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  • we are opps for highlander tour, gmt+8 what is your timezone? I can play mostly on the weekends but I can play on weekdays given the schedule is around the afternoon to night for me
    I'm on PS! now when you're ready
    yeah ill just make some last-minute changes to my set and fix up my internet
    lets play, im on as superwii64cube
    Hey, we are opponents for the highlander tourney. Im gmt +2 and can play at almost every time, except early morning hours. Let me know when you want to play
    We're both on the same team for POCL, right? Maybe we can catch each other on the team channel and just go to PS! to play this match sometime.
    Hey, I was thinking about making a viability ranking list for RBY. Do you think it is a good idea or no?
    You mean like a thread where people rank RBY mons into tiers like "S", "A", etc. (like what's seen in other metagame forums)? Or is it more like a threat list? Either way it's content consistent with other metagames that is currently absent for RBY, so I don't see how it could be a bad idea. Go ahead.
    Princess Bubblegum
    Princess Bubblegum
    The tier list, threat list isn't a bad idea, but I think that is already on site lol.

    Anyway I will get start the OP tommorow, its kind of late ATM. Can I run it though you though first before I post it to get rid of obvious problems?
    Yep, absolutely.
    yeah let's do it then or whenever actually if i can just catch you on PO :]
    All right I'll be online at roughly midnight EDT then. If you're on an alt make sure you contact me when you see me or make sure I know who to look for.
    hmmmm i'm gmt -7 and the best times for me to play are early in the morning and late at night since i have work and junk :[ how the hell are you r3 without playing a game? sneaky
    How does 5 P.M PST sound for you? I'll be online most of the time afterwards as well.
    Sure, that time works, but today definitely won't work, Birkal has yet to announce our mons and when he does announce I'll need time to come up with a set.
    Lawrence III
    Lawrence III
    Ok, sounds good, I'll be on usually 5 P.M PST on PS most days, possibly earlier if you want.
    Thanks for the suggestions on Arti, I believe I made all the changes you asked for so it should be ready!
    hey make sure to get the gp checks on your stuff implemented, all but eggy has one waiting i think
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