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  • Ah yea, I guess I should have told you I changed my name ;)

    I kept my avatar the same try to avoid most of the confusion.
    Hi Matt! May I pick up your epic Pikachu now? Feel free to pick something from my thread you might like.
    Yeah, try on Plat. I didn't plan on using it competitively either; I only need it to get a Giratina since Griseous can't be traded
    Ah, it's not Fateful on Plat? Oh well, guess it's because you can't legally get that Arceus. I might get the Toys R Us one tomorrow and see if I can RNG it.
    The 4 I listed in your thread - Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, and the TR Cress. Just say what spreads you want on them. Should take about 45 minutes to do them all.
    Sure, I could give it choice specs, its level 55, and no codes were used because I have no Ar or pokesav or know how to use either. Its moveset is dragon dance, crunch, stone edge, rockslide. (I ran out of shards to tutor it fire punch)
    Yeah thats fine and if you want more I can do it. I will get online if thats fine with you.
    Well I can Ev whatever pokes you need the most so if you want we can trade and I could be done by tomorrow or saturday.
    Hey if you can't get much people to ev for you I can. You don't have to give me 10 credits per thing. 5 would be fine. Just let me know.
    Woah, only one battle after 3 rounds? Man, I'm suprised IPL didn't show up. I mean after getting 2nd at Nationals last year I thought he'd be one of the more eager battlers. Well I'll be peepin some fights on the GTS (if any were uploaded). The metagame with 4 of anything sounds scary to me lol
    I don't think I'm allowed to post in that tournament thread since I'm not a competitor, but you're killin it out there. 3W 0L so far!
    yeah thanks but i need to take away an Uber to be eligible for 2010 :(
    :( I added your main FC and waited from 11:15 to 11:50ish and never saw you on. Yeah just leave me a VM or PM when you get off
    Same here. First I was like NOOOO. All the training I've been doing is for nothing =/ But then I played it and it's more of expansion on the current metagame. I haven't even trained any Pokemon specifically for the different rules; I just grab 2 ubers out of my box and run with them. Some stuff doesn't work anymore, but a lot of new stuff does.

    I think they should have two separate brackets though. One for 09 and one for the new rules. Or somethin like that, you know?
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