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  • Sorry I didn't see your FC about that. didn't seem to be very stally though, it only lasted 20 minutes lol. it was just damge with gallade, set up hazards, wear down drifblim, finsh what was left.
    GG, that fire blast miss was just too random =) and my Cresselia had a rest and chesto berry so your run was a right choice so we can save some time :]
    to a degree. The biggest one was para on togetic. full para may have only evened out a possible min damage. it played a role, but I still had two sweepers that I never wnet to
    gg, sorry about all the hax. X-scor misses didn't end up coming into play as I didn't use cress after that, and for your cresselia I had serperior's leafstorm
    Said I lost connection with other person. Either way, I think you won. Was a good game. Hax are hax. >.<
    DW pokémon can't be shiny. We don't know if the Pokémon Cafe Eevees have a chance of being female yet, and they haven't been released.
    gg man. i forgot your last poke, so i couldnt go for a surf or draco. i didnt expect your espeon to outspeed the latios
    It's also blacklistable. I'm just being reasonable by telling you to include that information in your signature instead of reporting you because you may not have read the Battle Me Thread rules and it's possible it's only happened once. Also, if your psychic type has Magic Bounce, it shouldn't be shiny.
    GG. Though please state in your sig that you use unreleased DW abilities because not seeing that coming could have cost me the game.
    It mentions "teams", not single pokémon. Besides, you need to state in your sig that you use illegal combinations. You'd have a point if my whole team had been crafted specifically to stall.
    not really trying to stall( not the purpose of my team) was just taking advantage of the status u had lol
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