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  • Hey alexwolf, you have been suggested for a position as an Elite 4 in the OU Elite 4 challenge. If you would like to do so just post in the thread. Thanks
    Hey, I talked it over with the other QC members and they weren't too receptive of mentioning speed evs in the AC of the offensive donphan set either. I know AC is usually "lax" in terms of suggestions, but we truly and honestly think that 164 speed evs Donphan is a bad idea.

    Sorry, but it's not going to get an AC mention.
    I just don't think it's worth mentioning it. I'm going to talk to other QC members about it and see what they think, but for the most part I don't see a reason to add the AC mention at all, especially when it causes more harm than good.
    Give it a break man, you're arguing for the sake of arguing.

    You want me to slip an AC mention of Donphan running 164 on top of running Soft Sand OR Assurance? That's big of mention (and completely absurd). Give me a better reason.
    You should focus on the first. Donphan simply doesn't need a revamp.

    And where did you get the idea that offensive Donphan 2HKOes Jellicent? Because it doesn't, it deals (39.45 - 46.4%). So with 164 speed evs, you have a Donphan with significantly less durability than your average Donphan (which is one of the main reasons to use Donphan in the first place) and you're still not capable of 2HKOing the most common spinblocker in the game.
    I actually think Scarfed Genesect would be better- U-Turn still OHKO's Celebi, while Tbolt hits Heatran/Rotom-W hard. Mamoswine is the only thing you have to worry about, but it really can't do much to you either. Lavos is right- two banded steel types is usually not a good idea.
    yes, I have been- but still not nearly as much as you :O
    Imma get a badge one day ^^ you should too.

    Your team looks alot like that lol(yea, its 4th gen, but w/ Heatran, 5/6 members are the same xD)

    Also, if SD Arceus and other Pokemon are giving your team trouble, change Gira-O's EVs to 164 HP / 252 Def / 8 SDef / 84 Spe with an Imprish nature, though I didn't suggest that because it takes away more offense from the team. However, its always viable to keep SD Arceus in check
    lol, I hear ya. I haven't been battling that much lately because of that. Still, I would rather have a laggy sim than an inexistent one, lol. Really hope it gets better.
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