SPOILERS! Scarlet & Violet Leaks Thread - Data/Mechanics

FTR we haven't seen Hail yet. The probability is that Snowstorm replaced, or rather buffed, it.

It might still do residual damage and proc the relevant abils, they just fully renamed it fwr.


There was a bizarre bit of misinformation that Gigaton Hammer was actually for Gimmeghoul's evo. It's not, obviously. Also Mold Breaker.
Not gonna lie, that thing's stat spread looks unfortunate. I would have expected a hammer-wielding menace to society to have a higher Attack stat. Perhaps Gigaton Hammer's obscene BP compensates for this setback? Dracovish was 2HKOing bulky resists with 90 Attack thanks to Fishious Rend's nuclear power.
I dont like this, for one reason: it actually fucks one of the cover leges but not the other.

I don't think either -raidon wants to be caught sitting against Ice STAB from Cetitan or something equivalent. They're dragons. They'll either make the kill ASAP, or they'll bounce and—in the case of Miraidon—reset their field effect when it's safe to come back. If Koraidon is fucked over less, it's by virtue of having Fighting STAB to maul anything icy in its way.

Speaking of PP, if any of the streams / bad boys playing on emus find a PP Up, can someone post photo evidence of it here? PLA lacked them and PLA is weird, but I think there might be a non-zero chance they might be not be in SV. It's certainly a small chance, given it goes against 25 years of precedent, but it would be nice to dispel that possibility if at all possible.

This is going to haunt me for reasons relating to the Eternal Battle Reverie. I'll keep an eye out.
I don't think either -raidon wants to be caught sitting against Ice STAB from Cetitan or something equivalent. They're dragons. They'll either make the kill ASAP, or they'll bounce and—in the case of Miraidon—reset their field effect when it's safe to come back. If Koraidon is fucked over less, it's by virtue of having Fighting STAB to maul anything icy in its way.

This is going to haunt me for reasons relating to the Eternal Battle Reverie. I'll keep an eye out.
Well i didnt mean "fucked over" in literal sense of 1v1, just i dislike that it messes with only one of the conditions. Doubt anyone will run that move
This is not completely unexpected, but from looking at this summary screen, it seems like Paradox Pokémon are genderless. This may suggest that they are not breedable, which makes sense. But I hope you can catch multiple to trade or there are other ways to obtain the ones not in your version.
yes we can catch multiple, but not being able to breed is kinda.. annoying (unless it's a ditto only situation but more than likely not) because i want to apriball them all

Speaking of, have we heard/seen anything about apriballs? i can't imagine they'd axe them after having them in the last 2 generations, but yknow.. gamefreak..

if they are axed my quest for an entire living dex of pokemon in apriballs is dead and thus, so am i
yes we can catch multiple, but not being able to breed is kinda.. annoying (unless it's a ditto only situation but more than likely not) because i want to apriball them all

Speaking of, have we heard/seen anything about apriballs? i can't imagine they'd axe them after having them in the last 2 generations, but yknow.. gamefreak..

if they are axed my quest for an entire living dex of pokemon in apriballs is dead and thus, so am i

We are long overdue for a feature that allows us to change the ball something is caught on if you ask me.

(I really like to have side evos and regional variants caught in Repeat Balls for instance, and it will be obnoxious to get the Hissuian ones into those)
I don’t think it being mostly plain (though it does have armour plates, I think that’s pretty clearly what the hexagons are?) is much of an issue tbf. As long as the animations sell a personality. I understand the argument that it doesn’t have much of a personality right now, but I could easily see it having some pretty strong, striking animations.

Will say though, those claws 100% need to be longer to truly sell the concept. I hope it gets longer claws when it attacks.

I know it has those hexes as armor, what I meant was instead of those give it MOAR sharp, hard edges and armor pieces, especially when this guy is an ice type and I doubt they are going for the freeze-proof protection theme here

On a side note, has it been made clear what the abilities of the four legendaries are yet?
I feel like this is one of the stupidest ways possible to rework hail

Sand boosts Sp Def bc rock mon famously have good Def but bad Sp Def. It makes Rock mons better bc it actively looks at what stat they need help with

Ice mons on the other hand aren't really anywhere as lopsided, their def and sp def isn't really a gap. Everyone knows that Ice's main issue is that its weak to a lot of types while only resisting one. Overbloating your defenses is not going to make that change.

You're instead just making most your Ice mons into Avalugg (who isn't exactly great) because the weather decided to prioritize symetry with sandstorm over actually looking at what buffs Ice would appreciate

I'm not a fan of how they approached this, personally. It feels more like givibg fans wish fufillment over thinking what would actually be a good Hail rework
FTR we haven't seen Hail yet. The probability is that Snowstorm replaced, or rather buffed, it.

It might still do residual damage and proc the relevant abils, they just fully renamed it fwr.


There was a bizarre bit of misinformation that Gigaton Hammer was actually for Gimmeghoul's evo. It's not, obviously. Also Mold Breaker.
why are the stats.. not giving!!!

although trying my hand at a silly guesstimation based on no EVs (highly unlikely) and mid IVs across the board, I imagine it may be something like;

75/80/70/75/105/105 (510)

I imagine the middling offensive stats are simply because Gigaton Hammer is insane. But I have a feeling it'll be something of a speedy wee girl with a bit of special bulk but nothing crazy.
I feel like this is one of the stupidest ways possible to rework hail

Sand boosts Sp Def bc rock mon famously have good Def but bad Sp Def. It makes Rock mons better bc it actively looks at what stat they need help with

Ice mons on the other hand aren't really anywhere as lopsided, their def and sp def isn't really a gap. Everyone knows that Ice's main issue is that its weak to a lot of types while only resisting one. Overbloating your defenses is not going to make that change.

You're instead just making most your Ice mons into Avalugg (who isn't exactly great) because the weather decided to prioritize symetry with sandstorm over actually looking at what buffs Ice would appreciate

I'm not a fan of how they approached this, personally. It feels more like givibg fans wish fufillment over thinking what would actually be a good Hail rework
I mean it gives more actual benefits to the weather since it historically has not had anything approaching the benefits of other weathers. And the Ice types main issue is based around the type chart which is not something weather's generally fix
why are the stats.. not giving!!!

although trying my hand at a silly guesstimation based on no EVs (highly unlikely) and mid IVs across the board, I imagine it may be something like;

75/80/70/75/105/105 (510)

I imagine the middling offensive stats are simply because Gigaton Hammer is insane. But I have a feeling it'll be something of a speedy wee girl with a bit of special bulk but nothing crazy.

good AV candidate, new tapu lele worst enemy
at worst(all 31 IVs, very highly unlikely) Tinkaton's stats are 75/75/62/66/98/86

at best (all 0 IVs, also very highly unlikely) Tinkaton's stats are 90/90/77/82/114/102

so we're somewhere between these

Some ranges might differ a few numbers due to any potential EVs, but these are roughly the ranges we're looking at i think.
I mean it gives more actual benefits to the weather since it historically has not had anything approaching the benefits of other weathers. And the Ice types main issue is based around the type chart which is not something weather's generally fix
Sun does actually somewhat help in type chart by halving water dmg.
Honestly I agree with AquaticPanic, this feels more like "just give fans what they want to shut up" than a good balancing move.

Sure it is still better than nothing and it helps ice types a bit, but ultimately it doesnt make hail more attractive, it doesnt incentivize any reason to make dedicated hail teams that Aurora Veil already didn't.

As I said... we take it as it's better than nothing, but it doesn't really do anything to change how ice types are played, you'll still play them for same reason you did (or didnt) before.
Any leaks/datamines for base stats/abilities? What does the new legends and future/past forms abilities do?

Orichalcum Pulse (confirmed): Sets sun, and has increased Atk stat on sun.
Hadron Engine (presumably): Sets electric terrain, and has increased SPAtk on ETerrain.

Protosynthesis (confirmed): Boosts highest stat on Sun or with a held item.
Quark Drive (presumably): Boosts highest stat on Electric Terrain or with held item (affects flyers/levitators).
I dont like this, for one reason: it actually fucks one of the cover leges but not the other.

Unless there's also a new "antiweather" move.

Thinking of it... i wonder how Cloud 9 will interact with the legendary and paradox abilities

I don't see it as a problem, necessarily, that the legends work asymmetrically in terms of what counters them. To some degree this is a feature of them using different slots for their field effects, vs having Miraidon summon rain or something. It's nice to have legends that play differently vs being physical/special clones of each other (gen 5 and 7) or one just being obviously superior ( gen 8). I liked the gen 6 legends in the way they had identical stat spreads and abilities but mechanically felt the most dissimilar of any legendary pair since gen 2.

Advantages of Koraidon:

- Effective third STAB which is given a larger boost
- Not stopped by moves that remove terrain (notably including Defog -- I can imagine hazards being used less in SV ubers on teams with Miraidon because your opponent's defog is inherently stronger when it removes terrain aswell)
- Stronger boost provided to other mons, generally Sun provides more useful support
- Effective double resist vs water and removal of rain, allowing safer switchin against Kyogre.

Advantages of Miraidon:

- Field effect provides direct boost to STAB
- Not trolled by one of the most common restricted Pokemon, nor by any other Ubers-viable Pokemon unless Lele starts seeing use.
- Less vulnerability to status (immune to sleep and largely unbothered by burn)
- Not forced to get into a weather war if your opponent tries to use a rain, sand or hail team; terrain teams are largely not a thing because there just isn't the support there.