Social What are you most proud of about yourself?

getting Andy Ngo, his employer, and Libs of TikTok to block me before Ketamine Goebbels suspended me. Bongo Dan the Parler Guy, the Raw Egg Nazi, Keith Woods... there were a lot of far-right people that really didn't like what i had to say about them.
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Honestly, I think I'm unique.
I bring a unique perspective to the world and I can explain that perspective decently well.

When I compare myself to others, I feel good most of the time. But when I compare myself to people who are actually worth something, I know I do not stack up.

I am not really proud of anything I've done or accomplished though. And I'm certainly not proud of who I am.
I was voted best gym class student in 8th grade
this reminds me how in grade 9 we had these fitness competitions and i absolutely crushed them so badly that my team was barred from allowing me to participate in events. I was at least top 3 in everything, mostly top 1. Fastest runner, strongest legs, 3rd strongest arm stamina, would have been 1st in pushups if i was allowed to compete.

there was this one kid with a really big ego (every PE class has one) who thought he should take my place in the pushups and only scored half my set max at the time lmao, i was jacked as a kid
For better or worse, I admire the fact that I’ve learned how to have a big heart. The problem is that I can maybe be a little too selfless sometimes. I just finished writing a post about this in a different thread, but I don’t want to try and lose track of my own wants and needs because all I care about is other people’s.
What am I supposed to be proud of? I'm useless.
Tbh sometimes I give some money to the homeless but that's nothing to be proud of.