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  • Hehe nope! I just worked a bunch, I don't go to school either so work is all I do, unfortunately! Did you go anywhere?
    You'll need Eontimer to hit your seed because there is a small delay between the time you hit A to enter Entralink and the time the game reseeds. Eontimer accounts for that so it's a great help :>
    I'm doing well, just working a lot! How have you been?
    Sorry for the late reply, I haven't been on here in ages. XD
    Yeah it would have taken the whole day if I didn't use one lol. If you want to give anything for Scyther, how about your Timid Mew? That's up to you really :p
    Λουκά έλα τι λέει?Οταν λεει xxxx warped to the entralink χτυπας το seed
    Save states are your friend. Before the emulator started messing up on me, I would make a save state with the delay slightly before when I needed to press A, then play around with a couple of save states and quickly double-tapping the pause button, until I managed to hit it.
    Okay :D

    Well, you see, in BW1 entering the Entralink causes the game to reseed, so basically what you want to do is just turn on CGear before your timer runs out and hit A to enter Entralink when your timer ends. Do you have EonTimer?
    Yeah actually lol. The frames are so erratic D: that and I had to switch to a higher frame. and modify the year and stuff.
    Either way I'm just glad to have it lol. I've still got other stuff to get in 4th Gen (Rotom, Giratina, Electabuzz, Shroomish and Seedot for instance, maybe even Suicune) so if you want anything, I don't mind getting anything specific. BTW, you can have Scyther for free. It's no prob due to the help you gave, along with the other mons you gave for free :]
    Yoyoyo. I got Scyther for you, ty again. It was caught on an emulator (SoulSilver) so you know and it'll be UT.
    Also it got 1st Place in the contest :]
    I can. It'd come from my Bro's save file though because I only got Torchic.
    I'm still here though.
    Sorry for the late reply, I was reading some article, and removing that annoying ad.yieldmanager adware/spyware cookie :/
    Yes I see it.
    Though I also have to see the LA (Legality Analysis) to be convinced its legit ;)

    To do that, go to your account options...
    I'll tell you when I get it, since I might use my SS for this rather than my HG to make my life easier >.>
    Hmm make the pokemon neither private nor public, or try to make it public.
    BTW if its public it means others can download it too.
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