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  • Or are you in a different timezone and forgot/figured out what time it would be incorrectly?
    I went on at 1 PM. do you have an alternate PS username? I was only on for a few minutes, though.
    Okay, you really need to be better about VMing back. I know that it's only been a day right now, but it was 4 days and 6 days before. If you say you can only battle Saturday, then we have to battle today. But if not, I think I should just take the activity win.
    Okay, well I can do tomorrow afternoon. How about 1 PM EST? (And, it did, trust me. We had power outages, downed trees, and very very small little floods.)
    Umm, hello? We only have 5 more days to do this battle on time, not counting today. My school was cancelled due to Hurricane Sandy (and I live in Ohio, lol) so I can do it today whenever. Or tomorrow/Thursday, after 6:30 PM. Or Friday, after 4 PM. Or Saturday, most of the day. Or Sunday, early morning. And Sunday would be the last possible day to battle. So yeah.
    It's fine, but I actually forgot about something I have this Saturday; I'm busy then. I could do Saturday morning at like 10, or we could do Sunday before noon or after 6. Otherwise on Saturdays I'm free most of the day and on Sundays I'm almost never free.
    It looks like we are matched up in round 1 of the Offstat Tourney! When are you available to battle? I am available Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sunday mornings. I suppose I'm available Wednesdays and Thursdays too, but not til late. By the way, I'm GMT -4, or Eastern Time Zone if you're North American.
    I'll probably be around at ST hour this evening (or maybe later like 10 PM my time GMT +1)
    oh well, this evening on Po2 should be right (Showdown is laggy on my computer :v), otherwise, I'm here Tuesday evening and Wedneday evening (GMT +1)
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