New New Name and Profile Change Requests [READ THE OP]

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Hey I don't really post around here much but I would like to change back to my original username of Wandering Wobbuffet. If someone could also change it on the ORAS Hariyama analysis page I did a while back too that would be cool. Thanks.

did -lily
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Id like to change my nick to Yama. Is the nick Im using in many other places, such as discord and in other forums, so Id like to have it here as well

Not a month yet but if you could unlock my profile i would be really thankful, i just wanna change my pfp and i cant >.<

that was over a month :p did -lily
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Hello, I would really like to change my username to Reze.
It is another nick by which I can be known, it is also rare that they mention me by this nick.
If possible I would like to change it, thanks in advance

requesting profile unlock

did -lily
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Hello. I would like for my name to be changed to “NightKeeperLunala”. I no longer like this username.

you don't qualify sry, see op
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I would love for my username to be changed to "MAYO". I recently power washed my internet presence and I am starting fresh again, so changing this username would be nice.

you don't qualify sry, see op
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Hello, I know it's part of the "extreme" last chance, as per written in the rules, but I would really like to change my new actual name to "Nineties". I'm not very happy with this last change.

Could you please make this one last change?

Thanks a lot in advance.

talked in pm
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requesting Herv because Hervalt is my real name
(Last edit : I edit to Herv since Vegeto is already taken and I confirm, talked with Lumari in pms)

this will be permanent because of how many requests you've posted then deleted in the past, plz make a post confirming
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I'd like to shorten my name to just Band since most people call me that anyways and the "krook" part doesn't really appeal to me anymore. I searched for the name and i got the "The specified member cannot be found. Please enter a member's entire name." message so I'm guessing the name is free? I understand this change is permanent and my last chance to change my name.

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Requesting my nick be changed to Gamma*Roid. Old username just doesn't feel as cool as it did when I was younger.

id rather avoid the distracting text as per the OP and give you gamma roid with or without a space
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Requesting my nickname to be changed to Madden

It is what I am most commonly referred to on both showdown and discord by the community. This is to make myself easier to recognise on the forums. j3b4it33d is a pretty bad username as you can tell. Hoping to get it fixed.

as much as it pains me you're not eligible yet
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requesting a name change FROM SerenalovesAsh1234 TO Yippie . Most people know me as YippieDreepy in the community , since they find it more comfortable to pronounce yippie , over my current smogon username. i have attained the 100 post requirement as mentioned in the beginning of this thread.


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Question regarding name changes. It is stated that removal of numbers do not count as name changes. Does that mean that I can't ask for one or that I can ask for it and the opportunity to change the username will still exist?

If it is possible, could I get a change from samirsin999 to Samirsin ? Just the removal of the numbers

Kinda new, but for the translation team a username without numbers helps when giving credits.

yea that's fine--mari
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Yeah, I know it's bad form to ask for a name change when you're locked from further ones, but a situation has come up that I could not have reasonably foreseen. Basically, I'm dealing with a cyberstalker who knows me personally and was able to find my Discord account, which was under my current account name, and I don't want them to dox/harass me on other sites. I'm changing my name on other sites as a result of this situation. So can you change my name to Sultan?

yea that's totally fine--mari
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