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  • ello, your opponent on the uu tourney
    time during weekdays: 5-6 pm, 9-11 pm during Pacific standard time
    on weekends, should be free all day
    Hey Sk, we're opponents for the BW tournament. I'm likely to be available all day (snow day) and most evenings after, so I'll just try to catch you online or something-im not one for scheduling matches.
    Yo im goin off to bed now and wont battle now (you have to be awake for GSC-battles).

    I think Wednesday/Thursday/Friday will be ok for me. I cant battle for sure next weekend due to work. Oh yeah im livin in GMT+1 (Germany).
    Hey SK. How much longer will you be on? Because I have to eat dinner, but if you are leaving soon I guess we can quickly battle now too.
    Hey, I'm battling you for the BW Tourney. When can you battle? I am in Pacific Standard Time, by the way.
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