Lifestyle The Mental Wellness Thread


Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs superfan
is a Pre-Contributor
I’m going to keep this brief since I don’t want to sound like I’m just asking for attention. Recently, an issue I’ve been dealing with that initially appeared as a rather simple problem I had with the Internet has actually revealed itself as a matter of mental wellness. I’ll spare you the details, but pretty much what’s happening is that I’ve been gradually trying to get away from something I’ve enjoyed for a long time now, but I don’t want to go about the process in an unhealthy or unethical manner.

In another thread where I’ve talked about this before, I made a comment at some point that must have sounded much more worrying than I meant for it to. That’s when I realized that I could potentially be dealing with something along the lines of an addiction. It’s really hard to say, though. I’ve been ignoring that topic for weeks now and I’ve felt perfectly fine, whereas in most addiction cases we’d see the client going through withdrawal symptoms by this point.

I guess what I’m trying to say here is that I don’t know how to go about this, and I don’t want to hurt my own or anyone else’s mental wellness more than I fear I already have.

Edit: Shortly after I wrote this, I suddenly had this onset feeling of… calm, I guess you could call it. Is that a good or a bad thing?
Not a thing of mental health exactly but I don't know where to put it else

I am so unbelievably drained from just regular life recently. I come back from work tired. I come back from school tired. I fall asleep in the middle of the day as soon as I sit or lay down somewhere. It's making a lot of things very hard, I am often even too tired to cook and eat food

I think these last couple of years of burning the candle on both ends are catching up to me. Working and studying whilst pursuing a number of hobbies and an active social life was possible for a few years but now, couple of months before I finish university, I am just so done

My social life also suffers from it. I barely saw my friends this year so far. I am very extroverted and kinda need a lot of contact with people, genuinely bums me out when I don't see friends for two weeks in a row

At least Easter break is close...


Trial by fury
is a Top Team Rater
Okay so, I won't explain too much, but my family decided that they are so tired of each other that they literally will never talk to each other again, and I'm gonna be the intermediary between them, because they are too hurt due to the mental and physical abuse that the other has given and receive

I officially don't have a family anymore, I'm just taking care of a couple of salty whiny immature crybaby insufferable bitchy shitty cunts who have too much of an ego to get a proper agreement

Make no mistake, I'm also a monster, but I'm not aggressive, and I'm smarter than this, this is going to sound horrible, but its the truth, at the end of the day, I'm going to watch them all die with my own eyes, and I'll be the one who gets to buried them at the end of the day. This was a long time coming, I'm gonna endure it, I'm gonna continue fighting, I'm gonna keep living until I'm the only one in this wasteland of no future, ill be alive, ill be alone, and ill be free of everyone who wants to put me in their bullshit. And then I'll finally be able to live my own life, where MY decisions matter, where I don't have to care for people for who does this amount of collateral damage, where ill go to seek the help I need and be able to prioritize ME first.

I'm not killing myself, If somebody wants me dead, come and get me, bitch, bring your shitty booster energy Iron Valiant set, I'll smack you so hard we are gonna die, you from the hit, and me from the explosion
Decided to end my relationship to two "friends" today after having ignored me for months on end. It hurts and I feel a mix between melancholy and anger, but it was for the better
Okay you know what, I kinda lied. I didn't "end it" per se, it's a bit difficult

See, I haven't seen these two since end of last year. One of them I haven't heard from in several months, last thing I read from her was her wishing me a happy new year. Another I have been a little more in contact but haven't heard from for a month and haven't gotten regular messages in a very long time. This is usually no problem for me but I tried to contact them early this year, when I had a great deal of somniphobia due to struggles with nightmares and sleep paralyses. I didn't say anything however about "hey I don't feel good, I would like to talk", more something like"hey how ya doing" for a couple of days. They didn't answer and there was no problem with that when I look at it neutrally. I wouldn't have answered immediately either if I was busy with other things and the other person didn't say that they didn't feel good

Anyways, I study with these two at the same uni and ran into them once. It was all smiles and we did some chitchat. I ran into one of these two couple of days ago at a train station, we were both on our way to work (I assume), so we couldn't talk, but we smiled and greeted each other in passing. Last week I had two cinema tickets I couldn't use myself, called one of these two, the other was with her and we again had a nice chat. So from that perspective, nothing is wrong, right?

But I haven't gotten a text back for so long. One of the two had her birthday two weeks ago, I sent her my regards and nothing came back. So I tried to call her the last few days and didn't hear back, except for one time when she tried to call me back but I couldn't go on the phone

Yesterday, I had a mental health crisis. Still kinda do. I am still shaking a lot and feel just fucked up. Had a fucked up day at work. Tried to call her again and nothing. So I texted her whether she ever wants to see me again. Couple of hours later, she told me it wasn't fair from her to not contact me back, but that I suffocate her with my messages. I apologized, told her I am going through some shit and can't think rationally. She told me she's sorry to hear that. I told her I don't want her worry about me and she should focus on herself, that I won't text her and she can contact me if she ever wants to see me again. That was yesterday evening. Haven't heard from her since then

I am so fucking afraid of losing the people I love that I start to suffocate them often. I am like my mother in this regard. I don't know where the fuck I stand now and the thought of never seeing them again fucks me up. Especially when I think about how it was my own fault. I want to sit down with them and just clear the table but I don't know if they ever want to do this. I guess I will run into them some day again at uni and maybe I can talk with them or something but I don't know if they want to

We've been really good with each other. This is the first time we ever had any kind of conflict. Again, I don't know where I stand, I don't know if they ever want to see me again, I don't know if we're still friend, I don't know if we've ever been
The closest thing I have that may be compromising my mental health is my addiction to energy drinks. I recently switched to a non-stim pre-workout instead of a caffeinated one as an alternative when i'm hitting the weights and exercise machines in the gymnasium.


Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs superfan
is a Pre-Contributor
Something pretty significant’s come up where I’m from that not a lot of people seem to be talking about. People living in the United States may be aware of the fact we’re in high gear for severe weather season now, and while that in and of itself is perfectly normal, what’s not normal is the incredible amount of fear mongering taking place across the industry as of late.

I’m writing this post two days before my area could get some major severe weather, even if not as major as some of the States may see tomorrow, and while meteorology’s been a rising interest of mine for about a year now, this is easily the worst I’ve ever seen this get to. In just the past 24 hours alone, the Internet has introduced me to conspiracy theory about something called HAARP, whatever the heck that is, and multiple genuinely obvious storms that went unwarned that went on to produce tornadoes.

For reference, this country alone has already passed 50 tornadic casualties in 2023 as of March 31st and potentially up to four digits worth of injured survivors come the first week of April. And what has “Weather YouTube” done about it? From what I can tell… absolutely nothing!

I get there’s only so much they can do sometimes, but it would certainly help if they tried to focus on the positive parts of 2023 for more than two minutes at a time. At this rate, I wouldn’t be surprised if some wackos over at the NWS or the SPC were contributing to the problem by not warning various storms and causing both online views and real-life injuries to increase. Americans do weird stuff like this all the time to meet their quotas, if traffic officers are anything to go off of.

So in short, I think what I’m trying to say here, is that the Internet’s found a way to make me afraid of the weather, and if I never post on Smogon again after this because of a freaking tornado or something… well, now you know why. My prayers go out to those who have been physically and mentally affected by weather events… but whatever’s causing all this extra fear this year, it really needs to stop.
I feel like I have to post something here, although I don't have depression myself, I did have problems throughout my life that need to be addressed.

1. I don't go outside ever.
This one has been with me throughout my life and it still is, I do have the strength to do normal activities, like make myself food, have showers, brush my teeth, etc. However, when it come to outdoor activities I can never have the strength to do so, sure i go outside in my backyard occasionally just to get a bit of sunlight, but when it comes to walking, going somewhere, or even just hanging out with friends it can be a real struggle to me, I only go outside when I actually need to go out and about like going to shops, school, etc, and speaking of the aforementioned "hanging out with friends".

2. Having lack of friends.
This kinda has two parts, 1. Is that having no friends is okay, and 2. is the other way around, the trouble I had with friends at school, is that they always gave me "unnecessary attention" and I really wouldn't consider them my friend friends, them giving me unnecessary attention made me feel at bit uncomfortable as well as making me think they were bullying me, this is why I only stick to other friends that won't do that, and can actually talk about topics I like, when I left school (because it wasn't for me) I left my school friends behind as well, it's been almost 9 months since i left school, and it's been the same time when i haven't talked to anyone from my school (except for a few) now when it came to friends outside of school, yeah had no luck with that either, this is where the 2 parts come in, because atm i have thoughts between the 2 whether having no friends is a sigh of relief because they won't bother me anymore, and another part of me is like "You need friends" i still keep having thoughts about this.

3. Asperger syndrome
This is a personal one of mine and haven't really told anyone about this ever because for me i didn't know about this until this year, because this year my mum has been planning me to go and see a psychologist, before this I have been seeing a different psychologist, however this one was different as what I say to them don't get said back to my mum and is kept a secret (I'm still not sure about that) anyways, during the first, or second session we had my Psychologist told me that i had something about autism, when i first heard this i was pretty shocked, and then my psychologist proceed to ask be if I've been told i have it, i obviously respond with "no", the same day, i went home did a bit of research on it and then i was like "damn, I guess I do have it" now i don't recall which one it was but i do believe it was asperger syndrome as none of the other austim syndromes fitted me as a person, i still haven't told my mum about this and i honestly should one day, but then again i didn't know about this until this year, so i'm still not sure.

4. My smogon account.
This isn't really a problem but something i want to mention, I've only recently started getting back into the competitive pokemon scene and yeah I do miss it, however I don't miss what I did before I returned, some few people will probably recall me in 2017-18, back then I wasn't the brightest person as I said some downright stupid things that I wish I didn't say before returning here, although there were some good things, most of it were not really thoughtful of me, you can go back now on my profile and check it for yourself, returning as a different person overall, I just regret it and i feel like an idiot, i wanted to make a new account and start over but you all know how that goes, so basically i'm stuck here with this account, and although you can't change the past, you can always improve the future, that's what I'm gonna be striving for at the moment.

That's basically all the problems I have right now, i know it isn't a lot and and i know it's not really about depression, but like i said i wanted to address things that have been a problem with me, i'm not suicidal or anything like that and i think that my life right now it alright, It's just those main things that bother me personally and maybe can be helped upon.

Thank you for reading. -and thanks for coming to my TED talk
Hey all, i kinda want to follow up on this, mostly just an update on how things are going for me, although i don't use this site at all anymore (except for checking up on it once or twice a year) i still want to say something here on where i am right now

Honestly things have turned for the better for me ever since i have posted this, I got myself a job, i've gotten some new friends who are around my age (mostly my co-workers), and i'm feeling better overall knowing i don't have to worry about stuff like that anymore.

Right now i feel like i don't have any problems, but this obviously doesn't mean i'll be coming back here more often, again i did mess up on this site saying some stuff that i should have not said and whatnot back when i should've known better, but all and all everything in real life has taken a step in the right direction for me mentally.

This is probably gonna be my last post here on this site but i may post here again in a year or 2 just for another check-up.

And i also may show up a few times every now and then in the next few days depending on what you guys want to say to me.

Cheers everyone!

Edit: Okay i did have a think about it for the past 24 hours and i've decided i'll mostly be returning to use this site more often as well as pokemon showdown, this is mostly because i want to improve, want to forget about past me and start fresh, and maybe meet new people along the way :)
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I once heard from a man in his 80s that you can rely on yourself in your youth, but you will need others to support you emotionally as you age. I am only in my early 20s and I already relate with this, oddly enough

I didn't really have a yearning for emotional support from the people around me in my teens, but in the last of couple of years, I became so reliant on my friends psychologically. I am going to graduate in less than two months, the transition scares me and I never felt more emotionally needy. It's odd, really


Trial by fury
is a Top Team Rater
Okay so, Mother's Day is here (or near, its been more than 10 years since the last time I have actually celebrated Mother's Day and 4 since the last time I have celebrated a family related day)
I would make a big ass post of this, but I'm on a time constrict

If you have a family, not just a mother, and they are not scum to the point of no return, try to give them some love, try to spend good memories with them, try to have the happy family many of us don't have

If your family is shit, then fuck them, make a better one


Trial by fury
is a Top Team Rater
am I allowed to say here that I might've found a potential cure to my possible depression?

that being i've finally found someone that I can spend my life with if it doesn't go wrong
Congrats bro, you escaped the rat race, hope everything goes your way


Trial by fury
is a Top Team Rater
I hope it does to; I was genuinely afraid of romance until now
Let me guess, you didnt even knew what was feeling cuddled or feeling loved, im still trying to find an answer, needless to say, being uglier than a sin does not help lmao
Let me guess, you didnt even knew what was feeling cuddled or feeling loved, im still trying to find an answer, needless to say, being uglier than a sin does not help lmao
nah; drama. family drama and in-group drama did not help with romance experiences
Hey there, fellow forum members! Today, I wanted to open up and share a part of my life that has been quite challenging lately. You see, I've been grappling with some mental hurdles that have made it difficult for me to navigate social interactions and spend ample time outside. It hasn't been an easy journey, but I'm learning to adapt and find solace in unexpected places.:blobpensive:
One of the things that has truly been a saving grace for me is diving into the world of online gaming. While some may perceive it as a mere pastime, for me, it has become a valuable source of respite and mental rejuvenation. Games like Sudoku, chess, and Tic-Tac-Toe have become my go-to choices.
Engaging in these games allows me to fully immerse myself in a different realm, one where social pressures and anxieties take a backseat. I can focus solely on the puzzles at hand, strategize my moves, and challenge myself intellectually. There's a unique satisfaction that comes from cracking a tough Sudoku puzzle, devising intricate chess strategies, or engaging in an easy playing Tic-Tac-Toe (would be great if someone could share that experience with me in a friendly 2-person game).
What I find truly remarkable is how these games offer me a sense of control and accomplishment. They allow me to exercise my mind, sharpen my critical thinking skills, and provide a much-needed break from the complexities of daily life. While the challenges may be virtual, the positive impact they have on my mental well-being is very real.
Now, as a member of this wonderful forum, I wanted to reach out and connect with fellow gamers and enthusiasts. If any of you share a similar interest in these games or have recommendations for other mind-engaging activities, I'd be thrilled to hear from you. Your suggestions or even just some friendly conversation would mean a lot to me.
Remember, we all have our unique ways of finding comfort and relaxation. For me, it's through these online games that I'm able to cope and find a sense of balance. Let's continue supporting and encouraging one another on this journey.:blobwizard:
Thank you for taking the time to read my story. I'm truly grateful to be a part of this community. :blobthumbsup:
recent times i've rounded many corners of prior frustrations from my hurt, anger, and even "demons" (let drinking get me a bit after my dad died - on top of everything prior but chilling with Pops was the "escape from nonsense") - lost a child, a love of my life and father way too close together - ruined me for awhile.

i genuinely feel "as a spirit in my cell" happier and now it's treating my cell better time cus the tolls paid to find the peace definitely have a debt.
but knowing the mental/spiritual finally aligned makes getting the physical better that much easier.
was a hell of a road (that i'm not dumb enough to act like i'm not still on) but i'll be damned if i don't enjoy this progress.
it's so much better than years ago talking about all i had or for that sake had lost.

life isn't perfect or anywhere near close, but it's fixed enough to be an experience i genuinely enjoy once again.
if that isn't a win i don't know what can ever be considered one.
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I've realized something recently, and took it took me a long time to.

One of the defining traits of adulthood (imo) is making a careful, calculated decision on what should and shouldn’t bother you. Things get much easier when you eliminate the pressure of the “shouldn’t”s. I felt like this is pretty helpful.

And just as general advice, Pokemon really is one of the "shouldn'ts", I would say.

I personally main RBY OU and it has been talked about for years as meme tier, because its RNG elements are so infamous.
You're allowed to feel mad when losing to that stuff. But...also be aware of what game you decided to invest in (not like this doesn't ever happen in other gens/tiers either).

Chill out.

EDIT: Didn't want to doublepost.
Sometime I feel like giving up on things (not Pokemon, ironically). But: really, you never truly have failed until you've completely given up.
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I know it's very privileged to say this as many would love to be in my situation, but being a large, muscular man is... Honestly awful sometimes

I was always bigger and stronger than most people surrounding me. By 3rd grade, I was taller than my teacher. I was 185cm by 14. I am 195cm since I turned 17. I always heard from people that I could scare or intimidate them, even when I didn't want to. I learned over years to get a kinder look in my face and to keep more distance from people, especially women and smaller men, so they don't feel this way. But I still sometimes hear that I am scary and I see how people look at me when I walk towards them at night. The fact that I have a dark skin color and a full beard doesn't help

On the plus side, I've never been mugged or attacked, I was never in a physical fight because no one ever wanted to pick a fight with me. But on the other side, I wish my outside would reflect the calm and meek and non-threatening person I am inside


Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs superfan
is a Pre-Contributor
This past Tuesday I celebrated my 21st birthday, a day that where I come from usually has… other underlying intentions. I’ve known from the very start I didn’t want to even think about doing some of those things. Beyond this, I’ve had a lot of anxiety regarding various topics over the past few months, much of which has helped me to realize just how good I actually have it in life.

Let me ask you all a question. Do you ever feel like it’s wrong to accept help from others? Or that it’s a bad thing to want something when you’re fully aware other people have it worse off? I wasn’t sure where else to post about it or how else to describe my situation, but it feels like I can’t get myself to be happy over things that are given to me anymore. I would much rather be able to try and work for and earn the things I want, which is already a small list given my growing anxiety about basically everything. My friends and family keep saying I need to be able to look after myself, too, but I simply can’t do that without feeling I’m living a life of guilt. The problem is, what specifically would I be guilty for doing? Do I feel this way because I feel bad about how good we’ve had it? How much of what I have at my disposal is just because “we were lucky” and not because I actually earned it?


mad @ redacted in redacted
is a Tiering Contributoris a Dedicated Tournament Host Alumnus
How much of what I have at my disposal is just because “we were lucky” and not because I actually earned it?
just about everything. you might have worked for everything you have, been given everything you have, or somewhere in between, but all of that assumes that you were in the position to receive anything to begin with. that might not be the case if you were born in a different country, 4 states away, or even 3 neighborhoods away. if the world was a true meritocracy where what you have is dictated by how hard you work, then america would probably be towards the bottom of the list and kids in india would be living the jeffrey bezos life. this is not the situation we live in, not in the US and definitely not in the world.

given that, you can either reject everything you have (whether you worked for it or not) and live in a cabin in an isolated forest in iowa, or you can use what you have to try to create a better world around you. neither is a perfect solution logically speaking, but we don't live in a perfect world and the latter at least attempts to helps you and others.

Do you ever feel like it’s wrong to accept help from others?
this is a separate issue from a systemic analysis, though. if you're having trouble accepting help in your personal life, then that's just stubbornness rather than a motivation to live "fairly" (we already don't live in a fair world).

i think it stems from the (most likely erroneous) feeling that anything you do in return to reciprocate won't be adequate. chances are, if you're this worried about it, anything you're doing in return is probably going above and beyond to pay the person back. if you're still not sure, you can talk with the person(s) to get a sense of what they're feeling.


Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs superfan
is a Pre-Contributor
just about everything. you might have worked for everything you have, been given everything you have, or somewhere in between, but all of that assumes that you were in the position to receive anything to begin with. that might not be the case if you were born in a different country, 4 states away, or even 3 neighborhoods away. if the world was a true meritocracy where what you have is dictated by how hard you work, then america would probably be towards the bottom of the list and kids in india would be living the jeffrey bezos life. this is not the situation we live in, not in the US and definitely not in the world.

given that, you can either reject everything you have (whether you worked for it or not) and live in a cabin in an isolated forest in iowa, or you can use what you have to try to create a better world around you. neither is a perfect solution logically speaking, but we don't live in a perfect world and the latter at least attempts to helps you and others.

this is a separate issue from a systemic analysis, though. if you're having trouble accepting help in your personal life, then that's just stubbornness rather than a motivation to live "fairly" (we already don't live in a fair world).

i think it stems from the (most likely erroneous) feeling that anything you do in return to reciprocate won't be adequate. chances are, if you're this worried about it, anything you're doing in return is probably going above and beyond to pay the person back. if you're still not sure, you can talk with the person(s) to get a sense of what they're feeling.
I’m not sure if this will help further clarify where I’m at mentally right now, but for what it’s worth, I recognize a lot of how I’m feeling about this comes from the extensive negativity I often find myself exposed to. I can always try and cut out sources of negativity from my daily routine, but at some point I start asking myself if I need to go one step further. Take my video games, for example. Is it really right of me to even want to play those if why I even have access to them can be traced back to “because my family was lucky”? Or what about getting myself a nice meal to enjoy at some restaurant who knows where?

My problem ultimately comes down to me not knowing how I can or should properly show my appreciation for the good things in my life without feeling like I’m not being a hard worker on my own merits. Because believe me- I’m the kind of person who finds the progress of working more rewarding than anything regarding fun hobbies at this point. I appreciate your feedback and wanting to help. :)

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