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  • I thought you were GMT + 2:00 meaning 11 am for you would be 9pm for me which would be ok. But yeah I can't right now sorry
    Sorry I only just got your message. I'm GMT + 12:00 and I believe you're +2 which means you'll have to battle somtime in the morning for this to work. If school or work or whatever makes it so you cant play in the morning we'll have to wait for weekends.
    hmm that's tough we could try a morning game for you at like 8 or 9 or anywhere 6 pm or later your time
    I'm probably not going to be free for the rest of the weekend, so we'll have to see about Sunday evening (your time).
    Jabba wants us to spar to see who he's sending to play offs. No pressure, but this is probably going to be the biggest series of games in your UU career, so bring your best. What time[zone] do you usually log on?
    11:30 is perfect for me, actually you said you can play UNTIL 11:30, so let's say 9 am with your time if it's cool, if not tell me when it's the best for you around 11:30 am (before or after, like you prefer), I will be probably able to play anytime near that hours
    sorry for being sort of inactive. i can battle on sunday until 11:30 est-5, then again at 4:30 until however late it takes.
    Judge Gabranth we're paired up for SPL! When do you wanna got get our match done? I can play you on Friday if thats ok?
    mon français n'est pas très bon, pardon, mais...

    félicitations pour ton équipe a UU! j'ai aimé beaucoup lire le RMT et l'équipe est très forte!
    gl pour le team archieve, je t'attends dans cette section :V

    (en tout cas tu le mérites au moins pour l'efficacité de la team + la qualité de la RMT en terme de présentation et d'écriture)

    tu restes néanmoins un sale géorgien qui compte trop sur l'improvision
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