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  • { 03:33:15 AM } * TheValkyries (Mibbit@61875A45.E5A800B8.E61DDE97.IP) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
    { 03:33:18 AM } <&lynne> ..
    { 03:33:21 AM } <&lynne> i tabbed in here
    { 03:33:23 AM } <&lynne> to talk to valk even

    Too bad I forgot a minute later what I wanted to say.
    Haha, your description of yourself as a user (and how you've 'changed') simultaneously... surprises me and doesn't surprise me at all, Valk :P I mean that it doesn't surprise me that you questioned everything no matter how established the conclusion or the user(s) drawing it were, but it surprises me people could get along badly with you x)
    Thank god. I almost took some one seriously over the internet.

    And we all know what happens when I do that.
    First, you are a god among nortals when it comes to football.

    From the Naruto thread, in case you missed it:

    By the way, do you read One Piece? A very well written manga(with real foreshadowing!) that not only has remained CONSISTENT through its 10+ year run but has actually improved as the writer slowly lost his mind.

    Do you read it? It is a Shonen, like Naruto. Tell me if you don't so i can convince you.
    Hey,we have to battle for smogon tournament.Wanna battle today at night?I'm -8 GMT
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