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  • I'll take the first 6 I asked for, but I'll bump your thread okay? I'm gonna get your stuff and show up online now!
    6 for 6 is fine. I know what you mean... I'm getting very full on Pearl and need to shift some things around.

    Are you free to trade today?
    Hello, you are a winner of my giveaway! Tell me the time when I can trade you the Dialga. Peace.
    No I have not forgotten you, I've just been incredibly busy. I use an r4i so I emulate on the DSi.
    Not really I mean I don't really have any good Pokemon but I guess it's kinda nice if someone actually want Pokemon I'm offering for giveaway lol.
    Long time no see Uskelly! If I remember correctly, I think you own me like 3 credits lol
    Haha, sorry I was watching America's Most Wanted. Yeah, I'm on my Pearl Cart. Spiritomb would work, but I have church here in a few minutes. I'll be around later this evening to trade if that would work for ya.
    Okay, I've got your FC in and the mon in my party. I'll see you on. Oh, and could you link to a post showing the redistribution rights for that poke? There's a new rule saying "you can't redistribute any poke that you can't link to a post showing you have rights on it" Thaaaaaanx!
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