Pet Mod MetaMons

Hi, first time trying to make a submission for this. To be clear to the above, is this in regards to each individual stat, the BST, or both?
Probably in terms of each individual stat? Not particularly sure how this works myself.

That said, you may want to reserve questions like these for this mod's Discord sever. [linked in OP, here if you want a simple shortcut]
Pokemon: Gogoat
Stats: 123 / 110 / 72 / 57 / 81 / 88 | 531
Abilites: Sap Sipper / Guts (HA)
Typing: Grass / Fighting
Move Changes:
+ Wood Hammer, Close Combat, Focus Blast, Swords Dance
Description: Guts abuser. Its solid bulk and decent defensive typing allows to absorb hits easily while healing back with Horn Leech and Milk Drink. Its high attack combined with set-up moves in Swords Dance and Bulk Up make it even stronger. However, its mediocre speed and common weaknesses hold it back a bit.

:sv/Iron Thorns:
Pokemon: Iron Thorns
Stats: 100 / 134 / 110 / 60 / 84 / 82 | 570
Abilites: Teravolt
Typing: Electric / Dragon
Move Changes:
+ Fusion Bolt, Outrage
Description: Mini-Zekrom. With a much better defensive typing on top of Fusion Bolt, Iron Thorns is now much better as a Dragon Dance sweeper. Its increased speed also allows it to outspeed most of the unboosted metagame after a single Dragon Dance. However, its still quite reliant on set-up as otherwise its easily outsped. It’s also weak to common types.

:sv/Oricorio: :sv/Oricorio-Pa’u: :sv/Oricorio-Pom-Pom: :sv/Oricorio-Sensu:
Pokemon: Oricorio
Stats: 75 / 60 / 70 / 108 / 100 / 103 | 516
Abilites: Magic Guard / Regenerator / Berserk / Prankster
Typing: Fire / Flying | Fairy / Flying | Electric / Flying | Ghost / Flying
Move Changes:
+ Wind Dance, Focus Blast
- Quiver Dance
Description: Now that each Oricorio has a distinct and viable ability, any one of them can be used without being outclassing or being outclassed by another form. While they lost Quiver Dance, they made up for it with the new abilities and move options. Access to Wind Dance as a reliable Flying-type move as well as Focus Blast for actual coverage without relying on Relevation Dance allow all forms to be better as Calm Mind sweepers, on top of a slight boost to special bulk. Each has a unique niche. Base Oricorio can serve as a Calm Mind sweeper without worrying about Stealth Rock and Toxic thanks to Magic Guard, while also being able to come in and use Defog consistently. Oricorio-Pa'u takes on a more defensive role with its excellent typing and access to Regenerator. Oricorio-Pom-Pom is another Calm Mind sweeper, only with Berserk to give it even more boosts. Lastly, Oricorio-Sensu serves as a support Pokemon with Prankster. However, these Pokemon still suffer from bad physical bulk and a shallow movepool. They're also very reliant on boosts to be a threat.

BP: 90
PP: 15
Accuracy: 100%
Explanation: No extra effects.
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Abilities: Sap Sipper, Rock Head, Grassy Surge
Stats: 105 | 110 | 100 | 70 | 70 | 80 [BST = 535]
Movepool Changes: + Axe Kick, Head Smash, High Horsepower, Ice Spinner, Jump Kick, Low Kick, Rock Tomb, Stone Edge, Superpower, Wood Hammer
Description: Terrain setter! Rock as a new secondary type fits perfectly - it gets more value from grassy terrain weakening eq, pairs great with the grass typing, and provides STAB Head Smash for crazy damage. If for whatever reason you don't want to run Grassy Surge, Rock Head is also a solid ability choice, for spamming Wood Hammers and Head Smashes as you please.
edit 1: Added more rock STAB and fighting coverage


Iron Thorns

Abilities: Quark Drive, Iron Barbs
Stats: 108 | 134 | 114 | 70 | 92 | 72 [BST = 590]
Movepool Changes: +Outrage, Spiky Shield
Description: His name is Iron Thorns, somebody was gonna do it. Also changed type because slow rock/electric is ass


: They lose Quiver Dance (we already have bellossom), but get a stat boost and unique hidden abilities to compensate:
:oricorio:Hidden Ability: Drought​
You could go the easy route and give Baile Mountaineer or something to circumvent the 4x stealth rock weakness... or you could be EPIC and make it an all-out attacker and weather setter. Sun-boosted Revelation Dance is gonna go so hard y'all​
:oricorio-pom-pom:Hidden Ability: Volt Absorb​
Pom-Pom is the highest-ranking Oricorio form and it mostly comes down to Electric/Flying being a good type combo, so its new ability isn't as defining as the others - Still not bad though, being the only Oricorio that isn't shut down by Boltund.​
:oricorio-pau:Changed to
Hidden Ability: Magic Guard​
Psychic isn't a great offensive type, we already have plenty Psychics in Metamons so far, and we only have 1 Fairy, so I think it's fair to retype Pa'u. Not only that but it also gains Magic Guard, making it the hardest of the Oricorios to shut down.​
:oricorio-sensu:Hidden Ability: Natural Cure​
Best pivoter of the four forms, due to having the most immunities, Ghost STAB, and ability to tank statuses for the team.​
All Oricorio forms still have access to Dancer as their normal ability.
Stats: 75 | 72 | 80 | 105 | 80 | 103 [BST = 515]
Movepool Changes: - Quiver Dance
edit 1: rework - no more qd, but better stats. pom pom and sensu's abilities were also changed
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Pokemon: Gogoat

Abilities: Sap Sipper / Grassy Surge
Stats: 123 HP / 110 Atk / 72 Def / 97 SpA / 81 SpD / 68 Spe (+10 Atk, +10 Def)
Movepool: +Grassy Glide, Spikes, Stealth Rock, High Horsepower
Description: discount rillaboom. hazards are also there if u want em

Pokemon: Iron Thorns

Abilities: Skill Link
Stats: 100 HP / 134 Atk / 106 Def / 70 SpA / 90 SpD / 72 Spe (-4 Def, +8 SpD)
Movepool: +Volt Missile*
Description: reap the benefits of loaded dice with skill link (ft. multi-hit electric move because wild charge is ass)

Volt Missile:
/ 20 BP / 100% Acc / 32 BP move.
Hits 2-5 times. Does not make contact.


Pokemon: Oricorio
(Baile) |
(Pom-Pom) |
(Pa'u) |
Abilities: Dancer / Compound Eyes (Baile) | Competitive (Pom-Pom) | Gale Wings (Pa'u) | Dazzling (Sensu)
Stats: 75 HP / 70 Atk / 95 Def / 112 SpA / 70 SpD / 102 Spe
Movepool: +Heat Wave, Dazzling Gleam, -Quiver Dance
Description: theyre all special attackers, but their abilities help each of them in some way. baile has more accurate hurricanes, pom punishes stat drops from stuff like intimidate, pau has priority roost + hurricane, and sensu avoids priority moves since its typing is weak to so many (sucker punch, ice shard, shadow sneak, etc.)
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Pokemon: Gogoat
Stats: 83 / 120 / 82 / 57 / 81 / 108 | 531
Abilites: Filter / Offroader (This Pokemon ignores hazards when switching in.)
Typing: Grass / Rock
Move Changes:
+ Wood Hammer, Head Smash, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, Accelerock, Stealth Rock, Sandstorm, Close Combat, High Horsepower, Spin Out, U-Turn
Description: very fast offensive pivot that hopefully is futureproofed enough to be relevant in the future because there arent many things to scarf on (clueless)

Pokemon: Iron Thorns
Stats: 100 / 134 / 110 / 80 / 64 / 82 | 570
Abilites: Hadron Engine
Typing: Rock / Ground
Move Changes:
+ Zing Zap, Play Rough, Surf
- Swords Dance
Description: rock ground p good coverage. combine this with hadron engine giving it the ability to use its fairly wide special movepool and youve got a adv-esque ddancer.


Pokemon: Oricorio
Stats: 70 / 105 / 75 / 93 / 118 / 80 | 541
Pom-Pom Stats: 118 / 75 / 70 / 105 / 80 / 93 | 541
Pa'u Stats: 93 / 80 / 105 / 118 / 70 / 75 | 541
Sensu Stats: 105 / 118 / 93 / 80 / 75 / 70 | 541
Abilites: Dancer
Typing: Fire / Flying, Electric/Flying, Psychic/Flying, Dark/Flying
Move Changes:
Revelation Dance | Normal | Special | 90 BP | 100% Acc | 15 PP | Dance | Type matches the user's primary typing. Physical if Atk > SpA. Effect varies with form:
* Raises Attack or Special Attack, whichever is lower, if Oricorio-Baile
* Paralyzes a stat-boosted target if Oricorio-Pom-Pom
* Hits Dark-types neutrally if Oricorio-Pa'u
* Removes the target's item if Oricorio-Sensu
+ Brave Bird, Calm Mind, Heat Wave
- Quiver Dance
Description: i think its a dumb idea to make 4 viable qd mons so here we go. 4 mons w very varying roles.
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Pokémon: Oricorio
Stats: 75 / 70 / 77 / 118 / 77 / 93 [BST:510]
Abilities: Flame Body (Baile) / Static (Pom-Pom) / Effect Spore (Pau'u) / Cursed Body (Sensu)
Typing: Fire/Flying, Electric/Flying, Psychic/Flying, Ghost/Flying
Move Changes:
+Focus Blast
Description: All Oricorio needed was one coverage move, different abilities and a better Special Atttack stat to be decent.
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This is my first post, I've been working on it for an hour, any similarities to any other submissions I swear is coincidental

Pokémon: Gogoat
Stats: 125 / 110 / 90 / 60 / 75 / 80 [BST 540] (+2/+10/+28/-37/-6/+12)
Abilites: Sap Sipper / Reckless / Grassy Surge [HA]
Typing: Grass/Rock
Move Changes: + Wood Hammer, Head Smash, Body Press, Megahorn, High Horsepower, Superpower, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock

Description: A reckless goat, always charging head-first into things. Grass/Rock is an under-utilized type combo, exclusive to Cradily, and this gives Gogoat dual stabs on two strong Reckless-boosted moves in Wood Hammer and Head Smash. It may not be the fastest attacker, but its increased physical bulk and access to Grassy Surge means it has defensive potential as well.

Pokémon: Iron Thorns
Stats: 110 / 132 / 120 / 60 / 88 / 80 [BST 590] (+10/-2/+10/-10/+4/+8)
Abilites: Iron Fist, Volt Absorb, Quark Drive [HA]
Typing: Steel/Electric
Move Changes:
+ Steel Beam, Meteor Mash, Discharge, Thunder Punch, Outrage, Hammer Arm, Flash Cannon
- Blizzard, Power Gem, Rock Blast

Description: Going from Rock to Steel is a great defensive upgrade for this Pokemon, as is the across the board increase to its bulk. The new 590 BST puts in the same scale as Leaves and Valiant, and the increased bulk at the cost of a bit of its attack felt fair. It is also a tiny bit faster to appreciate Dragon Dance potential. Those small metal hands pack a big punch, and access to STAB Iron Fist-boosted Meteor Mash is a unique tool it will love to use. Volt Absorb is great for bulkier sets, which it definitely has the tools to use well.

Pokemon: Oricorio [new BST 520]

Abilites: [see below] / Dancer [HA]
Dancer is now changed to include that any damage-dealing Dance move uses the higher attacking stat for damage. The category of the move will not change.
Move Changes: + Brave Bird, Snowscape, Weather Ball, Dragon Dance, Fiery Dance, Lunar Dance, Petal Dance
Revelation Dance is now changed to include Tera Blast's secondary effect, becoming a Physical move if Oricorio's Attack is higher than its Special Attack.

Pokemon: Oricorio-Baile
Typing: Dragon/Flying
Base Ability: Defiant
Stats: 80 / 100 / 95 / 75 / 90 / 80 (+5/+30/+25/-22/+20/-13)

Pokemon: Oricorio-Pom-Pom
Typing: Electric/Flying
Base Ability: Competitive
Stats: 80 / 90 / 75 / 100 / 75 / 100 (+5/+20/+5/+2/+5/+7)

Pokemon: Oricorio-Pa'u
Typing: Fairy/Flying
Base Ability: Fluffy
Stats: 80 / 80 / 90 / 95 / 100 / 75 (+5/+10/+20/-3/+30/-18)

Pokemon: Oricorio-Sensu
Typing: Ghost/Flying
Base Ability: Cursed Body
Stats: 80 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 110 / 90 (+5/+5/+10/-13/+40/-3)

Description: Oricorio's biggest flaw is its lack of coverage, especially in a meta without Tera. Weather Ball, alongside the one weather-setting move Oricorio doesn't currently have, is one way to give it just a bit more coverage and utility. The possibility of a Physical set means that it isn't as obvious what set an Oricorio is running when it hits the field. The birds now have access to all other Dance moves available in the game right now (edit: Victory Dance now exists thanks to Lilligant but I will pretend that the move does not exist). Thanks to these additions, and the new change to how Dancer works, these birds can safely run sets with Swords Dance, Dragon Dance, or Quiver Dance and still get the full benefit out of their other moves. The changes to typings and stats should give us some more diversity in these playstyles.

Edited to now include stat changes for quick visual reference. Some of these Pokemon have changed drastically, whereas Oricorio-Pom-Pom and Iron Thorns have stats that have changed very little.
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Woah lol. Long 24 hours haha. Anyways, two vetos:
:sv/Oricorio: :sv/Oricorio-Pa’u: :sv/Oricorio-Pom-Pom: :sv/Oricorio-Sensu:
Pokemon: Oricorio
Stats: 75 / 60 / 70 / 98 / 90 / 93 | 486
Abilites: Magic Guard / Regenerator / Berserk / Prankster
Typing: Fire / Flying | Fairy / Flying | Electric / Flying | Ghost / Flying
Move Changes:
+ Wind Dance, Focus Blast
Description: Now that each Oricorio has a distinct and viable ability, any one of them can be used without being outclassing or being outclassed by another form. Access to Wind Dance as a reliable Flying-type move as well as Focus Blast for actual coverage without relying on Relevation Dance allow all forms to be better as Quiver Dance sweepers, on top of a slight boost to special bulk. Each has a unique niche. Base Oricorio can serve as a Quiver Dance sweeper without worrying about Stealth Rock and Toxic thanks to Magic Guard, while also being able to come in and use Defog consistently. Oricorio-Pa'u takes on a more defensive role with its excellent typing and access to Regenerator. Oricorio-Pom-Pom is another Quiver Dance sweeper, only with Berserk to give it even more boosts. Lastly, Oricorio-Sensu serves as a support Pokemon with Prankster. However, these Pokemon still suffer from bad physical bulk and a shallow movepool. They're also very reliant on boosts to be a threat.

BP: 90
PP: 15
Accuracy: 100%
Explanation: No extra effects.

Especially talking about Baile here, altho this works for most of the subs (Pau and Sensu). Quiver Dance might be too strong on Baile because of Magic Guard, and on Pau and Sensu because of Focus Blast (checks like Sudowoodo get blasted by focus miss with some setup, and so this becomes very hard to wall, your other option would be Alcremie but Hurricane).

Optimal idea here is removing Quiver Dance and then buffing stats a bit so this keeps being an usable submission, but i could see removing Magic Guard from Baile and nuking Focus Blast.

Pokémon: Oricorio
Stats: 75 / 70 / 77 / 118 / 77 / 93 [BST:510]
Abilities: Flame Body (Baile) / Static (Pom-Pom) / Effect Spore (Pau'u) / Cursed Body (Sensu)
Typing: Fire/Flying, Electric/Flying, Psychic/Flying, Ghost/Flying
Move Changes:
+Focus Blast
Description: All Oricorio needed was one coverage move, different abilities and a better Special Atttack stat to be decent.

Sensu looks too strong, recommend either lowering SpA of forms by a fair share or removing Quiver Dance.

Anyways, you have 24 hours for vetos and you can send subs in Server for feedback
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LOrd Fernado did not fix their sub, so it will remain vetoed. Votes are open for 24 hours!



Abilities: Sap Sipper, Rock Head, Grassy Surge
Stats: 105 | 110 | 100 | 70 | 70 | 80 [BST = 535]
Movepool Changes: + Axe Kick, Head Smash, High Horsepower, Ice Spinner, Jump Kick, Low Kick, Rock Tomb, Stone Edge, Superpower, Wood Hammer
Description: Terrain setter! Rock as a new secondary type fits perfectly - it gets more value from grassy terrain weakening eq, pairs great with the grass typing, and provides STAB Head Smash for crazy damage. If for whatever reason you don't want to run Grassy Surge, Rock Head is also a solid ability choice, for spamming Wood Hammers and Head Smashes as you please.
edit 1: Added more rock STAB and fighting coverage

Beebos wins Gogoat!!

Pokémon: Iron Thorns
Stats: 110 / 132 / 120 / 60 / 88 / 80 [BST 590] (+10/-2/+10/-10/+4/+8)
Abilites: Iron Fist, Volt Absorb, Quark Drive [HA]
Typing: Steel/Electric
Move Changes:
+ Steel Beam, Meteor Mash, Discharge, Thunder Punch, Outrage, Hammer Arm, Flash Cannon
- Blizzard, Power Gem, Rock Blast

Description: Going from Rock to Steel is a great defensive upgrade for this Pokemon, as is the across the board increase to its bulk. The new 590 BST puts in the same scale as Leaves and Valiant, and the increased bulk at the cost of a bit of its attack felt fair. It is also a tiny bit faster to appreciate Dragon Dance potential. Those small metal hands pack a big punch, and access to STAB Iron Fist-boosted Meteor Mash is a unique tool it will love to use. Volt Absorb is great for bulkier sets, which it definitely has the tools to use well.

Pokemon: Oricorio [new BST 520]

Abilites: [see below] / Dancer [HA]
Dancer is now changed to include that any damage-dealing Dance move uses the higher attacking stat for damage. The category of the move will not change.
Move Changes: + Brave Bird, Snowscape, Weather Ball, Dragon Dance, Fiery Dance, Lunar Dance, Petal Dance
Revelation Dance is now changed to include Tera Blast's secondary effect, becoming a Physical move if Oricorio's Attack is higher than its Special Attack.

Pokemon: Oricorio-Baile
Typing: Dragon/Flying
Base Ability: Defiant
Stats: 80 / 100 / 95 / 75 / 90 / 80 (+5/+30/+25/-22/+20/-13)

Pokemon: Oricorio-Pom-Pom
Typing: Electric/Flying
Base Ability: Competitive
Stats: 80 / 90 / 75 / 100 / 75 / 100 (+5/+20/+5/+2/+5/+7)

Pokemon: Oricorio-Pa'u
Typing: Fairy/Flying
Base Ability: Fluffy
Stats: 80 / 80 / 90 / 95 / 100 / 75 (+5/+10/+20/-3/+30/-18)

Pokemon: Oricorio-Sensu
Typing: Ghost/Flying
Base Ability: Cursed Body
Stats: 80 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 110 / 90 (+5/+5/+10/-13/+40/-3)

Description: Oricorio's biggest flaw is its lack of coverage, especially in a meta without Tera. Weather Ball, alongside the one weather-setting move Oricorio doesn't currently have, is one way to give it just a bit more coverage and utility. The possibility of a Physical set means that it isn't as obvious what set an Oricorio is running when it hits the field. The birds now have access to all other Dance moves available in the game right now (edit: Victory Dance now exists thanks to Lilligant but I will pretend that the move does not exist). Thanks to these additions, and the new change to how Dancer works, these birds can safely run sets with Swords Dance, Dragon Dance, or Quiver Dance and still get the full benefit out of their other moves. The changes to typings and stats should give us some more diversity in these playstyles.

Edited to now include stat changes for quick visual reference. Some of these Pokemon have changed drastically, whereas Oricorio-Pom-Pom and Iron Thorns have stats that have changed very little.

And PQRDG wins Iron Thorns and the Oricorio forms!!

Stay tuned for the next slate!
Congratulations to the winners! Anyways here is slate SEVEN
Slate Seven
:sv/wo-chien: :sv/mudsdale: :sv/golbat:
:golbat: Golbat :golbat:
  • Golbat must be
  • Golbat's Speed has to stay the same or be higher.
  • Golbat should use Defog.
  • Mind Golbat has access to Eviolite
:wo-chien: Wo-Chien :wo-chien:
  • Wo-Chien must be
  • Wo-Chien's only ability must be Tablets Of Ruin.
  • Wo-Chien should use Ruination.
:mudsdale: Mudsdale :mudsdale:
  • Mudsdale must be
  • Mudsdale's main ability choice should be Stamina.
  • Mudsdale should use Stealth Rock.
In addition to the slate, we have massive changes to our council. Gekokeso left competitive council, but :mawile: Bobsican and :frosmoth: Loginator are new members of it. And :murkrow: Runo has joined us in the actual Council. Congrats!
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Pokemon: Golbat
Stats: 90 / 65 / 90 / 100 / 95 / 90 | 530
Abilites: Inner Focus / Shockproof (This Pokemon takes halved damage from Electric-type moves; immunity to paralysis.)
Typing: Poison / Flying
Move Changes:
+ Topsy-Turvy, Hurricane
Description: defensive flyings are ass rn because of the sheer amount of electrics and ices and rocks so i gave it one neutrality to at least help against that

Pokemon: Wo-Chien
Stats: 85 / 95 / 100 / 95 / 125 / 70 | 570
Abilites: Tablets of Ruin
Typing: Grass
Move Changes:
+ Roar
Description: this is pretty boring

Pokemon: Mudsdale
Stats: 100 / 125 / 110 / 55 / 90 / 35 | 515
Abilites: Own Tempo / Inner Focus / Stamina
Typing: Ground / Fighting
Move Changes:
+ Thunderous Kick
Description: this is pretty boring too but it walls liepard so thats cool
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Pokémon: Golbat

Sticky Hold / Infiltrator
Stats: 80 / 90 / 90 / 65 / 80 / 115
Move Changes: none
Description: defogger + fast pivot. nothing much changed abt golbat, its stats got changed to be more reminiscent of crobat, and it gained sticky hold so that it never loses its eviolite.


Pokémon: Wo-Chien

Tablets of Ruin
Stats: 90 / 85 / 100 / 85 / 115 / 70
Move Changes: +Sludge Bomb
Description: special wall. wo-chien gaining the poison typing means it’s immune to toxic and isnt 4x weak to uturn anymore!


Pokémon: Mudsdale

Own Tempo / Stamina / Inner Focus
Stats: 100 / 100 / 110 / 55 / 85 / 45
Move Changes: +Stone Edge, Darkest Lariat, -Close Combat
Description: rocks setter. mudsdale gains a dark typing to handle ghosts and psychics better.
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Pokémon: Mudsdale

Abilities: Own Tempo / Solid Rock | HA: Stamina
Stats: 110 HP / 125 Atk / 100 Def / 55 SpA / 80 SpD / 35 Spe | BST: 505
Move Changes: +Rage Fist
Description: Rage Fist works with Mudsdale's stay in and take damage approach, while being much harder to snowball thanks to it's lack of STAB, stalling breaking tools and undesirable speed tier. Outside of that it does regular Mudsdale things.
Pokemon: Golbat
Stats: 90 / 75 / 75 / 100 / 90 / 110 [BST 540] (+15/-5/+5/+35/+15/+20)
Abilites: Infiltrator / Bat out of Hell (This Pokemon's contact moves have a 30% chance to burn the target.)
Typing: Poison / Flying
Move Changes:
+ Cross Poison, Dark Pulse, Hex, Hurricane, Night Slash, Poison Jab, Sky Attack, Tera Blast, Toxic Spikes
Description: Typing kept the same due to the Zubat line being the only Poison/Flying Pokemon in the game, giving them a unique typing to work with. Moveset is just to add all the moves Crobat would learn on evolution, plus a couple of other new additions. New ability allows Golbat to get potential burns on targets when pivoting out with U-Turn or cutting enemy HP with Super Fang.

Pokemon: Wo-Chien
Stats: 110 / 75 / 110 / 90 / 135 / 50 [BST 570] (+25/-10/+10/-5/+0/-20)
Abilites: Tablets of Ruin
Typing: Grass / Dark
Move Changes:
+ Camouflage, Cosmic Power, Nature Power, Recycle, Spiky Shield, Spore, Strength Sap, Synthesis
Description: This is a tough one to make changes to. As all of the other Ruin Pokemon are also Dark type, so getting rid of the Dark type, or increasing the BST to higher than 570, feels like it is breaking the thematic. However, Grass/Dark is a hard type to use well defensively or offensively, unless you have the stats for it, like Zarude. Adding Camouflage allows Wo-Chien to change out of this bad typing while still being part of the ensemble with its friends. Adding status moves like Toxic and Spiky Shield allows it to have more potential as a defensive stall Pokemon, and gives it a tool it can use to safely scout out the U-Turns it is quad weak to. Ruination, status and Leech seed all combine to help chip the opponent down enough that Wo-Chien or one of its allies can get the kill.

Pokemon: Mudsdale
Stats: 120 / 125 / 110 / 45 / 100 / 40 [BST 540] (+20/+0/+10/-10/+15/+5)
Abilities: Cud Chew / Stamina / Sand Force
Typing: Ground
Move Changes: + Curse, Head Smash, Headlong Rush, Knock Off, Lash Out, Steel Roller
Description: A bulkier Mudsdale, with a similar min-max stat spread to Garganacl. Curse and Recover allow it to have more bulk and longevity, and the other moves are just to give its offensive profile versatile. Sand Force and Cud Chew are both abilities that could have niche uses, but more likely than not Stamina will still be your way to go. Keeping it pure Ground feels better to allow it to maintain its current defensive profile.
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Pokémon: Wo-Chien
Stats: 90 / 90 / 100 / 90 / 110 / 70 (550 BST)
Abilities: Tablets of Ruin
Typing: Grass / Fire
Move Changes: +Aromatherapy, Flamethrower, Will-O-Wisp, Fire Blast
Description: based scovillain. bulky cleric without the completely horrible defensive typing + extreme passivity of wo-chien. can get progress with knock + willo

others wip