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  • I'm not sure if I want Manaphy because I got one for free. I check for legitimacy and so far, nothing seems wrong.
    Perhaps, but 130 physical is better than 120 physical w/ a drawback in my, and many, people's opinions.

    A 10% fail rate DOES suck. However, remember (a) Lucario's defenses suck already, so you're not really opening him up to fail unless you have him w/ a focus sash, and (b) Blissey and G5 Chansey are going to be beasts to beat. This gives you that much better of a chance at beating them.

    Worst Case Scenario? They trade for it and teach it CC.
    I want to get a jump-start on the next generation - and this is a BP that I think will be a staple for the B/W "season" if you will.

    In terms of "having highly desirable pokemon", having a Lucario designed for G5 available THE DAY B/W comes out in the US is like having money in the bank. :)
    Ok. So do I. :P
    Just remember, though: Hi Jump kick is the new awesome in G5, better than CC, and it's an egg move...
    I will be on for one hour, so if you can't trade in that time period, then VM when you see me on tomorrow.
    Giratina costed me a AR. (It stop working after checking IVs, thank god I saved before that!) Meowth with semi-redis right then?
    Hm.... which do you prefer? Credit or rights?
    Also NN one of them Manaphy. (No caps but M) Thanks!
    It's a G4 breed that's designed for G5. The moves are G4 eggmoves, I don't know if they'll be eggmoves in G5 though. :P

    IE, it's something that needs to be done on G4 games, not G5 games.

    Am I explaining it right?
    How'd you like to do a breeding project for me?
    I'm looking at Generation 5, and I'm looking for a flawless Jolly or Adamant Lucario w/ Blaze Kick, Crunch, and Hi Jump Kick. If you can make it shiny, I'd love to get a shiny version and egg (which would hatch unshiny).

    This seems like a pretty good "G5" pokemon to have ready...

    Let me know if you're interested, thanks!
    LOL! I've got a few more, but w/ many more clones to make before I sleep. :P

    PS - are any of these fully redistributable? Thanks again!
    Ah, that's a pity. A Payback and Roar would really have been handy. Needs to get meself an AR XD
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