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  • I'm proud of you and elcheeso. You're doing a better job than I ever did!

    Have fun!
    ~ Alch
    ooh i saw a couple of ~lochs~ - just lakes, but the scottish makes it sound so exotic XD and went to a whisky distillery in the highlands, it was so pretty! and saw lots of sheep, for some reason :3

    oh and i climbed arthur's seat (this 300?m peak, the name eluded me when i was replying last night and then i got distracted and forgot what i wanted to say lol), and got such pretty panoramas of edinburgh city

    hahaha, too early for snow? you guys can plz have some of our cold, the weather here is being ridiculously temperamental! one day it's snowing, the next day i find the milk i stuck outside the window (to keep cold bc too lazy to go to the kitchen, do you do that there :p) has gone and spoiled -_-
    mountains! adventurittercat :o

    totally with you on the holiday work shit though ugh is right
    gooood :) scotland--glasgow and edinburgh--was so interesting, went to comedy festival shows and stayed at a lovely b&b in the former, as for the latter mainly castles and museums and WHISKY. was terribly cold though; spring is nowhere in sight ._. also watched a few musicals in london, it's so much more happening than cambridge ahaha - this place is such a ghost town now lol, there's still about a week or so more of break

    i might start getting on irc a bit more but how's life, what's new w you?
    how's modship :p you and sandz both, </3
    Hey Ritter, congrats on the mods ^.^

    Also you think you can give me some more advice? Specifically on shading, I feel a bit more confident but I am only drawing in solid colors ATM. I would love to hear anything you do for shading. Thanks!
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