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  • yeah well i am trying to utilize it with Hp grass and make it a dual absorber. if only it could know counter. m..m that would be to nice. xD anyways i will get on these pokes later tonight/tomorrow. :3 i have off work monday also for labor day so i should have them done on monday> ^^
    very nice. ^^ also i see your mantine with the mirror coat. I am surprised smogon does not have a set for that. I made my own but it requires it to be bold. ^^ calm is just a waste of mirror coat tbh.
    xD well its not like i really need one. I have a pretty good one that my friend bred but its not perfect so i like having a flawless one. xD i assume this one has an HP? :0
    :0 a cherubi. May i keep a clone of this please? :0 you can have a clone of the ralts. :3 its actually really epic. 31/30/31/30/31/30 calm and shiny. :3
    lol hey. I only change pokemons names on pokemon that have retarded Names that i get in trades. like this one time someone named their alakazam PsyBitch. =.= i changed it back to Alakazam. But yeah. lol lemme know when you are ready to trade. =P
    Yeah. Some other guy was mentioning problems in the SQSR thread, so maybe it's nintendo's problem?
    That's so strange. I know it works, I just tested connection. Huh. Sorry about the buneary!
    Sure, thanks a ton! My other FC (the one not in my siggy) is 1462 9960 7473.
    I can give you a crap Burmy, but I'd ask something kinda odd in response: Would you mind me trading it to you on one game, then waiting until I get online with my other game (only 1 DS) and trading me a Pokerus Pokemon? I'm kinda desperate if you can't tell :P If not, that's okay, I can just give you the Burmy.
    Hey JRT, I updated my thread aside from the pokes from andrea's recent giveaway. Let me know if you would like to spend any other credits.
    Thanks for the trades soooo much, and ESPECIALLY for being so patient. It's been such a stressful week at college and I'm glad you were so nice. ^_^
    Fffffff sorry I was offline for a second lol. I'll just chill in wifi til you're there~
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