NOC Smogon Mafia Mafia (Won by the Mafia)

Yeah, sadly the only way I could win relied on the mafia believing they had no chance outside of kingmaker. I only had it down to a 50/50 between Hydro and tiger and realized that with Hydro's claim there was no chance he would go with me even if he was mafia (which I sort of felt that he was given how hard he pushed me as 3p, plus there were so few vanillas the townie cop role felt weird), so I just went with tiger and sent IPL a discord PM saying 'if Hydro is the mafia I resign'. Then IPL was basically like 'I accept your resignation' lmao.

Anyway ggs, wp by all. I do think it would've been cooler if I had won though xD

I would have kingmade you in any scenario but I really wanted it this time, Sam.
I would have kingmade you in any scenario but I really wanted it this time, Sam.
Yeah yeah I don't blame you, and I think we all knew that village would kingmake me there so it makes sense for the mafia not to try to go for a kingmaker.

I just didn't really have an alternative option so also had to go for it. If tiger had been the last mafia I think I would've won this game but alas I really couldn't think of a good reason for Hydro to go with me so sometimes you just get unlucky.

For what it's worth if I had known who the last mafia was I would've been honest about it. I just got baited by Realiti too hard and so I wasted my track that last night on him when I should've known he was for sure clean with how gung-ho he was on voting for me and gone for Hydro instead. Then again, even if I had I don't think I ever convince Hydro to vote with me and I don't think I even convince you / Realiti that it's Hydro and not tiger so probably wouldn't have done anything.
Yeah yeah I don't blame you, and I think we all knew that village would kingmake me there so it makes sense for the mafia not to try to go for a kingmaker.

I just didn't really have an alternative option so also had to go for it. If tiger had been the last mafia I think I would've won this game but alas I really couldn't think of a good reason for Hydro to go with me so sometimes you just get unlucky.

For what it's worth if I had known who the last mafia was I would've been honest about it. I just got baited by Realiti too hard and so I wasted my track that last night on him when I should've known he was for sure clean with how gung-ho he was on voting for me and gone for Hydro instead. Then again, even if I had I don't think I ever convince Hydro to vote with me and I don't think I even convince you / Realiti that it's Hydro and not tiger so probably wouldn't have done anything.

Yeah I wasn't sure about whether you'd tell the truth but I wasn't lying when I said I'd disregard any of your outs. I was gonna bring up the Hydro thing the day we voted zippy but it would only be relevant if Zippy wasn't mafia.

It was really a confluence of events, if Zippy hadn't had such a coincidentally ridiculous claim I might have been convinced to lynch you first and advocate for Hydro later after vigging some inactives.
Double announcer was crazy tbh
Yeah it was kind of a bastard setup, although the announcers had notably different flavors that I'm surprised no one picked up on. I do think that Zippy's role was meant to be the suspicious one in terms of flavor.

The vigilante having the same kill flavor as the mafia was another example of the flavor being deceiving for the village. I think that part was a little less bastard-y though and nobody really sussed Ehmcee over it too much.
Anyway ggwp, surprisingly I think pretty much everyone played well with very few truly head-scratching moments, which is close to a first for Smogon mafia. The endgame strategizing was pretty much optimal from all parties which was surprisingly refreshing as well.

Now for another two year hiatus :D
Anyway ggwp, surprisingly I think pretty much everyone played well with very few truly head-scratching moments, which is close to a first for Smogon mafia. The endgame strategizing was pretty much optimal from all parties which was surprisingly refreshing as well.

Now for another two year hiatus :D
why did you say to vote me at the end tho, were you just salty and wanted the mafia victory?
Anyway ggwp, surprisingly I think pretty much everyone played well with very few truly head-scratching moments, which is close to a first for Smogon mafia. The endgame strategizing was pretty much optimal from all parties which was surprisingly refreshing as well.

Now for another two year hiatus :D

Lol we had a single info role who crumbed and claimed before being RBed and killed, what may be the two worst vig shots I've seen in quite some time, and a second announcer who didn't claim before getting mislynched. I'm not really sure town as a whole played well, my own misplays aside
Postgame notable events from during the game:

Day 1 was a Town/Town lynch that ended up in a surprising tie that was terrible for mafia/wolf, putting them one death behind. Night 1 had Jalmont target Rostam with martyr while Rostam simultaneously targeted him for kill, but Rostam was safeguarded which made him immune to martyr anyways and let his roleblock go elsewhere. UncleSam was also inspected by mafia role cop and found out as vampire. (My priority queue was safeguard > martyr > roleblock).

Day 2 Blazade made an excellent breadcrumb pickup and got the Rostam lynch down.

Night 2 UncleSam the vampire was shot by mafia because they thought vampire was a converter role as according to google results. In retrospects this is one of my regrets, I gave the wolf a random mythical creature name but never even knew about this converter role being a thing in newer games due to being away for so many years. The UncleSam kill went on Blazade and was blocked by BPV. This should have been a deathless night if not for Ehmcee shooting pulsar which I would nominate as one of the worst plays of the game, pulsar should have been cleared as non-mafia at the minimum after seeing Rostam flip with his escort flavor and pulsar claiming roleblocked with that flavor.

Day 3 Blazade again made an excellent lynch on Celever due to behavior reading.

Night 3 was a standard night for the most part.

Day 4 was where Zippy got lynched. Honestly I think if the second announcer role had randed to a different person they probably would have done something with it long ago and tried to clear themselves in a better way and the lynch would have gone much differently. Also, Celever set up the strategy for Hydro to fake claim vanilla cop and push UncleSam after seeing UncleSam's villager claim (but mafia would have pushed UncleSam here no matter what he claimed). Personally I feel this was a bad strategy to out wolf so early as Hydro would have been left 1v6 if it succeeded but Celever felt a deepwolf strategy would work with Hydro gaining town cred for pushing UncleSam successfully. The end result was the best thing possible for mafia since the following day resulted in UncleSam lynch and then realiti mislynched in the end.
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Lol we had a single info role who crumbed and claimed before being RBed and killed, what may be the two worst vig shots I've seen in quite some time, and a second announcer who didn't claim before getting mislynched. I'm not really sure town as a whole played well, my own misplays aside
This game was townsided in pure numbers although I will say that dusk nixed a lot of the spicier roles I had in mind originally for this game for town and thus more vanillagers were born. With how extremely far behind the scum were at 9-1-1 at one point, two town info roles would have locked the game for town super early. It's unfortunate that pulsar was put up on a leading lynch, revealed, and thus neutralized completely without getting to do anything.
dang, great game well played by pretty much everyone it was a lot of fun to follow.

i think i had my greatest game ever getting 3/4 bad guys but unfortunately it was mostly from the grave. i forgot my angleshoot on tiger where he posted in discord asking where the thread was when the game began but i figured the reason cel gave up was because teammates weren't pulling weight and had no shot to win.

i can't believe the mafia shot me for one lucky read when i was afk all day and have been the coldest player on! cmon man...
A lot of roles were indeed old fashioned in flavor. Announcer is a throwback, the exact same wolf role has appeared before, stuff like being able to infinitely target the same person with no restrictions was also commonplace in the old days. Of note was how Aura Guardian and ImaginaryNeon used their powers simultaneously to cause a coincidental misunderstanding. Aura Guardian's mayor type was a twist of my design to help mayor stay hidden until needed, but with how the game played out it instead worked to prove their roles. Aura also lied about his mayor ability usage (a good call!) and said it was restricted, which made UncleSam complain a lot about not being able to kill mayor to absorb an extra vote, keeping UncleSam completely away from killing Aura Guardian, until the mafia decided to kill Aura Guardian anyways. What the wolf could not absorb was extra kills from vigilante.
iming roleblocked with that flavor.

Day 3 Blazade again made an excellent lynch on Celever due to behavior reading.

Night 3 was a standard night for the most part.

Day 4 was where Zippy got lynched. Honestly I think if the second announcer role had randed to a different person they probably would have done something with it long ago and tried to clear themselves in a better way and the lynch would have gone much differently. Also, Celever set up the strategy for Hydro to fake claim vanilla cop and push UncleSam after seeing UncleSam's villager claim (but mafia would have pushed UncleSam here no matter what he claimed). Personally I feel this was a bad strategy to out wolf so early as Hydro would have been left 1v6 if it succeeded but Celever felt a deepwolf strategy would work with Hydro gaining town cred for pushing UncleSam successfully. The end result was the best thing possible for mafia since the following day resulted in UncleSam lynch and then realiti mislynched in the end.
You are so bad at this game
okay i know this is highly ironic but i didn't really get why everyone claimed day 1 under no pressure.

doubly ironic had our other announcer also claimed day 1 perhaps we would've avoided that snafu. that was another play i didn't really get.
I have mixed emotions.

On one hand I am disappointed in all of you, but since this is my last game I will miss everyone.

You were all very interesting people and it was nice to experience everyone.

Celever, you gotta stop with the obvious tell’s though. The constant reacts and many AtE just makes it obvious. You play too scared as maf. But you did win all 3 times.

Same goes for you realiti. Just very obviously different tone and posting style between alignments.

But yes, I had fun. Neon, Psy, Jalmont, Ehmcee, Fairy, AG, Pulsar, Celever, Skipper, Hydro, and other people. I wish you all the best of luck.
dang, great game well played by pretty much everyone it was a lot of fun to follow.

i think i had my greatest game ever getting 3/4 bad guys but unfortunately it was mostly from the grave. i forgot my angleshoot on tiger where he posted in discord asking where the thread was when the game began but i figured the reason cel gave up was because teammates weren't pulling weight and had no shot to win.

i can't believe the mafia shot me for one lucky read when i was afk all day and have been the coldest player on! cmon man...
I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THAT, if only you didnt die
Blazade and Sam need to get off their high horse

y’all were miserable to play with, posts like “I wish Sam was town cause my town team sucked” leaves a really bitter taste in my mouth. I don’t respect that at all.

Anyways, fun game
Everything Wrong
Smogon Mafia Mafia
in 121 pages or less


A mysterious voice declares,
The voices.
Accidental foreshadowing. (ding)

Sam has played smogon mafia for 10+ years, he's just inactive nowadays
Roll credits. (ding)

Someone shouts, "Jalmont must have left some breadcrumbs for us, pointing to Rostam as if this was Hansel and Gretel! Get him!" Enough of you agree and a mob descends upon Rostam and lynches him in his sleep while he is unable to defend himself. Only after the mob sates its rage do you all think to look for Rostam's identity card.

Seems like Rostam had quite a busy double life! The town prepares to head to sleep, pleased with themselves at a job well done. However, others among you secretly swear revenge...

It is now Night 2. Deadline at 11/5, 8:00pm EST.
Ah, it seems Rostam attended the Pulsar School Of Rolling Scum. (ding)

I am so busy and constantly stressed I forget shit constantly.
My mom's response to me reminding her somehow makes its way into this thread. (ding)

Seems you are mafia here.
This nothings on for some time. (ding)

Dear Celever,

You are the Mafia Safeguard.
We interrupt Smogon Mafia Mafia to bring you Lover's Dance: Engagement Party. (ding)

In case you confused it with bluegummybear. (ding)

A mysterious voice suddenly speaks up!
UncleSam here confirming my role
UncleSam would be terrible at MafiaSins. (ding)

The vamp definitey converts people btw
I'm dead. (ding)

An angry voice suddenly shouts from somewhere,
I am ZippyDoo200

UncleSam is lying
Uhhhhh...Zippy would be terrible at MafiaSins??? Does that mean Zippy was pretending to be Sam???
One sin for being terrible at MafiaSins and two more for confusing me. (ding x3)

Why was that so delayed
Ehmcee should know of the delay that ipl uses from when I announced "Hey all, Neon here". And even if he doesn't, why is he just NOW noticing it? (ding)

You would only not believe if youre scum here
I don't believe you. (ding)

A mysterious voice declares,
still UncleSam here interested to see what Zippy claims whenever he finally does
Where were the Announcer wars when I was alive?!?! (ding)

Well one or two of you are Vamp or Maf so i shant get upset.
Zippy plays the Pronoun Game so hard that I can't really put it on my spreadsheet in good faith. (ding)

a) you knew neon was announcer

b) wat lmao
Like, I'm 99% sure you stole neon's role
Ehmcee would be great at MafiaSins. (ding)

Thank god its my last time playing with you shitters
don't call us shitters :(
You guys are shitters though.
"Shitters". (ding)

Thank god its my last time playing with you shitters
Also, Zippy is a dick to everyone. (ding)

If I'm 3p I also know this and I would never out the last mafia, which Blazade has realized and is why he's defending me.
Busses exist. (ding)

Additionally, a pre-recorded announcement with a mysterious voice suddenly starts playing from somewhere.
Ellen McClain isn't singing in this scene. (ding)
Also, announceposition. (ding)

Town on my wagon: Fuck you
That's factionist. (ding)

Wait what

Title of my autobiography. (ding)

Game Sin Tally: 24
Sentence: Mafia win...again.
Also my omgusing strategy is now 3.5/5 times correct so stop calling me noob town ty!!

Ok, but what are we supposed to do when you're actually scum? Just let you sit there, not talking, and never vote you cause omgus is always correct? That's what I hate about that kind of playstyle. I didn't even push you this game because I had reason to push someone else but that's what makes it difficult.

And I'm sorry for making the post I did. It was party fueled by nostalgia. I missed playing with Sam a lot, and we have always had a lot of fun when we were both town doing all the mechanics math. And it was party fueled by, yes, a frustration at seemingly having to explain myself over and over again to people repeatedly coming in and not having read the thread, and how even after 2 proper mafia lynches in a row our chances were slim after pulsar died as tracker without giving us anything and Ehmcee died as vig after shooting two town who were on the opposite side of a wagon from a confirmed mafia, all entirely preventable. At that point I had also thought that hydro had potentially curbed our chances by outing the last mafia by telling everyone who they were after, again, I literally explicitly told them not to. Then Sam hammered and we were back in the game and I considered Hydro mafia to be a lot more likely. I even after making that post implored people to take their time and think about LYLO instead of hammering immediately and then they just go and hammer immediately.

I apologize for getting emotional after a long game, I don't think you're bad players and in fact, I think anyone who is active is good at making reads and playing the game. But from a role mechanics/logic perspective this has been justifiably frustrating and I think the fact that we lost in the end is in part testament to that.

I'll be the first to admit, it's also in part testament to my own blunders: I had the material to work out Hydro/Sam the day Zippy was lynched and didn't speak with Fairy and Realiti enough, who were thinking critically and trying to help at the time. So I apologize for that, too. I shouldn't be able to criticize anyone else if I myself am a failure.