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  • YES! i did it!

    aw man, im so glad. hey thanks for your time and help

    i did the method i was telling you about and it worked. hey, you wouldnt happen to have a male flawless smeargle for trade would you? i just need it to make it have egg moves to pass down
    oh well the vid said that it is usually right but someteimea it can screw up

    ur method though? i wanna know more lol

    so i hit my seed, and look at wat frame i landed in? so if i landed on 50 and im trying to hit 75, i'd have to first confirm that im hitting frame 50 and once i do so, i would move look at chatots summary screen 25 times?
    oooh i chose a frame under 60

    and yea i did put the full seed in "seed (hex)" in the main rng window. ok i'll search for one right now and get back to you if im still having problems.

    i was just watchign bearsfan video and he said that the number you get from clicking on calculate initial pidrng frame is the number you have to subtract from the frame (number) you pick after you hit generate in the main rng window
    no im using a bibarel with 31 all ivs and female raticate with random IVs though i know exactly what IV is

    the raticate has an adamant nature and it is female. it's holding an everstone
    before pickin up the egg i clicked on my chatot and switched between it and the other i have 46 times

    i didnt switch into the first chatot though, i just selected it. does that still count as a 1 advancement?
    so i'm stuck on one part right now. i found a seed on the capture tab, copied the full seed into the main rng reporter window. in the main window, i selected
    method= BW
    everstone nature =adamant
    then i hit generate, picked a frame that had this

    i also hit calc initial pidrng frame and got a number 46

    Ma Ma _ _ _Ma

    the empty spaces would be 31 since i chose that in my seed earlier.

    when i bred my pokemon it was always naughty nature even though it had the right IVs
    Hey Ashenlock, I notice that you have a Bold HP Flying Thundurus. Do you see anything in my thread you would like for it? Also, finally got a Jolly Gible :P. Thanks :)
    Haha, I remember when I had to get a certain legendary( ex. latios), and my only way of doing this was via gts. So it would take me almost a whole week just to get a timid one, and hopefully have good iv's. Though i adapted and luckily i rng'd 4 mons before the computer crashing.
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