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  • self reminder do pendings sunday.
    and pick up
    Calm Togekiss Version 2
    modest crobat nn:Nightwing
    The Heatran is Semi Redis by me, but the Cradily might be fully, since I've seen it in other threads. You should probably ask Fenix54
    Yeah remind me what we're trading again; and do you have my new FC?
    mhmm yup. Even though a toy of rhinox came out as a Transmetal version, it is ashame that we never got to see him as a transmetal. :P
    Actually, Yes. If you want to use credits until you're ready to get them, then yes, you can. I really don't mind at all. ^^
    Hey Sophie, I know you said you don't have wifi right now, but why don't pick whatever pokemon that you want from my thread as your prize pokemon since you've got the answer to my beast war question, right? :)
    self reminder do pending sunday.
    and pick up
    Calm Togekiss Version 2
    modest crobat nn:Nightwing
    My DS works now so let me now when you are ready to trade.

    Also I have a new FC: 0647 4073 8213
    Actually, yes, I do still need one. The original fell through. So yeah, can you EV train a Groudon for me?
    It's pretty much sorted. I had to move about 1000+ Pokemon around, so it wasn't exactly quick.

    I'll see if I can trade tomorrow.
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