Format Discussion Metronome Battle

You're right

the actual purpose of this team, is for the magikarp to die turn 1, giving shedinja sturdy. So it both makes a broken mon AND breaks any kind of impostor team.

The only way to win this is to get either disable, or perish song (but that doesnt even guarantee a win) it forces you to be either slower, or very lucky.

So, in conclusion, Ban Receiver + Sturdy so both of these problems go away.
this team is borderline unusable cause of pp. If you run out of pp 1st shed dies to struggle damage. if they run out of pp 1st, struggle goes through sturdy and you die. The only way to win with it is if shed naturally kos them b4 pp runs out (and its a 1v2 so thats hard) or if one of their mons get koed and the other gets brought into struggle ko range the turn you lose pp, then kill them with stuggle (assuming they don't outspend and use struggle first), which needless to say, isn't gonna happen consistently. and thats not to mention other problems like rolling a recoil move, getting statused, confusion, and more

So yeah, its really fine, don't think it needs to be banned
this team is borderline unusable cause of pp. If you run out of pp 1st shed dies to struggle damage. if they run out of pp 1st, struggle goes through sturdy and you die. The only way to win with it is if shed naturally kos them b4 pp runs out (and its a 1v2 so thats hard) or if one of their mons get koed and the other gets brought into struggle ko range the turn you lose pp, then kill them with stuggle (assuming they don't outspend and use struggle first), which needless to say, isn't gonna happen consistently. and thats not to mention other problems like rolling a recoil move, getting statused, confusion, and more

So yeah, its really fine, don't think it needs to be banned
Getting hit by Struggle is just a regular move and doesn't pierce Sturdy, which means Shedinja has an extra chance to stall to win with paralysis or something, but otherwise this is spot on as to why this infamous strategy has been the opposite of broken since 2019, and even in the time when Sturdinja was fully unbanned it just ended up being boring and led to everyone running counter abilities to relegate it to low ladder anyway. I think Imposter having a bugged interaction with Receiver/Power of Alchemy is funny though.
Getting hit by Struggle is just a regular move and doesn't pierce Sturdy, which means Shedinja has an extra chance to stall to win with paralysis or something, but otherwise this is spot on as to why this infamous strategy has been the opposite of broken since 2019, and even in the time when Sturdinja was fully unbanned it just ended up being boring and led to everyone running counter abilities to relegate it to low ladder anyway. I think Imposter having a bugged interaction with Receiver/Power of Alchemy is funny though.
when i was using it, shed would always die b4 pp ran out or lose pp 1st so i never got to that interaction lol. I thought struggle was immune to abilities but i guess not. but yeah it still a pretty bad strategy even with a struggle immunity
You're right

the actual purpose of this team, is for the magikarp to die turn 1, giving shedinja sturdy. So it both makes a broken mon AND breaks any kind of impostor team.

The only way to win this is to get either disable, or perish song (but that doesnt even guarantee a win) it forces you to be either slower, or very lucky.

So, in conclusion, Ban Receiver + Sturdy so both of these problems go away.
Despite the interface bug, the game is very capable of finishing despite needing to submit moves for both Imposters every turn:

All the Sturdy Receiver player has to do is to submit their final move after the Imposter player has submitted both of theirs. Cancel and resubmit your own move if necessary.

Of course, the Sturdy Receiver player could be a griefer and submit their moves ASAP, thus forcing the timer to run out....
As a workaround you cant type /choose move 1, pass or /choose pass, move 1 in the chat. That should work.
The Client seems to think that the fainted blissey (which the client identifies with 0HP) is still alive and tries to send a move option, which obviously does not work D:
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Has anyone here tried making an Aerilate team? This is my best experiment so far

Pokestar UFO @ Choice Band
Ability: Delta Stream
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Brave Nature
- Metronome

Ampharos-Mega @ Choice Specs
Ability: Aerilate
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Metronome
Has anyone here tried making an Aerilate team? This is my best experiment so far

Pokestar UFO @ Choice Band
Ability: Delta Stream
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Brave Nature
- Metronome

Ampharos-Mega @ Choice Specs
Ability: Aerilate
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Metronome

Aerilate (and all the other -ate abilities) are my personally favourite abilities in metronome and I’ve tested them a lot.
I specifically have 3 teams to take advantage of it.

Joe (Pokestar UFO) @ Covert Cloak
Ability: Delta Stream
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Brave Nature
- Metronome

Harold (Heracross-Mega) (M) @ Choice Band
Ability: Aerilate
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Brave Nature
- Metronome
This is basically the same as your team but with Heracross instead. I think Heracross is more useful due to there being more normal type physical moves.

Delta (Pokestar UFO) @ Covert Cloak
Ability: Delta Stream
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Brave Nature
- Metronome

Alpha (Landorus-Therian) (M) @ Choice Band
Ability: Aerilate
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Brave Nature
- Metronome
This is the same thing but with a usable special attack and stronger flying stab. However I think this is worse because it does less damage overall.

Lol (Pinsir) (M) @ Pinsirite
Ability: Intrepid Sword
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Brave Nature
- Metronome

Bruh (Slowbro-Mega) (M) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Delta Stream
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Metronome
Finally, this team is the most unique. It uses a cool strat where you use intrepid sword and then mega to basically get 2 abilities without the drawback of a choice item. It’s also paired with Slowbro because of it’s amazing defense and really good special attack.

I think this is the most successful aerilate will ever be because of the omnipresence of mega venusaur and flower veil teams (that’s also why pixilate fell off a cliff in viability). I think it’s the best anti-meta option.
Aerilate (and all the other -ate abilities) are my personally favourite abilities in metronome and I’ve tested them a lot.
I specifically have 3 teams to take advantage of it.

Joe (Pokestar UFO) @ Covert Cloak
Ability: Delta Stream
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Brave Nature
- Metronome

Harold (Heracross-Mega) (M) @ Choice Band
Ability: Aerilate
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Brave Nature
- Metronome
This is basically the same as your team but with Heracross instead. I think Heracross is more useful due to there being more normal type physical moves.

Delta (Pokestar UFO) @ Covert Cloak
Ability: Delta Stream
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Brave Nature
- Metronome

Alpha (Landorus-Therian) (M) @ Choice Band
Ability: Aerilate
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Brave Nature
- Metronome
This is the same thing but with a usable special attack and stronger flying stab. However I think this is worse because it does less damage overall.

Lol (Pinsir) (M) @ Pinsirite
Ability: Intrepid Sword
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Brave Nature
- Metronome

Bruh (Slowbro-Mega) (M) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Delta Stream
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Metronome
Finally, this team is the most unique. It uses a cool strat where you use intrepid sword and then mega to basically get 2 abilities without the drawback of a choice item. It’s also paired with Slowbro because of it’s amazing defense and really good special attack.

I think this is the most successful aerilate will ever be because of the omnipresence of mega venusaur and flower veil teams (that’s also why pixilate fell off a cliff in viability). I think it’s the best anti-meta option.
These are all pretty sick builds. Hard vouch on Aerialate though; I've been running it on Ting-Lu on the typical flower veil team w/M-Venusaur and it's come in handy quite often, not only for the grass mirror but also for ghost teams with how frequent they tend to be (especially Good as Gold for the full diet Gholdengo experience). Having a bigger chunk of rolls actually just hit is a big difference maker compared to other abilities I've ran on Ting-Lu previously.

Refrigerate has some good overlap with Aerialate but the latter feels like it has more coverage with common mon picks, not just grass but stuff like M-Hera, Iron Valiant or M-Pinsir.
"Unfortunate" doesn't begin to describe my series, this format rewards blind luck and nothing else, I am beyond convinced at this point. After scheduling with my opponents and providing confirmation prior to the day of the match as to play times, losing this way somehow felt even better than I had thought possible. My preparation was superior, my play was superior, and I lost, so I don't see a reason to continue engaging in an activity where what is within my control is overwhelmingly outweighed by what is not.

I am done with competitive Metronome Battles, and you will get a fond farewell. This community is blessed to its roots with a selfless devotion that grows stronger over time and never stops giving back. Metronome Battles used to have a casual spirit at their heart, this has been transplanted and replaced with an artificial organ that feeds on gambling and victory over bots that taunt on the sidelines and silently tear each other to shreds over ladder rating. The environment we fostered has imprisoned us all like this in a vicious cycle, and escaping it requires acceptance of the harshest explosion we all scramble to avoid lest we perish, that none of the countless torments we put ourselves through here will ever amount to one single shining final gambit of significance. I would make this the end, but Welcome to Metro Nome is still ongoing, and I would never leave so many great players out to dry, so I'll enjoy a few more games for them.

One last thing before I leave you all to react with wow, sad, and haha, before you do everything in your power to maximize my words and thoughts, copy them up and paste them to some corner of the internet, and hope it lives forever as a memento of this finite time ground to dust. From this moment on, something you say will matter to me. The kindest words you reply with intent to heal will calmly settle in the heavens above the world, and the love you give will bring all the joy of a warm summer breeze. You are more than anything you can conceive, while I carry on, brimming with joy distilled from attachment.
Congratulations to genisu for winning the Welcome To Metro Nome tournament. In this post I will be analyzing the stats of the replays posted across the entire tournament, to see what was meta and other fun facts. I also plan to hopefully cover usage stats for March by the anniversary of this thread.

The process:
I made use of 2 different technical projects which have their own threads in the Technical Projects forum. can take in any individual thread and get all the replay links from it, but it doesn't show the stats for Metronome Battle properly because there aren't 6 pokemon. However it does output a list of all replay links, which I can pass into I couldn't use the Tournament Teams tab directly because I guess they only take tournaments in the Smogon Tournaments forum.

Note: I think some links may have been broken because of linking to play.pokemonshowdown instead of the replay, which I was able to identify manually. The semifinals/finals thread was also mostly affected because of links either lacking the private key or linking to a proxy link instead, which I was able to fix for the latter. There was also an instance of a joke game in Round 2 played after 3 wins, which I chose to count for the sake of more stats.




(In many ways, Metronome Battle is not fully recognized, but these tools provide enough features that this can still be mostly automated.)

A limitation I noticed is that leads of the same 2 Pokemon are represented as only one Pokemon for the purpose of these stats, unlike Smogon usage stats. Also overall this can only work based on revealed information.


Overall Stats:
Pokemon Statistics (Table)
+ ---- + ------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon             | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Venusaur-Mega       |  235 |  47.38% |  56.60% |
| 2    | Ting-Lu             |  117 |  23.59% |  55.56% |
| 3    | Heracross-Mega      |   82 |  16.53% |  59.76% |
| 4    | Pecharunt           |   50 |  10.08% |  58.00% |
| 5    | Necturna            |   35 |   7.06% |  51.43% |
| 6    | Mew                 |   23 |   4.64% |  47.83% |
| 7    | Glastrier           |   22 |   4.44% |  50.00% |
| 8    | Ampharos-Mega       |   20 |   4.03% |  55.00% |
| 9    | Abomasnow-Mega      |   19 |   3.83% |  63.16% |
| 10   | Dragapult           |   19 |   3.83% |  52.63% |
| 11   | Dusclops            |   13 |   2.62% |  38.46% |
| 12   | Slowbro-Mega        |   10 |   2.02% |  20.00% |
| 13   | Blissey             |   10 |   2.02% |  50.00% |
| 14   | Gengar-Mega         |   10 |   2.02% |  80.00% |
| 15   | Deoxys-Defense      |   10 |   2.02% |  20.00% |
| 16   | Gallade-Mega        |    9 |   1.81% |  55.56% |
| 17   | Altaria-Mega        |    9 |   1.81% |  33.33% |
| 18   | Pokestar UFO        |    8 |   1.61% |  25.00% |
| 19   | Pinsir              |    8 |   1.61% |  12.50% |
| 20   | Baxcalibur          |    8 |   1.61% |  62.50% |
| 21   | Dragonite           |    7 |   1.41% |  28.57% |
| 22   | Victini             |    7 |   1.41% |  14.29% |
| 23   | Diancie             |    6 |   1.21% |  33.33% |
| 24   | Pokestar Humanoid   |    6 |   1.21% |  33.33% |
| 25   | Type: Null          |    5 |   1.01% |  20.00% |
| 26   | Krilowatt           |    5 |   1.01% | 100.00% |
| 27   | Darkrai             |    5 |   1.01% |  60.00% |
| 28   | Pikachu-Starter     |    5 |   1.01% |  40.00% |
| 29   | Tornadus-Therian    |    5 |   1.01% |  40.00% |
| 30   | Ogerpon-Hearthflame |    5 |   1.01% |  20.00% |
| 31   | Lopunny-Mega        |    5 |   1.01% |  40.00% |
| 32   | Iron Valiant        |    5 |   1.01% |  40.00% |
| 33   | Heracross           |    5 |   1.01% |  40.00% |
| 34   | Zeraora             |    5 |   1.01% |  40.00% |
| 35   | Wishiwashi-School   |    5 |   1.01% |  40.00% |
| 36   | Alakazam-Mega       |    4 |   0.81% |   0.00% |
| 37   | Celebi              |    4 |   0.81% |  25.00% |
| 38   | Glimmora            |    4 |   0.81% |  75.00% |
| 39   | Iron Hands          |    4 |   0.81% |  50.00% |
| 40   | Guzzlord            |    3 |   0.60% |  33.33% |
| 41   | Landorus-Therian    |    3 |   0.60% |  33.33% |
| 42   | Chansey             |    3 |   0.60% |  33.33% |
| 43   | Shedinja            |    3 |   0.60% |  33.33% |
| 44   | Blaziken            |    3 |   0.60% |   0.00% |
| 45   | Tyranitar           |    3 |   0.60% | 100.00% |
| 46   | Sylveon             |    3 |   0.60% |   0.00% |
| 47   | Gardevoir-Mega      |    3 |   0.60% |   0.00% |
| 48   | Gouging Fire        |    3 |   0.60% |  33.33% |
| 49   | Deoxys              |    3 |   0.60% |  33.33% |
| 50   | Marshadow           |    2 |   0.40% |   0.00% |
| 51   | Pokestar Giant      |    2 |   0.40% |   0.00% |
| 52   | Sableye-Mega        |    2 |   0.40% |  50.00% |
| 53   | Shaymin-Sky         |    2 |   0.40% |  50.00% |
| 54   | Shaymin             |    2 |   0.40% |  50.00% |
| 55   | Magikarp            |    2 |   0.40% |  50.00% |
| 56   | Toxapex             |    2 |   0.40% |   0.00% |
| 57   | Iron Moth           |    2 |   0.40% |  50.00% |
| 58   | Cresselia           |    1 |   0.20% |   0.00% |
| 59   | Aurumoth            |    1 |   0.20% |   0.00% |
| 60   | Chromera            |    1 |   0.20% |   0.00% |
| 61   | Regirock            |    1 |   0.20% | 100.00% |
| 62   | Ursaluna            |    1 |   0.20% | 100.00% |
| 63   | Aerodactyl-Mega     |    1 |   0.20% | 100.00% |
| 64   | Moltres             |    1 |   0.20% | 100.00% |
| 65   | Banette             |    1 |   0.20% |   0.00% |
| 66   | Pheromosa           |    1 |   0.20% |   0.00% |
| 67   | Glalie-Mega         |    1 |   0.20% |   0.00% |
| 68   | Blacephalon         |    1 |   0.20% |   0.00% |
| 69   | Cinderace           |    1 |   0.20% | 100.00% |
| 70   | Snorlax             |    1 |   0.20% |   0.00% |
| 71   | Arghonaut           |    1 |   0.20% | 100.00% |
| 72   | Pikachu             |    1 |   0.20% | 100.00% |
| 73   | Clefable            |    1 |   0.20% |   0.00% |
| 74   | MissingNo.          |    1 |   0.20% |   0.00% |

The big three make up most of the usage in the meta here, with Venusaur being most dominant. Compared to the ladder usage stats, I found it interesting that Mew made it into the top 10 while Blissey's appearances dropped, both being mons that are commonly used as 2 on the same team. Personally I would have used Blissey as a Heracross counter, but I didn't end up getting the chance. I actually didn't really get to counter pick much in general because my opponents didn't have many or any replays, so I mostly went with classic Flower Veil for balance.

Combos Statistics With Leads (Table)
+ ---- + ---------------------------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Combos of 2                              | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ---------------------------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | (Lead) Venusaur-Mega / Ting-Lu           |   68 |  13.71% |  57.35% |
| 2    | (Lead) Venusaur-Mega / Necturna          |   35 |   7.06% |  51.43% |
| 3    | (Lead) Ting-Lu / Venusaur-Mega           |   33 |   6.65% |  57.58% |
| 4    | (Lead) Heracross-Mega / Pecharunt        |   18 |   3.63% |  72.22% |
| 5    | (Lead) Venusaur-Mega / Dragapult         |   18 |   3.63% |  55.56% |
| 6    | (Lead) Abomasnow-Mega / Venusaur-Mega    |   14 |   2.82% |  64.29% |
| 7    | (Lead) Heracross-Mega / Venusaur-Mega    |   11 |   2.22% |  81.82% |
| 8    | (Lead) Glastrier / Venusaur-Mega         |   10 |   2.02% |  70.00% |
| 9    | (Lead) Venusaur-Mega / Gallade-Mega      |    9 |   1.81% |  55.56% |
| 10   | (Lead) Ampharos-Mega / Pecharunt         |    8 |   1.61% |  75.00% |
| 11   | (Lead) Glastrier / Pokestar UFO          |    8 |   1.61% |  25.00% |
| 12   | (Lead) Pinsir / Slowbro-Mega             |    6 |   1.21% |   0.00% |
| 13   | (Lead) Krilowatt / Gengar-Mega           |    5 |   1.01% | 100.00% |
| 14   | (Lead) Diancie / Lopunny-Mega            |    5 |   1.01% |  40.00% |
| 15   | (Lead) Iron Valiant / Heracross          |    5 |   1.01% |  40.00% |
| 16   | (Lead) Pecharunt / Deoxys-Defense        |    5 |   1.01% |  40.00% |
| 17   | (Lead) Altaria-Mega / Zeraora            |    5 |   1.01% |  40.00% |
| 18   | (Lead) Ting-Lu / Pecharunt               |    5 |   1.01% |  40.00% |
| 19   | (Lead) Venusaur-Mega / Heracross-Mega    |    4 |   0.81% |  75.00% |
| 20   | (Lead) Venusaur-Mega / Ampharos-Mega     |    4 |   0.81% |  25.00% |
| 21   | (Lead) Pecharunt / Venusaur-Mega         |    4 |   0.81% |  75.00% |
| 22   | (Lead) Type: Null / Dusclops             |    4 |   0.81% |  25.00% |
| 23   | (Lead) Abomasnow-Mega / Baxcalibur       |    4 |   0.81% |  75.00% |
| 24   | (Lead) Ampharos-Mega / Altaria-Mega      |    4 |   0.81% |  25.00% |
| 25   | (Lead) Victini / Celebi                  |    4 |   0.81% |  25.00% |
| 26   | (Lead) Glimmora / Darkrai                |    4 |   0.81% |  75.00% |
| 27   | (Lead) Venusaur-Mega / Pecharunt         |    4 |   0.81% |  25.00% |
| 28   | (Lead) Tornadus-Therian / Dragonite      |    4 |   0.81% |  25.00% |
| 29   | (Lead) Wishiwashi-School / Baxcalibur    |    4 |   0.81% |  50.00% |
| 30   | (Lead) Venusaur-Mega / Blissey           |    3 |   0.60% |  33.33% |
| 31   | (Lead) Heracross-Mega / Ampharos-Mega    |    3 |   0.60% |  66.67% |
| 32   | (Lead) Venusaur-Mega / Landorus-Therian  |    3 |   0.60% |  33.33% |
| 33   | (Lead) Pokestar Humanoid / Victini       |    3 |   0.60% |   0.00% |
| 34   | (Lead) Blaziken / Venusaur-Mega          |    3 |   0.60% |   0.00% |
| 35   | (Lead) Tyranitar / Venusaur-Mega         |    3 |   0.60% | 100.00% |
| 36   | (Lead) Ting-Lu / Iron Hands              |    3 |   0.60% |  33.33% |
| 37   | (Lead) Sylveon / Gardevoir-Mega          |    3 |   0.60% |   0.00% |
| 38   | (Lead) Gouging Fire / Deoxys             |    3 |   0.60% |  33.33% |
| 39   | (Lead) Ting-Lu / Glastrier               |    2 |   0.40% |  50.00% |
| 40   | (Lead) Guzzlord / Marshadow              |    2 |   0.40% |   0.00% |
| 41   | (Lead) Heracross-Mega / Pokestar Giant   |    2 |   0.40% |   0.00% |
| 42   | (Lead) Sableye-Mega / Slowbro-Mega       |    2 |   0.40% |  50.00% |
| 43   | (Lead) Shaymin-Sky / Shaymin             |    2 |   0.40% |  50.00% |
| 44   | (Lead) Pokestar Humanoid / Blissey       |    2 |   0.40% |  50.00% |
| 45   | (Lead) Shedinja / Magikarp               |    2 |   0.40% |  50.00% |
| 46   | (Lead) Slowbro-Mega / Pinsir             |    2 |   0.40% |  50.00% |
| 47   | (Lead) Toxapex / Deoxys-Defense          |    2 |   0.40% |   0.00% |
| 48   | (Lead) Iron Moth / Ogerpon-Hearthflame   |    2 |   0.40% |  50.00% |
| 49   | (Lead) Type: Null / Venusaur-Mega        |    1 |   0.20% |   0.00% |
| 50   | (Lead) Venusaur-Mega / Cresselia         |    1 |   0.20% |   0.00% |
| 51   | (Lead) Guzzlord / Pecharunt              |    1 |   0.20% | 100.00% |
| 52   | (Lead) Aurumoth / Chromera               |    1 |   0.20% |   0.00% |
| 53   | (Lead) Regirock / Ursaluna               |    1 |   0.20% | 100.00% |
| 54   | (Lead) Aerodactyl-Mega / Moltres         |    1 |   0.20% | 100.00% |
| 55   | (Lead) Darkrai / Dragonite               |    1 |   0.20% |   0.00% |
| 56   | (Lead) Blissey / Dragapult               |    1 |   0.20% |   0.00% |
| 57   | (Lead) Dragonite / Tornadus-Therian      |    1 |   0.20% | 100.00% |
| 58   | (Lead) Banette / Pheromosa               |    1 |   0.20% |   0.00% |
| 59   | (Lead) Chansey / Diancie                 |    1 |   0.20% |   0.00% |
| 60   | (Lead) Ampharos-Mega / Chansey           |    1 |   0.20% | 100.00% |
| 61   | (Lead) Glalie-Mega / Abomasnow-Mega      |    1 |   0.20% |   0.00% |
| 62   | (Lead) Alakazam-Mega / Blacephalon       |    1 |   0.20% |   0.00% |
| 63   | (Lead) Mew / Cinderace                   |    1 |   0.20% | 100.00% |
| 64   | (Lead) Pecharunt / Snorlax               |    1 |   0.20% |   0.00% |
| 65   | (Lead) Pokestar Humanoid / Arghonaut     |    1 |   0.20% | 100.00% |
| 66   | (Lead) Clefable / Heracross-Mega         |    1 |   0.20% |   0.00% |
| 67   | (Lead) Iron Hands / Ting-Lu              |    1 |   0.20% | 100.00% |
| 68   | (Lead) Wishiwashi-School / Venusaur-Mega |    1 |   0.20% |   0.00% |
| 69   | (Lead) Shedinja / MissingNo.             |    1 |   0.20% |   0.00% |
| 70   | (Lead) Dragonite / Heracross-Mega        |    1 |   0.20% |   0.00% |

Here we can see the individual combos used, though this does exclude teams that double up on 2 mons as mentioned and counts both orders of a pair separately. Venusaur is paired up with many things, even more than Ting-Lu. I took the statistics with "leads" because it shows them in reverse order in the other option, but still counts each pair individually.

Item Statistics
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Item               | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Mirror Herb        |  242 |  48.79% |  53.31% |
| 2    | Weakness Policy    |  196 |  39.52% |  58.67% |
| 3    | Lum Berry          |   34 |   6.85% |  44.12% |
| 4    | Covert Cloak       |   21 |   4.23% |  47.62% |
| 5    | Clear Amulet       |   17 |   3.43% |  47.06% |
| 6    | Leppa Berry        |   14 |   2.82% |  42.86% |
| 7    | Eviolite           |    9 |   1.81% |  44.44% |
| 8    | Light Ball         |    5 |   1.01% |  40.00% |
| 9    | Waterium Z         |    5 |   1.01% |  40.00% |
| 10   | Focus Sash         |    3 |   0.60% |  33.33% |
| 11   | Sticky Barb        |    3 |   0.60% |  33.33% |
| 12   | Maranga Berry      |    3 |   0.60% |  33.33% |
| 13   | Life Orb           |    3 |   0.60% |  33.33% |
| 14   | Grassium Z         |    1 |   0.20% |   0.00% |
These are basically only the items that can visually proc or get revealed from Knocked Off, so Mirror Herb and Weakness Policy get most of the attention while Choice Band stays in obscurity never being explicitly revealed. I think Light Ball was only revealed once but it assumed every other Pikachu-Starter x2 team had it, so I guess getting exposed once means it counts for every appearance that team makes afterwards which is what happened to Covert Cloak. Waterium Z seems to be an instance of Z-Metronome calling Hydro Vortex and assuming it was the water Z-move that caused it instead of Normalium Z.

Move Statistics
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Move               | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Metronome          |  496 | 100.00% |  50.20% |
| 2    | Sweet Scent        |  279 |  56.25% |  54.84% |
| 3    | Low Sweep          |  268 |  54.03% |  56.34% |
| 4    | Power Whip         |  262 |  52.82% |  56.87% |
| 5    | Fissure            |  248 |  50.00% |  54.84% |
| 6    | Twister            |  247 |  49.80% |  59.11% |
| 7    | Thunder Fang       |  246 |  49.60% |  50.81% |
| 8    | Hone Claws         |  244 |  49.19% |  54.51% |
| 9    | Mega Punch         |  240 |  48.39% |  54.58% |
| 10   | Muddy Water        |  238 |  47.98% |  57.56% |
| 11   | Payback            |  233 |  46.98% |  56.22% |
| 12   | Dynamic Punch      |  232 |  46.77% |  56.03% |
| 13   | Brutal Swing       |  231 |  46.57% |  58.87% |
| 14   | Swallow            |  231 |  46.57% |  56.28% |
| 15   | Explosion          |  230 |  46.37% |  53.91% |
| 16   | Metal Claw         |  227 |  45.77% |  55.07% |
| 17   | Kowtow Cleave      |  226 |  45.56% |  57.08% |
| 18   | Zing Zap           |  226 |  45.56% |  50.88% |
| 19   | Facade             |  226 |  45.56% |  55.75% |
| 20   | Hold Back          |  226 |  45.56% |  56.64% |
| 21   | Water Shuriken     |  225 |  45.36% |  53.33% |
| 22   | Heal Pulse         |  224 |  45.16% |  53.57% |
| 23   | Pain Split         |  224 |  45.16% |  52.68% |
| 24   | Take Down          |  223 |  44.96% |  52.91% |
| 25   | Horn Leech         |  222 |  44.76% |  55.41% |
| 26   | Power Swap         |  221 |  44.56% |  54.75% |
| 27   | Aqua Cutter        |  221 |  44.56% |  52.94% |
| 28   | Focus Blast        |  221 |  44.56% |  53.39% |
| 29   | Supercell Slam     |  220 |  44.35% |  57.27% |
| 30   | Leaf Blade         |  218 |  43.95% |  54.59% |
| 31   | Razor Leaf         |  218 |  43.95% |  55.50% |
| 32   | Crunch             |  217 |  43.75% |  54.84% |
| 33   | Double Hit         |  217 |  43.75% |  55.76% |
| 34   | Poison Gas         |  217 |  43.75% |  54.38% |
| 35   | Water Pulse        |  216 |  43.55% |  54.63% |
| 36   | Metal Burst        |  216 |  43.55% |  56.02% |
| 37   | Torch Song         |  216 |  43.55% |  54.63% |
| 38   | Haze               |  215 |  43.35% |  55.35% |
| 39   | Final Gambit       |  213 |  42.94% |  53.05% |
| 40   | Soak               |  213 |  42.94% |  53.52% |
| 41   | Double Kick        |  213 |  42.94% |  52.58% |
| 42   | Earth Power        |  212 |  42.74% |  54.25% |
| 43   | Energy Ball        |  211 |  42.54% |  55.92% |
| 44   | Alluring Voice     |  211 |  42.54% |  54.98% |
| 45   | Rock Blast         |  211 |  42.54% |  55.92% |
| 46   | Psychic            |  210 |  42.34% |  55.24% |
| 47   | Toxic Thread       |  209 |  42.14% |  57.42% |
| 48   | Wrap               |  209 |  42.14% |  57.89% |
| 49   | Fake Out           |  209 |  42.14% |  55.02% |
| 50   | Swagger            |  208 |  41.94% |  58.17% |
| 51   | Iron Head          |  208 |  41.94% |  53.37% |
| 52   | Disable            |  208 |  41.94% |  53.37% |
| 53   | Seismic Toss       |  208 |  41.94% |  55.29% |
| 54   | Tar Shot           |  208 |  41.94% |  52.40% |
| 55   | Triple Kick        |  207 |  41.73% |  56.04% |
| 56   | Guillotine         |  207 |  41.73% |  55.56% |
| 57   | Scald              |  206 |  41.53% |  52.91% |
| 58   | Water Pledge       |  206 |  41.53% |  55.83% |
| 59   | Bolt Strike        |  206 |  41.53% |  53.88% |
| 60   | Conversion         |  206 |  41.53% |  56.80% |
| 61   | Earthquake         |  206 |  41.53% |  55.34% |
| 62   | Aqua Jet           |  206 |  41.53% |  55.83% |
| 63   | Double Team        |  206 |  41.53% |  57.77% |
| 64   | Heat Wave          |  206 |  41.53% |  55.34% |
| 65   | Baby-Doll Eyes     |  205 |  41.33% |  53.66% |
| 66   | Mud Shot           |  205 |  41.33% |  57.07% |
| 67   | Icicle Crash       |  204 |  41.13% |  56.37% |
| 68   | Shadow Claw        |  204 |  41.13% |  53.43% |
| 69   | Pay Day            |  204 |  41.13% |  57.84% |
| 70   | Screech            |  203 |  40.93% |  54.68% |
| 71   | Conversion 2       |  203 |  40.93% |  54.68% |
| 72   | Rest               |  203 |  40.93% |  54.19% |
| 73   | Tail Whip          |  202 |  40.73% |  54.46% |
| 74   | Icy Wind           |  202 |  40.73% |  56.44% |
| 75   | High Horsepower    |  202 |  40.73% |  55.94% |
| 76   | Growl              |  201 |  40.52% |  56.72% |
| 77   | Harden             |  201 |  40.52% |  56.22% |
| 78   | Poison Jab         |  201 |  40.52% |  55.22% |
| 79   | Bulldoze           |  201 |  40.52% |  54.73% |
| 80   | Brave Bird         |  200 |  40.32% |  55.50% |
| 81   | Aqua Ring          |  200 |  40.32% |  56.00% |
| 82   | Psystrike          |  200 |  40.32% |  55.50% |
| 83   | Slam               |  199 |  40.12% |  57.29% |
| 84   | Darkest Lariat     |  199 |  40.12% |  51.26% |
| 85   | Worry Seed         |  198 |  39.92% |  54.04% |
| 86   | Sunny Day          |  198 |  39.92% |  55.56% |
| 87   | Slash              |  198 |  39.92% |  55.56% |
| 88   | Dragon Rush        |  198 |  39.92% |  56.57% |
| 89   | Ember              |  198 |  39.92% |  51.52% |
| 90   | Aurora Veil        |  198 |  39.92% |  57.07% |
| 91   | Aerial Ace         |  198 |  39.92% |  55.05% |
| 92   | Mortal Spin        |  198 |  39.92% |  58.08% |
| 93   | Shift Gear         |  197 |  39.72% |  56.35% |
| 94   | Defend Order       |  197 |  39.72% |  55.33% |
| 95   | Fusion Bolt        |  197 |  39.72% |  54.31% |
| 96   | Giga Drain         |  195 |  39.31% |  57.44% |
| 97   | Waterfall          |  195 |  39.31% |  55.38% |
| 98   | Stuff Cheeks       |  195 |  39.31% |  55.38% |
| 99   | Bullet Punch       |  194 |  39.11% |  56.70% |
| 100  | Spore              |  194 |  39.11% |  57.73% |
| 101  | Lunar Dance        |  193 |  38.91% |  54.40% |
| 102  | Bug Buzz           |  193 |  38.91% |  55.44% |
| 103  | Freeze-Dry         |  193 |  38.91% |  56.99% |
| 104  | Expanding Force    |  193 |  38.91% |  59.07% |
| 105  | Minimize           |  193 |  38.91% |  55.96% |
| 106  | Magic Powder       |  193 |  38.91% |  51.81% |
| 107  | Sleep Powder       |  193 |  38.91% |  53.89% |
| 108  | Dragon Tail        |  192 |  38.71% |  56.25% |
| 109  | Super Fang         |  192 |  38.71% |  55.21% |
| 110  | Whirlpool          |  192 |  38.71% |  53.13% |
| 111  | Last Resort        |  191 |  38.51% |  53.40% |
| 112  | Struggle Bug       |  191 |  38.51% |  54.97% |
| 113  | Yawn               |  191 |  38.51% |  58.64% |
| 114  | Assurance          |  191 |  38.51% |  57.07% |
| 115  | Aeroblast          |  191 |  38.51% |  55.50% |
| 116  | Thunder            |  191 |  38.51% |  57.07% |
| 117  | Topsy-Turvy        |  190 |  38.31% |  53.16% |
| 118  | Outrage            |  189 |  38.10% |  55.03% |
| 119  | Extrasensory       |  189 |  38.10% |  53.44% |
| 120  | Corrosive Gas      |  189 |  38.10% |  55.56% |
| 121  | Psybeam            |  189 |  38.10% |  54.50% |
| 122  | Leafage            |  188 |  37.90% |  57.98% |
| 123  | Spark              |  186 |  37.50% |  54.30% |
| 124  | Magic Room         |  186 |  37.50% |  55.38% |
| 125  | Teleport           |  186 |  37.50% |  55.38% |
| 126  | Wing Attack        |  186 |  37.50% |  55.91% |
| 127  | Eruption           |  185 |  37.30% |  53.51% |
| 128  | Revelation Dance   |  185 |  37.30% |  53.51% |
| 129  | Aqua Tail          |  185 |  37.30% |  54.59% |
| 130  | Dual Wingbeat      |  185 |  37.30% |  52.97% |
| 131  | Shell Side Arm     |  185 |  37.30% |  56.22% |
| 132  | Arm Thrust         |  184 |  37.10% |  55.98% |
| 133  | Bug Bite           |  184 |  37.10% |  56.52% |
| 134  | Spite              |  184 |  37.10% |  55.43% |
| 135  | Gust               |  184 |  37.10% |  53.26% |
| 136  | Discharge          |  182 |  36.69% |  56.59% |
| 137  | Parting Shot       |  182 |  36.69% |  53.85% |
| 138  | Dragon Dance       |  182 |  36.69% |  54.40% |
| 139  | Flamethrower       |  182 |  36.69% |  53.85% |
| 140  | Roar               |  182 |  36.69% |  54.40% |
| 141  | Vise Grip          |  182 |  36.69% |  56.04% |
| 142  | Poltergeist        |  182 |  36.69% |  55.49% |
| 143  | Confide            |  182 |  36.69% |  51.10% |
| 144  | Fire Pledge        |  181 |  36.49% |  54.70% |
| 145  | Poison Powder      |  180 |  36.29% |  55.00% |
| 146  | Morning Sun        |  180 |  36.29% |  56.11% |
| 147  | Bubble Beam        |  180 |  36.29% |  54.44% |
| 148  | Metal Sound        |  180 |  36.29% |  54.44% |
| 149  | Healing Wish       |  179 |  36.09% |  53.63% |
| 150  | Pound              |  179 |  36.09% |  53.07% |
| 151  | Fire Fang          |  179 |  36.09% |  54.75% |
| 152  | Scratch            |  178 |  35.89% |  54.49% |
| 153  | Hard Press         |  178 |  35.89% |  52.81% |
| 154  | Esper Wing         |  178 |  35.89% |  53.93% |
| 155  | Peck               |  177 |  35.69% |  53.67% |
| 156  | Present            |  177 |  35.69% |  56.50% |
| 157  | Sucker Punch       |  176 |  35.48% |  52.27% |
| 158  | Volt Switch        |  176 |  35.48% |  53.41% |
| 159  | Incinerate         |  176 |  35.48% |  57.95% |
| 160  | Beat Up            |  176 |  35.48% |  56.25% |
| 161  | Heart Swap         |  176 |  35.48% |  55.68% |
| 162  | Weather Ball       |  175 |  35.28% |  56.57% |
| 163  | Tachyon Cutter     |  175 |  35.28% |  56.57% |
| 164  | Supersonic         |  175 |  35.28% |  53.71% |
| 165  | Circle Throw       |  174 |  35.08% |  55.75% |
| 166  | Steel Roller       |  174 |  35.08% |  55.17% |
| 167  | Vacuum Wave        |  173 |  34.88% |  55.49% |
| 168  | Scale Shot         |  173 |  34.88% |  56.07% |
| 169  | Defense Curl       |  173 |  34.88% |  54.91% |
| 170  | Round              |  173 |  34.88% |  54.34% |
| 171  | Electroweb         |  173 |  34.88% |  58.38% |
| 172  | Blast Burn         |  172 |  34.68% |  54.07% |
| 173  | Stone Edge         |  172 |  34.68% |  54.65% |
| 174  | Ice Spinner        |  172 |  34.68% |  54.07% |
| 175  | Shelter            |  172 |  34.68% |  53.49% |
| 176  | Encore             |  172 |  34.68% |  55.81% |
| 177  | Glare              |  172 |  34.68% |  54.65% |
| 178  | Zap Cannon         |  171 |  34.48% |  56.14% |
| 179  | Horn Attack        |  171 |  34.48% |  56.73% |
| 180  | Fire Blast         |  171 |  34.48% |  52.63% |
| 181  | Grassy Terrain     |  171 |  34.48% |  56.73% |
| 182  | Barb Barrage       |  171 |  34.48% |  58.48% |
| 183  | Burning Jealousy   |  171 |  34.48% |  52.63% |
| 184  | Syrup Bomb         |  170 |  34.27% |  57.65% |
| 185  | Toxic Spikes       |  170 |  34.27% |  55.29% |
| 186  | Dragon Pulse       |  169 |  34.07% |  54.44% |
| 187  | Lick               |  169 |  34.07% |  55.62% |
| 188  | Baton Pass         |  169 |  34.07% |  55.62% |
| 189  | Feather Dance      |  169 |  34.07% |  52.66% |
| 190  | Ivy Cudgel         |  168 |  33.87% |  55.36% |
| 191  | Air Slash          |  168 |  33.87% |  58.33% |
| 192  | Cross Chop         |  168 |  33.87% |  51.79% |
| 193  | Dire Claw          |  167 |  33.67% |  54.49% |
| 194  | Powder Snow        |  167 |  33.67% |  56.29% |
| 195  | Fiery Dance        |  167 |  33.67% |  53.89% |
| 196  | Hydro Cannon       |  167 |  33.67% |  58.68% |
| 197  | Fake Tears         |  166 |  33.47% |  53.61% |
| 198  | Heavy Slam         |  166 |  33.47% |  51.20% |
| 199  | Cosmic Power       |  166 |  33.47% |  56.63% |
| 200  | Fire Lash          |  166 |  33.47% |  55.42% |
| 201  | Shadow Punch       |  166 |  33.47% |  59.04% |
| 202  | Night Slash        |  166 |  33.47% |  55.42% |
| 203  | Frenzy Plant       |  166 |  33.47% |  54.82% |
| 204  | Leech Seed         |  166 |  33.47% |  54.82% |
| 205  | Flatter            |  166 |  33.47% |  55.42% |
| 206  | Wish               |  165 |  33.27% |  52.12% |
| 207  | Inferno            |  165 |  33.27% |  55.15% |
| 208  | Safeguard          |  165 |  33.27% |  55.15% |
| 209  | Dream Eater        |  163 |  32.86% |  55.83% |
| 210  | Withdraw           |  163 |  32.86% |  55.83% |
| 211  | Bind               |  162 |  32.66% |  53.70% |
| 212  | Milk Drink         |  162 |  32.66% |  56.17% |
| 213  | Cut                |  162 |  32.66% |  56.17% |
| 214  | Sludge             |  162 |  32.66% |  51.85% |
| 215  | Grassy Glide       |  161 |  32.46% |  57.14% |
| 216  | Lumina Crash       |  161 |  32.46% |  51.55% |
| 217  | Shadow Ball        |  161 |  32.46% |  52.80% |
| 218  | Horn Drill         |  161 |  32.46% |  55.90% |
| 219  | Wild Charge        |  161 |  32.46% |  53.42% |
| 220  | Dragon Breath      |  161 |  32.46% |  55.28% |
| 221  | Moonlight          |  160 |  32.26% |  53.75% |
| 222  | Luster Purge       |  159 |  32.06% |  58.49% |
| 223  | Poison Sting       |  159 |  32.06% |  55.35% |
| 224  | Smokescreen        |  159 |  32.06% |  54.72% |
| 225  | Mega Kick          |  159 |  32.06% |  57.23% |
| 226  | Drill Peck         |  159 |  32.06% |  54.72% |
| 227  | Snipe Shot         |  159 |  32.06% |  53.46% |
| 228  | Rock Slide         |  159 |  32.06% |  54.09% |
| 229  | Bitter Malice      |  158 |  31.85% |  56.96% |
| 230  | Hyper Beam         |  158 |  31.85% |  51.90% |
| 231  | Roar of Time       |  158 |  31.85% |  54.43% |
| 232  | Quiver Dance       |  158 |  31.85% |  56.96% |
| 233  | Doom Desire        |  158 |  31.85% |  55.70% |
| 234  | Double-Edge        |  157 |  31.65% |  53.50% |
| 235  | Mystical Fire      |  157 |  31.65% |  57.32% |
| 236  | Icicle Spear       |  157 |  31.65% |  55.41% |
| 237  | Sweet Kiss         |  157 |  31.65% |  55.41% |
| 238  | Electric Terrain   |  156 |  31.45% |  58.33% |
| 239  | Triple Axel        |  156 |  31.45% |  55.77% |
| 240  | Hydro Steam        |  156 |  31.45% |  60.26% |
| 241  | Dragon Cheer       |  156 |  31.45% |  50.64% |
| 242  | Gastro Acid        |  156 |  31.45% |  51.92% |
| 243  | Quick Attack       |  156 |  31.45% |  54.49% |
| 244  | Dragon Darts       |  156 |  31.45% |  51.92% |
| 245  | Memento            |  156 |  31.45% |  53.21% |
| 246  | Howl               |  156 |  31.45% |  53.85% |
| 247  | Wave Crash         |  155 |  31.25% |  55.48% |
| 248  | Smog               |  155 |  31.25% |  53.55% |
| 249  | Prismatic Laser    |  155 |  31.25% |  53.55% |
| 250  | Uproar             |  155 |  31.25% |  51.61% |
| 251  | Teatime            |  155 |  31.25% |  54.84% |
| 252  | Nasty Plot         |  155 |  31.25% |  56.77% |
| 253  | Simple Beam        |  155 |  31.25% |  55.48% |
| 254  | Thunder Wave       |  155 |  31.25% |  55.48% |
| 255  | Tail Glow          |  154 |  31.05% |  53.90% |
| 256  | Body Slam          |  154 |  31.05% |  53.25% |
| 257  | Dive               |  154 |  31.05% |  57.14% |
| 258  | Acid Spray         |  153 |  30.85% |  56.21% |
| 259  | Axe Kick           |  153 |  30.85% |  53.59% |
| 260  | Mist Ball          |  153 |  30.85% |  51.63% |
| 261  | Drill Run          |  153 |  30.85% |  54.25% |
| 262  | Psyshock           |  153 |  30.85% |  57.52% |
| 263  | Shock Wave         |  152 |  30.65% |  55.26% |
| 264  | Grass Pledge       |  152 |  30.65% |  57.89% |
| 265  | Recycle            |  152 |  30.65% |  57.89% |
| 266  | Iron Defense       |  152 |  30.65% |  54.61% |
| 267  | Bulk Up            |  152 |  30.65% |  53.29% |
| 268  | Trick Room         |  152 |  30.65% |  56.58% |
| 269  | Speed Swap         |  152 |  30.65% |  53.95% |
| 270  | Air Cutter         |  152 |  30.65% |  52.63% |
| 271  | Flying Press       |  151 |  30.44% |  53.64% |
| 272  | Liquidation        |  151 |  30.44% |  52.32% |
| 273  | Smack Down         |  151 |  30.44% |  58.28% |
| 274  | Curse              |  151 |  30.44% |  53.64% |
| 275  | Power Gem          |  151 |  30.44% |  54.97% |
| 276  | Frost Breath       |  150 |  30.24% |  55.33% |
| 277  | Electro Ball       |  150 |  30.24% |  52.67% |
| 278  | Strength Sap       |  150 |  30.24% |  54.00% |
| 279  | Solar Blade        |  150 |  30.24% |  56.67% |
| 280  | Aurora Beam        |  149 |  30.04% |  57.05% |
| 281  | Petal Blizzard     |  149 |  30.04% |  58.39% |
| 282  | Smart Strike       |  149 |  30.04% |  55.70% |
| 283  | Psyshield Bash     |  149 |  30.04% |  61.07% |
| 284  | Sacred Fire        |  149 |  30.04% |  55.70% |
| 285  | Aura Sphere        |  149 |  30.04% |  56.38% |
| 286  | Block              |  149 |  30.04% |  54.36% |
| 287  | Lunar Blessing     |  149 |  30.04% |  53.69% |
| 288  | Blood Moon         |  148 |  29.84% |  56.08% |
| 289  | Fly                |  148 |  29.84% |  55.41% |
| 290  | Thunderbolt        |  148 |  29.84% |  54.05% |
| 291  | Shell Smash        |  148 |  29.84% |  49.32% |
| 292  | False Swipe        |  147 |  29.64% |  54.42% |
| 293  | Close Combat       |  147 |  29.64% |  52.38% |
| 294  | Sticky Web         |  147 |  29.64% |  49.66% |
| 295  | Clanging Scales    |  146 |  29.44% |  57.53% |
| 296  | Agility            |  146 |  29.44% |  55.48% |
| 297  | Tearful Look       |  146 |  29.44% |  55.48% |
| 298  | Forest's Curse     |  144 |  29.03% |  58.33% |
| 299  | Spikes             |  144 |  29.03% |  54.86% |
| 300  | Court Change       |  143 |  28.83% |  56.64% |
| 301  | Triple Arrows      |  143 |  28.83% |  54.55% |
| 302  | Last Respects      |  143 |  28.83% |  52.45% |
| 303  | Fairy Wind         |  143 |  28.83% |  55.24% |
| 304  | Charge Beam        |  143 |  28.83% |  60.14% |
| 305  | Flame Charge       |  143 |  28.83% |  54.55% |
| 306  | Flail              |  142 |  28.63% |  56.34% |
| 307  | Attract            |  142 |  28.63% |  53.52% |
| 308  | Astonish           |  141 |  28.43% |  52.48% |
| 309  | Thunderclap        |  141 |  28.43% |  58.87% |
| 310  | Magnet Rise        |  141 |  28.43% |  56.74% |
| 311  | Seed Flare         |  140 |  28.23% |  58.57% |
| 312  | Coil               |  140 |  28.23% |  51.43% |
| 313  | Fury Swipes        |  140 |  28.23% |  54.29% |
| 314  | Blizzard           |  140 |  28.23% |  55.00% |
| 315  | Psych Up           |  139 |  28.02% |  56.12% |
| 316  | Fire Punch         |  139 |  28.02% |  58.27% |
| 317  | Thunder Punch      |  139 |  28.02% |  55.40% |
| 318  | Confuse Ray        |  139 |  28.02% |  58.27% |
| 319  | Power Split        |  139 |  28.02% |  56.12% |
| 320  | Retaliate          |  139 |  28.02% |  55.40% |
| 321  | Foul Play          |  137 |  27.62% |  56.93% |
| 322  | Solar Beam         |  137 |  27.62% |  53.28% |
| 323  | Ceaseless Edge     |  137 |  27.62% |  54.74% |
| 324  | Temper Flare       |  137 |  27.62% |  54.74% |
| 325  | Victory Dance      |  137 |  27.62% |  53.28% |
| 326  | Upper Hand         |  137 |  27.62% |  54.01% |
| 327  | Spacial Rend       |  137 |  27.62% |  56.93% |
| 328  | Mach Punch         |  137 |  27.62% |  51.09% |
| 329  | Fusion Flare       |  137 |  27.62% |  55.47% |
| 330  | Psychic Terrain    |  137 |  27.62% |  51.82% |
| 331  | Parabolic Charge   |  136 |  27.42% |  55.15% |
| 332  | Absorb             |  136 |  27.42% |  54.41% |
| 333  | First Impression   |  136 |  27.42% |  55.15% |
| 334  | Gyro Ball          |  136 |  27.42% |  51.47% |
| 335  | Entrainment        |  136 |  27.42% |  53.68% |
| 336  | Reflect            |  136 |  27.42% |  58.82% |
| 337  | Fire Spin          |  136 |  27.42% |  52.21% |
| 338  | Reflect Type       |  136 |  27.42% |  55.15% |
| 339  | Tail Slap          |  135 |  27.22% |  52.59% |
| 340  | Mighty Cleave      |  135 |  27.22% |  57.04% |
| 341  | Dig                |  135 |  27.22% |  54.07% |
| 342  | Dragon Hammer      |  135 |  27.22% |  54.07% |
| 343  | Ice Shard          |  135 |  27.22% |  52.59% |
| 344  | Soft-Boiled        |  134 |  27.02% |  54.48% |
| 345  | Synthesis          |  133 |  26.81% |  57.89% |
| 346  | Drain Punch        |  133 |  26.81% |  57.14% |
| 347  | Low Kick           |  133 |  26.81% |  53.38% |
| 348  | Pollen Puff        |  133 |  26.81% |  51.88% |
| 349  | Jaw Lock           |  132 |  26.61% |  55.30% |
| 350  | Hypnosis           |  132 |  26.61% |  53.79% |
| 351  | Slack Off          |  132 |  26.61% |  53.79% |
| 352  | Charge             |  132 |  26.61% |  54.55% |
| 353  | Defog              |  132 |  26.61% |  52.27% |
| 354  | Terrain Pulse      |  132 |  26.61% |  58.33% |
| 355  | Burn Up            |  132 |  26.61% |  57.58% |
| 356  | Infernal Parade    |  132 |  26.61% |  56.06% |
| 357  | Acid Armor         |  132 |  26.61% |  56.82% |
| 358  | Sky Attack         |  131 |  26.41% |  56.49% |
| 359  | Phantom Force      |  131 |  26.41% |  58.78% |
| 360  | Leech Life         |  131 |  26.41% |  56.49% |
| 361  | Hammer Arm         |  130 |  26.21% |  58.46% |
| 362  | Play Nice          |  130 |  26.21% |  56.92% |
| 363  | Charm              |  130 |  26.21% |  50.77% |
| 364  | Substitute         |  129 |  26.01% |  55.81% |
| 365  | Mist               |  129 |  26.01% |  50.39% |
| 366  | Iron Tail          |  128 |  25.81% |  55.47% |
| 367  | Meteor Mash        |  128 |  25.81% |  56.25% |
| 368  | Lock-On            |  128 |  25.81% |  56.25% |
| 369  | Ice Hammer         |  128 |  25.81% |  52.34% |
| 370  | Bitter Blade       |  127 |  25.60% |  55.91% |
| 371  | Brick Break        |  127 |  25.60% |  55.91% |
| 372  | Stone Axe          |  126 |  25.40% |  57.94% |
| 373  | Thunder Shock      |  125 |  25.20% |  54.40% |
| 374  | Knock Off          |  125 |  25.20% |  58.40% |
| 375  | Play Rough         |  125 |  25.20% |  53.60% |
| 376  | Nuzzle             |  125 |  25.20% |  55.20% |
| 377  | Tri Attack         |  125 |  25.20% |  54.40% |
| 378  | Rollout            |  125 |  25.20% |  49.60% |
| 379  | Brine              |  124 |  25.00% |  57.26% |
| 380  | Mud-Slap           |  124 |  25.00% |  62.90% |
| 381  | Pluck              |  124 |  25.00% |  59.68% |
| 382  | Calm Mind          |  124 |  25.00% |  53.23% |
| 383  | Moonblast          |  124 |  25.00% |  57.26% |
| 384  | Stun Spore         |  124 |  25.00% |  54.03% |
| 385  | Splash             |  123 |  24.80% |  55.28% |
| 386  | Hyper Voice        |  123 |  24.80% |  54.47% |
| 387  | Magma Storm        |  123 |  24.80% |  58.54% |
| 388  | Take Heart         |  123 |  24.80% |  59.35% |
| 389  | Flame Wheel        |  123 |  24.80% |  55.28% |
| 390  | Leer               |  122 |  24.60% |  55.74% |
| 391  | Electro Shot       |  122 |  24.60% |  54.10% |
| 392  | Bullet Seed        |  122 |  24.60% |  56.56% |
| 393  | Magical Leaf       |  122 |  24.60% |  59.02% |
| 394  | Trop Kick          |  122 |  24.60% |  50.82% |
| 395  | Sparkling Aria     |  121 |  24.40% |  52.07% |
| 396  | Stored Power       |  121 |  24.40% |  55.37% |
| 397  | Power Trip         |  121 |  24.40% |  54.55% |
| 398  | Gunk Shot          |  121 |  24.40% |  55.37% |
| 399  | Sacred Sword       |  121 |  24.40% |  54.55% |
| 400  | Dragon Claw        |  121 |  24.40% |  52.07% |
| 401  | Work Up            |  121 |  24.40% |  57.02% |
| 402  | String Shot        |  120 |  24.19% |  53.33% |
| 403  | Role Play          |  120 |  24.19% |  57.50% |
| 404  | Rock Smash         |  120 |  24.19% |  52.50% |
| 405  | Seed Bomb          |  120 |  24.19% |  52.50% |
| 406  | Reversal           |  120 |  24.19% |  52.50% |
| 407  | Heat Crash         |  120 |  24.19% |  54.17% |
| 408  | Aromatic Mist      |  120 |  24.19% |  51.67% |
| 409  | Cross Poison       |  119 |  23.99% |  55.46% |
| 410  | Swords Dance       |  119 |  23.99% |  47.06% |
| 411  | Tackle             |  118 |  23.79% |  57.63% |
| 412  | Imprison           |  118 |  23.79% |  59.32% |
| 413  | Surf               |  118 |  23.79% |  51.69% |
| 414  | Spin Out           |  118 |  23.79% |  54.24% |
| 415  | Force Palm         |  118 |  23.79% |  51.69% |
| 416  | Boomburst          |  117 |  23.59% |  53.85% |
| 417  | Stealth Rock       |  117 |  23.59% |  54.70% |
| 418  | Acupressure        |  117 |  23.59% |  53.85% |
| 419  | Rock Tomb          |  117 |  23.59% |  52.14% |
| 420  | Scorching Sands    |  115 |  23.19% |  53.91% |
| 421  | Pin Missile        |  115 |  23.19% |  53.04% |
| 422  | Venoshock          |  115 |  23.19% |  51.30% |
| 423  | Shadow Sneak       |  115 |  23.19% |  57.39% |
| 424  | Amnesia            |  114 |  22.98% |  55.26% |
| 425  | Rising Voltage     |  114 |  22.98% |  59.65% |
| 426  | U-turn             |  114 |  22.98% |  50.00% |
| 427  | Bone Rush          |  113 |  22.78% |  57.52% |
| 428  | Mean Look          |  113 |  22.78% |  53.98% |
| 429  | Crabhammer         |  113 |  22.78% |  58.41% |
| 430  | Grass Knot         |  113 |  22.78% |  52.21% |
| 431  | Bleakwind Storm    |  112 |  22.58% |  50.89% |
| 432  | Noble Roar         |  112 |  22.58% |  57.14% |
| 433  | Teeter Dance       |  112 |  22.58% |  55.36% |
| 434  | Mega Drain         |  112 |  22.58% |  58.04% |
| 435  | Hex                |  111 |  22.38% |  55.86% |
| 436  | Accelerock         |  111 |  22.38% |  58.56% |
| 437  | Bounce             |  111 |  22.38% |  52.25% |
| 438  | Poison Fang        |  110 |  22.18% |  57.27% |
| 439  | Night Daze         |  110 |  22.18% |  57.27% |
| 440  | Bite               |  110 |  22.18% |  54.55% |
| 441  | Chloroblast        |  109 |  21.98% |  57.80% |
| 442  | Night Shade        |  109 |  21.98% |  52.29% |
| 443  | Gigaton Hammer     |  109 |  21.98% |  59.63% |
| 444  | Blaze Kick         |  109 |  21.98% |  55.96% |
| 445  | Wood Hammer        |  108 |  21.77% |  53.70% |
| 446  | Head Smash         |  108 |  21.77% |  57.41% |
| 447  | Psyblade           |  108 |  21.77% |  46.30% |
| 448  | Throat Chop        |  107 |  21.57% |  56.07% |
| 449  | Taunt              |  107 |  21.57% |  55.14% |
| 450  | Dazzling Gleam     |  106 |  21.37% |  59.43% |
| 451  | Mystical Power     |  106 |  21.37% |  58.49% |
| 452  | Eerie Impulse      |  105 |  21.17% |  55.24% |
| 453  | Draining Kiss      |  105 |  21.17% |  59.05% |
| 454  | Clear Smog         |  105 |  21.17% |  54.29% |
| 455  | Megahorn           |  105 |  21.17% |  52.38% |
| 456  | Glaciate           |  104 |  20.97% |  51.92% |
| 457  | Eerie Spell        |  104 |  20.97% |  54.81% |
| 458  | Giga Impact        |  104 |  20.97% |  50.96% |
| 459  | Sandstorm          |  104 |  20.97% |  54.81% |
| 460  | Psychic Fangs      |  104 |  20.97% |  50.96% |
| 461  | Meteor Beam        |  104 |  20.97% |  52.88% |
| 462  | Ancient Power      |  103 |  20.77% |  58.25% |
| 463  | Dark Void          |  103 |  20.77% |  55.34% |
| 464  | Rock Wrecker       |  103 |  20.77% |  54.37% |
| 465  | Tickle             |  103 |  20.77% |  49.51% |
| 466  | Sandsear Storm     |  103 |  20.77% |  50.49% |
| 467  | Flash Cannon       |  102 |  20.56% |  57.84% |
| 468  | Heal Bell          |  102 |  20.56% |  55.88% |
| 469  | Psychic Noise      |  101 |  20.36% |  54.46% |
| 470  | Headlong Rush      |  101 |  20.36% |  49.50% |
| 471  | Misty Explosion    |  100 |  20.16% |  58.00% |
| 472  | Overheat           |  100 |  20.16% |  52.00% |
| 473  | Self-Destruct      |   98 |  19.76% |  56.12% |
| 474  | Volt Tackle        |   98 |  19.76% |  53.06% |
| 475  | Tera Blast         |   96 |  19.35% |  59.38% |
| 476  | Leaf Storm         |   96 |  19.35% |  56.25% |
| 477  | Roost              |   96 |  19.35% |  56.25% |
| 478  | Fell Stinger       |   96 |  19.35% |  60.42% |
| 479  | Whirlwind          |   96 |  19.35% |  59.38% |
| 480  | Psycho Cut         |   96 |  19.35% |  59.38% |
| 481  | Dark Pulse         |   96 |  19.35% |  48.96% |
| 482  | Torment            |   95 |  19.15% |  60.00% |
| 483  | Infestation        |   95 |  19.15% |  57.89% |
| 484  | Misty Terrain      |   95 |  19.15% |  53.68% |
| 485  | Light Screen       |   93 |  18.75% |  52.69% |
| 486  | Fickle Beam        |   93 |  18.75% |  59.14% |
| 487  | Sheer Cold         |   93 |  18.75% |  56.99% |
| 488  | Headbutt           |   93 |  18.75% |  59.14% |
| 489  | Draco Meteor       |   93 |  18.75% |  64.52% |
| 490  | Shore Up           |   93 |  18.75% |  55.91% |
| 491  | Sand Attack        |   92 |  18.55% |  60.87% |
| 492  | Sing               |   92 |  18.55% |  55.43% |
| 493  | Growth             |   92 |  18.55% |  54.35% |
| 494  | Poison Tail        |   92 |  18.55% |  53.26% |
| 495  | Ice Punch          |   90 |  18.15% |  61.11% |
| 496  | Ally Switch        |   90 |  18.15% |  61.11% |
| 497  | Lunge              |   90 |  18.15% |  53.33% |
| 498  | Ingrain            |   90 |  18.15% |  56.67% |
| 499  | Extreme Speed      |   90 |  18.15% |  53.33% |
| 500  | Focus Energy       |   90 |  18.15% |  50.00% |
| 501  | Aqua Step          |   90 |  18.15% |  57.78% |
| 502  | Water Gun          |   89 |  17.94% |  57.30% |
| 503  | Cotton Guard       |   88 |  17.74% |  56.82% |
| 504  | Skill Swap         |   88 |  17.74% |  53.41% |
| 505  | Petal Dance        |   87 |  17.54% |  51.72% |
| 506  | Mountain Gale      |   86 |  17.34% |  51.16% |
| 507  | Disarming Voice    |   86 |  17.34% |  54.65% |
| 508  | Stomping Tantrum   |   86 |  17.34% |  55.81% |
| 509  | Zen Headbutt       |   86 |  17.34% |  52.33% |
| 510  | Acrobatics         |   86 |  17.34% |  54.65% |
| 511  | Floral Healing     |   85 |  17.14% |  54.12% |
| 512  | Fling              |   84 |  16.94% |  54.76% |
| 513  | X-Scissor          |   84 |  16.94% |  55.95% |
| 514  | Spit Up            |   84 |  16.94% |  53.57% |
| 515  | Thrash             |   84 |  16.94% |  53.57% |
| 516  | Rock Polish        |   81 |  16.33% |  53.09% |
| 517  | Sludge Bomb        |   80 |  16.13% |  56.25% |
| 518  | Recover            |   79 |  15.93% |  56.96% |
| 519  | Hurricane          |   79 |  15.93% |  51.90% |
| 520  | Wildbolt Storm     |   78 |  15.73% |  56.41% |
| 521  | Matcha Gotcha      |   78 |  15.73% |  53.85% |
| 522  | Strength           |   77 |  15.52% |  45.45% |
| 523  | Superpower         |   76 |  15.32% |  55.26% |
| 524  | Guard Swap         |   76 |  15.32% |  52.63% |
| 525  | Flower Trick       |   76 |  15.32% |  51.32% |
| 526  | Spirit Shackle     |   76 |  15.32% |  55.26% |
| 527  | Will-O-Wisp        |   75 |  15.12% |  58.67% |
| 528  | Crush Claw         |   75 |  15.12% |  56.00% |
| 529  | Z-Metronome        |   74 |  14.92% |  55.41% |
| 530  | Fury Cutter        |   74 |  14.92% |  58.11% |
| 531  | Hydro Pump         |   74 |  14.92% |  45.95% |
| 532  | Razor Shell        |   74 |  14.92% |  56.76% |
| 533  | Belly Drum         |   73 |  14.72% |  49.32% |
| 534  | Ice Fang           |   72 |  14.52% |  58.33% |
| 535  | Sand Tomb          |   71 |  14.31% |  52.11% |
| 536  | Perish Song        |   71 |  14.31% |  56.34% |
| 537  | Blue Flare         |   71 |  14.31% |  53.52% |
| 538  | Glaive Rush        |   70 |  14.11% |  57.14% |
| 539  | Crush Grip         |   69 |  13.91% |  57.97% |
| 540  | Rain Dance         |   69 |  13.91% |  53.62% |
| 541  | Cotton Spore       |   69 |  13.91% |  50.72% |
| 542  | Stomp              |   68 |  13.71% |  48.53% |
| 543  | Scary Face         |   68 |  13.71% |  50.00% |
| 544  | Confusion          |   68 |  13.71% |  54.41% |
| 545  | Magnetic Flux      |   67 |  13.51% |  50.75% |
| 546  | Triple Dive        |   65 |  13.10% |  50.77% |
| 547  | Skitter Smack      |   65 |  13.10% |  53.85% |
| 548  | No Retreat         |   65 |  13.10% |  61.54% |
| 549  | Burning Bulwark    |   65 |  13.10% |  49.23% |
| 550  | Shadow Force       |   65 |  13.10% |  50.77% |
| 551  | Gravity            |   64 |  12.90% |  54.69% |
| 552  | Toxic              |   63 |  12.70% |  57.14% |
| 553  | Stockpile          |   63 |  12.70% |  46.03% |
| 554  | Flip Turn          |   63 |  12.70% |  50.79% |
| 555  | Wonder Room        |   62 |  12.50% |  61.29% |
| 556  | Future Sight       |   62 |  12.50% |  54.84% |
| 557  | Swift              |   61 |  12.30% |  50.82% |
| 558  | High Jump Kick     |   61 |  12.30% |  54.10% |
| 559  | Lava Plume         |   60 |  12.10% |  53.33% |
| 560  | Judgment           |   59 |  11.90% |  54.24% |
| 561  | Coaching           |   58 |  11.69% |  67.24% |
| 562  | Sludge Wave        |   58 |  11.69% |  60.34% |
| 563  | Vine Whip          |   57 |  11.49% |  56.14% |
| 564  | Endeavor           |   54 |  10.89% |  57.41% |
| 565  | Ice Beam           |   54 |  10.89% |  48.15% |
| 566  | Guard Split        |   54 |  10.89% |  50.00% |
| 567  | Lash Out           |   53 |  10.69% |  47.17% |
| 568  | Flare Blitz        |   51 |  10.28% |  62.75% |
| 569  | Fury Attack        |   50 |  10.08% |  50.00% |
| 570  | Power Trick        |   49 |   9.88% |  34.69% |
| 571  | Water Spout        |   49 |   9.88% |  61.22% |
| 572  | Rapid Spin         |   49 |   9.88% |  51.02% |
| 573  | Echoed Voice       |   47 |   9.48% |  51.06% |
| 574  | Fairy Lock         |   44 |   8.87% |  47.73% |
| 575  | Attack Order       |   42 |   8.47% |  64.29% |
| 576  | Steel Wing         |   41 |   8.27% |  51.22% |
| 577  | Tailwind           |   40 |   8.06% |  45.00% |
| 578  | Acid               |   39 |   7.86% |  48.72% |
| 579  | Rock Throw         |   36 |   7.26% |  52.78% |
| 580  | Malignant Chain    |   35 |   7.06% |  60.00% |
| 581  | Avalanche          |   33 |   6.65% |  57.58% |
| 582  | Psycho Boost       |   27 |   5.44% |  62.96% |
| 583  | Happy Hour         |   26 |   5.24% |  46.15% |

Like the items, I think this move list adds another instance of the move for every game that a team that uses it appears in since it counts the moves as part of a mon's moveset, so it doesn't really represent the total amount of moves used across each battle. So for example, the #1 Venusaur/Ting-Lu team had Venusaur roll Sweet Scent once and a few other teams did too, so 1 count of Sweet Scent gets added for every game with Venusaur/Ting-Lu. But it does show a full list of every move attempted in the tournament.



Overall, 86 unique teams were identified (just based off species), with 20 involving Mega Venusaur, though this does count different orders.


Note: These were both Ogerpon-Hearthflame x2 teams, but apparently it takes Ogerpon-Hearthflame-Tera as a separate form once the tera is revealed. So I guess really there are 85 teams.

Finally, there's also some insight into the choice of Tera types and usage. However, it's not in a very statistical format and just lists out all the occurrences of a tera per mon, per team:

Venusaur-Mega (Lead)(Stellar | Stellar | Stellar | Stellar | Stellar | Stellar | Stellar | Stellar | Stellar | Stellar | Stellar | Stellar | Stellar)

Ting-Lu (Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Poison | Poison | Poison | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Poison | Poison | Poison | Poison | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass | Grass)

Mew (Lead)(Psychic | Psychic | Psychic | Psychic | Psychic | Psychic | Psychic | Psychic | Psychic | Psychic | Psychic | Psychic | Ghost | Psychic | Psychic | Psychic | Psychic | Psychic)

Heracross-Mega (Lead)(Ghost | Bug | Ghost | Ghost | Ghost | Ghost | Ghost | Ghost | Ghost | Ghost | Ghost | Ghost | Ghost | Ghost | Ghost | Stellar | Bug | Bug | Bug | Bug | Stellar | Stellar | Stellar | Stellar | Ghost | Ghost | Ghost | Ghost | Ghost | Ghost | Stellar | Ghost | Ghost | Ghost | Bug | Bug | Bug | Stellar | Ghost | Bug)

So just at a glance, most Venusaur are Stellar tera, Ting-Lu are usually Grass too, Heracross mostly goes Ghost, and most other stuff is based on specific combos like Flying Delta Stream.

Finally, I decided to summarize the finals matches between genisu and Fant'sy Beast just because it was the culmination of the whole thing.
- Venusaur-Mega (Flower Veil)/Ting-Lu (Tera Grass, Toxic Chain) vs Pokestar UFO (Magic Bounce)/Glastrier (Tera Flying, Delta Stream, Mirror Herb).​
- ended to Perish Song, but Glastrier had already died to an early Toxic Chain proc. genisu win.​
- Venusaur-Mega (Flower Veil)/Ting-Lu (Tera Grass, Toxic Chain) vs Ting-Lu (Tera Grass, Flower Veil)/Venusaur (Mirror Herb x2).​
- genisu got a Tail Glow that was copied twice, but Fant'sy Beast only gets to use one Infernal Parade to take advantage of it.​
- genisu's Ting-Lu also Psych Ups the Tail Glow for itself though it doesn't get any special moves either. genisu win.​
- Venusaur-Mega (Flower Veil)/Ting-Lu (Tera Grass, Toxic Chain, Mirror Herb) vs Ampharos-Mega (Tera Ghost, Lightning Rod)/Pecharunt (Galvanize, Mirror Herb)​
- The railgun set pays off well with Lightning Rod procs and strong special attacks in general. Fant'sy Beast win.​
- Venusaur-Mega (Flower Veil)/Ting-Lu (Tera Grass, Toxic Chain, Mirror Herb) vs Ampharos-Mega (Tera Ghost, Lightning Rod, Covert Cloak)/Pecharunt (Galvanize, Mirror Herb)​
- Overall a very intense final game with many strong attacks trading and field effects making an impact. genisu wins it all.​
- Lightning Rod takes Sing, Glare, and Teeter Dance.​
- Ampharos gets a Heal Bell right after Poison Gas.​
- Cosmic Power into Guard Swap on the same turn.​
- Covert Cloak is exposed via Poltergeist here which I don't think the scouter noticed.​
Today was an eventful day, so much that even the forums almost didn't let me get this post in time, but it's close enough. April 8th marks the 6th anniversary of the Metronome Battles thread, as well as an eclipse crossing North America, and the last day of 3DS/Wii U online services, which was during the generation that this thread was made. How many more Pokemon games and generations will we be able to see the future of, on Smogon or Showdown? Only time may tell. But in the time we have here and now, we can at least see the usage stats for March as a record of what has already passed.

The battle count for March was 35995 battles, which is lower again but still surpassing the big dip of November and looking relatively stable.

March 2024: 1630-weighted top 10 + last month (February) positions:
#1: Mega Venusaur (no change) :venusaur-mega:
#2: Ting-Lu (no change) :ting-lu:
#3: Mega Heracross (#4) :heracross-mega:
#4: Mega Ampharos (#3) :ampharos-mega:
#5: Pecharunt (no change) :pecharunt:
#6: Guzzlord (#11) :guzzlord:
#7: Blissey (#6) :blissey:
#8: Necturna (#10) :necturna:
#9: Mega Gengar (#7) :gengar-mega:
#10: Mega Abomasnow (#13) :abomasnow-mega:

Not much has changed for the top 5 other than Heracross recovering some of its ground after its low showing. However, Guzzlord has broken back through into #6 with a strong showing of 10% weighted usage with the Magic Guard/Life Orb set mentioned last time and mainly being 2x Guzzlord, while Mega Abomasnow has also lumbered back in the ranks, mainly running Good as Gold with Covert Cloak, barely above Weakness Policy and Choice Band, and partnering up with a variety of Poison partners like Mega Venusaur, Pecharunt, and Venomicon (prologue, the default form).

The main dark horse of the month would be the aforementioned Venomicon, coming in at #25 with 244 uses and primarily running Choice Specs with Delta Stream. As a reminder, Venomicon-Prologue lost 20 attack going from 70 to 50 in late 2022 after its 2021 introduction, but its spread is still pretty solid and on the slower side. Other lower usage/high rank mons include Type: Null doing honest work with 668 uses/#18, representing the trinity of Friend Guard bonkstall, Magic Guard to counter Toxic Chain, or just running Toxic Chain itself. Also Dusknoir is at #35 with 469 uses, which is arguably not that high but it beats out both Wishiwashi-School (underused but high BST) and Mega Alakazam (2000+ uses casual pick), seemingly being another Toxic Chain bot but also runs some Defiant.

Checking in the moveset file, I noticed Toxic Chain fell from 34% to 24%, while Unaware is up to 10% for Ting-Lu as the 3rd highest ability after Flower Veil in 1st. For comparison, last month the 3rd highest ability was Pickup at 4%, and even Aerilate has managed to pass that at 7%. Meanwhile Venusaur's usage has shown that Toxic Chain is getting back some ground on Flower Veil (25 and 40% vs. 20 and 46%), while Magic Bounce is still a decently used third option at 14%, and Mirror Herb gains 5 more percents to hit 52% while Weakness Policy falls from 34% to 17%, with other items like Normalium Z, Ability Shield, and Venusaurite gaining from the loss.

Something I wanted to highlight here was how the effects of the Aerilate discussion this month impacted its usagewith it showing up for Ting-Lu but also being #1 for Landorus-Therian (#20/1202 uses), Mega Pinsir (#33/705), and even the undiscussed Dragonite (#32/892) and Tyranitar (#50/167). It doesn't seem like the effects are visible on Heracross's ability choices. Compared to last month, Dragonite was at #20/1059 uses but favoured Magic Bounce, next to Tyranitar's #19/632 placement mainly using Defiant as mentioned in the last stats where they had high viability ceilings. On the other hand, Landorus-Therian was at #22/1415 uses and Mega Pinsir was at #71/271 uses, so I guess Pinsir got the most benefit out of the spotlight in this case.

Going over the viability ceilings (highest GXE of all the players using the Pokemon), we peak at 81 again but it's shared by a different duo of Mega Venusaur and Tyranitar (Aerilate/Delta Stream/Magic Bounce, Lum Berry/Choice Band/Covert Cloak, main Pokestar UFO/Mega Pinsir partners), showing Tyranitar is still a strong generalist that can pull off different type gimmicks, which is how I personally made use of Grass Tyranitar in the tournament to make a comeback in Round 1 and it never lost a match it appeared in. Following in 80 are Mega Heracross, Imposter Blissey, and Iron Hands, an almost-dark horse as the highest mon with sub-1000 (897) uses at #15 but I decided to highlight it here instead. Intrepid Sword and Toxic Chain seem like the abilities of favour, with no Galvanize to be seen now and put alongside the likes of Venusaur and Dusclops among other mons. Maybe Iron Hands is a better partner than I thought.

The next ceiling with mons is 78, featuring Pecharunt (Toxic Chain/Mirror Herb) and Mega Slowbro, divided between many options like Ice Scales/Delta Stream/Toxic Chain and Mirror Herb/Choice Specs/Weakness Policy. To round things off at 77, we have Mega Abomasnow, Dusclops (similar to Type: Null but with Magic Bounce ahead of Magic Guard and Toxic Chain), Ursaluna (Defiant/Toxic Chain/Magic Guard/Victory Star/Mind's Eye all with >10% usage on top of Choice Band/Mirror Herb/Bright Powder), and its partner Gouging Fire with mainly Purifying Salt and Mirror Herb with some Good as Gold and Choice Band usage. Incidentally both Ursaluna and Gouging Fire have higher usage partners than themselves (Bloodmoon and Garganacl), but these two come in second so they have to be the other mon that got them to 77 GXE, so hard to say which set is the key one with all these options. Thanks for your reading.
im bored, have a totally not mediocre team
Camerupt-Mega @ Life Orb
Ability: Analytic
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Metronome

Ting-Lu @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Power Spot
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Sassy Nature
- Metronome
this team is just centered around Mega Camerupt being slow as heck with attack and special attack, so it uses the ability Analytic (user's attacks have 1.3x power if the user moves last) with the lowest speed possible to ensure Camerupt always goes last, along with Life Orb (or Choice Specs, since it has higher special attack). Ting-Lu has really nice bulk and uses Power Spot to give Camerupt another 1.3x boost, and i usually use Weakness Policy with it for some extra offense but Ability Shield can work too. Camerupt can also use Stellar Tera for more damage but i havent tested that yet (i forgot Stellar existed lol)

basically just tera first turn on Camerupt so you (either) don't have to deal with a 4x water weakness (or have extra STAB with Stellar Tera) and wait for it to do huge damage on your opponents. pretty fun even if it doesn't work all that much
this team is just centered around Mega Camerupt being slow as heck with attack and special attack, so it uses the ability Analytic (user's attacks have 1.3x power if the user moves last) with the lowest speed possible to ensure Camerupt always goes last, along with Life Orb (or Choice Specs, since it has higher special attack). Ting-Lu has really nice bulk and uses Power Spot to give Camerupt another 1.3x boost, and i usually use Weakness Policy with it for some extra offense but Ability Shield can work too. Camerupt can also use Stellar Tera for more damage but i havent tested that yet (i forgot Stellar existed lol)
Life Orb is extremely risky, as it means that Camerupt is highly likely going to get KOed within 10 turns. Furthermore, there are more physical moves than special moves that Metronome can call. Even if you want to use a special attacker, Ampharos-Mega is better with more physical and special bulk, while only having less physical damage.

In addition, if Camerupt gets KOed, Ting-Lu's ability becomes useless.
Life Orb is extremely risky, as it means that Camerupt is highly likely going to get KOed within 10 turns. Furthermore, there are more physical moves than special moves that Metronome can call. Even if you want to use a special attacker, Ampharos-Mega is better with more physical and special bulk, while only having less physical damage.

In addition, if Camerupt gets KOed, Ting-Lu's ability becomes useless.
thank you for the input, will try out mega ampharos instead! (along with changing ting-lu's ability, i've run into that issue a lot lol)
The new CAP 34 is in progress as of writing. It doesn't have a name yet, but it is Dragon/Poison and has a 45/43/117/120/110/115 stat spread (550 BST). Compared to Naganadel, it takes hits slightly better bulkwise despite the low HP, though it is also noticeably weaker with its Attack being its lowest stat and not being particularly minmaxed to compensate like Darmanitan-Zen or Gengar/Alakazam.

Here are the usage stats for April in May, marking 6 years after the first usage stats of April 2018 not quite on the day, where only one of the top 10 would end up to stay, though that may be because 6 of those would be banned today.

The battle count for April is 30817, on a further decline but still hanging above the 30k mark.

April 2024: 1630-weighted top 10 + last month (March) positions:
#1: Mega Venusaur (no change) :venusaur-mega:
#2: Mega Heracross (#3) :heracross-mega:
#3: Pecharunt (#5) :pecharunt:
#4: Ting-Lu (#2) :ting-lu:
#5: Guzzlord (#6) :guzzlord:
#6: Mega Ampharos (#4) :ampharos-mega:
#7: Blissey (no change) :blissey:
#8: Mega Gengar (#9) :gengar-mega:
#9: Necturna (#8) :necturna:
#10: Mega Abomasnow (no change) :abomasnow-mega:

Most notably, there are no rises or falls out of the top 10 this time, with even Abomasnow maintaining its bordering position. Once again, Venusaur is the only mon staying above 10000 raw uses, though the shares of usage percentage are about the same with Guzzlord maintaining its 10% weighted usage while Ampharos dropped below that threshold to 9.67%. Pecharunt rises to a new personal peak at #3, displacing Ting-Lu down to 4th which is a first for full month stats, not counting the December half of DLC2 stats where Ting-Lu fell to 6th. There are some interesting developments further down, like Mega Pinsir being in #17 with 707 uses, or the main dark horse of the month managing #30 with only 99 uses, Alolan Golem, mainly used as a Galvanize user with Covert Cloak partnered with Ampharos.

Over in the moveset file and right into the viability ceilings (highest GXE achieved by any player using the pokemon), they start off at 81 again but with a three-way tie within the top 10 of Mega Venusaur, Mega Heracross, and Necturna. Compared to last month, Flower Veil takes back the progress Toxic Chain made (46% vs. 17%), Weakness Policy seems to be gaining ground on Mirror Herb for Venusaur again (30% vs. 17%), while Defiant is rising similarly for Heracross against Intrepid Sword (52% Sword/17% Defiant to 37% Sword/24% Defiant), and Thick Fat Necturna is back in the lead compared to last month when it was behind Flower Veil and Toxic Chain, though Mirror Herb barely surpasses the sample's Weakness Policy.

The next highest ceiling is another triple tie at 79 between Mega Gengar (still Competitive/Specs), Dusclops (Friend Guard still leading over Magic Guard and Toxic Chain, but Good as Gold rose up over Toxic Chain while Magic Bounce fell hard), and Iron Hands (Ice Scales just ahead of Galvanize). To end off with a round 10 mons, we skip another place to 77 with Pecharunt (still Toxic Chain/Mirror Herb), Ting-Lu (Toxic Chain/Mirror Herb), Imposter Blissey, and Marshadow, with a large divide between Toxic Chain/Magic Bounce/Poison Point/Hustle/Defiant all with above 12% usage, but items are mainly between Choice Band and Weakness Policy. This seems like a fitting end as Marshadow was the original #10 mon in the 2018 usage stats as mentioned earlier, and now it's the 10th mon in the viability ceilings doing well enough today even as the rest of the meta has progressed, after 2 generations, banning Pokestar Spirit and Steel types, and generally knowing better than before. And I think the number 7 is relevant to Marshadow too, though that might just be because of its Z-move or being from Gen 7. But also I decided to check 2018's moveset stats, and it turns out that Marshadow's viability ceiling back then was 77 too, so that's a pretty neat coincidence too.

EDIT: Also Marshadow was revealed on April 7, 2017 apparently, and the usage stats for April 2018 were posted on May 7, 2018 which you can see from the timestamps on This would be crazy if it was the 7th anniversary too.
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Mirror Herb is a plague.
The only things that I have issue with in the tier are toxic chain and power herb. Toxic chain has counterplay in the builder however. Mirror herb is just luck. The fact that a viable strategy is activating mirror herb early so the actual good boosts arent copied. Since when is that fun or healthy.
The is abominable brainrot somehow only lost because i got the single luckiest series of events possible. Tell me this isn’t overly centralizing.
Mirror Herb is a plague.
The only things that I have issue with in the tier are toxic chain and power herb. Toxic chain has counterplay in the builder however. Mirror herb is just luck. The fact that a viable strategy is activating mirror herb early so the actual good boosts arent copied. Since when is that fun or healthy.
The is abominable brainrot somehow only lost because i got the single luckiest series of events possible. Tell me this isn’t overly centralizing.
When the strategy that’s just luck is good in metronome :quagchamppogsire:

Seriously though, mirror herb is fine. It probably is the best item but it isn’t meta defining in any way. It’s just a really good item you can slap on any Pokémon. It’s really only a problem when it becomes over-centralizing. For example, Terapagos just winning every matchup. The mirror herb is not like this and other items such as the covert cloak and clear amulet. I haven’t used mirror herb on any of my teams and yet it doesn’t feel like it restricts me in any way.
Mirror Herb is a plague.
The only things that I have issue with in the tier are toxic chain and power herb. Toxic chain has counterplay in the builder however. Mirror herb is just luck.
gonna be honest, i find toxic chain a LOT more cheesy than mirror herb. toxic chain causes chip damage that turns lethal within a very short amount of time if you don't have an ability/type to counter it (or get pretty lucky with moves), while mirror herb is usually a lot more manageable without needing a specific ability or type to deal with it

also, about this:
The fact that a viable strategy is activating mirror herb early so the actual good boosts arent copied. Since when is that fun or healthy.
is this related to like, intrepid sword or download and stuff?? i've never seen someone use those JUST to trigger mirror herb, i've only ever seen them used on offensive mons for more damage. like sure it triggers mirror herb but that's not the main reason people use it for
then again i haven't played metronome battle in quite a bit so i could be wrong ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
gonna be honest, i find toxic chain a LOT more cheesy than mirror herb. toxic chain causes chip damage that turns lethal within a very short amount of time if you don't have an ability/type to counter it (or get pretty lucky with moves), while mirror herb is usually a lot more manageable without needing a specific ability or type to deal with it

also, about this:

is this related to like, intrepid sword or download and stuff?? i've never seen someone use those JUST to trigger mirror herb, i've only ever seen them used on offensive mons for more damage. like sure it triggers mirror herb but that's not the main reason people use it for
then again i haven't played metronome battle in quite a bit so i could be wrong ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I can’t speak for anyone else but I absolutely have used Intrepid Sword on Weakness Policy teams to make sure Mirror Herbs would copy as small of a boost as possible. In hindsight, Dauntless Shield would probably have been a better choice, but the actual stat boost really was just a handy side-effect. The primary concern was “neutralizing” Mirror Herb ASAP so it couldn’t copy a Weakness Policy boost.