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  • Fine with me if thats the case, can't trade right now, in the middle of something :/

    Plus need to check your thread :p
    I'm gonna throw stealth rock and dragon pulse on it :) Gonna breed a few things tomorrow so I have enough to actually transfer stuff :p
    The Impish one sounds great actually, is there anyone you would you want from me?
    Thanks, xElite offered the same thing :) At the moment, I only have use for DW Jigglypuff.

    But I'm thinking about trying out a Cute Charm Jigglypuff with Counter, do you have one of those?
    Thanks for the well wishes, they are much appreciated. :3 The advice is greatly appreciated too.
    I live in Central PA; so yeah, it does get quite chilly down here. It's been snowing the past few days and everyone I know is sick. D:
    Oh cool, I'll watch some more when I'm feeling better...right now I can't focus on anything. D:
    I don't know if it's the severe headcold I have right now, but that guy was speaking gibberish. And is RNGing is ID, yes? I don't want to do legends, just eggs.
    If I could learn 4th Gen IVs, that would be freakin' amazing. I already got shininess, if I can combine the two I would have a lot more Pokemon to trade.
    Yeah, I've noticed that flawless 3rd gen Pokes are loved to pieces, if they are available. I wish I could abuse any kind of Pokemon, especially 4th gen Pokemon IVs, I can only do 4th gen shinies and I've forgotten how to RNG in the 5th gen. I'm so useless. D:
    Yeah, here! Not all of the areas have been implemented yet, though.

    But one problem: The slots on RNG Reporter are WRONG. You have to manually find the slots for each seed, which sucks but it's not hard. Just go to an area, and hit the frame that you want to figure out the slot for. Then look at the Pokemon you get and match it to one of the slots on the table.

    For example, if I hit my target frame at the Plains area and I get a Lv. 15 Abra, then the slot for that frame is 1. So the slot for that frame will be 1 for every area. Does that make sense?
    I agree about the EV training. I'll trade her around and get her EV trained. Oh yeah, 3rd gen abuse is almost exclusively done on emulators from what I've seen. Rarely do I see retail cart abuse and I pity those people that have.
    I would think it's easier, and safer as you have save states to work with. I personally don't have an issue with Emulator-abused Pokemon; there is no difference. Speaking of them...Athena's level 85 already, and I tutored Low Kick, Thunder Punch, Fire Punch and Superpower onto her before Pokeshifting her. Not sure if it's worth EV training her as I'd have to wipe all the EVs first.
    I know right? Same goes for playing older games on the original system too. I mean, I get so happy when I play Gold on my old Gameboy Color. But ROMS and Emulators have their place too.
    Awesome. :3 Until then, I will see if I enjoy playing Diamond again...Platinum just plain outclasses it. I had to restart because for some reason both me saving in game and using the save states didn't save my poor Piplup, but DID work the next time I tried (with a savestate). So now I have a Relaxed Turtwig.
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