws as having any real purpose: there's too many reasons why and too many individual cases that anything which gets put in place won't be perfect, and almost certainly is going to be more harmful than it could possibly help. I mean that abortion witch hunting law which popped up in Texas (at least I think it was Texas) a while back really proves my point.

With modern technology available there's no good reason why sex should have to completely alter the course of anyone's life. Religious conservatives just want to push their ideology on others. Same reason why many of them will try and block education about LGBT stuff; it goes against their religion, so they see it as a perverse fetish rather than an identity that people don't get to decide for themselves.
With modern technology available there's no good reason why sex should have to completely alter the course of anyone's life. Religious conservatives just want to push their ideology on others. Same reason why many of them will try and block education about LGBT stuff; it goes against their religion, so they see it as a perverse fetish rather than an identity that people don't get to decide for themselves.
I need to stop replying to people because everything I say gets taken in a different context oml

When I said "(sex) leads to another thing which will completely alter the course of your life (childbirth)," it was in reference to why people have abortions in the first place: wanting to avoid a burden being placed on them that they were not prepared for.

And hard agree that its awful that religious activists are trying to block LGBTQ+ education, it justs creates more barriers between communities that already have too much animosity between them and enforces so many negative stereotypes/stigmas which don't need to exist. The topic of sinfulness is way more complicated than just "being evil," and this continued preconception that people are gay SPECIFICALLY in defiance of God shows how backwards and unwilling Christians have become to actually understand the lives people unlike them are living.
abortions are healthcare, and education about safe sex and when/why abortions actually occur (stacy isn't banging chad every other weekend and getting an abortion on the side) is comically necessary at this rate. women are going to die because old men in government think women can control menstrual flow at will, or such nuggets of intelligence as:

“If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down." - Former Missouri Rep Todd Akin, 2012

we all know how Missouri has continued to feel about abortion based on their trigger law that just got pulled!!!!!!

i was curious about abortion statistics after shnowshner mentioned focusing on unwanted pregnancies and what can be done, and googled thusly. i googled "abortion statistics 2020" at first wondering if 2020 is too skewed of a year for obvious reasons, but i still found a great chart covering a span of about 40 years, from the state of Michigan:

abortion rates michigan 40 years.png

roe v wade was originally passed in 1973, so even without knowing what this graph might have looked like for the 10 years prior to where it begins, we can see a general decrease in the number of abortions in people aged less than 20 years and those aged 20-24 years old, while people aged 30+ are maintaining a rather impressive rate of little to no variance at an already very low rate. people aged 25-29 seem to be getting abortions at a similarly unchanged rate like the 30+ group, but their numbers exceed that group by nearly a factor of 4. to me, this confirms mostly that women over 30+ simply aren't getting pregnant as often as the group still 5 years their junior, which makes sense to me given basic female biology, social trends and traditional trends of when women are getting pregnant to start a family.

what was interesting of course was how every group, even the 30+ folk had an obvious increase in abortions beginning around the year 1987. dubious at first that i could find a reason why this was the case, i then googled "michigan history 1987" and confidently clicked on the wiki result that showed up:

top ten news stories michigan 1987.png

kinda flabbergasted to find such an obvious correlation, but hey, the numbers don't lie. what does it mean when the number of abortions goes up when the state no longer provides the funding for these procedures? why does it matter whose money is being used for the abortion if the woman is aborting anyway? with a little more research i might be able to find other stuff about similar legislature passed that year regarding sexual health that could help me presume answers to these questions, but instead i stumbled upon the legislature regarding sex education for the state of Michigan, which was written in 1976 and last revised in 2004. to spare y'all another large screenshot, you can absorb this section:

(6) Before adopting any revisions in the materials or methods used in instruction under this section, including, but not limited to, revisions to provide for the teaching of abstinence from sex as a method of preventing unplanned or out-of-wedlock pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease, the board of a school district shall hold at least 2 public hearings on the proposed revisions.

with all the modernity of the world so many horny teenagers aren't even being TAUGHT about contraceptives still, which include condoms!!!, and they're meant to what, control their hormones and not ever have sex? they're not prepared to make mistakes regarding sex, they aren't taught the full meaning of becoming pregnant or impregnating someone because the religious alt right does not care about the individual, they care about increasing their base. let the bodies hit the floor after falling from their mother's torn wombs, praise god.

the first amendment is supposed to protect each citizen from a government influenced by any individual religion, but that doesn't stop SCJs from lying under oath and allowing their pockets to be lined by whichever fascist party has the most money. worst of all overturning roe v wade is so blatantly anti-woman that it makes me pretty dejected considering that half "my" country thinks that women are lesser-than or simply not fit to live a life of freedom the same way a man does, and that half of the country includes women themselves.

it shouldn't be up to "my state" whether or not i'm allowed to seek an abortion if i have fetal demise, an ectopic pregnancy, or the doctor tells me on my 12 week scan that my baby is missing several crucial nerves and they would die a few months after birth (this happened to my sister). women aren't getting abortions FOR FUN, and it's that simple fake fact that drives much of the dismissive, pro-life rhetoric i've encountered in my life. the only uterus i have EVER wanted to control is my own, and that seems fair and just. every other form of reasoning is snake oil and misogyny, don't let them suck you in. as for changing the political landscape to reflect what should be common sense, that requires a lot of time and effort, and while it is worthwhile, i think social politics influence change just as much as the ballot does, so the more open and loud and intolerant of bigotry & fascism you are, the better !!!
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worst of all overturning roe v wade is so blatantly anti-woman that it makes me pretty dejected considering that half "my" country thinks that women are lesser-than or simply not fit to live a life of freedom the same way a man does, and that half of the country includes women themselves.

If it's any consolation (I'm sure it's not), the USA is also one of the worst first-world countries when it comes to men's bodily autonomy by way of non-consensual circumcision, it suffers from a vastly higher incarceration rate, poorer framework for things like childcare support that help prevent incarceration in the first place, etc. It's a country that sucks for everyone except the corrupt and people stuck in the past.

The lack of sex education is probably the most outright embarrassing though, I see something like that and I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

I need to stop replying to people because everything I say gets taken in a different context oml

When I said "(sex) leads to another thing which will completely alter the course of your life (childbirth)," it was in reference to why people have abortions in the first place: wanting to avoid a burden being placed on them that they were not prepared for.

And hard agree that its awful that religious activists are trying to block LGBTQ+ education, it justs creates more barriers between communities that already have too much animosity between them and enforces so many negative stereotypes/stigmas which don't need to exist. The topic of sinfulness is way more complicated than just "being evil," and this continued preconception that people are gay SPECIFICALLY in defiance of God shows how backwards and unwilling Christians have become to actually understand the lives people unlike them are living.

I'm still kind of confused, so you're just saying it's a problem with human biology? If so then I don't think you're entirely wrong, but in that case it's a problem that we can't do anything about directly. It falls on society and the government to deal with that problem in the way that's best for the people. And currently the US government is really badly failing at that.
I'm still kind of confused, so you're just saying it's a problem with human biology? If so then I don't think you're entirely wrong, but in that case it's a problem that we can't do anything about directly. It falls on society and the government to deal with that problem in the way that's best for the people. And currently the US government is really badly failing at that.
Assuming you're referring to the first point, yeah that's pretty much where I am coming from. Especially after Fishy's post it's clear that abortion is just way beyond the scope of direct control and it's just better overall if access to one is guaranteed. Anyone who desires to see abortion rates cut down should seek to do so by improving the state of sex education, birth control measures, or protections for victims of abuse.

The other half is much more complicated for me to go into depth with (also very much opinionated) and given my track record thus far I don't trust myself to explain it properly without leaving like 5 holes somewhere that only make things more confusing. I guess if I had to boil it down to the most basic, mostly-the-point essence, I'd say something like "being sinful doesn't mean we should have it be condemned by law," because at the end of the day the worst sin of all is disbelief, and the last thing this country needs to become is a theocracy by discriminating against those who aren't Christian.
If it's any consolation (I'm sure it's not), the USA is also one of the worst first-world countries when it comes to men's bodily autonomy by way of non-consensual circumcision, it suffers from a vastly higher incarceration rate, poorer framework for things like childcare support that help prevent incarceration in the first place, etc. It's a country that sucks for everyone except the corrupt and people stuck in the past.

would you mind expounding on this? i'm not readily able to connect the dots between childcare support --> preventing incarceration for (i assume you mean) fathers? like are we talking about delinquent child support payments or what

and to be frank, bringing up a "but men also suffer" point is as dated as those corrupt people stuck in the past. no, it is absolutely no consolation that these corrupt old folks home escapees are in office and creating legislature that is woefully christian-fueled and targets both men and women, cis and trans, in ways that force them to conform to a single ideology, even and ESPECIALLY in the ways they are able to treat their own bodies for healthcare or sexual pleasure. these ideals are surely thrust onto non-binary people as well, by people obsessed with believing that men wear trousers and women wear skirts. like, the point of a toxic patriarchy is that it hurts everyone, duh, but the greater point is that it's a toxic patriarchy and the disproportionate hatred for women vs hatred of self is wildly apparent re: overturning roe v wade and giving power to individual states vs. individual people. women are seen as objects meant for reproduction with decisions like these, and the face-slapping never stops stinging, because that means we aren't seen as people capable of making our own decisions about our bodies or ourselves, but are trusted to give birth and raise families
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would you mind expounding on this? i'm not readily able to connect the dots between childcare support --> preventing incarceration for (i assume you mean) fathers? like are we talking about delinquent child support payments or what

and to be frank, bringing up a "but men also suffer" point is as dated as those corrupt people stuck in the past. no, it is absolutely no consolation that these corrupt old folks home escapees are in office and creating legislature that is woefully christian-fueled and targets both men and women, cis and trans, in ways that force them to conform to a single ideology, even and ESPECIALLY in the ways they are able to treat their own bodies for healthcare or sexual pleasure. these ideals are surely thrust onto non-binary people as well, by people obsessed with believing that men wear trousers and women wear skirts. like, the point of a toxic patriarchy is that it hurts everyone, duh, but the greater point is that it's a toxic patriarchy and the disproportionate hatred for women vs hatred of self is wildly apparent re: overturning roe v wade and giving power to individual states vs. individual people. women are seen as objects meant for reproduction with decisions like these, and the face-slapping never stops stinging, because that means we aren't seen as people capable of making our own decisions about our bodies or ourselves, but are trusted to give birth and raise families

Basically, ensuring children are cared for well during early years greatly decreases the likelihood that they'll end up becoming criminals or homeless later in life (or having serious mental problems, abusing alcohol or other drugs, etc). The current framework for this in the USA is just not very good in many ways; stuff like maternity/paternity leave, affordability of child care, rehabilitation and therapy for children who do suffer from mental issues, etc tends to lag behind other first world countries.

The USA's incarceration rate is absurdly high compared to the rest of the world, Wikipedia says 4.2% of the world's population but 20% of the world's prisoners, so nearly 5 times as high. There's definitely other factors at play behind that number, none of them good. And of course, abortion being banned in some states just means that even more children are going to be born into crappy circumstances that make it easier to live a life of crime.

And I guess the ultimate thought behind my whining about how much America sucks for everyone is that I actually kind of wonder if access to abortion being unrestricted for nearly 50 years was about as much of a fluke as the recent Supreme Court decision to label it as a states' rights issue. To me, there's no question that abortion should be universally available from a standpoint of human rights, but Americans themselves are still relatively conflicted about it overall. America is so big and politically diverse that it's basically multiple countries and it feels like it's only becoming more divided as time goes on, more things being decided on a state level instead of a federal level feels like a natural (if shitty) consequence of that.
God I know you didn't put me on this Earth to have arguments about American politics on the pokiemans forum but it is rather funny to me how leftists/socialists are accused of being "aligned with fascists" as if that's not what the American liberal party has done since forever. God bless.

Anyways abortions to me are like drugs: illegalizing them won't stop them from happening, they'll just take dangerous roads instead. Their illegalization is also a tool of control and is linked with white supremacy (black incarcerations and destabilizing of black neighborhoods with drugs, the protection of the "white majority" and control of people's bodily autonomy with abortion).

I know some people are going "it starts with Roe vs Wade", but the reality is that this started long ago with targets on trans and black bodies. It sure won't stop with RvW though
It’s always funny to watch people ravenously going after leftists for pointing out that the democratic party’s stated plans and direction have been “please give us money to help us get elected or else the republicans will do horrible things to you” whilst also managing to do not a single damned fucking thing against them, and in point of fact, spend money and campaign for people who align more Republican. I feel like I’m insane watching so many people get lashed out at for pointing out that the only party whose achieved any modicum of success in furthering their political goals in the past twenty years has been the Republican Party.
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It’s always funny to watch Boo ravenously going after leftists for pointing out that the democratic party’s stated plans and direction have been “please give us money to help us get elected or else the republicans will do horrible things to you” whilst also managing to do not a single damned fucking thing against them, and in point of fact, spend money and campaign for people who align more Republican. I feel like I’m insane watching so many people get lashed out at for pointing out that the only party whose achieved any modicum of success in furthering their political goals in the past twenty years has been the Republican Party.
It's funny that Biden was criticized for promising "nothing will fundamentally change" to donors before the presidential election, and yet the Democrats have somehow been unable to do even that despite holding the presidency, the house and the senate. I'm sure a Maoist party with maybe a thousand members tops (half of them feds, probably) is responsible for this.
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Posts in this thread that name, implicate, or antagonize (regardless of how coded the language is) other users will be deleted or edited at my discretion; it is possible to have these discussions without spinning your wheels trying to obnoxiously out-intellectualize each other.

I’ve added a few guidelines to the OP for discussion within this thread so we can avoid driving this thing into untenable territory. Refer to them before continuing to participate here.
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Question for Americans: If there were young people in this forum, who are unhappy about what's gone on here, but were unsure what the most positive action they could take would be, what, in your opinions would be the best place for them to start?

Some advice I would give is donations are usually by far the most helpful thing you can do. Although, I strongly recommend not donating directly to the democratic party.

But yeah, I'm not an american so I dont really know the best advice to give. But I think it would be a useful addition to this thread.

If I had more time I would post about the need for intersectionality, but it should be a little obvious that you need help, and you cant expect it unless you offer to help in return. And it should be obvious that this issue and eg. the issue of trans healthcare are exactly the same problem.
Question for Americans: If there were young people in this forum, who are unhappy about what's gone on here, but were unsure what the most positive action they could take would be, what, in your opinions would be the best place for them to start?

Some advice I would give is donations are usually by far the most helpful thing you can do. Although, I strongly recommend not donating directly to the democratic party.

I don't know about the most positive action, but if a young person has the time, the courage, and the sanity I recommend volunteering with local orgs dedicated to collective action. Pick your fav and start attending meetings and helping w events.


look up local abortion providers and organizations. I just donate to the one in Flint cause I live in a deep blue state and am lazy about looking them up: https://www.plannedparenthood.org/health-center/michigan/flint/48532/flint-health-center-3298-90630


https://www.collectiveactiondc.org/about/ <- local feminist orgs like this, ppl may want to try to find ones in more red states this one is for dc, but ofc working with whats in your area is great if youre generous enough to give your time.

speaking of dc feminists, one says: "wrt Harm Reduction -- would be a good time to brush up on the legality of self-managed abortion In your state and consider how to distribute/direct mifepristone/misoprostol to people who want it." This is something ppl can look into that does not require money

https://abortionfunds.org/. <-national network of abortion funds

reproductive justice adjacent orgs/long term strategy/coalition building:




I don't have a list or even a link for local DV shelters/advocacy programs but those are also great places to donate rn.

And it is also very big impact if you donate to organizations for prisoners like:




It's just a thought, y'all have a nice day.
Finland and Sweden entering NATO as well as Germany's rearmament (it's good this time I swear) is almost kind of hilarious as the result of Russian paranoia about NATO has led to NATO being the strongest it's ever been while Russia's global influence freefalls.

At this point Russia's advance in Ukraine has functionally ground to a halt. The question is if Russia can withstand the economic sanctions on top of inevitable internal conflicts over tens of thousands of dead soldiers to continue the war, or if Ukraine has the political willpower to out-last them. The Ukrainians may one day be put in a position where they can accept Russian annexation of Crimea + independent Donetsk / Luhansk because it would result in Russian troops leaving much of occupied lands.

It's easy for us to sit comfy a thousand miles from the front lines waving blue and yellow flags but the reality is tens of thousands of Ukrainians have died and that number could reach hundreds of thousands all the while their economy is being devastated. Or maybe Russian forces will reach a breaking point while Ukrainian conscription starts to pay off, and Russia starts retreating in every region. I guess what I'm saying is while the longer this war goes on the better chance Ukraine has of victory, also the greater the Ukrainian nation will face unimaginable destruction. There may be a point where political willpower to continue the war falls and the loss of a few regions is considered the lesser of two evils.
Question for Americans: If there were young people in this forum, who are unhappy about what's gone on here, but were unsure what the most positive action they could take would be, what, in your opinions would be the best place for them to start?

Some advice I would give is donations are usually by far the most helpful thing you can do. Although, I strongly recommend not donating directly to the democratic party.

But yeah, I'm not an american so I dont really know the best advice to give. But I think it would be a useful addition to this thread.

If I had more time I would post about the need for intersectionality, but it should be a little obvious that you need help, and you cant expect it unless you offer to help in return. And it should be obvious that this issue and eg. the issue of trans healthcare are exactly the same problem.
in addition to what Myzozoa has shared, I would encourage sharing resources as frequently as possible, because you never know who could be searching for help but doesn’t know how to ask or where to look

for finding clinics
https://iwrising.org for Indigenous abortion-seekers

for at-home self-managed abortions
@reprocarefund / https://reprocare.com // 1-833-226-7821 for information, support, and referrals

for under 18 abortions

here’s a fuller list if you want or need to CTRL + F to find your specific state’s available resources or funds

not everyone is an activist/advocate in the same way; there are functional differences between those that share resources and keep talk of abortion and birthing peoples’ bodily rights at the surface of all the usual bullshit on social media. this role is just as important as those on the ground protesting the SCOTUS decision. my recommendation is that if you can’t protest, donate; if you can’t donate, share resources; if you can’t share resources, be a resource by offering shelter, rides to and from abortion clinics, or just be an earpiece for those that might not have access to one elsewhere in their lives.
An update regarding (yet another) mass shooting at the Highland Park, IL July 4th parade yesterday:
Highland Park, Illinois CNN — The suspect in Monday’s mass shooting at a July 4th parade in Highland Park, Illinois, that left seven dead and injured more than two dozen has been charged with seven counts of first-degree murder, Lake County State’s Attorney Eric Rinehart announced during a news conference Tuesday evening.

If Robert E. Crimo III, 21, is convicted, the charges could lead to a mandatory life sentence, Rinehart said. More charges are expected to come, Rinehart said, including attempted murder, aggravated discharge and aggravated battery charges.

“These are just the first of many charges that will be filed against Mr. Crimo, I want to emphasize that,” Rinehart said, adding he anticipates “dozens of more charges centering around each of the victims.”

Crimo has been in police custody since being apprehended Monday evening.

“Tomorrow morning at the Lake County courthouse, we will ask a judge to hold Mr. Crimo without the possibility of bail,” Rinehart said.

Investigators still are trying to determine a motive for Monday’s shooting, Covelli said.

Crimo, authorities believe, used a high-powered rifle “similar to an AR-15” to fire more than 70 rounds into a parade crowd from a business’s roof, which he accessed by a fire escape’s ladder, Covelli said.

Sounds of gunshots pierced the sunny parade just after 10 a.m. CT along the town’s Central Avenue, about 25 miles north of Chicago, sending hundreds of attendees scattering in terror – abandoning strollers, chairs and American-flag paraphernalia on the streets. Witnesses described watching in horror as injured people dropped around them.
TW // graphic images within the embedded press video

the first amendment is supposed to protect each citizen from a government influenced by any individual religion, but that doesn't stop SCJs from lying under oath and allowing their pockets to be lined by whichever fascist party has the most money. worst of all overturning roe v wade is so blatantly anti-woman that it makes me pretty dejected considering that half "my" country thinks that women are lesser-than or simply not fit to live a life of freedom the same way a man does, and that half of the country includes women themselves.
What do you mean with SCJ's here? I tried looking it up but couldn't find a definition.
What do you mean with SCJ's here? I tried looking it up but couldn't find a definition.

Supreme Court Justices. I assume.

In other news for the first time this election cycle the Democrats are favored to win the Senate. This is not even vaguely interesting as due to the filibuster they won't have the 60 votes needed to get bills signed by Biden, and they will probably (but not certainly) lose the house. But even so it shows that Republican insanity is wearing on the American public. Or maybe it isn't as the average American doesn't understand anything except gas prices and the economy even if one side is blatantly taking away the rights of its citizens and the other just want some basic living standards to mirror Europe. But at least in 2022 it's unlikely either side will get enough support to get things done on their own. Perhaps some bipartisan bills might get through, such as support for Ukraine and uhhhhhh I guess this recent semiconductor bill which is really important. There's also a somewhat bipartisan marijuana bill that would decriminalize weed at a federal level leaving it up to states to decide for themselves. Despite what the news want you to believe there's a fair bit of bipartisan bills getting through Congress right now.

In the end though in terms of who wins elections the two parties have similar enough popular support that what matters the most is what candidates each party picks. Somehow the Democrats continue to fail to find someone who is actually relatable to voters while the Republican party is divided between Trump and traditional GOP candidates.
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