RE: Your Disconnecting Noob Problem.
I know noobs that disconnect can be a pain in the butt, however, you don't even know the worst of it. One day I was battling and I had to battle a guy from Japan (who'dve thought) and he had over 5000 wins!!! So I went in the battle and he sent out a Zapdos against my Cloyster. He missed his thunder, I got up a shell smash, AND HE QUIT!! After 1 turn he quit!! I can honestly say that was the shortest battle I've ever had. Then later I had a battle on a live chat, and I went for a winning Bullet Punch (a swords danced Scizor against a 1/16 HP Clefable) and he disconnected!! Then on the live chat he said his Internet stopped working because of a storm, yet he was still able to talk to me!! Like what the heck!!