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  • Can I use the same time, 8-10pm Atlantic? If I'm not on by 8:30pm, it means I probably won't be on the rest of the day due to something, hopefully it won't happen this time.
    Damn, I got on pretty late. Internet connection problems.... >:( Is it still possible to trade now? What FC should I use?
    Hey Leomence. I was just wondering when would be a good time to pick up the Jolly Mew I won from your giveaway? If you can, VM me when you are free to do so okay? Thanks!
    Hey Leomence just wondering if I could pick up the mew I won from your giveaway . Whenever you have free time is good . Thanks .
    No problem, wednesday is just fine. FYI, my timezone is Eastern. Let me know what's a good timeframe for you, I should be free all day this wednesday. Thanks again.
    So, can you contact me on me adamant me please?
    Sorry, I just can't find where your supposed to be trading them...
    Thanks by the way :D
    Are you sure you haven't deleted me?
    I contacted you and it gave me an error about not being in your list or something.
    Hello! Err, can I have the Jolly Mew? I noticed there are two distributors for it (you and Red), the other one is offline, therefore... >.>
    Yeah, can I have it =D
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