Resource DPP Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread

can someone give an answer to why dugtrio's arena trap is banned?

because it is super duper broken. it traps essentially all the good mons and makes the metagame really unhealthy. there is no counterplay to it. the metagame with dugtrio was really really bad. duggy + clef (cm clef in particular) was essentially unbeatable. trapping as a whole is just really incompetitive and rarely healthy
Why haven't you guys tested dusknoir electavire and snorlax in uu? This is one of the most played old gen metas and it's kinda sucky that other pokemon rise or fall in tiers in other past gens while these don't.
Why haven't you guys tested dusknoir electavire and snorlax in uu? This is one of the most played old gen metas and it's kinda sucky that other pokemon rise or fall in tiers in other past gens while these don't.

DPP's meta is based around usage, not viability. Since the tiers have been frozen, the OU by Technicality mons aren't going to be dropping anytime soon.
What cplay is there for breloom on stall? Is there any way to be safe vs ttar+loom? I've been told about resttalk rachi - doesn't that lose to SD?
What cplay is there for breloom on stall? Is there any way to be safe vs ttar+loom? I've been told about resttalk rachi - doesn't that lose to SD?
Breloom is one of the tougher threats for stall to handle and most stall teams come equipped w two hard counters to it, most commonly defensive Latias and one of Skarmory or gliscor. There are others too: on stalls without Latias, zapdos, celebi, and nidoqueen are also also good choices. In a pinch, defensive Jirachi and cresselia can handle loom if something else absorbs sleep. With good predictions, resttalk rotom and Gyarados can also absorb sleep so you can handle it with something else. As you can see, tyranitar can’t pursuit all of these. If you’re solely using Latias to handle it, you’ll be vulnerable to tar, but defensive Latias has switched back to reflect for a reason — so it isn’t quite such big pursuit bait. A lot of dealing w loom on stall is managing your resources: loom hates spikes and can only break so many times if it for example switches into clef using stoss w sand up. Scout out your opponent’s mons and know what you do and do not need to handle everything.

RestTalk rachi is a recent innovation to allow rachi to absorb sleep so you can keep both of your Breloom checks awake. It (alongside other resttalk steel types like Bronzong) handle opposing 2 attacks Jirachi well too and resets status without heal bell clef. You’re right, this set doesn’t handle sd loom well, but that set is a) fairly rare b) it typically drops spore in favor of facade so you don’t have to absorb sleep and c) you still have at least one strong loom check if not two to handle it w.

Hope this helps and by all means, reach out if you have more questions!
My best team building tip if you're weak to breloom is don't use stealth rocks on a bulky ground type. The longer you can keep Breloom from activating toxic orb, the harder it is to switch in!

You can get a bit creative against Breloom with things like:
Reflect restalk rotom
Gyro ball forretress

You can use lures on common pokemon like
Chopple fireblast ttar
Psychic Starmie
Lum Bronzong
You can't rely on lures with stall, but sets like these help keep Breloom away and increase your win %.

And there are some less common stall options that you might be able to use over something else:
Uxie (great SR user vs Breloom teams)
Tentacruel (easy swap for Starmie)
Scizor (bulky u-turn)
Heracross (rest talk)

You do need to scout the set and we didn't mention leech seed, but most of the time you can actually PP stall them.
What's Gallade's niche in gen 4 OU currently?
Gallade is interesting. Surprisingly, it has a good variety of sets depending on what you are looking for or your team. You can make Lum Berry by BSlam rachi or Spore Scarf loom up to a set with Custap Berry + DBond. I think it is one of the most complete fighting types on a defensive level as well, capable of withstanding DM of Modest Specs Latias lead or Scarf Trick for passive leads like Hippo or pert.

If it is not used or seen much it is because Nape or Lucario are better, but it is clear that Gallade can demonstrate things in OU.
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Is there still a ladder for the UU or Uber metagames? Do people still consistently play these metagames?

I would say they're only RoA Spotlight ladder when they randomly get selected. When they do though I would say in my experience especially last month for DPP Ubers it was pretty active.
I haven't found anywhere else appropriate to really ask, but is there a reason Pinap Berry is listed as "not obtainable without hacking or glitches" for Generation 4 specifically?


I've checked the Berry Guide posted by Smogon some years ago, and that seems to only list the in-game battle data of Pinap Berry and its interaction with Natural Gift. It's a little strange since both Serebii and Bulbapedia list it as obtainable in-game through several berry spots and in-game item trades such as the Fuschia City Juggler; there's also in-game footage here of someone picking up the item:

Is there some kind of glitch with it in Wi-Fi battles? Is this just a forgotten mistake because the item never sees competitive use? I would appreciate any relevant information given.

Major Edit: This same issue also seems to be the case for Bluk Berry as well.

(Edited due to the attached screenshot not working initially and to fix grammar errors and formatting).
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As evasion is considered uncompetitive, why are accuracy lowering moves like Mud-Slap not also banned for being uncompetitive ?

It's easier to purge. Opposing evasion boosts can only be bypassed/purged by the likes of Aura Sphere, Swift, Haze, and Perish Song. Roar/Whirlwind and Encore check accuracy like most other attacking moves, so your options are to either run one of the few rare moves that have little viability outside of beating evasion, or play the evader's game and roll the dice to brute force past it. Plus, when it beats a pokemon, the accuracy problems persist.

Accuracy debuffs, on the other hand, purge on death and on switch-out, the latter being something you're entirely in control of and usually easy to do with minimal risk of doing so at the right time. The only instance of such moves seeing genuine competitive use that I know of is GSC OU, where skarmory rarely brings Sand Attack, as a way to force the slow Curse boosters of the tier to switch, while still being able to handle last-mon boosters, while Whirlwind can't.
I haven’t played this tier in a while, nor do I have the credibility within the community to make any informed statements. That said, I’ve still been observing the Froslass situation from the sidelines. This feels like a Gen 1 UU Dragonite situation where a specific aspect of the Pokémon is more problematic than the actual Pokémon itself, but as it stands I still think the council made the correct decision. There is historical precedent for Pokémon to be banned as an unfortunate side effect of having uncompetitive Abilities (shoutouts to Gen 5 OU Sandslash by the way, bro had this happen twice), and while it’s very unfortunate, it’s nothing with an easy solution since the council isn’t the one who made these Pokémon and the game mechanics we all know and… usually love. From my perspective, if this UUBL Pokémon is/was more of a niche pick anyways, that must mean its usage wasn’t as high as OU staples, meaning that banning a Pokémon with low usage might not change the meta for the worst as much as you’d expect.

Do I wish Froslass (and Glaceon lol) wasn’t forced into a weird situation like this? Absolutely. Are there positive things that Froslass offers to the metagame? Definitely. But for the sake of tiering consistency and the fact that Snow Cloak mons are generally lower usage to begin with, I do understand the rationale behind a Snow Cloak ban.

On a somewhat unrelated note, Garchomp’s only Ability in this generation is Sand Veil, and while I think I know the answer to this, there is still a little part of me that wonders if Garchomp would be balanced in this day and age if for whatever reason it didn’t have Sand Veil. The difference, of course, is that something like Garchomp is much, much more viable than Froslass ever was regardless of evasion Abilities.
I haven’t played this tier in a while, nor do I have the credibility within the community to make any informed statements. That said, I’ve still been observing the Froslass situation from the sidelines. This feels like a Gen 1 UU Dragonite situation where a specific aspect of the Pokémon is more problematic than the actual Pokémon itself, but as it stands I still think the council made the correct decision. There is historical precedent for Pokémon to be banned as an unfortunate side effect of having uncompetitive Abilities (shoutouts to Gen 5 OU Sandslash by the way, bro had this happen twice), and while it’s very unfortunate, it’s nothing with an easy solution since the council isn’t the one who made these Pokémon and the game mechanics we all know and… usually love. From my perspective, if this UUBL Pokémon is/was more of a niche pick anyways, that must mean its usage wasn’t as high as OU staples, meaning that banning a Pokémon with low usage might not change the meta for the worst as much as you’d expect.

Do I wish Froslass (and Glaceon lol) wasn’t forced into a weird situation like this? Absolutely. Are there positive things that Froslass offers to the metagame? Definitely. But for the sake of tiering consistency and the fact that Snow Cloak mons are generally lower usage to begin with, I do understand the rationale behind a Snow Cloak ban.

On a somewhat unrelated note, Garchomp’s only Ability in this generation is Sand Veil, and while I think I know the answer to this, there is still a little part of me that wonders if Garchomp would be balanced in this day and age if for whatever reason it didn’t have Sand Veil. The difference, of course, is that something like Garchomp is much, much more viable than Froslass ever was regardless of evasion Abilities.

No Garchomp would not be balanced today, Sand Storm was very common back in the day as well as it being unlimited, Garchomp with no ability was probably a top 5 mon easily, Speed bracket, ability to stick Swords Dance, Choice Scarf, Choice Band. You put the 20% to miss on a 100% move and it snowballs out of control, I know this is a Frosslass thread so I will say that Frosslass shouldn't have been banned obviously, its really a mediocre Pokemon I play a lot of ladder and I never see that cheese tactics with Aboma anywhere.
No Garchomp would not be balanced today, Sand Storm was very common back in the day as well as it being unlimited, Garchomp with no ability was probably a top 5 mon easily, Speed bracket, ability to stick Swords Dance, Choice Scarf, Choice Band. You put the 20% to miss on a 100% move and it snowballs out of control, I know this is a Frosslass thread so I will say that Frosslass shouldn't have been banned obviously, its really a mediocre Pokemon I play a lot of ladder and I never see that cheese tactics with Aboma anywhere.
I would tend to agree with most of this; I just wanted to be certain. Like I said earlier, I’m also far from the most knowledgeable person in the world on this tier, so any advice or suggestions from more experienced players is never a bad thing, so for that I’m grateful :)
Garchomp without veil would be a purely positive thing for OU because it would reduce Jirachi (casino slot machine) presence

Garchomp would still be banned even without veil, in bdsp ou its one of the best mons in the tier and thats with fairy type and a way better weavile

also if you look at old threads about garchomp they mentioned sand veil occasionally but that was only cream of what made chomp so good.

102 Speed, An insane movepool for it's speed, outrage (which got mence banned too), No safe switch in either. Yache SD, Scarf, band, and the cheese set which is the veil set which would be banned. too much for one pokemon.
Been trying out the new sub pass strategy… but when I sub pass to a Pokémon with acupressure, I get the “but it failed” message whenever I try to use acupressure.

is this a glitch or is this how it works?
Been trying out the new sub pass strategy… but when I sub pass to a Pokémon with acupressure, I get the “but it failed” message whenever I try to use acupressure.

is this a glitch or is this how it works?
No, it's not a mistake. If you are protected in sub, Acupressure will fail.
Hello to all.
I was looking movesets for my Blastoise in gen4; I try to put Aqua Jet with Mirror Coat but showdown saids it's incompatible because a same father can't give both moves to a Squirtle; but Blatoise can do learn Fake Out and Aqua Jet but I don't find also who can be the possible fathers.