Der Twist
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  • Lando-I banned again. Quickbanned at that. I will not lie, I am salty. I am very very salty.
    HEY ALEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
    Hey man I loved your ou cancer pass team but ever since they changed rules regarding baton pass it's unusable :[ can you suggest any replacements?
    Der Twist
    Der Twist
    Nope, not really. Cancer Pass is kind of dead for the most part after how many nerfs it's been through so there's no real potential. I guess a Shadow-Trap squad with a BP bait spammer could be a fun gimmick though, but I don't see it being a ladder topper.
    Aww man :[ well thanks for the suggestion :]
    Der Twist
    Why didnt you save it for 450? haha
    Der Twist
    Der Twist
    Because I doubt I'd get that far unless I raid Firebot again. Though saving it for 500 would have been obligatory like mania. Ah well.
    plz reply to this so i know you're alive

    ive been sucking on ladder recently
    Der Twist
    Der Twist
    I'd be offended if you didn't. Though seeing that team does make me consider taking up team rate spam again depending on how much the meta's changed.
    Der Twist
    Der Twist
    Anyway, it's not bad, but I'm not sure what it's really trying to do. You're stacking hazards, but you have two things weak to it including one of your hazard setters so it's not great to not have spin support. Your Thundy is also a bizarre Prankster attacker / Sub NP hybrid, given that it's going to be spamming T-Wave to slow down fast offensive powerhouses I see it likely that you'll be sending him out and withdrawing him again after a T-Wave which isn't great to do again without hazard support, you'd be better off with Sub NP since that thing is supposed to just set up late game and nix everything and you don't have to worry as much about hazard wear. Your team also falls flat to Zard-X. Seismi and Lando both get outsped and 2HKOed by a Jolly max Atk Zard-X, even Lando if Zard-X is at -1 Flare Blitz 2HKOs. After a DD, it can cause even more havoc, if your team has even been slightly worn down then it can just run through you.
    Der Twist
    Der Twist
    Not all that sure how to resolve these since I've not been keeping up with the meta so I have no clue what's relevant anymore and not, but I think ultimately your team's problem is that it lacks cohesion, your mons aren't working well to stack hazards efficiently and keep them up, you have no pressure to keep your hazards up and prevent Defogging, and you have crucial mons weak to hazards on your team too. If you're going towards setting up a Megagross sweep I'd say screw hazard-stack and focus solely on handling as many checks as you can and keeping your team coherent and functional. Not a bad lot at all, but a tad patchy imo.
    "Hey, I've seen you give very thorough team rates on a few threads before and I'd really appreciate your insight on my team, and see what you make of it. If you have the time, please stop by. The link is in my sig. Cheers, man. :]"- Der Twist Jan 6 2015. The same applies right now. :]
    Der Twist
    Der Twist
    Sorry, man, really been out of the loop recently, I've not played for ages. I'll need to start from scratch again before I get to rating teams again. :[
    yo - I didnt want to make a one liner post in the thread but Lati@s isnt a term we can use in analyses so you should change it to Latios and Latias. GP would have gotten that, but its good to know anyways.
    Nice job, btw :)
    Der Twist
    Der Twist
    Ah, I thought not. XD Sorry, I generally make a point to avoid doing that. I'll clear that up. Thanks. :]
    Yeah, no worries. It's your first time (I think) so its understandable to miss stuff like that.
    Also when are you and Sparkl3y getting married?
    Der Twist
    Der Twist
    Age is just a number, but so is 999.
    Ok so I have been studying with few breaks for weeks and i studied all the afternoon and drank too much coffee and I'm going mad so please ignore the stupid things I say
    Der Twist
    Der Twist
    Drink whiskey. It'll balance out your coffee hyperness.
    Read your post on the Battling 101 Sign-up thread. I ADMIRE YOU MORE THAN EVER. Oh, and I hope they get you in and to battle you :3
    Der Twist
    Der Twist
    Thanks, man. Just felt it would be a dick move jumping in front of more deserving people. If we don't get paired though then we could always battle outside B101 anyway. :P
    Yeah, but first we have to teambuild a bit together :3 we did once and it turned out pretty awesome! Cya :)
    Der Twist
    Der Twist
    Yeah, we should. See ya. :]
    for moar aids run tect>psychic on goth to fuck them even harder. psychic is for quality human beings
    Der Twist
    Der Twist
    Good God, yeah! With teams like that you just can't run the risk of being... a decent person. *shudders* Good call, man.
    hey yal
    hey yal
    When you need GP on Lando, talk to Briyella.
    Der Twist
    Der Twist
    Wouldn't know, not spoken to them much. XD I've talked to them a bit in IRC but it's mostly dead there. They tried talking to me yesterday but they left m+ on and I couldn't reply because I wasn't voiced. Not sure if that was the joke or they genuinely missed that and think I'm a prick. XD
    See what I mean? XD
    Der Twist
    Der Twist
    ...Yeah, I suppose I just proved your point. XD
    Hey - you should put "written" in the title of the lando-t analysis so QC members know its ready for the last check.
    Der Twist
    Der Twist
    Done. Thanks for the tip.
    I can't remember what that gif is from.

    Oh wait! Passion of the Manwhore?
    Der Twist
    Der Twist
    You got it! :D
    I remember watching that like a year ago, I was thoroughly confused. XD
    You: If a team is weak to something, do not just slap a Chansey or Skarmory or any other random fat-fuck wall on a team.

    This made me laugh almost as hard as tying your nut to a brick and throwing it out of the window because of Breloom. XD
    I think my brain shat itself, I've seriously not made a single good team since Gunslinger. I've lost me mojo ;-;
    Its because of damn Smogon testing Metagross.

    My best team down the drain.
    Der Twist
    Der Twist
    I've got to say, as much as I'm fine with seeing Megagross tested, I wanted to use -Clone-'s team really badly. ;-;
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