• I don't know if you are still online or not, but I was wondering if you could make Persian's Pokemon stadium model sprite gif because I really like that one. So I was asking if you want to make it. You don't have to, I'm just asking.tumblr_oh0rkh1W0W1r9ulu7o1_540.gif
    hey, thank you for your interest! apologies for the late reply. when the project is finished, all 151 pokemon will be available in transparent gif format, including persian :) stay tuned!
    just curious if that stadium model project was completed, it looks so cool!
    hey, so sorry for the late reply uni was killin me. it's still under way, and turns out a similar project was under way by another group, so i'm working with them to have more hands on board! appreciate the support and interest in the project :)
    Concerning your cms submission (the thing for ZU Pikachu):
    Now that you’re badged, you have the ability to suggest edits for any kind of Pokemon on the dex. Thats what the button was used for; if you think you notice a mistake in a dex entry, you can submit an edit for review, where site staff will either accept or reject it.
    oh gosh i was super late on my promotion ;; thank you to everyone for the congratulations!!
    can you make sure to write rhydon up before gp quick?
    right - sorry, i forgot that LGPE analyses weren't bulletpoint. i'll get on that later today! thank you for the poke :]
    i'm really sorry - i wasn't able to get on for longer than i expected, it's written up now
    I'm posting it here since I heard something about a 3 post limit on the CAP Submissions thread per user, but I found a way to make your Sun entry for Pajantom a little shorter: if you remove the "wispy" adjective before "illusion", and reword "thinking in its dreams" to simply "dreaming" at the end, it SHOULD become 25 words long unless I counted wrong. No concrete ideas to shorten the other ones though...
    Escavalier Royale
    Escavalier Royale
    Something you could do with the Moon entry is removing the "ghostly" adjective before "spirit", and change "prey" near the end into "enemies" and drop everything after that.
    Dang, was only able to see this today, think submissions are closed :/ Thanks so much for the advice, though!
    Please write up Palkia Ubers. It's been at 2/3 for sometime now and QC can't give its final check until you have finished writing it up.
    Would you be willing to transfer the Aron reservation? Heads up that if it's not out of WIP soon it could be reassigned
    Sorry! I'll get back to it.
    Congrats on finishing Alolapix! :D
    Thanks! It was one I was looking forward to since its reveal and getting it finished was honestly just amazing.
    you are facing shaka brah for world's longest tour ORAS.
    shaka brah? Where can I contact him?
    start a conversation with him or tag him on the thread
    RBY worlds longest OU tour, im gmt+2 and free almost all the time, when do you wanna play?
    I'm available if you are!
    im on smogtours right now
    I've just gotten on smogtours with the user "MeepBard". Can't find you atm.
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