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  • lol it's okay, I have days like that too xD

    though it mostly happens in 5th gen for me. :/
    Yes it is, it's my Heartgold. Which FC am I to use for you, since you have Diamond and HG listed.
    Okay! xD

    Which gen do you want to trade in first? Do you want to trade me the mons in 4th gen first and I'll trade you mine in 5th gen after?
    okay then :D

    My 5th gen FC is 4384 2195 3412
    and my 4th gen FC is 0561 2963 6870. :D

    What about yours?
    Yeah. xD
    Well, it's your choice. :]
    Most people are like OMG SHINIES WEE anyway

    I'm not sure I'll be up by then :s
    We can do it now if you want.
    Well I'm about to head out of here so I'm not sure.
    What time is best for you?

    Yeah I guess that makes sense. But I don't like some shinies. Most mons I prefer non-shiny. If I'm RNGing something, I'm gonna make it how I want it. Most of the time, that means non-shiny. xD

    Sure! That's cool. :]

    And yeah, I believe it. You have a ridiculous amount of shinies. @.@
    Yeah I do, but for right now I can only do captures. Sorry :3 That Raichu was caught in the Trophy Garden as a Pikachu, but I Evolved him to speed through xD
    NP, I know how wifi issues are. I don't have them myself, but I still know the feeling xD
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