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  • Hey man, I'm still hoping to receive the togepi, chikorita, eevee and shellos! If I could get them from Ninahaza or whoever, that'd be awesome :)
    hey greysong can you tell ninahaza if he can give me eevee, entei and chikorita need them vm me when you tell him I need them
    hey greysong, sorry i droped off the face of the planet :(. but if anyone still wants pokemon i will be happy to take care of them. just give me the name and trade me the pokemons he/she is asking for and leave the rest to me :)
    Hey greysong. I still haven't heard any info about the giveaway or recieved anything. I'm avialable now and for the night, and I would really like to get those giveaway pokemon! They're so special! :D Please get back to me when you can. :3
    That would still be helpful. I only have one DS, so I won't really be able to Pokeshift by myself.
    It was 3:21 PM when you sent me the VM. Which was 10:21 PM my time (GMT +1). So there´s a difference of 7 hours which means that your timezone is GMT -6. What about Thursday 11 PM my time, which would be 4 PM yours?
    My classes, and gaining a slight interest in battling again.

    <--not too big on that kind of stuff, sadly.
    Don't let a game get in the way of your busy life, mind you. Overdoing it may not have the most favorable results.
    Hey there. When do you have time for our battle? Would be nice to know your timezone too. Anyway, GL and HF.
    uh, I'm GMT -8, so it's about 8:30 right now. Would you like to battle either now or say, an hour earlier than this time tomorrow?
    hey greysong none of your GA distirbutor ever go on smogon so can you give me 3 pokemon chikorita eevee and entei please and thank you reply
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