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  • If you would like to try LC EV training, I still have some mons lying around that need to be EV'd :)

    I can walk you through it if need be (there is always a lack of LC EVers out there @_@)
    And as for the metagame, only 1st stage pokemon are allowed, with the given requirement that if you use a pokemon it must have one or multiple evolutions (ie no skarmory, heracross, etc in LC). Since LC is played at Lv5 instead of Lv100, the items commonly held are different from OU/UU/NU play. Oran berries are staples, as at Lv5 10 HP is often half of a pokemon's total HP. Leftovers see less use than higher level play, because almost always you will only be gaining only 1 HP per turn. In LC, Life Orb gives roughly the same boost as a choice item, so it is used often :)

    Other than held items, the EVing system, and the level played at, it's much the same as higher leveled play, except with the nonexistance of stall :/
    Training LC mons is almost the same as normal EV training, except you want to gain as little EXP for the most EVs as possible. This is normally done by using vitamins, then infecting the mon in question with pokerus, and then battling magikarp with power items equipped(low exp rate). You also need 4 or 5 EXP shares on the other pokemon (you want 5 w/ the shares + the mon you are training). Once you have all that, its just a matter of switching enough mons into battle until the mon w/ the power item equipped gains only 1 EXP from a battle. It takes longer, and it sounds horribly complicated, but it's really simple in reality; the training isn't so much difficult as tedious :/

    I'll answer your 2nd question in another VM as this one is too long :x
    i won't be on then will have to go to work but i will have tomm off. so im sure i can catch you on then.
    umm are u trading cause it's kinda taking a bit too long :/ sorry if i'm bein rude
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