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  • Hey Drifblim. Just made my core on that other VGC thread and thought you would like to rate another team. Can you please rate my newest VGC team?
    sonic? SONIC???? WTFWTFWTF?!!!
    (sonic: your too slow! (Im on meth!))

    anyway yes i am serious or is that ur sarcasm? I want to test ouyt my team cuase its been awhile and lets just say u might be suprised at what ive completed raising.
    well i always have a new team. and i dont think there were manypeople who were that good there, a lot of them hacked for blaziken. Now why dont we battle already?
    *CHECKS OFF NEW YEARS RESOLUTION to saythat when it makes sense for once*

    just kidding.

    *checks off new years res. to lie*
    crunch/rock slide and if my electric gemed thunder had hit you mightve died or certainly wouldnt be looking good in health. and ive never gone to one and cyb. told me he was just fooling around at that one. theydont have any singles tourn.s which is why i dont like vgc's. u just won a wimpy regionals against RI rednecks best. dont get too full of yourself cuase thats not anything special. when i go to philly im GONNA KICK YOUR ASS. then well see how ur little "ultra i think-im-the-best world champ doubles master uber chuppa" title will be holding up then. GOT IT? and if u think your so strong y dont u face me now at school, huh,punk? too afriad of the master taking u down cause im prepared too, believe me. the only reason youve ever won, if ever, is cause of luck: thunder missing during our battle, critical on cybertron, need i go on? u always complain about your hax like at that time at nintendo center.
    not true and i do get haxed a lot. it doesnt help u b!tching about it every tme i get haxed which i do(seriously, thuder+compound eyes +wide lens=miss? according to my calculations it has 100.1 accuracy) and u and micheal did that a lot. also it gives u a chance to have a win when u mightve lost instead (my durant and other pokemon wouldve creamed u later that battle), so dont whine about it cuase i know u you wouldnt have saved a video anyways.and besides u never want to battle, always changin ur team or are u just afraid to lose "supposedly" better than me at doubles title cause weve never fought in doubles and u dont know if u are for sure.
    my record of wins compared to yours: 4-2
    you think your so cool just becuase your decent at doubles. Well if i recall weve teamed up and if i can remeber that b-day battle we had against micheal and jacob(which i saved btw and checked today) I had to kill ALL 6 OF THEIR POKEMON!!! u just kept switching out like a wuss cause your mighty legends couldnt handle a ferrothorn. Also I was the one who saved both our asses in the battle subway once with metagross and at other battles against your friends and other people. so hah. you havent even fought me in doubles yet so u dont know if ur better than me. and wat do u want from me, its not like there was a funnier joke that existed about wheather teams, anyway.
    hey wheather is too anoyying I dont want to have to worry about countering a snow team a rain team a sun team and a sandstorm team all in only 6 pokemon and thats just wheather. If i wanted to deal with weather i would go outside in the rain without an umbrella.
    I dont, im just saying its complicated and the typical way to battle is singles. nintendo only did vgc double cause it wasnt as timeconsuming as singles, and thats how people started playing doubles more, mostly. nowdays there are so many cheap strategies that too many things SHOULD be a=banned but arent in doubles and u have to watch your back the whole time till u cant counter everyhting.also wats cheap is there are poeple on PO like this guy poof! who write a comment saying CRITFLINCH when there hoping for one and when they get it they always say lol or something.
    no sinlges just give u less ways to be cheaped out (terra whim anyone?) and the KEY POINT IS THAT U KNOW LESS ABOUT YOUR OPPONENT FROM DA START AND NEED TO WIN WITH OUT THE HELP OF AN ALLY. doubles is SO predictible, u (usaully) always know what someones strategy is or at least close to from the start and by their team, and everyone uses a lot of the same pokemon just to counter everything and then something else to counter that and so on until you have way too many poeple doing the same thing.
    wat das suprise you go and join trick room users. Singles will always be better than your crappy doubles
    oh look at me im in doubls cuase it less time and im too good for one pokemon blah blah blah
    blah blah blah all i herd was "im too damn lazy to have fun like on PO cause i dont want to download one" just wait for the damn thing while it downloads, it should take maybe 1o minutes max and that ALL YOU NEED TO DO. JUST DO IT AND STOP COMPLAING ABOUT HOW ITS SO HARD TO SETUP CAUSE ITS NOT.
    it only takes a damn second and its easy. i can walk u through it. anyway its fun, i could face you anytime and no "i wish i had this but it too hard to get" cause u can just create them.
    type pokemon online
    click pokemon
    click download
    choose vesion 10.53
    download it
    youre good to go
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