Resource RBY Simple Questions & Simple Answers Thread

Tbh I just like the idea of UUbers because imo it highlights and validates the idea (fact imo, but there would be disagreement) that ubers is in practice the least restrictive balanced format for most generations, not OU. RBY is the only generation where I think OU is genuinely the least restrictive balanced format. Then there's gen 4, where the stupid Arc ban means not even ubers qualifies
Why Was RBY Monotype Format Removed From Showdown? Recently I Got Back Into Playing Pokemon Showdown, Went to go make a team for RBY Monotype, and couldn't find the format. In fact, gens 1-4 are all lacking their monotype.
Why Was RBY Monotype Format Removed From Showdown? Recently I Got Back Into Playing Pokemon Showdown, Went to go make a team for RBY Monotype, and couldn't find the format. In fact, gens 1-4 are all lacking their monotype.

It mostly comes down to space/resources on the server. You'll see most old gens don't have anything beyond OU and randbats, with occasional rotating ladders of other types. I don't exactly how these decisions are made and what gens are allowed what, but Monotype is certainly low on people's request. Most would rather add tradebacks or stadium or something with a deeper meta, as there's only 3 real viable types in RBY monotype (maybe a couple others as an off meta pick).

If you're asking why it isn't challengeable; well it's just unnecessary. You can chal your friend to OU and tell them to bring a monotype team. IF you want to play, you can hop in the discord or RoA chat room and ping Other Meta matchmaking. NotVeryCake is usually down to playing anything always (except maybe PU right now :P).
If you're asking why it isn't challengeable; well it's just unnecessary. You can chal your friend to OU and tell them to bring a monotype team. IF you want to play, you can hop in the discord or RoA chat room and ping Other Meta matchmaking. NotVeryCake is usually down to playing anything always (except maybe PU right now :P).

Oh alr, thx, I guess that makes sense lol, I know Cakeconnesseur, and wont be challenging them, lol, i like to use bad things and would end up running mono grass or mono poison, plus im not very good.

Although i have one more question? What are The 3 OU besides Standard and Tradebacks? I know japanese is RGBY but i dont know the differences, besides blizz has 30% chance of freeze instead of 10.
Oh alr, thx, I guess that makes sense lol, I know Cakeconnesseur, and wont be challenging them, lol, i like to use bad things and would end up running mono grass or mono poison, plus im not very good.

Although i have one more question? What are The 3 OU besides Standard and Tradebacks? I know japanese is RGBY but i dont know the differences, besides blizz has 30% chance of freeze instead of 10.
Draining moves don't work on substitutes and Swift has an accuracy check vs non-subs, i think these are the only other in-battle changes

Stadium OU is simulating a stadium cart so ie hyper beam always recharges (even on miss), recoil doesnt happen on a kill, moves only have a 1/65536 chance to miss (idk if this is simulated in the game), etc etc
Hey im back with another question.
So i was reading through this thread, because i was bored, and had nothing to do, And ran across a post by Amaranth. Stating that Their RBY teams only last around half a year before they need to be updated, and the nicher/shittier they get, the more they have to be updated. I Suck at RBY, and dont have the time to watch the top level, the highest level i watch is ladder, and its like 1400 elo. To put it simply, im a shitmon user, i use bottom of the barrel or just random shit and try to make a team around it. all of them were built within the last month, i have around 7 Actual teams. So now to my question: is there any youtubers or anything i can watch to be kinda up to date on the RBY meta, or atleast be somewhat up to date? as i dont have time to watch actual tours and am not on discord very often (I think my last message was August?) Currently I just listen to whatever the players in RoA tell me, cause im at REALLY low ladder. But that ends up rly bad sometimes, cause alot of people tell me different things
Generally ladder isn’t the most up-to-date on the meta so you can honestly bring any sample team and you’ll do fine. If you want up-to date information on meta trends I would recommend the RBY Discord Server. Even if you don’t participate in the discussion you can read what a lot of experienced players are saying there to get their metagame takes, and you can ask questions there too
If you want up-to date information on meta trends I would recommend the RBY Discord Server. Even if you don’t participate in the discussion you can read what a lot of experienced players are saying there to get their metagame takes, and you can ask questions there too

Thx Ill just continue to use my teams till i notice ladder shifting, I still suck lol. And abt the Discord server, Im legit in it, lol. Just i havent been on discord for a while. But again, thx.
Hey im back with another question.
So i was reading through this thread, because i was bored, and had nothing to do, And ran across a post by Amaranth. Stating that Their RBY teams only last around half a year before they need to be updated, and the nicher/shittier they get, the more they have to be updated. I Suck at RBY, and dont have the time to watch the top level, the highest level i watch is ladder, and its like 1400 elo. To put it simply, im a shitmon user, i use bottom of the barrel or just random shit and try to make a team around it. all of them were built within the last month, i have around 7 Actual teams. So now to my question: is there any youtubers or anything i can watch to be kinda up to date on the RBY meta, or atleast be somewhat up to date? as i dont have time to watch actual tours and am not on discord very often (I think my last message was August?) Currently I just listen to whatever the players in RoA tell me, cause im at REALLY low ladder. But that ends up rly bad sometimes, cause alot of people tell me different things
If you are content with "sucking" and "not having time to watch the top level", then you shouldn't listen to a word of advice from me or anybody else. Just play for fun.

When I, or most of this community, talks about RBY metagame trends, we talk about things that are generally microadjustments. We talk about using Zapdos 30% of the time instead of 20% of the time, we talk about Rest over Rock Slide on Rhydon, we talk about which 4th move is most common on reflect lax - we talk about a whole bunch of shit that is way beyond the level that you told us you're at.

All you need to know about "the RBY meta" is that there's 11 mons that shape it (the top 11 in the viability rankings) and every other pokemon's viability is determined by how well they match up with those 11. Everything else is advanced waffling that will not be helpful to you
edit: or misleading stuff outright, especially if you're asking in RoA, you're asking people who aren't better than you about what to do. at that point just trust your gut
or misleading stuff outright, especially if you're asking in RoA, you're asking people who aren't better than you about what to do. at that point just trust your gut

Thank You!
Ive Actually met around 3 people im pretty sure know what they are doing in roa though, NotVryCake, Zuubatman, (Used to top ladder so i trust him), and the last one is a user called casino boi, idk, Cake agreed with alot of what he said so i went with it.

And you're right, i dont need to be worrying about basically anything top players do since on ladder its mostly shitmons anyways, even at like 1500. Cept lately a lot more people have started to get rly serious about ladder and have been using teams brought to top level tours, although some people edit them and have no clue what they are doing.
When I, or most of this community, talks about RBY metagame trends, we talk about things that are generally microadjustments. We talk about using Zapdos 30% of the time instead of 20% of the time, we talk about Rest over Rock Slide on Rhydon, we talk about which 4th move is most common on reflect lax - we talk about a whole bunch of shit that is way beyond the level that you told us you're at.

Are these trends cyclical ? Or they are just optimal adjustments for the current meta but it does not mean that the sample teams (and generic sets) are outdated or not viable anymore?

Well I am here to ask an actual question: What is the best set for lead Starmie right now? I currently use Blizzard + Tbolt + (Twave + Recover) but I am leaning to Psychic instead of Blizz because I find it very strong to have a STAB with Mie. However since I use Psychic on my Eggy set, it may sound redundant.

Blizzard is good against :
- Exeggutor (at least when it is leading and especially those without Mega drain)
- Rhydon,
- a switching Chansey to fish for a freeze
- does neutral damage to Zam

But Psychic is also good against Gar, can spread spe drops to force out some mons (like Lax or Chan) and may help for a ditto mie duel.

Sometimes, Starmie really wants its 4 offensive moves in its moveset :(
Are these trends cyclical ? Or they are just optimal adjustments for the current meta but it does not mean that the sample teams (and generic sets) are outdated or not viable anymore?

Well I am here to ask an actual question: What is the best set for lead Starmie right now? I currently use Blizzard + Tbolt + (Twave + Recover) but I am leaning to Psychic instead of Blizz because I find it very strong to have a STAB with Mie. However since I use Psychic on my Eggy set, it may sound redundant.

Blizzard is good against :
- Exeggutor (at least when it is leading and especially those without Mega drain)
- Rhydon,
- a switching Chansey to fish for a freeze
- does neutral damage to Zam

But Psychic is also good against Gar, can spread spe drops to force out some mons (like Lax or Chan) and may help for a ditto mie duel.

Sometimes, Starmie really wants its 4 offensive moves in its moveset :(

There's no quick good answer to this. It depends heavily on what you want to do with your starmie and which threats you need covered the most.

The quickest heuristic I could give is the following: if you plan on staying in T1, Psychic Blizz is usually best (psy for gar, blizz to freeze fish and punish Egg doubles); If you plan on switching out T1, then surf+bolt is often better as your starmie is more of a back mie masquerading as a lead. Surf is also nice for punishing jynx that may force you to stay in, but that usually isn't plan A.
There's also an arguement for dropping twave for 3 attacks, if you plan of letting starmie get slept. But if you reveal no twave before getting slept, your opponent may notice you have a bad starmie and elect to twave it instead of sleeping (or if they just plan to twave you anyway).
I got a kinda stupid question that i would like to be answered: For the most part down to ZU this dudes list seems to be alright, is SU and IU like fanmade tiers yall of heard of before? or am i getting confused over nothing. Although they did kinda mess up at the 6u 7u 8u mark

Very Soon Edit: Nvm Man, Im Tripping, Although, He did kinda fuck up in some places, and absolutely abolished 3u which makes sense, but then he rose meowth to 6u?
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What sort of OU teams best use Omastar? My understanding is that its something to pressure Lax with but Im uncertain the tradeoffs of running her and how that affects the rest of the team.
What sort of OU teams best use Omastar? My understanding is that its something to pressure Lax with but Im uncertain the tradeoffs of running her and how that affects the rest of the team.

None of them, it's a bad Pokemon in OU. The one thing it was ever used for was to punish a very specific team that ran Blizz + Fblast Tauros with no EQ Lax, as in a team where every physical attacker like 10HKOed Omastar. On ladder or vs 99.9% of players it is a terrible Pokemon.
What sort of OU teams best use Omastar? My understanding is that its something to pressure Lax with but Im uncertain the tradeoffs of running her and how that affects the rest of the team.
Based on ladder play, it would work on a team with freed :Snorlax: (Non-counter All out Attacking). You use it like :Porygon:, you keep it safe and use it to scare away Lax with the threat of Hydro Pump. At that point, you need to figure out how to deal with the switch-in, which is usually :Starmie:. You play the team much differently than you would with Reflect Lax. You want to use your own Snorlax to handle the non-Normals, rather than having your Normals tackle the opponent's Normals.

The dex entry suggests you use Body Slam. It is an option, but it's fourth moveslot is pretty mediocre. I personally believe Toxic star paired with Leech Seed :Exeggutor: is an option. The idea is to prevent you from auto losing to Amnesia sets and nothing else (aside from being amusing). You want to get the toxic counter increased, then you stall until the Amnesia user sleeps, then you seed them. This heals an enormous amount of HP. (Only attempt the toxic seed glitch against Amnesia sets). Toxic also helps against :Chansey: if it's the final mon. If you are wondering "well couldn't they just swith out their Amnesia set into :Starmie: Ya, but then :Omastar: did its job at with forcing out the Amnesia set. Gen 1 is full of situations where you must make tricky plays, so I don't think Toxic is a wasted moveslot.

:Exeggutor: is almost a given, in my eyes as a teammate, b/c of :Rhydon: and Ground :Snorlax:

Anyways, I don't really play tournaments, but from ladder play this team seems decent:

I haven't used it, but have seen something like this on Ladder:
Sauce (see Sevi's post): OU - RBY OU Ladder / "Jank" Discussion Thread | Page 6 | Smogon Forums
Notice the Sevi uses Submission, though I'm surprised that it doesn't use Rest. They also don't run Lax which surprises me. Rhydon is likely a replacement due to the threat of :Zapdos:

Perhaps it looks like it's a trash mon, due to the limited amount of teams it can be on (maybe). I think it also depends on what plays people are more likely to make. Up to you, if you want to try it out, but be smart about your plays.
Anyways, I have a question:
How do you go about paralyzing an opponent's entire team?
I want to experiment with :raticate: as an end game mon to see how it compares to a mid game mon (which is how I use it). I also want to know how to properly use :Lickitung:, b/c I question what it has over :Charizard:.
Hi! I was looking at tournament replays to see what other people did, but I'm still curious about what is the general accepted line of play when you have a non-sleep lead vs a sleep lead (i.e. Starmie). I don't see much aside from trading paralysis for sleep, but I also wonder if it's possible to sort of predict what they might have based on the lead and do something different (maybe team archetypes are too flexible with the non-big-3 slots for that to happen?). For example, I see a Jynx and then assume that they probably have Rhydon so it's better that they put my Zapdos to sleep. Thank you!
Hi! I was looking at tournament replays to see what other people did, but I'm still curious about what is the general accepted line of play when you have a non-sleep lead vs a sleep lead (i.e. Starmie). I don't see much aside from trading paralysis for sleep, but I also wonder if it's possible to sort of predict what they might have based on the lead and do something different (maybe team archetypes are too flexible with the non-big-3 slots for that to happen?). For example, I see a Jynx and then assume that they probably have Rhydon so it's better that they put my Zapdos to sleep. Thank you!
Team types are just flexible enough that you can't 100% know what they will have based only on the lead. You need a few more turns of information to get a better idea. Per your example...Rhydon is definitely a possibility on a team that leads Jynx, but that's not a given. You absolutely don't want to sleep sack your Zapdos, especially on incomplete information. I can't even think of a good reason to ever sleep sack would have to be a unique situation where sleep clause isn't active on your side and you have no better choice. That bird is the main win condition on any team using it in the 6th slot.
Team types are just flexible enough that you can't 100% know what they will have based only on the lead. You need a few more turns of information to get a better idea. Per your example...Rhydon is definitely a possibility on a team that leads Jynx, but that's not a given. You absolutely don't want to sleep sack your Zapdos, especially on incomplete information. I can't even think of a good reason to ever sleep sack would have to be a unique situation where sleep clause isn't active on your side and you have no better choice. That bird is the main win condition on any team using it in the 6th slot.

Thank you! On that note about Zapdos teams, I also get the impression that you are maybe suppose to use your Tauros a bit earlier/more than usual when Zapdos is unable to make progress i.e. vs Rhydon, and have Zapdos be the late game cleaner instead? I haven't seen this be explicitly mentioned in Zapdos teams' guides and stuff, does it make sense or you would rather preserve your Tauros most of the time?
zapdos is meant to be the late game cleaner, what do you mean it is the late game cleaner "instead"?

you fight rhydon with whatever you have, tauros included. if anything having a zap can let you use tauros more aggressively earlier even without knowledge on the presence of rhydon.
That being said, I don't think :Zapdos: is relegated just to sweeping. It can function as a :Chansey: killer, which I think is an important role to play. It's like how :Starmie: has multiple uses. That's how I use it on Double Bird teams anyways.
Vangaio you definitely have some good ideas here, i'd say both of them aren't the most important things to consider but it's a good thing to think about things like this too and be sensible for details.

- sleep sacking your Zap vs JynxMieDon: i think i prepped a line like this before vs someone. There were times where people considered JynxMieDon to be the most solid Rhydon team by far, and there were even players who didn't really use many Jynx teams besides this one either, so a natural way to counterteam their approach would be something like a Chansey lead CloyMieZap where you go Zap on Lovely Kiss and then Cloy on the first Blizzard (this combats the extreme freeze odds Jynx would otherwise get due to you not being able to twave it t1). All this under the assumption that the Zap and the Chansey lead feel very nice vs the rest of their scout, with the Zap sleep sack salvaging the JynxMieDon matchup. Nowadays there is high usage of Gar lead as well as modern MieEggDon which runs double sleep and switches Egg into Chansey t1. Thus this team isn't generally good rn, but maybe there's still a player out there who would be countered by this idea. Either way what's important here is the process of prep shown by this example (my opponent's preferences are weird or narrow? -> there must be something i can do to capitalize, but i have to make sure it Actually Works and i don't miss anything important)

- considering your backmons when deciding whether or not to use Tauros aggressively: useful for sure, i think there are 2 ways to go about this:
1. "I have a Mie or a Cloy in the back, therefore i'm not scared of tauros and can use mine to break holes." Here I'm mainly thinking of going in with Tauros after landing the first Slam on a Lax switching in, especially if you can rule out Counter. The idea is that you're fine with having a 40% Tauros as you're only interested in pushing: a 40% Tauros doesn't help vs their full Tauros, but it can still punish a Recover or a pivot with a slept mon or something, and you can also throw it into Chansey and see what happens.
2. "I'm in a bit of a shitty situation but my opponent might overrate how much I value my Tauros so I'm just gonna stay with Tauros vs Mie or something and see what happens, maybe I can stabilize my game like this." This would be more of a case of being on the back foot with a Zap or Rhydon in the back. Sure, you're kind of scared of their Tauros, but right now you're getting torn apart by their Mie + Lax or something, gotta try something. Bonus points if you're Rest Tauros and feel like you can cheat him back into the game afterwards. And ofc in a Zap vs Don matchup aggressive Tauros usage is pretty much the key to win, unless you manage to get far ahead early on somehow.
How in depth is the RBY Capmon scene? So far I've really only have found 2 Capmon and was wondering if there was more, or if there was a place to battle with RBY Capmon?
P.S. First reply in here if I got something wrong lmk
RBY CAP is unfortunately an abandoned project. The only two mons that were made were Lagosnow and Dracolilla and the tier isn’t played anymore.
RBY CAP is unfortunately an abandoned project. The only two mons that were made were Lagosnow and Dracolilla and the tier isn’t played anymore.
Yeah, been looking through it today, got some help from juoean and MG1 CEO on Discord. So is there really no hope in seeing new RBY CAPmon?
So is there really no hope in seeing new RBY CAPmon?
I wouldnt say no hope, but reviving Rby CAPmon would take alot of work from those passionate about it, that i just dont see happening right now, at this point in time we are working on lower tiers, Likr Tbs UU or ZU, I dont think CAPmon will be revived soon.