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  • Ah, that was late. >.< Yes I have them, but I didn't use them. Want me to use them?
    Yeah, that's why I wanted the Pokemon transferred to Platinum. I move mod since I do not have time to get egg moves on from breeds. It apparently doesn't have any negative affects though, which is great.
    So... You'd like to trade again to your Platinum? Or when I give you the EV'd, also give you a copy of the UT?
    Oh yeah, I should clarify this (I didn't have enough room in my other VM). When I meant "transport" to Plat, I'd like the UT version (the one you will have) transferred so I can do stuff with it. Then I can give it back to you. That alright?
    1. Pokerus yep, Vitamins, sure, Power Items, okay. Yeah, use a stat calc. Level to 50 if you must (or more if the Pokemon learns a move higher than that or if it's already as that).

    2. I can do that myself, but thanks!

    3. Yeah, I don't have it anywhere visible since I don't trade anymore (unless specifically like this and in giveaways). is my main stuff is stuff i'm breeding or new stuff

    4. Sure, you can keep a copy. No problem at all.

    Okay, add 0089 0170 2701 for receiving the Pokemon. I'd like the Pokemon transported to my Plat (5027 5877 4250). Pokemon is

    Sharpedo @ Life Orb
    Rough Skin
    252 Atk/176 Spe/80 SpA
    - Aqua Jet
    - Crunch
    - Hydro Pump
    - Hidden Power Grass
    These are the iv sets:

    Smeargle: 31/30/30/31/31/31

    Oshawott's evolution: 28/25/31/29/31/31

    or do you want to use these:

    Ditto: Completely Flawless

    Oshawott: (Male) 31/31/31/31/31/31
    Egg moves: air slash and brine.
    Or would you rather me give you the female Final evolotion of the oshawott and the smeargle that I have for you to use?
    I was wondering if you could rng breed this pokemon for me?

    Pokemon: Oshawott
    Shiny: Yes
    Gender: I perfer a male (But if you get a female that's fine.)
    Nature: Timid
    HP - Electric
    IV set: An iv set that will give it 70 electric hp
    Egg moves: Brine, Hydro pump, and Air slash
    hey, when you get online, can you an rng breeding project for me, please?

    (Pretty please with the cherry on top) :'(
    = epic!

    On a related note, you should totally CMT. I'll need to build up some credit w/ you for when B/W comes out. :P
    its not depressing its great that that happened to eppie he stole 7 pokemon from me and got away with it now he is the victum instead which is great
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