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  • Aha. Time makes fools of us all. I haven't much time for Pocket Monsters these days, myself. It's good to hear from you, and I hope things are going well in your life.
    This poor wall. T_T

    You're still awesome Vappy. Even after all this time. Awesome. =D
    No problem. Let me know when you can pick it up. I'm pretty busy now that I'm REALLY back in school, so just VM me when you get the chance, and we can work out a time.
    No problem. I should be on for a little while. VM if you get the chance to trade.
    Hey, I should be on for a little while, let me know when you want to pick up the Cradily.
    I guess I never got the Lileep to you. Thought I did for some reason... Do you still want it? I have an EVd version too if you're interested. It's got 252 HP/4 Def/252 SpD.
    Sorry anyone who needed to contact me; My computer broke and I was not able to fix it until now. If we have a pending and you are still interested in trading please VM/PM, thanks
    All right, sounds good. Thanks. :) It's male. Let me know when you can pick it up.
    Sorry for spamming your wall some more, but I have a shiny, non shiny, and egg version of the Lileep. Let me know which ones you want. :P
    It's ready for you. I'm just going to hatch it where I want it, but I've saved a copy of the egg for you. Let me know when you want to pick it up.
    Just hit my seed for the shiny egg. Should have it here soon. Any specific hatch location?
    HP Fire was the first one I traded to you. Sorry, I should have marked them...

    I'm on wifi if you want the clones still.
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