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  • Hey Espeon, I suggest using a different avatar, as it's pretty crap. Don't think that you have to use the avatar because you requested it; it would actually make me feel better if you don't use it...
    Hello Espeon65, your avatar is up, sorry for the wait. (And sorry for bugging up the feet)
    I actually didn't get back to you yesterday because I'd gone to bed really early. Was having a Lord of the Rings marathon today with some friends as The Hobbit is out here tomorrow and we only just finished watching the last film, so I wasn't available today anyway! Turns out that I'm not really around till Saturday night, so perhaps I'm not the most reliable person to do this with. Let me know if you still wanna do it, starting Sat, and I'll get back to you when I wake up in the morning on your visitor message wall.
    Yeah, 0. We might be able to get it to work, I'm often online in the evenings when my girlfriend isn't about, but if you'd rather do it with someone in the same timezone as you that's fine :)
    Ok. I'll let you know when I've finished trading the pokémon I want to keep off my cartridge; I've done about 25 so far but I think I've got about that to go and right now I need to go to bed. So tired, and I've work in the morning. Looking forward to playing this with you though.
    That sounds good. I've actually still never used Tepig but it doesn't interest me at all so that's cool. Every gym badge sounds okay - I guess we'd stop playing after we earn a badge and wait for the other to catch up? What are we doing regarding IVs and EVs? Playing on showdown or through online play on the DS?
    Hey, I'd like to do a Rival Challenge with you. I'll need to trade some of the stuff from my Black version to my White version first, so bear with me and I'll get back to you when I can start!
    If by the next time i am online nobody accepts to sub-ref your match, i will take it.

    It will be prety tiring, but i wont allow you and TIO to get screwed up.
    Whoops! Completely forgot to add in the judging aspect of my signature my bad!
    Oh ok, I forgot about the Odd Incense (who knows these things about the Mimes...?). But best of luck! Good luck soloing a gym with a Mime Jr. haha.
    Also, I have a quick question:

    You wouldn't be good at Spiriting, would you? I have some spirits that were made by a friend who isn't on this site anymore. Think you can edit away the white background of them? It's bad on the eyes.

    Note that this is for ASB :3
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