SPOILERS! Mysteries and Conspiracies of Pokemon

That'd explain why I never saw it, I almost never speak to trainers after I beat them.
I likewise never went back to the lighthouse, so I never caught the trivia that he (& the girl) don't show up there since they'r ein the gym! That's super neat.
I'm pretty sure there's also another trainer in the Lighthouse (I think a Sailor?) who mentions that he comes and goes from Olivine regularly and the Gym's type changed without him noticing. If you don't talk to trainers after beating them you're missing out on a lot of fodder for OI posting!

EDIT: yeah it's Sailor Terrell, on the same floor as Gentleman Preston.
I'm pretty sure there's also another trainer in the Lighthouse (I think a Sailor?) who mentions that he comes and goes from Olivine regularly and the Gym's type changed without him noticing. If you don't talk to trainers after beating them you're missing out on a lot of fodder for OI posting!

EDIT: yeah it's Sailor Terrell, on the same floor as Gentleman Preston.
This reminds me that I actually did take the time to talk to several SV trainers post-battle. The "thought bubble" -> "preamble" made for a good way to pay attention to when the post-fight dialog didn't fully resolve their first thought.
This reminds me that I actually did take the time to talk to several SV trainers post-battle. The "thought bubble" -> "preamble" made for a good way to pay attention to when the post-fight dialog didn't fully resolve their first thought.
It does, but unlike in the 2D games you actually had to walk up to them afterward to talk to them, which I found annoying.



This thing is definitely an oddly designed Pokemon to say the least. It's officially a legendary, a sub-legendary, but there's a lot of weird things about it.

Namely, it's the most non-legendary legendary to ever exist.

This thing has several anomalies for a legendary, especially one introduced in Sinnoh which is extremely lore heavy with legends and myths:
- Can be either gender, can be male or female with an equally likely chance to be either
- Has only 10 egg cycles, as opposed to 120 for most legendaries
- Has absolutely no lore whatsoever, just being a powerful creature residing in Stark Mountain and another in Reversal Mountain in Unova, but it's implied multiple of them just randomly exist. Which makes it a weird standout amongst Sinnoh's legendaries and mythicals.
- Has 600 BST, and is a standalone legendary, with no relations to others, whereas Cresselia is related to the mythical Darkrai.

It really is a weird legendary to say the least in that it just "exists" and has things in common with a legendary, namely only one per save file, having a catch rate of 3, and being a special encounter, but it's also pretty generic and feels like a very powerful ordinary Pokemon in many other ways.

Capturing it is treated as a story checkpoint to unlock the final Vs. Seeker teams at Level 55+ in DPP, which makes it the de facto "final boss" of the game's campaign mode when you count the Battle Zone, but it's also not anywhere near as strong as, say, Mewtwo who is abnormally powerful at 680 BST. It really seems to just be the resident powerful and unique mon residing in the final dungeon of the game as the dungeon's boss in that regard and the last one in the game, but it feels like a generic monster outside of that.

One must wonder what the design philosophy behind Heatran was, especially in a game that really went in on having its legendaries have a lot of lore and be deeply tied into its region, and it's definitely an oddball in many ways both in its roster and in Gen 4 in general.



This thing is definitely an oddly designed Pokemon to say the least. It's officially a legendary, a sub-legendary, but there's a lot of weird things about it.

Namely, it's the most non-legendary legendary to ever exist.

This thing has several anomalies for a legendary, especially one introduced in Sinnoh which is extremely lore heavy with legends and myths:
- Can be either gender, can be male or female with an equally likely chance to be either
- Has only 10 egg cycles, as opposed to 120 for most legendaries
- Has absolutely no lore whatsoever, just being a powerful creature residing in Stark Mountain and another in Reversal Mountain in Unova, but it's implied multiple of them just randomly exist. Which makes it a weird standout amongst Sinnoh's legendaries and mythicals.
- Has 600 BST, and is a standalone legendary, with no relations to others, whereas Cresselia is related to the mythical Darkrai.

It really is a weird legendary to say the least in that it just "exists" and has things in common with a legendary, namely only one per save file, having a catch rate of 3, and being a special encounter, but it's also pretty generic and feels like a very powerful ordinary Pokemon in many other ways.

Capturing it is treated as a story checkpoint to unlock the final Vs. Seeker teams at Level 55+ in DPP, which makes it the de facto "final boss" of the game's campaign mode when you count the Battle Zone, but it's also not anywhere near as strong as, say, Mewtwo who is abnormally powerful at 680 BST. It really seems to just be the resident powerful and unique mon residing in the final dungeon of the game as the dungeon's boss in that regard and the last one in the game, but it feels like a generic monster outside of that.

One must wonder what the design philosophy behind Heatran was, especially in a game that really went in on having its legendaries have a lot of lore and be deeply tied into its region, and it's definitely an oddball in many ways both in its roster and in Gen 4 in general.
Heatran under this lens feels like the halfway transition between Sub-Legendaries and making "just" powerful Pokemon that have major setpieces or in-game lore with Volcarona in Gen 5 filling a similarly standout position without any major categorizations wee usually associate with special Pokemon like Magikarp's "useless until evo" schtick or a Pseudo Legendary
- Has absolutely no lore whatsoever, just being a powerful creature residing in Stark Mountain and another in Reversal Mountain in Unova, but it's implied multiple of them just randomly exist. Which makes it a weird standout amongst Sinnoh's legendaries and mythicals.

I agree that Heatran is generally an oddity for most of the reasons you listed, but I wouldn’t say that it has “no lore,” or at least, it doesn’t have signficantly less than Cresselia or Manaphy and Phione in the same generation. It’s described by Buck’s grandfather as a creature that formed from magma when Dialga and Palkia were melding time and space. That’s at least as much as “it flies around curing bad dreams caused by another Pokémon” or “it’s the sea prince or something idk go play Ranger”

Many myths have similar sorts of “byproduct” beings that are inadvertently created through godly activity, so I feel like Heatran is supposed to be something along those lines.
I agree that Heatran is generally an oddity for most of the reasons you listed, but I wouldn’t say that it has “no lore,” or at least, it doesn’t have signficantly less than Cresselia or Manaphy and Phione in the same generation. It’s described by Buck’s grandfather as a creature that formed from magma when Dialga and Palkia were melding time and space. That’s at least as much as “it flies around curing bad dreams caused by another Pokémon” or “it’s the sea prince or something idk go play Ranger”

Many myths have similar sorts of “byproduct” beings that are inadvertently created through godly activity, so I feel like Heatran is supposed to be something along those lines.
Also it's so tied to the mountain that if you remove the Magma Stone it's liable to cause the eruption, it definitely seems more important than just Some Powerful Pokemon

It's a step above the Lati, which just sorta exist in a generation that like Gen 4 otherwise had plenty of lore for its other 6 legends.. Even the Southern Island/Soul Dew doesn't get a lot of lore about it, nor how the Lati truly tie back to it.



This thing is definitely an oddly designed Pokemon to say the least. It's officially a legendary, a sub-legendary, but there's a lot of weird things about it.

Namely, it's the most non-legendary legendary to ever exist.

This thing has several anomalies for a legendary, especially one introduced in Sinnoh which is extremely lore heavy with legends and myths:
- Can be either gender, can be male or female with an equally likely chance to be either
- Has only 10 egg cycles, as opposed to 120 for most legendaries
- Has absolutely no lore whatsoever, just being a powerful creature residing in Stark Mountain and another in Reversal Mountain in Unova, but it's implied multiple of them just randomly exist. Which makes it a weird standout amongst Sinnoh's legendaries and mythicals.

Agree with everything but must quibble this because Sinnoh, unlike several other regions, is quite explicit in demonstrating that many of its native legendaries have multiple individuals in existence:
  • There's Cresselia which is notably Palmer's signature in multiple canons and is stated to be used by others
  • There's Shaymin, which is shown to be one of many in the anime
  • There's Phione/Manaphy, whose abundance is basically part of their lore
  • There's the creation trio, who we see being born in HGSS
  • There's Regigigas, which is also used by Palmer

I also think that Heatran's gender balance more or less perfectly justifies why there's multiple: most legendaries almost certainly do breed in some fashion, but it's just unlike the way most ordinary Pokemon do it* thus it can't be accomplished at the daycare. Heatran - being less like other legendaries - probably breeds in a somewhat straightforward manner, though it's still out of reach for players.

*as an example, we see Moltres hatching from an egg in Snap that's been encased in lava: presumably Moltres needs an extreme heat to gestate in
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The Teal Disk has new dex entries, with one of them with a new lore drop for me.


Did Pokemon always have scientific names? It's already know with Pokemon like Alolan Vulpix and the major Sinnoh/Hisui Legendaries that Pokemon names can differ within the in-game world, but you telling me there's also over 1000 scientific names that exists, of which we only know 1? Is Alomomola's in-game English name based on it's in-game scientific name of Alomomola Alomomola, knowing the scientific name of Ocean Sunfish is Mola Mola?
The Teal Disk has new dex entries, with one of them with a new lore drop for me.

View attachment 579967

Did Pokemon always have scientific names? It's already know with Pokemon like Alolan Vulpix and the major Sinnoh/Hisui Legendaries that Pokemon names can differ within the in-game world, but you telling me there's also over 1000 scientific names that exists, of which we only know 1? Is Alomomola's in-game English name based on it's in-game scientific name of Alomomola Alomomola, knowing the scientific name of Ocean Sunfish is Mola Mola?

I don't see why not? There's no reason to assume the situation would be any different to real-world animals: taking cats as a random example, they're known by many names around the world (chat, gato, katze, mao, neko) as well as their actual scientific name (felis catus). I can only assume we don't know the vast majority of Pokemon scientific names because A.) the designers don't want to go to the effort of making 1000+ additional names that aren't supposed to be used B.) it'd be tedious and difficult to justify every Pokemon having a dex entry which mentions their scientific name C.) most people, including the player character, wouldn't be interested in that
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The Teal Disk has new dex entries, with one of them with a new lore drop for me.

View attachment 579967

Did Pokemon always have scientific names? It's already know with Pokemon like Alolan Vulpix and the major Sinnoh/Hisui Legendaries that Pokemon names can differ within the in-game world, but you telling me there's also over 1000 scientific names that exists, of which we only know 1? Is Alomomola's in-game English name based on it's in-game scientific name of Alomomola Alomomola, knowing the scientific name of Ocean Sunfish is Mola Mola?
Oddish had a scientific name for a while, and by "a while" I meant Generation III in English, and Red and Green in Japan.
FireRed Pokédex entry said:
Its scientific name is "Oddium Wanderus." At night, it is said to walk nearly 1,000 feet on its two roots.
Red (JP) and Green's Pokédex entry said:
べつめい アルキメンデス。よるに なると 2ほんの ねっこで 300メートルも あるくという。
(Translated.) Also known as Archimendes. At night, he walks up to 300 meters on two roots.

EDIT: Bulbapedia is cooking something:
  • Oddish has a scientific name: Oddium Wanderus, given in its FireRed and Y Pokédex entries. The only other Pokémon with a known scientific name is Kabutops, with Kabutops Maximus.
    • In the Japanese versions of FireRed and Y, as well as Red and Green, Oddish's Pokédex entries instead state that it has the alias name アルキメンデス Arukimendesu. This can either be seen as a corruption of Archimedes, the Greek mathematician; or as a direct reference to a popular Japanese instant noodles brand Archimendes, which literally means 歩き麺です aruki men desu (instant noodles on the go). The latter may reference Oddish's appearance when walking.
Kabutops also has a scientific name!?
  • Kabutops has a scientific name, Kabutops maximus, which was stated in Fossil Fools. The only other Pokémon with a known scientific name is Oddish, with Oddium Wanderus. The name Kabutops maximus does have real meaning; when translated, it means "the largest kabuto-face", referring to the size and shape of Kabutops's head.
"Fossil Fools" is a Pokémon episode set in Johto's Ruins of Alph, and I don't know if this is a dub addition only. But yeah, Kabutops does have a scientific name somewhere in official media.
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(Please excuse me for a brief moment as I use this post as an opportunity to see if I know how to hide spoilers correctly. If I'm not mistaken, this will be my first-ever post where I attempt to use that feature.)

Non-spoiler text: Example
Spoiler text:

Okay, I think we should be good. Onto the post now. So, in light of the recent discovery of
a wild Meloetta in the Terarium
in The Indigo Disk DLC of Pokémon Scarlet & Violet, my attention has focused back on something very similar that happened in The Crown Tundra DLC for Pokémon Sword & Shield. I feel comfortable enough saying that Sword & Shield's DLC is old enough now to where I no longer would consider the encounter with Keldeo to be worthy of a spoiler warning, but what you may not know is that there's actually a second Mythical Pokémon hidden in The Crown Tundra... or at least, there's supposed to be. Back in 2020, dataminers discovered encounter data for a Level 70 Victini that could be battled in the wild and caught by the player, very similar to the Keldeo encounter seen in the final release of the DLC. The problem? It's been three years since that DLC had been released, and players still haven't found this thing or any sign of what might have happened. Going into and through the new year in 2021, players started to speculate that maybe this encounter data would be replaced by a Mystery Gift event of some kind, but upon further inspection that doesn't seem to be the case. Notably, there was actually a Victini Mystery Gift released during Generation 8 after The Crown Tundra's release date, but it doesn't seem to be the same Victini on account of its lower level and a different moveset.

Since then, the large majority of players have been content to just dismiss this as a scrapped encounter entirely and just moved on like usual. I was also content to move on from this for a while, but my curiosity only grew over time. Extremely well-hidden Pokémon that take a long time to find is a very fascinating concept to me, and I can't help but wonder now if we've missed anything in any of the older games or have been looking in the wrong spots for this mysterious Victini. I remember around three and a half years ago, maybe a little before that I'm not sure, there was the discovery of a gift Tentacool in Cianwood City in HeartGold & SoulSilver that had gone completely undiscovered for over a decade that blew everyone's minds the instant this information was made public. Knowing how stupidly specific and obscure the method to find what's listed in the spoiler warning above, I absolutely wouldn't be surprised if this rabbit hole goes even deeper than we thought three years ago. And who knows? If someone does find where this Victini is/was hiding, that person's going to have major bragging rights.
reposted from smogoff where it was locked because it was the wrong place

Recently, I've been slowly going insane. And the root of my insanity has been one number. That number is 570. There are 30 Pokemon with the base stat total of 570.

The first nine of these Pokemon are all of the Ultra Beasts except for Poiple and Naganadel, and the light trio if you count them. Naganadel has a similar face and wing shape to Ultra Necrozma, and they are both dragon types. Naganadel is the only Ultra Beast to evolve, and Necrozmas hosts were at the time, the only legendaries to evolve (yes I know, we’ll get to it). These similarities are likely coincidental, but what isnt coincidental are the similarities between Guzzlord and Zygarde. They are both black dragons with white shinies and immensely high hp stats. They have similar body shapes, and seem to serve opposite roles, with Zygarde protecting it, and Guzzlord… not. But most striking of all, they are found in the EXACT SAME CAVE. While more numerous than those between Naganandel and Ultra Necrozma, many people will still write these similarities off as circumstantial evidence, and that would be valid, had the artist who designed Guzzlord not point some of these out.

However, there are more similarities between Zygarde and the Ultra Beasts. Guzzlord is often associated with Naganadel, who, as previously stated has some similarities in common with Ultra Necrozma. All four are dragon type, the only dragon legend/mythical/ubs in their gens. Zygarde has a crystalline structure that looks similar to Ultra Necrozma. Necrozma, as you probably know, is heavily associated with Z crystals. These Z crystals are tied to the aura that Necrozma and the Totem Pokemon give off. However, the Ultra Beasts also give off this aura, which raises one or more attack, defence, special attack, special defence, and speed, something which the Ultra Beasts signature ability Beast Boost does too. Now, what pokemon has an ability related to aura, one that just like Ultra Necrozma, has been split into pieces, and can regain its true form only in battle, one thats name intentionally starts with z. Thats right. Zygarde. A Pokemon which mysteriously appeared in Alola during the Ultra Beast invasion. Many of these points could be coincidences, however these connections will make more sense as I continue.

So, thats nine out of the 30 Pokemon with a 570 base stat total. The next four are the Tapus, whose similarities with the previous pokemon is obvious. There are no gen 8 pokemon with that base stat total, so I will be skipping over it for now. Thats not to say it isn't important, as it will be soon. But onto gen 9, where things get interesting.

The next set of Pokemon with a 570 base stat total are the ruin legendaries. These Pokemon have a shocking number of similarities with the tapus. Besides being quartets of legendaries with the same base stat total, they each have abilities that were at the time exclusive to them, and that correlated to eachother. The tapus are found in the ruins, while the ruin legendaries do not need explaining. Both have two part names that originate from different languages. But the nail in the coffin is this. The tapus and the ruin legends are fairy type and dark type respectively. These types are opposites. And the tapus signature move is the fairy type natures madness, while the ruins signature move is the dark type ruination. These moves function the exact same way. This cannot be a coincidence.

Lets take a moment to talk more about base stat totals. The ruin legends actually used to have base stat totals of 580, but was reduced to 570 in a patch. All other mon with a base stat total of 580 are either legendaries or have megas, and all pokemon besides iron valiant and roaring moon that have the base stat total of 590 have megas. The raidons have a base stat total of 670, the dex number of floette. Well get back to that. Something of note is that the box legendaries of X and Y are fairy and dark type. These Pokemon also have correlations with zygarde and aura.

The next pokemon with that base stat total are all the paradox pokemon except for the raidons if you count them, iron leaves, iron valiant, walking wake, and roaring moon. Iron valiant and roaring moon seem to directly reference mega galade and mega salamance, while iron leaves and waking walk are based on legendaries. The paradox pokemon have a lot in common with ultra beasts. They have similar origins, and they have an ability that boosts their strongest stat. Something that might mean something but might mean nothing is that area zeros initials are az. However, Az is almost certainly connected to the great crater in paldea. His floette is as of now unobtainable. Floette are found all over the great crater. The great crater is full of crystals. The ultimate weapon is crystaline. Eternal flower, the title of azs floette, has the same name structure as the paradox pokemon. Its signature move is light of ruin, like the abilities of the ruin legends. The theory that the ultimate weapon made the crater is not new, but it is important.

Remember when i said gen 8 was important? First things first, lets get the circumstantial evidence out of the way first. The za dogs share the base stat total with the raidons, and za backwards is az. That likely is a coincidence. What is almost certainly not a coincidence is eternatus. First, lets get the circumstantial evidence out of the way. It shares a type combo with naganadel, and its weak to necrozma, while its poison type is resistant and immune to lunala and solgaleo. This could be foreshadowing, but it probably means nothing. But the big thing is this. Eternatus is the 3rd legendary dragon in a row to be crystalline and have a more powerful form. It is the second in a row to be connected to the regions gimmick. And while terapagos may turn out to not be a dragon type, it checks some of those boxes.

The ultimate weapon is already connected to mega evolution, but assuming the ultimate weapon did create the great crater, that also connects it to terastilization. Z moves have obious conections to terastilization, and gigantimax likewise to mega evolution. Z moves and dynamax both take all moves except status moves, and group them into 18 different moves based on their typing, with their power based on the base move, except for a few special mon who have their own versions. And while were comparing necrozma to eternatus, lets look at the facts. Eternatus produces light. Necrozma consumes light. This is a plot point that is too cool to pass up, and might be in a game soon.

Regardless, I believe that there will be a game soon that explores these connections. And we have the perfect catalyst for this:Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Notice the : in the title. This likely means that there will be more Legends games. Which leads me to the final pokemon with a base stat total of 570. A pokemon with ties to ultra beasts, one of the few legendaries to evolve. A pokemon that changes type. A pokemon with ties to arceus. The first legends game was Pokemon Legends: Arceus. So wouldn't it be fitting if the next legends game was Pokemon Legends: Silvally?
what do you think?
TL;DR: the next legends game will be legends silvally, everything's connected, big things are about to happen, and i am losing my sanity HELP
Regardless, I believe that there will be a game soon that explores these connections. And we have the perfect catalyst for this:Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Notice the : in the title. This likely means that there will be more Legends games. Which leads me to the final pokemon with a base stat total of 570. A pokemon with ties to ultra beasts, one of the few legendaries to evolve. A pokemon that changes type. A pokemon with ties to arceus. The first legends game was Pokemon Legends: Arceus. So wouldn't it be fitting if the next legends game was Pokemon Legends: Silvally?
what do you think?
TL;DR: the next legends game will be legends silvally, everything's connected, big things are about to happen, and i am losing my sanity HELP
This might seem like a weird place to post something like this- and it definitely is- but I have actual reason to believe that we aren't getting a new Pokémon Legends game, or at least not on the current Nintendo Switch hardware. I won't discount the idea of a new Legends game on the Switch successor that everyone and their mother seems to be obsessed with in the leaking community just yet, but as for the current line of hardware, we have pretty irrefutable evidence hidden in plain sight. When new Pokémon games are announced and/or released these days, The Pokémon Company will give the new games their own little "sub-website", I guess you could call it, within the bigger picture of the official international Pokémon Company website. For the purposes of Smogon being an English-speaking forum community, we would use the "EN" version of the site for this. In any case, when you take a look into the URL for the website, you'll find that the keyword for this game doesn't mention Arceus at all, only just listing "legends" on its own. This on its own isn't significant, but if you were to try and cue in a specific search for any other unannounced Pokémon Legends content, such as this hypothetical Silvally game for example, not only do no results show up (obviously), but that little message that shows up on your screen lists the source code name for the Nintendo Switch- the NX- in there somewhere. I can't remember exactly what it says off the top of my head, but my point that this suggests Arceus would be the only Legends game on this console remains intact.
I think they also might just go in a different route but the domain name thing doesn't really matter in either direction

if the next switch game was, I dunno, Legends Zygarde the domain can just be "legendszygarde" dot pokemon dot com. Or just 'Zygarde' dot pokemon dot com. Something to that effect. Even easier to use if they kept the "Legends" moniker but gave it a different subtitle. LEGENDS of Kalos or whatever.
reposted from smogoff where it was locked because it was the wrong place

Recently, I've been slowly going insane. And the root of my insanity has been one number. That number is 570. There are 30 Pokemon with the base stat total of 570.

The first nine of these Pokemon are all of the Ultra Beasts except for Poiple and Naganadel, and the light trio if you count them. Naganadel has a similar face and wing shape to Ultra Necrozma, and they are both dragon types. Naganadel is the only Ultra Beast to evolve, and Necrozmas hosts were at the time, the only legendaries to evolve (yes I know, we’ll get to it). These similarities are likely coincidental, but what isnt coincidental are the similarities between Guzzlord and Zygarde. They are both black dragons with white shinies and immensely high hp stats. They have similar body shapes, and seem to serve opposite roles, with Zygarde protecting it, and Guzzlord… not. But most striking of all, they are found in the EXACT SAME CAVE. While more numerous than those between Naganandel and Ultra Necrozma, many people will still write these similarities off as circumstantial evidence, and that would be valid, had the artist who designed Guzzlord not point some of these out.

However, there are more similarities between Zygarde and the Ultra Beasts. Guzzlord is often associated with Naganadel, who, as previously stated has some similarities in common with Ultra Necrozma. All four are dragon type, the only dragon legend/mythical/ubs in their gens. Zygarde has a crystalline structure that looks similar to Ultra Necrozma. Necrozma, as you probably know, is heavily associated with Z crystals. These Z crystals are tied to the aura that Necrozma and the Totem Pokemon give off. However, the Ultra Beasts also give off this aura, which raises one or more attack, defence, special attack, special defence, and speed, something which the Ultra Beasts signature ability Beast Boost does too. Now, what pokemon has an ability related to aura, one that just like Ultra Necrozma, has been split into pieces, and can regain its true form only in battle, one thats name intentionally starts with z. Thats right. Zygarde. A Pokemon which mysteriously appeared in Alola during the Ultra Beast invasion. Many of these points could be coincidences, however these connections will make more sense as I continue.

So, thats nine out of the 30 Pokemon with a 570 base stat total. The next four are the Tapus, whose similarities with the previous pokemon is obvious. There are no gen 8 pokemon with that base stat total, so I will be skipping over it for now. Thats not to say it isn't important, as it will be soon. But onto gen 9, where things get interesting.

The next set of Pokemon with a 570 base stat total are the ruin legendaries. These Pokemon have a shocking number of similarities with the tapus. Besides being quartets of legendaries with the same base stat total, they each have abilities that were at the time exclusive to them, and that correlated to eachother. The tapus are found in the ruins, while the ruin legendaries do not need explaining. Both have two part names that originate from different languages. But the nail in the coffin is this. The tapus and the ruin legends are fairy type and dark type respectively. These types are opposites. And the tapus signature move is the fairy type natures madness, while the ruins signature move is the dark type ruination. These moves function the exact same way. This cannot be a coincidence.

Lets take a moment to talk more about base stat totals. The ruin legends actually used to have base stat totals of 580, but was reduced to 570 in a patch. All other mon with a base stat total of 580 are either legendaries or have megas, and all pokemon besides iron valiant and roaring moon that have the base stat total of 590 have megas. The raidons have a base stat total of 670, the dex number of floette. Well get back to that. Something of note is that the box legendaries of X and Y are fairy and dark type. These Pokemon also have correlations with zygarde and aura.

The next pokemon with that base stat total are all the paradox pokemon except for the raidons if you count them, iron leaves, iron valiant, walking wake, and roaring moon. Iron valiant and roaring moon seem to directly reference mega galade and mega salamance, while iron leaves and waking walk are based on legendaries. The paradox pokemon have a lot in common with ultra beasts. They have similar origins, and they have an ability that boosts their strongest stat. Something that might mean something but might mean nothing is that area zeros initials are az. However, Az is almost certainly connected to the great crater in paldea. His floette is as of now unobtainable. Floette are found all over the great crater. The great crater is full of crystals. The ultimate weapon is crystaline. Eternal flower, the title of azs floette, has the same name structure as the paradox pokemon. Its signature move is light of ruin, like the abilities of the ruin legends. The theory that the ultimate weapon made the crater is not new, but it is important.

Remember when i said gen 8 was important? First things first, lets get the circumstantial evidence out of the way first. The za dogs share the base stat total with the raidons, and za backwards is az. That likely is a coincidence. What is almost certainly not a coincidence is eternatus. First, lets get the circumstantial evidence out of the way. It shares a type combo with naganadel, and its weak to necrozma, while its poison type is resistant and immune to lunala and solgaleo. This could be foreshadowing, but it probably means nothing. But the big thing is this. Eternatus is the 3rd legendary dragon in a row to be crystalline and have a more powerful form. It is the second in a row to be connected to the regions gimmick. And while terapagos may turn out to not be a dragon type, it checks some of those boxes.

The ultimate weapon is already connected to mega evolution, but assuming the ultimate weapon did create the great crater, that also connects it to terastilization. Z moves have obious conections to terastilization, and gigantimax likewise to mega evolution. Z moves and dynamax both take all moves except status moves, and group them into 18 different moves based on their typing, with their power based on the base move, except for a few special mon who have their own versions. And while were comparing necrozma to eternatus, lets look at the facts. Eternatus produces light. Necrozma consumes light. This is a plot point that is too cool to pass up, and might be in a game soon.

Regardless, I believe that there will be a game soon that explores these connections. And we have the perfect catalyst for this:Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Notice the : in the title. This likely means that there will be more Legends games. Which leads me to the final pokemon with a base stat total of 570. A pokemon with ties to ultra beasts, one of the few legendaries to evolve. A pokemon that changes type. A pokemon with ties to arceus. The first legends game was Pokemon Legends: Arceus. So wouldn't it be fitting if the next legends game was Pokemon Legends: Silvally?
what do you think?
TL;DR: the next legends game will be legends silvally, everything's connected, big things are about to happen, and i am losing my sanity HELP

W-what did I just read?
reposted from smogoff where it was locked because it was the wrong place

Recently, I've been slowly going insane. And the root of my insanity has been one number. That number is 570. There are 30 Pokemon with the base stat total of 570.

The first nine of these Pokemon are all of the Ultra Beasts except for Poiple and Naganadel, and the light trio if you count them. Naganadel has a similar face and wing shape to Ultra Necrozma, and they are both dragon types. Naganadel is the only Ultra Beast to evolve, and Necrozmas hosts were at the time, the only legendaries to evolve (yes I know, we’ll get to it). These similarities are likely coincidental, but what isnt coincidental are the similarities between Guzzlord and Zygarde. They are both black dragons with white shinies and immensely high hp stats. They have similar body shapes, and seem to serve opposite roles, with Zygarde protecting it, and Guzzlord… not. But most striking of all, they are found in the EXACT SAME CAVE. While more numerous than those between Naganandel and Ultra Necrozma, many people will still write these similarities off as circumstantial evidence, and that would be valid, had the artist who designed Guzzlord not point some of these out.

However, there are more similarities between Zygarde and the Ultra Beasts. Guzzlord is often associated with Naganadel, who, as previously stated has some similarities in common with Ultra Necrozma. All four are dragon type, the only dragon legend/mythical/ubs in their gens. Zygarde has a crystalline structure that looks similar to Ultra Necrozma. Necrozma, as you probably know, is heavily associated with Z crystals. These Z crystals are tied to the aura that Necrozma and the Totem Pokemon give off. However, the Ultra Beasts also give off this aura, which raises one or more attack, defence, special attack, special defence, and speed, something which the Ultra Beasts signature ability Beast Boost does too. Now, what pokemon has an ability related to aura, one that just like Ultra Necrozma, has been split into pieces, and can regain its true form only in battle, one thats name intentionally starts with z. Thats right. Zygarde. A Pokemon which mysteriously appeared in Alola during the Ultra Beast invasion. Many of these points could be coincidences, however these connections will make more sense as I continue.

So, thats nine out of the 30 Pokemon with a 570 base stat total. The next four are the Tapus, whose similarities with the previous pokemon is obvious. There are no gen 8 pokemon with that base stat total, so I will be skipping over it for now. Thats not to say it isn't important, as it will be soon. But onto gen 9, where things get interesting.

The next set of Pokemon with a 570 base stat total are the ruin legendaries. These Pokemon have a shocking number of similarities with the tapus. Besides being quartets of legendaries with the same base stat total, they each have abilities that were at the time exclusive to them, and that correlated to eachother. The tapus are found in the ruins, while the ruin legendaries do not need explaining. Both have two part names that originate from different languages. But the nail in the coffin is this. The tapus and the ruin legends are fairy type and dark type respectively. These types are opposites. And the tapus signature move is the fairy type natures madness, while the ruins signature move is the dark type ruination. These moves function the exact same way. This cannot be a coincidence.

Lets take a moment to talk more about base stat totals. The ruin legends actually used to have base stat totals of 580, but was reduced to 570 in a patch. All other mon with a base stat total of 580 are either legendaries or have megas, and all pokemon besides iron valiant and roaring moon that have the base stat total of 590 have megas. The raidons have a base stat total of 670, the dex number of floette. Well get back to that. Something of note is that the box legendaries of X and Y are fairy and dark type. These Pokemon also have correlations with zygarde and aura.

The next pokemon with that base stat total are all the paradox pokemon except for the raidons if you count them, iron leaves, iron valiant, walking wake, and roaring moon. Iron valiant and roaring moon seem to directly reference mega galade and mega salamance, while iron leaves and waking walk are based on legendaries. The paradox pokemon have a lot in common with ultra beasts. They have similar origins, and they have an ability that boosts their strongest stat. Something that might mean something but might mean nothing is that area zeros initials are az. However, Az is almost certainly connected to the great crater in paldea. His floette is as of now unobtainable. Floette are found all over the great crater. The great crater is full of crystals. The ultimate weapon is crystaline. Eternal flower, the title of azs floette, has the same name structure as the paradox pokemon. Its signature move is light of ruin, like the abilities of the ruin legends. The theory that the ultimate weapon made the crater is not new, but it is important.

Remember when i said gen 8 was important? First things first, lets get the circumstantial evidence out of the way first. The za dogs share the base stat total with the raidons, and za backwards is az. That likely is a coincidence. What is almost certainly not a coincidence is eternatus. First, lets get the circumstantial evidence out of the way. It shares a type combo with naganadel, and its weak to necrozma, while its poison type is resistant and immune to lunala and solgaleo. This could be foreshadowing, but it probably means nothing. But the big thing is this. Eternatus is the 3rd legendary dragon in a row to be crystalline and have a more powerful form. It is the second in a row to be connected to the regions gimmick. And while terapagos may turn out to not be a dragon type, it checks some of those boxes.

The ultimate weapon is already connected to mega evolution, but assuming the ultimate weapon did create the great crater, that also connects it to terastilization. Z moves have obious conections to terastilization, and gigantimax likewise to mega evolution. Z moves and dynamax both take all moves except status moves, and group them into 18 different moves based on their typing, with their power based on the base move, except for a few special mon who have their own versions. And while were comparing necrozma to eternatus, lets look at the facts. Eternatus produces light. Necrozma consumes light. This is a plot point that is too cool to pass up, and might be in a game soon.

Regardless, I believe that there will be a game soon that explores these connections. And we have the perfect catalyst for this:Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Notice the : in the title. This likely means that there will be more Legends games. Which leads me to the final pokemon with a base stat total of 570. A pokemon with ties to ultra beasts, one of the few legendaries to evolve. A pokemon that changes type. A pokemon with ties to arceus. The first legends game was Pokemon Legends: Arceus. So wouldn't it be fitting if the next legends game was Pokemon Legends: Silvally?
what do you think?
TL;DR: the next legends game will be legends silvally, everything's connected, big things are about to happen, and i am losing my sanity HELP
As much as I like the number games in base stats (and have begun to consider Poison as a type that shapes the worldbuilding as well as the gameplay), 570 is probably just used for several powerful mons because the benchmark for minor legends at 580 and mythicals/pseudos/semi-major legends sharing 600 is already established. The tapus and treasures of ruin are probably lower than previous sets because their abilities are a massive step above Pressure, Clear Body, and Levitate.

Similarly, the first legendaries with 670 BST, Groudon and Kyogre, predate Floette by a wide margin and have strong abilities compared to the other restricted mons with 680 BST at the time. You could definitely also look at 3/4 of the other 670 boxart legends and then peer pressure Zamazenta into also joining the 'obviously strong ability' club (the wolves even got nerfed to 660), if anything it's weird to me that GF didn't think Dark and Fairy Auras warranted this treatment as well.
*Victini in SwSh where?*
I have an answer that might explain what's going on. Either
  1. Game freak sucks at coding, or
  2. Game Freak plans Mystery Gifts only to forget them half the time. *glances at the Lock Capsule*

But speaking of coding, if Psychic being immune to Ghost in Gen I was a bug or oversight (I'm leaning towards the latter), then why wasn't it fixed in JP Blue, International Red and Blue, or the Stadium games?
I have an answer that might explain what's going on. Either
  1. Game freak sucks at coding, or
  2. Game Freak plans Mystery Gifts only to forget them half the time. *glances at the Lock Capsule*

But speaking of coding, if Psychic being immune to Ghost in Gen I was a bug or oversight (I'm leaning towards the latter), then why wasn't it fixed in JP Blue, International Red and Blue, or the Stadium games?
Blue I imagine remained unfixed to avoid desyncs with Red and Green. As for international versions and Stadium, I have no idea.
I have an answer that might explain what's going on. Either
  1. Game freak sucks at coding, or
  2. Game Freak plans Mystery Gifts only to forget them half the time. *glances at the Lock Capsule*
I mean the easier answer is simply "They planned for Victini, but then backed off"
Perhaps Victini was an early left over before they thought Keldeo was the better mythic to fit in, maybe they thought having Keldeo and Victini was arbitrarily "too much", maybe they had some other plan for Victini but the idea never came together so they scrapped it.
I mean the easier answer is simply "They planned for Victini, but then backed off"
Perhaps Victini was an early left over before they thought Keldeo was the better mythic to fit in, maybe they thought having Keldeo and Victini was arbitrarily "too much", maybe they had some other plan for Victini but the idea never came together so they scrapped it.
while that answer is likely true, i would like to throw my hat into the ring. victini could have been used as a placeholder during testing. it has 100 stats across the board, and is the first pokemon of the unova dex. the former sounds like a good thing for testing, and the latter might make it a default placeholder. this probobly isnt the case, but i thought i might as well mention it.
The Hidden Treasures of Area Zero has 4 logos on its corners


They correspond to 4 things from the DLC. Top left is the Kitakami flag, top right is the Crystal Pool, bottom left is Blueberry Academy's logo and the bottom right seems to represent terastalization's star burst & likely Terapagos specifically.

Bottom right I might be a little off base on, but for the most part all 4 have pretty clear representations and meaning.

This is all a mirror of the Scarlet/Violet logos, which are also present on their in-game respective books and Briar's jacket. They have more stylization.


The top left is a stylized version of the thing we see from the mysterious metal plate they dug up on the expedition (mentioned in the Book) and that you can find while entering the cave part of Area Zero. It's....got no real meaning that we can tell.

The top right is a slightly stylized version of the geoglyph found in that hidden cave where you can find Roaring Moon & Iron Valiant. This is also in the Book. It....might have a little meaning? If you align it over a map of Paldea the tips of the triangle mostly line up with where the Ruinous Treasure doors are. The book does mention them theorizing they could be from the time of the Paldean Empire when they were sealed away so...perhaps? Why its like that, why it's presented in this weird way, or if that was even intentional is unknown.

Bottom left is harder to pin down but kinda-sorta resembles the sketch Heath made from his Phantom Memory. The other 2 symbols that have more direct matches are also pretty stylized so it's not too far off. Which never got an explanation, either who he was talking to, about what, or what those sketches were for. It's not an exact match, but it's the only thing in the book that we get a clear look at. With the bit crossing the middle, you could maybe draw connection to the tera orb....maybe?

As disappointing as the lack of follow up on any of these are beyond "boy, they sure are mysterious!" they are all things you can at least point at. They're in the book, they tie to the mysteriousness of Area Zero. Easy to see why in-universe Heath put them on the cover like how his descendant Briar put it on the cover of her book (did you know in Japanese its literally called "The Hidden Treasure Of Area Zero" but English just called it Briar's Book? weird). And out of universe they're certainly eye catching logo work. So that's fine I guess

But what the hell is the bottom right symbol?? There is nothing that I can tell that matches it in either the book or Area Zero proper even accounting for stylizing.