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  • Ok, so it is ability 1 for both of them. I can't clone myself but I could breed a flawless(except Spa I assume) tyrogue for you and get somebody to clone it for me. That is, as long as I get semi-redis rights also.
    Thats ok, there's a tab in the rng finder that tells you what ability is for what. So do you mean you want two tyrogues, one with ability 1 and one with ability 2?
    Oh abd I think despotar used a code to check Iv's that make its stats become the Ivs and should become normal when you put it in your pc. I heard of some people using codes like that before.
    If any of the egg moves are HG/SS than I can't.
    Hmmm, I might, how fast do you want it?
    You're welcome. He's been told that Jirachi is suspicious yet keeps it up >.> And I doubt someone can RNG if they can't even tell if that Jirachi is hacked or not.
    Lol, that guy does have a trade thread but it has hacked pokes >.< I like how nobody follows your thread rules...
    What do you mean? I'm logged on and waiting to accept a trade...maybe I'll jump off and re-add you.
    dammit, you caught me at bad time :(
    Gotta study so I'll log out now, if you need that cloned i'll surely be able later.
    hey eppie, how's it going? I haven't been on in a while cause I got a new game, so I was pretty excited to play it. I think I'm going to take a break from it now and get back to breeding...
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