SPOILERS! Scarlet & Violet Leaks Thread - Data/Mechanics

Something rather peculiar: Despite not being able to breed, Hisuian Voltorb gets Leech Seed as an egg move. I take it this is due to Gen 8 making it so compatible egg group species can pass moves just by being in the daycare (Or i guess Picnic) together without needing to create an egg
I mentioned this earlier, but this would make H-Electrode one of the fastest Sub Seeders in the game not counting things like Chlorophyll Jumpluff.
Oh man, what an insane heap of posts to shuffle through. Deleted my older post because I'm a little late to the celebration on Zamazenta getting Body Press. I'm sure adding less to the maelstrum of roughly 30 pages of posts every 8 hours is appreciated by someone. Gotta admit though, seeing a forum this alive is a great throwback. It's like 2010 came back to life for a week.

Another notable abscence I don't think anyone else has mention is, without a Power Whip TM, Gyarados lost access to it's Water-type bashing coverage. Probably for the best, given it could cleave through basically everything until Zapdos came to town in the Gen 8 Dynamax singles metas.

Transfer only for now... and I'd be super skeptical of Centro saying moves are wiped for now. I don't know how on earth you would even make that call unless you A) work somewhere in the process like the riddler or B) there's something in game that talks about this I haven't yet seen. Gen 8 moveset wipes between games was a necessity not to break a few games legality checkers after they'd stopped updating it / ensure moves that aren't programmed into a game can't be used. It might be the norm moving forward this gen too possibly, but the lack of a weird logistics nightmare like the Home update in Gen 8 has me hopeful.

this is the future liberals want
biden’s paldea
Side note: love how some folks in spain were talking about how Quaxly looked like it was dressed like their conservative party, then it evolved into the gayest thing alive. Way to evolve into a better person more in tune with yourself, fictional duck.
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There was a picture posted yesterday of Greavard/Houndstone learning Last Rites (or whatever it is called) that showed it knowing Ally Switch... which is an Egg Move. So they definitely can be found with Egg Moves in the wild somehow.
Wild guess, the terastal fights that aren't raid can have Egg moves or TM moves.

Es, yesterday I watched my buddy do some of them, and for example he fought a lvl 75 Lucario "den" that knew Ice Punch, Bullet Punch, Meteor Mash and Close Combat.
Bullet Punch is a Egg move, Ice Punch is a TM move, so...

Similarly we fought a lvl 50ish Altaria that had Dragon Rush, which is a egg move, as well as Cotton Guard, Sing and Play Rough (which instead is a TM)
i like the fact that raids are pretty much integral to pokemon now. they found out they struck gold with GO raids and just went chugging along w it
The other good news is that
1) The Terastal raids are much faster and slicker: since it's basically "4 battles at once vs a single HP bar", you don't have to wait for the others to take their turns, and you aren't asking for mercy when you run into people with 56k.
2) Many "raids" are actually not team raids, you fight the terastal pokemon 1v1. Though these ones only let you catch the poke (if even) and do not give drops.
i dont care how broken it is i love it so much oh my god it is absolutely beautiful
chi-yu is 赤鱼 meaning red fish btw (or cinnabar fish or whatever shade of red 赤 is supposed to be), the other three are have the same naming schemes but im not entirely sure what they translate to (im sure some people have the translations itt but fuck that im not reading through 200 pages or even the last 50(?) since that leak came out)

np fish is literally insane, what is walling it at -1 def, chien-pao is better probably but its not going to last two weeks. then again this fish might not either.

+2 252 SpA Houndoom Dark Pulse vs. -1 252 HP / 4 SpD Toxapex: 297-349 (97.6 - 114.8%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO
+2 252 SpA Houndoom Fire Blast vs. -1 248 HP / 8 SpD Eviolite Chansey: 354-417 (50.3 - 59.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

glhf fish supremacy
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The other good news is that
1) The Terastal raids are much faster and slicker: since it's basically "4 battles at once vs a single HP bar", you don't have to wait for the others to take their turns, and you aren't asking for mercy when you run into people with 56k.
2) Many "raids" are actually not team raids, you fight the terastal pokemon 1v1. Though these ones only let you catch the poke (if even) and do not give drops.
are they as spammable as swsh's were?
Apparently the game is full of bugs / glitches and frame drops. Worse than Arcues. With patch 1.0.1 it improves a little.

I hope another patch comes out in time.
You know, I keep hearing this, but my experience from both streams, what I heard, and also playing it myself is the opposite.

Load times are hot trash, but the game is very clean, stable fps, not a single crash in several hours, and once the overworld is loaded there's 0 loading zones at all.

The only place where the game lags is if played on emulator.
Transfer only for now... and I'd be super skeptical of Centro saying moves are wiped for now. I don't know how on earth you would even make that call unless you A) work somewhere in the process like the riddler or B) there's something in game that talks about this I haven't yet seen. Gen 8 moveset wipes between games was a necessity not to break a few games legality checkers after they'd stopped updating it / ensure moves that aren't programmed into a game can't be used. It might be the norm moving forward this gen too possibly, but the lack of a weird logistics nightmare like the Home update in Gen 8 has me hopeful.

Just seems completely against their whole vision of "bring your favorites from old games" because at least while pokemon don't exist in a new game, at least they can exist in home. Wiping moves entirely just seems so "we don't want to bother with this headache anymore" but the exclusive stuff just adds to a unique pokemon outside of a sticker and a date met. Just rubs me the wrong way as a cart player.
are they as spammable as swsh's were?
Uhhh I've seen them constantly pop on the map so probably. We only spent like 2 hours going around the map since my friend wanted to pick all the ""fly points"" (I swear it feels I was playing WoW LOL) but we kept running into both single and team raids everywhere.
Ok, someone fill me in. Is there a move tutor in this game?
If there is, we havent found it.
I've found mentions of someone being able to re-teach Sing to Skeledirge, and Sunny Day to Scream Tail. So the "Unknown Moves" appear to just be relearnable moves like I previously mentioned.
So they're basically "level 0 moves"?

Weird that they don't just have the usual lvl 1 tag but then again... by now i'm used to GF not doing logical things with coding.
You know, I keep hearing this, but my experience from both streams, what I heard, and also playing it myself is the opposite.

Load times are hot trash, but the game is very clean, stable fps, not a single crash in several hours, and once the overworld is loaded there's 0 loading zones at all.

The only place where the game lags is if played on emulator.
I don't know who to believe ... :psywoke: They say these problems also exist on console. In any case, another patch wouldn't hurt.
I don't know who to believe ... :psywoke: They say these problems also exist on console. In any case, another patch wouldn't hurt.

Don't get me wrong, we're nowhere near stuff like Xenoblade or Bayonetta, but the improvements over SwSh are **MASSIVE**

Battles flow seemlessly like in Legend Arceus, you even keep seeing the pokemon and NPCs in overworld while you battle (I assume you can actually watch your friends battle if you're in co-op!), there's no load zone, FPS seems to be a stable 30 fps (no 5 fps wild area!), and the textures are much better (at least I haven't seen any SwShtree yet). Also no weird onix pop in 3 meters from you, NPCs are loaded all the time while around you (though occasionally you can have a wild pokemon basically "spawn on you").

Only thing that bothered me is that some animations do actually go at like 3 fps when you're far from the entity, I am not sure if this is a thing that the patch fixed, or will stay.