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  • helo can u pls report tennisase his garchop have and its attack "outrageous" was able to ohko my dragonknight who is bulkie and has over 200 hp and defense also my attack surf missd even though it have 100 accurate! he also used tyrantitar who is banned on the balcklist
    you are also asking for the opposite of what the title of the thread is. when ln did something similar with a different thread i split it off into a new thread. i didnt do that this time ONLY because you referenced to the thread in your post. it is just easier to have a thread for each discrete issue, plus that way people scrolling through IS won't be baffled by the first 20 some odd posts
    almost a year old maybe? it is jarring for those of us who were involved in the original thread
    Why exactly do you love rotom so much? Are you just going to make every single one of your avatars rotom in some way?
    Thanks! :D

    Congrats on all your new badges too. I didn't realize you got so many the last time I spoke to you. XD
    i wonder how boldvote counting works, because i can see you doing it without being able to do it myself...
    Birkal bro, are you planning on finishing Gliscor, or should I re-assign your skelly?

    I know you're popular and stuff, so let me know if you got your time all filled up ;)
    Hello again. has the announcement been made for white 2? if not can you please tell me where i should be watcing so i can stop bugging you? XD
    hey Birkal, when will you be on IRC today haha? I had an idea that relates to the thread you posted in IS and Pocket seems to think it's a good idea so I wanted to talk to you about it :)
    Birkal, I want to know if I can post my core on this thread. It is because the rules say that I can't bump old threads, but the post that I want to make is constructive, I don't have the intention to revive the thread just to revive. I want to clarify this.
    That can't be right. I'm a Republican and therefore want to suppress illegitimate votes...

    What is this?
    just wondering where i can find out who won the facebook white 2 giveaway. sorry if im barking up the wrong tree
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