Pet Mod Fakemon Frontier

Set 1: flareth13, anaconja, jrdyop

Set 2: anaconja, analysis geek, deneb

Set 3: deneb, zxgzxg, fragmented
here yall go

Fakemon Name: Dreadpool
Set Number: 1
Weight: 162 kg
Stats: 65/41/148/121/139/41 | 555
Typing: Dark / Water
Abilities: Liquid Voice
Movepool: Recover, Knock Off, Parting Shot, Dark Pulse, Fiery Dance, Hyper Voice, Hyper Beam, Facade, Toxic, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Hydro Pump, Surf, Sucker Punch, Zap Cannon, Sharpen, Icicle Crash, Swords Dance, Protect, Substitute, Surf, Hydro Pump, Flip Turn, Aqua Cutter, Liquidation, Crunch, Agility, Aqua Jet, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Psychic Fangs, Eerie Spell, Psychic
Description: Fatass Water + Special Breaker
As for thematics, Storm Surfer with shark elements n shit, has vigilante elements as well.
Decided to meet all of the criteria, for funzies ya know?
Fakemon Name: Pingray
Set Number: 2
Weight: 55.2 kg
Stats: 60 / 75 / 85 / 100 / 85 / 115 (BST: 520)

Abilities: Tinted Lens / Truant
Movepool: Starmie's SwSh Movepool
Physical: Flip Turn, Rapid Spin
Special: Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Meteor Beam, Psychic, Psyshock, Scald, Thunderbolt
Status: Recover, Skill Swap, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Trick
Fakemon Name: Caboa
Set Number: 3
Weight: 70.0 kg
Stats: 81/111/131/58/88/63
Typing: Electric/Ground
Abilities: Thick Fat/-/Unaware
Movepool: Body Press, Bolt Strike, Coil, Earthquake, Glare, Megahorn, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, Stone Edge
Acid Spray, Bite, Body Slam, Bounce, Bug Buzz, Crunch, Dig, Double-Edge, Dragon Rush, Dragon Tail, Earth Power, Eerie Impulse, Giga Impact, Headbutt, High Horsepower, Hyper Beam, Iron Head, Iron Tail, Infestation, Lunge, Mud Shot, Outrage, Pounce, Sand Attack, Sandstorm, Skitter Smack, String Shot, Thrash, Thunder, Thunder Cage, Thunderbolt, Wild Charge, Wrap, Universal TMs
Description: Coil set-up guy with Unaware for stuff like, uh.. Also works as a hazard setter. Design-wise, it's kind of like a Boa-Rattlesnake-Silkworm hybird, good luck with imagining that.

Congratulations to Jrdyop :), zxgzxg, and Fragmented for winning, and thank you to everyone who submitted. Remember, we're doing two more slates before our big playtesting break, so be sure to get in any last ideas you have!

See you next time!
Hello, welcome to the penultimate slate.


Set 2 Pokemon: Alcremie, Araquanid, Archaludon, Bastiodon, Bellossom, Blastoise, Blaziken, Cinccino, Cobalion, Comfey, Deoxys, Dewgong, Dodrio, Duraludon, Electivire, Emboar, Entei, Excadrill, Exeggutor, Exeggutor-Alola, Feraligatr, Flygon, Galvantula, Golurk, Gouging Fire, Granbull, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Hitmontop, Ho-Oh, Hydrapple, Incineroar, Iron Boulder, Iron Crown, Keldeo, Kingdra, Kyurem, Kyurem-Black, Kyurem-White, Lanturn, Lapras, Latias, Latios, Lugia, Lunala, Magmortar, Malamar, Meganium, Meowstic, Meowstic-F, Metagross, Milcery, Minior, Minun

Set 3 Moves (Keep in mind they should not be STAB): Blast Burn, Blood Moon, Blue Flare, Bolt Strike, Boomburst, Chloroblast, Doom Desire, Draco Meteor, Dragon Energy, Electro Shot, Eruption, Eternabeam, Explosion, Fleur Cannon, Focus Punch, Freeze Shock, Frenzy Plant, Giga Impact, Gigaton Hammer, Head Smash, High Jump Kick, Hydro Cannon, Hyper Beam, Ice Burn, Last Resort, Leaf Storm, Light of Ruin, Meteor Assault, Mind Blown, Overheat, Prismatic Laser, Psycho Boost, Roar of Time, Rock Wrecker, Self-Destruct, Shell Trap, Skull Bash, Sky Attack, Steel Beam, Steel Roller, Water Spout

Set 3 Abilities: Aerilate, Aura Break, Bad Dreams, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Cursed Body, Download, Flame Body, Flash Fire, Gooey, Hydration, Ice Body, Infiltrator, Inner Focus, Intimidate, Iron Fist, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Magician, Moxie, Multiscale, Natural Cure, Overcoat, Pressure, Prism Armor, Rough Skin, Sand Force, Sand Stream, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Serene Grace, Sheer Force, Shell Armor, Skill Link, Solar Power, Soul-Heart, Soundproof, Stalwart, Stamina, Sturdy, Synchronize, Technician, Thermal Exchange, Trace, Unnerve, Victory Star, Volt Absorb, Water Asborb

Slate is planned to end in around 5 days from now, but don't be surprised if it goes on a little longer because of holidays.
Fakemon Name: Kayflebe (Kayfabe + Flea)
Set Number: 1
Weight: Lokix's weight
Stats: 70/107/91/75/104/93
Abilities: Swarm/Moxie/Magic Guard
Movepool: Axe Kick, First Impression, Sucker Punch, U-Turn, Taunt, X-Scissor, Leech Life, Darkest Lariat, Crunch, Blaze Kick, Stomping Tantrum, Knock Off, Gen 9 Universals, Acrobatics, Arm Thrust, Assurance, Aura Sphere, Beat Up, Bite, Block, Body Press, Body Slam, Brick Break, Bug Bite, Bug Buzz, Coaching, Counter, Cross Chop, Detect, Double Kick, Dynamic Punch, Focus Blast, Focus Punch, Force Palm, Fury Cutter, Hammer Arm, Headbutt, Hyper Voice, Infestation, Lash Out, Leer, Low Kick, Low Sweep, Lunge, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Metal Claw, Mud Slap, Poison Fang, Pounce, Pound, Power Trip, Quash, Quick Guard, Retaliate, Reversal, Rock Smash, Screech, Skitter Smack, Snarl, Struggle Bug, Tackle, Take Down, Thrash, Torment, Vacuum Wave
Description: I love Offensive Magic Guard. Also fits the Life Orb prompt. Unfortunately you can't boost your attack unless you're running Moxie or for some godforsaken reason running Metal Claw.

Fakemon Name: Borevia (Boreal + Cavia [genus that contains guinea pigs])
Set Number: 2 (Cinccinno)
Weight: Dedenne's weight
Stats: 75/105/75/80/85/110 (BST 530)
Typing: Grass/Ice
Abilities: Cute Charm/Technician/Skill Link
Movepool: Cinccino's Moveset
(Bullet Seed, Triple Axel, Knock Off, Rock Blast, Tail Slap, Tidy Up, Ice Spinner etc)
Description: Funny Skill Link and Tidy Up mon, though is held back by the quad weakness to Fire

Fakemon Name: Siramp (Siren + Amp)
Set Number: 3
Weight: 54 kg
Stats: 80/70/85/110/85/110 (BST 540)
Typing: Electric
Punk Rock/Liquid Voice
Movepool: Boomburst, Calm Mind, Overdrive, Psychic Noise, Ice Beam, Volt Switch, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Hyper Voice, Snarl, Dazzling Gleam, Thunder Wave, Gen 9 Universals, Alluring Voice, Aurora Beam, Baby-Doll Eyes, Body Slam, Celebrate, Charge, Charge Beam, Coil, Confide, Confusion, Covet, Disarming Voice, Discharge, Dragon Cheer, Draining Kiss, Eerie Impulse, Electric Terrain, Electro Ball, Electroweb, Fairy Wind, Flatter, Follow Me, Frost Breath, Heal Pulse, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Magnet Rise, Magnetic Flux, Mud Slap, Play Nice, Play Rough, Psych Up, Safeguard, Sand Attack, Scale Shot, Shock Wave, Spark, Supercell Slam, Thunder Punch, Thunder Shock, Wild Charge, Zap Cannon
Description: Punk Rock gets you boosted power of Boomburst and Overdrive, while Liquid Voice gives you access to Water-type moves, but no boost.
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Fakemon Name: Magnedon
Set Number: 2
Weight: 456 kg
Stats: :archaludon:
Typing: Fighting/Steel
Abilities: :archaludon:
Movepool: iron defense, body press, ice beam earthquake heavy slam stealth rock, volt switch, electro shot, thunderbolt, steel beam, flash cannon, earth power, earthquake, aura sphere, focus blast
Description: going for a Bpress user that has strong special ability asw
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Fakemon Name: :scream tail: Puffist :lopunny-mega:
Set Number: 1
Weight: 6 kg
Stats: 75/95/91/62/104/83 (BST 510)
Typing: Ground / Fighting
Abilities: Speed Boost, Sheer Force, Unseen Fist
Movepool: Axe Kick, Precipice Blades, Coil, U-Turn, Wish, Protect, Knock Off, Thunder Wave, Encore, Earthquake, Stomping Tantrum, Drain Punch, Taunt, Stealth Rock, Facade, Power-up-Punch, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Meteor Mash, Bulk Up, Supercell Slam, Heat Crash, Spite, Shadow Claw, Phantom Force, Shadow Ball, Power Whip, Roar, Mud Slap, Mud Shot, Earth Power, Hyper Voice, Tera Blast, Temper Flare
Description: My Child makes his return, forma de blaziken

Fakemon Name: :blastoise-mega: Iron Salvo :iron treads:
Set Number: 2
Weight: 202.2 kg
Stats: :iron crown: 90/72/100/122/100/98
Typing: Water / Poison
Abilities: :iron crown: Quark Drive
Movepool: Sludge Bomb, Hydro Pump, Energy Ball, Water Pulse, Rapid Spin, Volt Switch, Focus Blast, Aura Sphere, Fire Blast, Recover, Recycle, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Withdraw, Liquidation, Waterfall, Surf, Encore, Protect, Toxic, Sludge, Venoshock, Snipe Shot, Focus Energy, Dark Pulse, Aqua Jet, Gunk Shot, Earthquake, Double Edge, Giga Impact, Facade, Hyper Beam, Hydro Cannon, Electric Terrain, Iron Head, Flash Cannon, Acid, Acid Spray, Bulldoze, Rock Blast, Bullet Seed,
Description: Future Paradox :blastoise-mega:
A noxious artillery, offensive tank and pivot, deals with cetenor well, etc. All around good Mon, good walling, good specs, allat good shit.

Fakemon Name: :tornadus-therian: Fowlaptor :blaziken:
Set Number: 3
Weight: 8 kg
Stats: 88/88/88/88/88/160
Typing: Flying
Abilities: Multiscale
Movepool: Roost, Brave Bird, Hurricane, Aeroblast, Dual Wingbeat, Drill Peck, Overheat, Dragon Claw, Scale Shot, Swords Dance, Nasty Plot, Head Smash, Outrage, Dragon Pulse, U-Turn, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Dragon Breath, Twister, Encore, Defog, Crunch, Jaw Lock, Superpower, Knock Off, Dark Pulse, Toxic, Liquidation, Feather Dance, Protect, Facade, Double Edge, Giga Impact, Hyper Beam, Fire Fang, Raging Fury, Burning Jealousy, Temper Flare, Hone Claws, Taunt, Tail Whip, Leer, Rock Blast, Triple Axel, Thunder Wave, Dragon Tail, Roar, Dragon Dance, Acrobatics, Spikes, Aerial Ace, Air Slash, Tailwind, Helping Hand
Description: Chickenosaurus. Flying type Speedster with flexible though not particularly great stats, and a wide movepool. Flying is a good type for a speedster in this meta, combined with good fire coverage in Overheat to hit Kartrake and some other options on the physical end, like superpower, it can dispatch most other speedy mons and things that would need to be speed controlled. Still has 88/88 offenses, would like to hold boots, etc, so it’s not gonna be impossible to wall by any means, but it’s a nice offensive pivot or setup sweeper. Kinda like an inbetween of Roaring Moon and Torn-T sorta. Go nuts with it. He’s a dino chicken.
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Fakemon Name: Saharona
Set Number: 1
Weight: 45.0 kg
Stats: 82/88/91/105/104/93
Typing: Rock/Bug
Abilities: Sheer Force/Shed Skin/Rough Skin
Movepool: Ancient Power, Bug Buzz, Defog, Earth Power, Energy Ball, Meteor Beam, Power Gem, Rock Polish, Shore Up, U-turn
Absorb, Air Cutter, Air Slash, Astonish, Coil, Confide, Counter, Dig, Dual Wingbeat, Electroweb, Extrasensory, Gastro Acid, Giga Drain, Giga Impact, Grass Knot, Gust, High Horsepower, Hyper Beam, Infestation, Leech Life, Mud Shot, Pounce, Rock Slide, Rock Throw, Sand Tomb, Sandstorm, Scorching Sands, String Shot, Stomping Tantrum, Stone Edge, Supercell Slam, Tackle, Tearful Look, Tickle, Weather Ball, Wide Guard, Wild Charge, Universal TMs
Description: Hazard control seems decent enough that it could get away with not running boots, and SFLO Bug Buzz is very strong. Ancient Power does respectable damage and Earth Power and Energy Ball hits all the Steels and Grounds that try to take a hit.

Fakemon Name: Twibright:lunala:
Set Number: 2
Weight: 120.0 kg
Stats: 101/83/113/137/83/53
Typing: Psychic/Ghost
Abilities: Magic Bounce/Trace/Illuminate
Lunala's Movepool, it's pretty good
Description: It can come in on most hazard setters, but still has to be weary of stray Knock Offs. It will straight up nuke something, that is if it doesn't die first.

Fakemon Name: Impiano
Set Number: 3
Weight: 70.0 kg
Stats: 69/69/99/88/69/166
Typing: Fairy/Psychic
Abilities: Punk Rock/Forewarn/Magic Bounce
Movepool: Alluring Voice, Calm Mind, Psychic Noise, Recover, Torch Song
Ally Switch, Amnesia, Aura Sphere, Aurora Beam, Blizzard, Bounce, Cosmic Power, Counter, Curse, Dazzling Gleam, Eerie Impulse, Focus Punch, Future Sight, Giga Impact, Haze, Headbutt, Heal Bell, Hyper Beam, Hyper Voice, Icy Wind, Mirror Coat, Mist, Misty Terrain, Play Rough, Psychic, Psychic Fang, Psychic Terrain, Psyshock, Rain Dance, Reflect, Shadow Ball, Sing, Sunny Day, Tearful Look, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Trick, Trick Room, Zen Headbutt, Universal TMs
Description: I have no mouth, and I must scream. Psychic Noise doesn't stop Regenerator, sadly.
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Fakemon Name: Serpolt
Set Number: 1
Weight: 80 kg
Stats: 82 / 105 / 91 / 50 / 104 / 93 | 535
Typing: Ghost / Fighting
Abilities: Cursed Body / Inner Focus / Scrappy
Movepool: Phantom Force, Shadow Claw, Shadow Punch, Shadow Sneak, Shadow Ball, Hex, Destiny Bond, Grudge, Curse, Axe Kick, Cross Chop, Drain Punch, Brick Break, Rock Smash, Mach Punch, Focus Blast, Aura Sphere, Vacuum Wave, Coaching, Bulk Up, Poison Jab, Sludge Bomb, Venoshock, Toxic, Venom Drench, Coil, Double-Edge, Take Down, Facade, Tera Blast, Substitute, Sleep Talk, Glare, Zen Headbutt, Rest, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Thunder Punch, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Fire Punch, Will-o-Wisp
Description: coil axe kicker with bad ghost moves

Fakemon Name: Sedimurk
Set Number: 2
Weight: 50 kg
Stats: 79/117/93/68/71/102 | 530
Typing: Rock / Dark
Abilities: Limber / Reckless / Unburden
Movepool: Hitmonlee's movepool
Description: gterrain abuser cause centufowl looks like it kinda blows

Fakemon Name: Odoverflow
Set Number: 3
Weight: 100 kg
Stats: 80 / 120 / 100 / 160 / 65 / 75 | 600
Typing: Bug
Abilities: Water Absorb / Trace / Download
Movepool: Blast Burn, Blood Moon, Blue Flare, Bolt Strike, Boomburst, Chloroblast, Doom Desire, Draco Meteor, Dragon Energy, Electro Shot, Eruption, Eternabeam, Explosion, Fleur Cannon, Focus Punch, Freeze Shock, Frenzy Plant, Giga Impact, Gigaton Hammer, Head Smash, High Jump Kick, Hydro Cannon, Hyper Beam, Ice Burn, Last Resort, Leaf Storm, Light of Ruin, Meteor Assault, Mind Blown, Overheat, Prismatic Laser, Psycho Boost, Roar of Time, Rock Wrecker, Self-Destruct, Shell Trap, Skull Bash, Sky Attack, Steel Beam, Steel Roller, Water Spout
Description: funny
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Fakemon Name: Pangoalie
Set Number: 1
Weight: 30kg
Stats: 82/120/91/60/104/93 (550)
Typing: Normal/Fighting
Abilities: Bulletproof / No Guard
Movepool: Axe Kick, Bulk Up, Ice Spinner, Mega Kick, Parting Shot, Rapid Spin, Scale Shot, Triple Axel, Zen Headbutt, Gen 9 Universals
Baton Pass, Block, Body Press, Body Slam, Brick Break, Bulldoze, Coaching, Counter, Defense Curl, Detect, Dig, Double Kick, Fake Out, Final Gambit, Flail, Flamethrower, Focus Blast, Focus Energy, Fury Swipes, Giga Impact, Headbutt, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Mud-Slap, Reversal, Rollout, Sand Attack, Slam, Slash, Smack Down, Stomping Tantrum, Tackle, Vacuum Wave, Wide Guard
Description: epic vaporemons reference

Fakemon Name: Hydrosera
Set Number: 2 (:hydrapple:)
Weight: 85kg
Stats: 106/80/110/120/80/44 (540)

Abilities: Sticky Hold / Drought
Movepool: Defog, Draco Meteor, Dragon Tail, Dragon Pulse, Energy Ball, Giga Drain, Glare, Grass Knot, Knock Off, Leech Seed, Sludge Bomb, Strength Sap, Toxic, Weather Ball, Gen 9 Universals
Absorb, Acid, Acid Spray, Bite, Body Slam, Breaking Swipe, Brutal Swing, Crunch, Double Hit, Dragon Breath, Dragon Cheer, Dragon Claw, Dragon Rush, Fake Tears, Flail, Giga Impact, Grass Knot, Grassy Glide, Grassy Terrain, Hyper Beam, Ingrain, Lash Out, Lunge, Mega Drain, Outrage, Pounce, Power Whip, Rain Dance, Roar, Skitter Smack, Sludge Wave, Snarl, Spit Up, Stockpile, Stomp, Sunny Day, Swallow, Swords Dance, Taunt, Throat Chop, Trailblaze, Tri-Attack, Uproar, Vine Whip, Worry Seed
Description: Sun setter with a funny effective 8x resistance to Water moves (not that this matters much when the best Water in the format is also part Fairy, but at least it eats choicelocked Water moves) or alternatively some kind of Sticky Hold Knock Off absorbing tank guy, I guess.

Fakemon Name: Foundaemon
Set Number: 3
Weight: 600kg
Stats: 94/75/107/119/110/65 (560)

Abilities: Stamina / Thermal Exchange
Movepool: Body Press, Burning Bulwark, Earth Power, Flamethrower, Fiery Wrath, Fire Blast, Magma Storm, Stealth Rock, Will-O-Wisp, Taunt, Toxic, Gen 9 Universals
Belch, Body Slam, Breaking Swipe, Brutal Swing, Bulldoze, Clear Smog, Crush Grip, Dark Pulse, Double-Edge, Earthquake, Ember, Explosion, Fire Punch, Flail, Flame Charge, Flare Blitz, Fling, Focus Energy, Giga Impact, Gravity, Hammer Arm, Hard Press, Harden, Heat Crash, Heat Wave, Heavy Slam, Hyper Beam, Hyper Voice, Incinerate, Inferno, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Mega Punch, Outrage, Roar, Roar, Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, Scary Face, Self-Destruct, Smog, Snarl, Solar Beam, Stone Edge, Sunny Day, Tar Shot, Temper Flare, Thrash, Torment
Description: Physdef pivot hate
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Set 2 (Based on:granbull:)
Pokemon: Rottwilder

Abilities: Intimidate / Quick Feet / Rattled
Stats: 60 / 106 / 98 / 116 / 50 / 130
Moves: Granbull's SV Movepool
Physical: Close Combat, Earthquake, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch​
Special: Fire Blast, Focus Blast, Overheat, Thunderbolt​
Status: Bulk Up, Thunder Wave​
+Universal Moves

Description: Literally just all attacks lmao. just switch in and click attacks off large stats

Set 3

Abilities: Synchronize / Mimicry / Poison Heal
Stats: 75 / 55 / 85 / 157 / 65 / 60 (BST: 507)
Physical: Agility, Horn Leech, Psychic Fangs, Super Fang, Zen Headbutt​
Special: Draining Kiss, Expanding Force, Giga Drain, Night Shade, Leaf Storm, Psychic, Psychic Noise, Psyshock​
Status: Calm Mind, Spikes, Synthesis, Teleport, Trick Room​
+Universal Moves​
Description: inspired by vapemons wo chien, until i decided to do smth entirely different . stallbreaks by dealing a crap ton of damage with raw stats while preventing bulky stuff from healing and being immune to most of the bullshit stall can throw at it thanks to pheal. outside of that, you can run a humorous cm set lol. also spikes
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hello. just one veto. nothing personnel kiddo

Fakemon Name: :blastoise-mega: Iron Salvo :iron treads:
Set Number: 2
Weight: 202.2 kg
Stats: :iron crown: 90/72/100/122/100/98
Typing: Water / Poison
Abilities: :iron crown: Quark Drive
Movepool: Sludge Bomb, Hydro Pump, Energy Ball, Water Pulse, Rapid Spin, Volt Switch, Focus Blast, Aura Sphere, Fire Blast, Recover, Recycle, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Calm Mind, Acid Armor, Liquidation, Waterfall, Surf, Encore, Protect, Toxic, Sludge, Venoshock, Water Bullet, Focus Energy, Dark Pulse, Aqua Jet, Gunk Shot, Earthquake, Double Edge, Giga Impact, Facade, Hyper Beam, Hydro Cannon, Electric Terrain, Iron Head, Flash Cannon
Description: Future Paradox :blastoise-mega:
A noxious artillery, offensive tank and pivot, deals with cetenor well, etc. All around good Mon, good setup potential, good walling, good specs, allat good shit.
Quark + Toxic-immunity + Recover give this way too easy of a time to set up CMs or Acid Armors. Please remove one or more of these factors.

Voting starts in 24 hours or whenever this change is made.
Alright, everything's fixed, so it's voting time! You have 48 hours to vote. Good luck!
Set 1: DenebStargazer, flareth13 (SV), anaconja
Set 2: Jrdyop :), anaconja, DenebStargazer
Set 3: Fragmented, DenebStargazer, flareth13 (SV)
Set 1: jrdyop :), anaconja, DenebStargazer
Set 2: anaconja, Fragmented, flareth13
Set 3: jrdyop :), zxgzxg, DenebStargazer
Here are our winners:

For Set 1, Anaconja won with Serpolt.
Fakemon Name: Serpolt
Set Number: 1
Weight: 80 kg
Stats: 82 / 105 / 91 / 50 / 104 / 93 | 535
Typing: Ghost / Fighting
Abilities: Cursed Body / Inner Focus / Scrappy
Movepool: Phantom Force, Shadow Claw, Shadow Punch, Shadow Sneak, Shadow Ball, Hex, Destiny Bond, Grudge, Curse, Axe Kick, Cross Chop, Drain Punch, Brick Break, Rock Smash, Mach Punch, Focus Blast, Aura Sphere, Vacuum Wave, Coaching, Bulk Up, Poison Jab, Sludge Bomb, Venoshock, Toxic, Venom Drench, Coil, Double-Edge, Take Down, Facade, Tera Blast, Substitute, Sleep Talk, Glare, Zen Headbutt, Rest, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Thunder Punch, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Fire Punch, Will-o-Wisp
Description: coil axe kicker with bad ghost moves

For Set 2, Jrdyop won with Iron Salvo.
Fakemon Name: :blastoise-mega: Iron Salvo :iron treads:
Set Number: 2
Weight: 202.2 kg
Stats: :iron crown: 90/72/100/122/100/98
Typing: Water / Poison
Abilities: :iron crown: Quark Drive
Movepool: Sludge Bomb, Hydro Pump, Energy Ball, Water Pulse, Rapid Spin, Volt Switch, Focus Blast, Aura Sphere, Fire Blast, Recover, Recycle, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Withdraw, Liquidation, Waterfall, Surf, Encore, Protect, Toxic, Sludge, Venoshock, Snipe Shot, Focus Energy, Dark Pulse, Aqua Jet, Gunk Shot, Earthquake, Double Edge, Giga Impact, Facade, Hyper Beam, Hydro Cannon, Electric Terrain, Iron Head, Flash Cannon, Acid, Acid Spray, Bulldoze, Rock Blast, Bullet Seed,
Description: Future Paradox :blastoise-mega:
A noxious artillery, offensive tank and pivot, deals with cetenor well, etc. All around good Mon, good walling, good specs, allat good shit.

For Set 3, zxg won with Folia.
Set 3

Abilities: Synchronize / Mimicry / Poison Heal
Stats: 75 / 55 / 85 / 157 / 65 / 60 (BST: 507)
Agility, Horn Leech, Psychic Fangs, Super Fang, Zen HeadbuttSpecial: Draining Kiss, Expanding Force, Giga Drain, Night Shade, Leaf Storm, Psychic, Psychic Noise, PsyshockStatus: Calm Mind, Spikes, Synthesis, Teleport, Trick Room+Universal MovesDescription: inspired by vapemons wo chien, until i decided to do smth entirely different . stallbreaks by dealing a crap ton of damage with raw stats while preventing bulky stuff from healing and being immune to most of the bullshit stall can throw at it thanks to pheal. outside of that, you can run a humorous cm set lol. also spikes

The final slate might take a little bit longer to get posted due to holidays. In the meantime, you can discuss the winners.
Slate 20

(more resources for this slate will be available shortly)
Set 2 Pokemon:
Set 3 Typings:

This will be the last slate before our playtesting break! Thank you all for your contributions thus far! As you make your subs, please keep in mind there will be little that can be done to balance your submissions after they get in, so make sure they are as non-volatile as possible. As usual, you have a week. Good luck!
:sm/kyurem-black: :sm/mamoswine:
Fakemon Name: Firmafrost (Firmament + Permafrost)
Set Number: 3 (crown sweep)
Weight: 800 kg
Stats: 120/140/100/140/100/80 | 680
Typing: Ice/Ground (1 no effect 7 not very effect)
Abilities: Klutz | Slow Start (HA)
Movepool: Earthquake, Mountian Gale, Ice Shard, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Icicle Crash, Work Up, Earth Power, Mud Slap, Fissure, Sheer Cold, Protect, Rest, Sleep Talk, Facade, Substitute, Tera Blast, Snowscape (20 move)
Description: stat on a stick at cost of item and despite it being a usable movepool no coverage. Also hits really hard on either side, potentially may remove plot and sd.

Firmafrost - the ice barrier pokemon that can expand to an unimaginable size, being able to cover up the entire region of the “fakemon frontier”
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